Leaving Iraq was Bush plan, according to Odierno, but US may have to embed US units with Iraqi units


As the process of forming a new Iraqi government dragged on, the Obama administration began in January 2011 to turn its attention to negotiating an agreement that would enable American forces to stay beyond 2011.

At a meeting on April 29, Thomas E. Donilon, Mr. Obama’s national security adviser, asked Mr. Gates whether he could accept up to 10,000 troops. Mr. Gates agreed.

But the White House wanted airtight immunities for any troops staying in Iraq, which American government lawyers, the Iraqi chief justice and James F. Jeffrey, the American ambassador in Baghdad, insisted would require a new agreement that was endorsed by the Iraqi Parliament.

It was the immunity condition which Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and the Iraqi people rejected and so the agreement to leave 10,000 troops in Iraq died. So we left.
Why would you make a deal in 2008 that agreed to pull out all our troops by 2011 if you expected troops not to pull out of Iraq by 2011? Once you put such an agreement to pull out our troops in place, you hamstring the next President if he wants to keep troops there. An agreement in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Condi Rice's story doesn't hold water.
AUGUST 12, 2015 BY MARCUS WEISGERBER Odierno Wades Into GOP War Over Iraq War - Defense One

// If Iraqi soldiers don’t make progress in the coming months, the Pentagon should recommend embedding troops on the battlefield, says Gen. Raymond Odierno, the outgoing Army chief of staff.

Gen. Ray Odierno, the U.S. Army’s top officer, pushed back on the Iraq War blame game that has dominated the GOP 2016 presidential campaign trail, saying that the U.S.military’s withdrawal from Iraq in 2011 was the Bush administration’s plan all along. Odierno, formerly the senior U.S. general in Iraq, said he was unconvinced at the time that the Iraqi parliament would have approved a longer stay for American troops had Obama administration officials successfully negotiated for it. //

That's odd because Condi got the Iraqi Parliament to agree to it. How'd she do that Jakey?

Further, the Bush Administration left it open after the end of their term so that their successor could reup the agreement.

What no one foresaw Obama switching sides and handing over Iraq, Syria and Libya to his brothers in Jihad

That's a good point. He does actually have Muslim Brotherhood members in his Administration. Him and Hillary Clinton tried desperately to get the Muslim Brotherhood in power in both Egypt and Libya. But it didn't happen. The People didn't want them.

And we should have stayed out of the Syrian conflict. ISIS is a direct result of our meddling. Should have actually supported Assad. Then we supported the Kurds against ISIS. But then we allowed Turkey to bomb the Kurds recently. And we all know now that Iraq is a miserable failure. How much more Taxpayer money & lives are gonna be spent in that hellhole? It's all just a horrific mess. Time to bail on the Middle East. Time to come home.
Who in the admin is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood?
Fuck Bush, we don't need to embed US troops with Muslim assholes who will switch sides at any time.

His brother's biggest mistake was using US troops to police Iraqi streets. He should of carpet bombed the country, and only rolled in ground troops to secure oil fields for war reparations. Instead he let the corrupt Iraqis sell contracts to the Russians, French, Chinese and whoever else opposed the war to begin with. His other mistake was believing these Muslims would ever embrace freedom and democracy. It's a bunch of horseshit and I am sure Jeb would repeat the same shit.

At least Trump says he would take the oil fields away from ISIS, and I haven't heard him touting that Islam is a "religion of peace" and that they would embrace democracy like the Bush clan says. Trump seems to be one of the few politicians that understands Islamists are nothing but a bunch of barbarians that cannot be negotiated with or reasoned with. Beat them down, and take their fucking oil. Otherwise they will just sell it to our adversaries to fund their war against the West which is exactly what they are doing with it now.
As for the immunity from prosecution for US troops, Obama is doing a flip flop. It's true that in 2011, we couldn't persuade Iraq's parliament to vote for that, and condi's blithe refusal to admit that the boy warrior king couldn't either is just another fail by the failed prosecution of that war to cover it's pathetic record. No doubt Obama was over joyed to have an excuse to pull out the troops. But, his flip flop is that now he says just an exchange of notes between his office and the new Iraqi president is enough for amnesty.

Obama Does a U-Turn on Immunity for U.S. Troops in Iraq - The Daily Beast
We're still in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of troops are quietly increasing in both countries. Americans are just so damn dumbed-down. Too much Government/Corporate Media. They really don't know better. We're not leaving either country until we've sufficiently raped & plundered. It is what it is.
Ah, but our troops in Iraq are no longer there to keep the sunnis and shia apart. Iran's running the shia and we're running the kurds, and the sunni are either signing up for ISIS or being killed by them. But Jeb still thinks invading was a good idea.

The numbers of troops are actually increasing in both countries. But most Americans are so dumbed-down, they truly believe we're currently out of both countries. When the raping & pillaging is complete, we will then leave.

What raping and pillaging is being done? None by American forces.
He's a paranoid corporate global master conspiracy theorist, probably believes in the Illuminati and other crap like that. You'll get rhetoric, innuendo, cherry picked "facts" and a shitload of "interpretation".
Just letting ya know to get on your (neck high) hip waders if you're going to pursue this........
I dunno about rape, but I'm feeling a bit pillaged by these never ending wars.
We're still in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of troops are quietly increasing in both countries. Americans are just so damn dumbed-down. Too much Government/Corporate Media. They really don't know better. We're not leaving either country until we've sufficiently raped & pillaged. It is what it is.

Why do we have approximately 65,000 stationed in Europe and approximately 80,000 in East Asia 70 years after WWII?
We're still in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of troops are quietly increasing in both countries. Americans are just so damn dumbed-down. Too much Government/Corporate Media. They really don't know better. We're not leaving either country until we've sufficiently raped & plundered. It is what it is.
Ah, but our troops in Iraq are no longer there to keep the sunnis and shia apart. Iran's running the shia and we're running the kurds, and the sunni are either signing up for ISIS or being killed by them. But Jeb still thinks invading was a good idea.

The numbers of troops are actually increasing in both countries. But most Americans are so dumbed-down, they truly believe we're currently out of both countries. When the raping & pillaging is complete, we will then leave.

What raping and pillaging is being done? None by American forces.
He's a paranoid corporate global master conspiracy theorist, probably believes in the Illuminati and other crap like that. You'll get rhetoric, innuendo, cherry picked "facts" and a shitload of "interpretation".
Just letting ya know to get on your (neck high) hip waders if you're going to pursue this........
I dunno about rape, but I'm feeling a bit pillaged by these never ending wars.
It was published in 1989 but continues to this day and it won't stop.
We're still in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of troops are quietly increasing in both countries. Americans are just so damn dumbed-down. Too much Government/Corporate Media. They really don't know better. We're not leaving either country until we've sufficiently raped & pillaged. It is what it is.

Why do we have approximately 65,000 stationed in Europe and approximately 80,000 in East Asia 70 years after WWII?

Permanent War. That's why. It's what the Globalist Elites want.
We never left Iraq or Afghanistan. Yet most Americans believe we did. We'll only be leaving those nations when there's nothing left to plunder. That's the fact Jack! Wake up America.
We're still in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of troops are quietly increasing in both countries. Americans are just so damn dumbed-down. Too much Government/Corporate Media. They really don't know better. We're not leaving either country until we've sufficiently raped & pillaged. It is what it is.

Why do we have approximately 65,000 stationed in Europe and approximately 80,000 in East Asia 70 years after WWII?

Permanent War. That's why. It's what the Globalist Elites want.
Throughout recorded history, if one classifies war as 1000 deaths per day the earth has known no war for about 100 days, (if I remember correctly). Seems like your Global Elitists are able to travel back in time........ :lmao:
We're still in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of troops are quietly increasing in both countries. Americans are just so damn dumbed-down. Too much Government/Corporate Media. They really don't know better. We're not leaving either country until we've sufficiently raped & pillaged. It is what it is.

Why do we have approximately 65,000 stationed in Europe and approximately 80,000 in East Asia 70 years after WWII?

Permanent War. That's why. It's what the Globalist Elites want.

Sorry but you are really ignorant. Right after WWII our administration "BELIEVED" military leaders, who all studied military history and through military history
conquering armies "occupied defeated enemies' countries". These are age old rules based on experience. So we kept troops in these conquered countries.
NOW UNLIKE other conquering armies though the ALLIES Helped rebuild destroyed countries...ever heard of the "Marshall Plan"????

The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative to aid Europe, in which the United States gave $13 billion(approximately $120 billion in current dollar value) in economic support to help rebuild European economies after the end of World War II.

So GWB listened to his military tried to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement which Obama because HE promised all troops out of Iraq never completed in good faith.
Obama keeping a political promise instead of securing the ME has made it more dangerous for all of us by ignorantly and naively making that stupid promise.

But what could our military expect (they have less then 15% confidence in their C-I-C..
Military Times: Mere 15 Percent of Troops Approve of Obama
Military Times Mere 15 Percent of Troops Approve of Obama
And why should they? After all Obama told the world our military was "air-raiding villages killing civilians".... a statement used by terrorists to justify killing American troops!
We're still in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of troops are quietly increasing in both countries. Americans are just so damn dumbed-down. Too much Government/Corporate Media. They really don't know better. We're not leaving either country until we've sufficiently raped & pillaged. It is what it is.

Why do we have approximately 65,000 stationed in Europe and approximately 80,000 in East Asia 70 years after WWII?

Permanent War. That's why. It's what the Globalist Elites want.

Sorry but you are really ignorant. Right after WWII our administration "BELIEVED" military leaders, who all studied military history and through military history
conquering armies "occupied defeated enemies' countries". These are age old rules based on experience. So we kept troops in these conquered countries.
NOW UNLIKE other conquering armies though the ALLIES Helped rebuild destroyed countries...ever heard of the "Marshall Plan"????

The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative to aid Europe, in which the United States gave $13 billion(approximately $120 billion in current dollar value) in economic support to help rebuild European economies after the end of World War II.

So GWB listened to his military tried to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement which Obama because HE promised all troops out of Iraq never completed in good faith.
Obama keeping a political promise instead of securing the ME has made it more dangerous for all of us by ignorantly and naively making that stupid promise.

But what could our military expect (they have less then 15% confidence in their C-I-C..
Military Times: Mere 15 Percent of Troops Approve of Obama
Military Times Mere 15 Percent of Troops Approve of Obama
And why should they? After all Obama told the world our military was "air-raiding villages killing civilians".... a statement used by terrorists to justify killing American troops!

Sadly, soldiers work for evil Globalist Elites. They do what they're told. It's all about plundering foreign resources. We're not in these countries because we think they're real swell folks. We're there to plunder as much of their resources as possible.

That's why we're in this state of Permanent War. It's all about making rich Globalist Elites richer. I actually feel for our soldiers. They die for nothing.
Gen. Ray Odierno, the U.S. Army’s top officer, pushed back on the Iraq War blame game that has dominated the GOP 2016 presidential campaign trail, saying that the U.S.military’s withdrawal from Iraq in 2011 was the Bush administration’s plan all along.

That's a fact. It was part of the status of forces agreement of 2008.

We tried to tell them that but they didn't want to listen.
We're still in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of troops are quietly increasing in both countries. Americans are just so damn dumbed-down. Too much Government/Corporate Media. They really don't know better. We're not leaving either country until we've sufficiently raped & pillaged. It is what it is.

Why do we have approximately 65,000 stationed in Europe and approximately 80,000 in East Asia 70 years after WWII?

Permanent War. That's why. It's what the Globalist Elites want.

Sorry but you are really ignorant. Right after WWII our administration "BELIEVED" military leaders, who all studied military history and through military history
conquering armies "occupied defeated enemies' countries". These are age old rules based on experience. So we kept troops in these conquered countries.
NOW UNLIKE other conquering armies though the ALLIES Helped rebuild destroyed countries...ever heard of the "Marshall Plan"????

The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative to aid Europe, in which the United States gave $13 billion(approximately $120 billion in current dollar value) in economic support to help rebuild European economies after the end of World War II.

So GWB listened to his military tried to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement which Obama because HE promised all troops out of Iraq never completed in good faith.
Obama keeping a political promise instead of securing the ME has made it more dangerous for all of us by ignorantly and naively making that stupid promise.

But what could our military expect (they have less then 15% confidence in their C-I-C..
Military Times: Mere 15 Percent of Troops Approve of Obama
Military Times Mere 15 Percent of Troops Approve of Obama
And why should they? After all Obama told the world our military was "air-raiding villages killing civilians".... a statement used by terrorists to justify killing American troops!

Sadly, soldiers work for evil Globalist Elites. They do what they're told. It's all about plundering foreign resources. We're not in these countries because we think they're real swell folks. We're there to plunder as much of their resources as possible.

That's why we're in this state of Permanent War. It's all about making rich Globalist Elites richer. I actually feel for our soldiers. They die for nothing.

What resources did the United States steal from Iraq? Plundering is what Iraq did to Kuwait during its invasion in 1991. Actual theft occurred. You are way off base to say plunder.
We're still in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of troops are quietly increasing in both countries. Americans are just so damn dumbed-down. Too much Government/Corporate Media. They really don't know better. We're not leaving either country until we've sufficiently raped & pillaged. It is what it is.

Why do we have approximately 65,000 stationed in Europe and approximately 80,000 in East Asia 70 years after WWII?

Permanent War. That's why. It's what the Globalist Elites want.

Sorry but you are really ignorant. Right after WWII our administration "BELIEVED" military leaders, who all studied military history and through military history
conquering armies "occupied defeated enemies' countries". These are age old rules based on experience. So we kept troops in these conquered countries.
NOW UNLIKE other conquering armies though the ALLIES Helped rebuild destroyed countries...ever heard of the "Marshall Plan"????

The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative to aid Europe, in which the United States gave $13 billion(approximately $120 billion in current dollar value) in economic support to help rebuild European economies after the end of World War II.

So GWB listened to his military tried to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement which Obama because HE promised all troops out of Iraq never completed in good faith.
Obama keeping a political promise instead of securing the ME has made it more dangerous for all of us by ignorantly and naively making that stupid promise.

But what could our military expect (they have less then 15% confidence in their C-I-C..
Military Times: Mere 15 Percent of Troops Approve of Obama
Military Times Mere 15 Percent of Troops Approve of Obama
And why should they? After all Obama told the world our military was "air-raiding villages killing civilians".... a statement used by terrorists to justify killing American troops!

Sadly, soldiers work for evil Globalist Elites. They do what they're told. It's all about plundering foreign resources. We're not in these countries because we think they're real swell folks. We're there to plunder as much of their resources as possible.

That's why we're in this state of Permanent War. It's all about making rich Globalist Elites richer. I actually feel for our soldiers. They die for nothing.

What resources did the United States steal from Iraq? Plundering is what Iraq did to Kuwait during its invasion in 1991. Actual theft occurred. You are way off base to say plunder.

Why do you think we're in hellholes like Iraq? Puppet Governments = Big Cash for Globalist Elites. Many foreign corporations are currently in Iraq makin a killing. (No pun intended) Ok, a little intended.
Bleive Odierno or be lectured to by hm, paulitician, and so on? Not hard.
No one has ever disputed that was the time frame set in the Bush agreement the question has been about the Obama administrations not being able to get an extension of that agreement. Maybe the Iraqi government wasn't going agree to an extension even if that was the case it does not change the fact they had a partner in Obama who was more than happy to go along with that. Remember one of Obamas big selling points in the 2008 election was getting out of Iraq so even if the Iraq government did want a SOFA extension how hard do you think Obama would have worked to get one?
The following "Obama who was more than happy to go along with that" is horse shit, because Obama would have signed a SOFA that would prevent Iraqis from trying our soldiers in their courts, which is what blackhawk, the jihadist supporter, apparently wants.
We're still in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of troops are quietly increasing in both countries. Americans are just so damn dumbed-down. Too much Government/Corporate Media. They really don't know better. We're not leaving either country until we've sufficiently raped & pillaged. It is what it is.

Why do we have approximately 65,000 stationed in Europe and approximately 80,000 in East Asia 70 years after WWII?

Permanent War. That's why. It's what the Globalist Elites want.

Sorry but you are really ignorant. Right after WWII our administration "BELIEVED" military leaders, who all studied military history and through military history
conquering armies "occupied defeated enemies' countries". These are age old rules based on experience. So we kept troops in these conquered countries.
NOW UNLIKE other conquering armies though the ALLIES Helped rebuild destroyed countries...ever heard of the "Marshall Plan"????

The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative to aid Europe, in which the United States gave $13 billion(approximately $120 billion in current dollar value) in economic support to help rebuild European economies after the end of World War II.

So GWB listened to his military tried to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement which Obama because HE promised all troops out of Iraq never completed in good faith.
Obama keeping a political promise instead of securing the ME has made it more dangerous for all of us by ignorantly and naively making that stupid promise.

But what could our military expect (they have less then 15% confidence in their C-I-C..
Military Times: Mere 15 Percent of Troops Approve of Obama
Military Times Mere 15 Percent of Troops Approve of Obama
And why should they? After all Obama told the world our military was "air-raiding villages killing civilians".... a statement used by terrorists to justify killing American troops!

Sadly, soldiers work for evil Globalist Elites. They do what they're told. It's all about plundering foreign resources. We're not in these countries because we think they're real swell folks. We're there to plunder as much of their resources as possible.

That's why we're in this state of Permanent War. It's all about making rich Globalist Elites richer. I actually feel for our soldiers. They die for nothing.

Now with YOUR comments about the "EVIL" United States you are showing why the terrorists are doing what they are doing.
You really believe that crap is that? Then why are you living in such a terrible evil country? Why don't you go to a more "civilized" less evil country?

Your writings and comments truly feed the people that are beheading people with perceptions just as Obama fed the terrorists when he said our
military is "air-raiding villages,killing civilians"... These words while you and Obama think are "honest" are also helpful to the truly bad guys.

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