Lebanon: Beirut´s roads paralyzed by Syrian voters heading to polls


Nov 14, 2012

The Syrian embassy in Beirut has opened for the elections and Syrian voters follow the call. Beirut´s streets are fully occupied with Syrians heading to the polls in favour of President Assad.

Thousands of mostly pro-Assad supporters flocked to the Syrian Embassy Wednesday to cast ballots in the presidential elections, causing suffocating traffic jams around Beirut. The embassy opened its doors in the early hours of the morning when hundreds walked to the only polling station available to vote, with Syrian anthems blaring from cars and buses decorated with photos of Syrian President Bashar Assad and Hezbollah flags.
Some parents took their children along to the embassy. A Syrian child was chanting “our country is with you, our president Assad” while her father held up the Syrian flag. Another elderly woman was reciting a folk lyric poem in praise of Assad.
“I am here to elect President Bashar Assad, he is our president and our leader,” one of the voters said.
“Today is the end of the Arab Spring, this American project,” Mohammad Jamous, a refugee residing in south Lebanon, said as he boarded a bus in Sidon to head to the embassy.

Beirut roads paralyzed by Syrian voters headed to polls | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR


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The Syrian embassy in Beirut has opened for the elections and Syrian voters follow the call. Beirut´s streets are fully occupied with Syrians heading to the polls in favour of President Assad.

Thousands of mostly pro-Assad supporters flocked to the Syrian Embassy Wednesday to cast ballots in the presidential elections, causing suffocating traffic jams around Beirut. The embassy opened its doors in the early hours of the morning when hundreds walked to the only polling station available to vote, with Syrian anthems blaring from cars and buses decorated with photos of Syrian President Bashar Assad and Hezbollah flags.
Some parents took their children along to the embassy. A Syrian child was chanting “our country is with you, our president Assad” while her father held up the Syrian flag. Another elderly woman was reciting a folk lyric poem in praise of Assad.
“I am here to elect President Bashar Assad, he is our president and our leader,” one of the voters said.
“Today is the end of the Arab Spring, this American project,” Mohammad Jamous, a refugee residing in south Lebanon, said as he boarded a bus in Sidon to head to the embassy.

Beirut roads paralyzed by Syrian voters headed to polls | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR



That's interesting, Bleipriester. Do you happen to know approximately how many Syrians here in the U.S. are eligible to take part in the election? Out of curiosity, why do you think so many of the Syrians in Lebanon are for Assad? Are they afraid that if he isn't elected that the Islamists might take over in Syria?
That's interesting, Bleipriester. Do you happen to know approximately how many Syrians here in the U.S. are eligible to take part in the election? Out of curiosity, why do you think so many of the Syrians in Lebanon are for Assad? Are they afraid that if he isn't elected that the Islamists might take over in Syria?
He is the man for Syria. Assad has shown to the Syrian people that he does his job very well. That does include the successful fight against terrorism, of course. But also the help for the displaced, refugees and the people in general, the intact government bodies, the new constitution and the treatment of former opponents are reasons for his popularity.

As for the Syrians in the US I don´t believe they can vote as the US has closed the Syrian embassy and expelled all Syrian diplomats from the country.
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There are places where expatriates and refugees are not permitted to vote.
First time more than one person was nominated, but neither has a large following. 21 others that wanted to run were refused
This is staged dance and, like his father, Assad is the choreographer.
Syrians announced that what wee saw in Bairut will be seen in Syia in large scale on 06.03, when the elcetions insdie Syria start.
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Assad, just like Saddam, has thousands of citizens who support his brutal dictatorship.

And both dictators are/were card carrying members of the Baath Party.

Which gives unlimited power to the dictator. ... :doubt:
Assad, just like Saddam, has thousands of citizens who support his brutal dictatorship.

And both dictators are/were card carrying members of the Baath Party.

Which gives unlimited power to the dictator. ... :doubt:
The Ba'ath party and the Muslim Brotherhood are two sides of the same coin that trace their roots back to the days Arabs collaborated with the Nazis.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Assad, just like Saddam, has thousands of citizens who support his brutal dictatorship.

And both dictators are/were card carrying members of the Baath Party.

Which gives unlimited power to the dictator. ... :doubt:
The Ba'ath party and the Muslim Brotherhood are two sides of the same coin that trace their roots back to the days Arabs collaborated with the Nazis.
Insane zionist Juden like Roudy always give me a good laugh. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
Assad, just like Saddam, has thousands of citizens who support his brutal dictatorship.

And both dictators are/were card carrying members of the Baath Party.

Which gives unlimited power to the dictator. ... :doubt:
The Ba'ath party and the Muslim Brotherhood are two sides of the same coin that trace their roots back to the days Arabs collaborated with the Nazis.
Insane zionist Juden like Roudy always give me a good laugh. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
Which is a symptom of your ignorance and mental illness. :clap2:
Blah blah Juden blah Juden blah blah :rolleyes:

When was the last time someone saw Sunni Man post something intelligent ? :cool:
and russia will veto any UN vote to charge Syria with war crimes.....
Thousands flee Syrian cities ahead of election
Associated Press
By BASSEM MROUE 19 minutes ago

BEIRUT (AP) — Thousands of people have fled government-held Syrian cities after opposition fighters warned they will attack during next week's presidential election to disrupt the vote, opposition activists said Friday.

The Syrian government presents the June 3 polls, in which President Bashar Assad is widely expected to secure a third seven-year term, as a means to end the 3-year-old conflict that has killed more than 160,000 people. The Syrian opposition and its Western allies have denounced the vote as a farce aimed solely at lending Assad a veneer of electoral legitimacy.

Civilians have escaped the government-held northwestern city of Idlib, which is blockaded by rebels on three sides, after the Islamic Council, a military and civil body in rebel-held areas, ordered them to leave by midnight Friday. The city, besieged by rebels for more than two years, has witnessed frequent clashes.

Rebel fighters closed roads linking areas under their control with those in government hands in the city Friday after the deadline imposed by the council passed, said an activist in the area who goes by the name of Hasan Idilbi.

"The opposition is preparing for a strike to disrupt the elections," Idilbi said via Skype.

Members of the Islamic Council could not be immediately reached for comment.

Another activist based near Idlib named Bassil Asaad said thousands of people have fled, although he said he didn't expect a wide attack on Tuesday.

"I think it is only psychological warfare, although some rebels are warning they will turn it into a bloody day in Idlib," he said.

Asaad Kanjo, who is based in the nearby town of Saraqeb, said about 4,000 people left Thursday alone. He added that they are mostly fleeing to villages and towns in the surrounding province that carries the same name, as well as areas close to the border with Turkey.

An amateur video posted online by activists showed scores of people, some on foot, moving in a rural area outside the city. The video appeared genuine and matched Associated Press reporting of the event.

In the government-held central city of Hama, activist Ahmad al-Ahmad said a few hundred people had left for to the suburbs after similar rebel threats.

Abu Odai, a spokesman for a small rebel group known as the Rahman Brigade, said several rebel groups have said they will bombard the capital, Damascus, during the election, although he said his group abstained from doing so.

"We will not target civilians," he said from a suburb of Damascus. "We will only target security offices that are far from residential areas."

In the northern city of Aleppo, rockets that slammed into pro-government neighborhoods killed at least 12 people and wounded more than 80, the state news agency said. Fighting over the past two years has cut Aleppo in two, leaving the east under opposition control and the west in government hands.

Meanwhile, an activist group said that crude bombs dropped by Syrian government forces on rebel-held parts of Aleppo have killed nearly 2,000 people so far this year.

The explosives — known as barrel bombs — are shrapnel-packed devices that Syrian forces roll out of helicopters over rebel-held neighborhoods.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights — one of the main groups counting the dead in the war — said Friday that barrel bombs killed 1,963 people so far this year in Aleppo.

The Observatory also said that the al-Qaida breakaway group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant abducted 193 Kurds from the village of Kabasin in Aleppo province on Thursday. There was no immediate word on what spurred the move, but the Islamic State has long been engaged in a brutal fight with Kurdish militias in northeastern Syria, and has taken Kurdish hostages in the past.<<
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and russia will veto any UN vote to charge Syria with war crimes.....
What Syrian war crimes?

The web is full of vidos showing terrorists proudly beheading, torturing and killing Syrians in various ways, but the UN doesn´t care. Neither of that nor of the other crimes such as human trafficing, rape, general destruction, etc. What should one think of sanctions targeting the terrorist´s vicitms?

Minister of Social Affairs Kinda al-Shammat said that the Ministry has not been able, for five months, to deliver humanitarian aid to the eastern regions due to the armed terrorist groups' repeated attacks on the convoys, adding that work is underway to deliver them through al-Yarubea crossing border with Iraq. The Minister was speaking at a session of the people's Assembly on Thursday, headed by Speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Laham to listen to answers of a number of ministers on questions raised by the MPs.
"The latest presidential statement of the UN Security Council on the humanitarian files in Syria has ignored crimes of the armed terrorist groups being carried out in a number of regions," al-Shammat said.
She affirmed that all accusations against the Syrian government on that file are presented by countries involved in the crisis in Syria and seeks training and financing terrorists with weapons and money.
" A big number of schools came out of services due to the terrorist attacks and changing parts of them to temporary shelters for the displaced, while other schools have received more than 2 million students&#8230; and this refutes the accusations of the statement," the Minister said.
She added that the UN statement has turned a blind eye on the flagrant violations of the terrorists in the domain of human trafficking and involving the children in the fighting.
Al-Shammat concluded that the average of the humanitarian aid offered by the international organizations won't exceed 25% of the overall aid, affirming that the Syrian government assumes the biggest part of the aid.
The Peoples' Assembly also approved a draft law on establishing the Higher Judicial Institute. The Institute aims at qualifying and training law students, lawyers and judges in various specializations.
Minister of Justice Najm al-Ahmad said the institute is a pioneer experience on the Arab region's level particularly in terms of specialized judiciary, clarifying that lawyers and judges will work in their specific specialization since their appointment in the lowest rung of the judicial ladder until retirement.
Syrian refugees in Lebanon are casting their votes ahead of Syria's presidential election next week. The election is seen as Bashar Assad's rigged bid for legitimacy
&#8212; but many refugees believe that if they don't vote, they'll never be allowed back home.

Force And Fear In The Air, As Syrian Refugees Go To Polls In Lebanon : NPR

Syrian presidential elections force citizens to make difficult choices - TIME

The article linked to in the OP already addresses this attempt to play down the pro-Assad mood and says that Syrian activists deny such claims.
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