Lebron James - Nipsey Hustle’s killing one of the most unfortunate events in American history

Trump literally shook hands with minor girls who were just about to be raped by Jeffrey Epstein.

If only the children Trump raped would step forward. Until then, all we have is Trump hanging out with a pedophile. Like, good buddies. Real friendly.

The woman who helped Jeffrey is now on trial. I suppose you believe her that she didn't know what was going on? Yet you believe Trump didn't know. Who did Jeffrey say the young girl was? His niece? No. He winked and smiled telling Trump he was going to bed her later that day. Don't be gullible. Trump knew what Jeffrey was doing in fact Trump's done it himself before.

He shook hands with some girls!!!! I'm outraged I tell ya!!!!
Who do you believe? What sources are you getting this information from?

If you believed the lie Obama was born in Kenya or that Trump was robbed in the last election, you have absolutely zero credibility.

Why are you bringing that up,it has nothing to do with what we were discussing.
Was that really her diary? This seems like a Qunon lie from what I can see. Of course you think that means the mainstream media is censoring it from us but that doesn't explain why Fox News didn't report on it.

FUX has gone left.
FUX has gone left.
That would be like if I could only show you evidence from Huffington Post and MSNBC wasn't even reporting on it. Sorry, you'll have to do better than that standard comeback.

Although I do agree Fox is a Globalist Deep State RINO right wing media source that has been lying to you for years. Thanks for finally admitting it. All it took was them not going along with Trump trying to steal the election for you guys to finally admit it. Bout fucking time.
Why are you bringing that up,it has nothing to do with what we were discussing.
It has everything to do with it. People who believe those conspiracy theories tend to believe the one you are pushing now.

Give you an example. Whenever cons bring up 2020 being stolen, I bring up all the shady shit that came out about Diebold voting machines in 2000.

You would say, "why are you bringing that up? I'm talking about 2020 not 2000".

Well it matters. It matters because you ignored so much real evidence of shadiness in 2000 but are so open to lies in 2020. Could it be you believe whatever you want to believe despite how good/bad the evidence is?
Biden put his hands on a girls shoulders and smelled her hair. I'm outraged!

A bunch of times.
They even have video of parents pulling their kids away from him because they know he's a perv.
Him tweaking a little girls nipple as well.
A bunch of times.
They even have video of parents pulling their kids away from him because they know he's a perv.
Him tweaking a little girls nipple as well.
I would blame you for lowering the bar by nominating a scumbag like Trump but we actually started this by re electing Clinton.

But Clinton was so fucking good. He was always working. He loved being president. He was so good at it.

He was working so much he didn't have time to go out and get pussy. They had to order it in for him. And it would have been fine if she didn't brag to that Republican cow. Jealous bitch.

Joe Biden is squeeky clean. So is Obama. Trump was the worse and that's taking into account Bush lied us into Iraq. And before you go saying he didn't lie

Trump, Feb. 13 2008: You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.
Trump kicked Epstein out of his hotel, Clinton took 22 trips on Epstein's private Lolita express plane to assault little girls provided by Epstein.
Trump kicked him out once he knew it was going to get around what a creep the guy was sure.

I had a friend who was a creep. I always told him innocent until proven guilty. The day he came to my house with that teather on his ankle I said, "you know we can't hang out anymore right?" He was shocked. I said, "did you think I was kidding when I said innocent until proven guilty? Everyone in my condos knows you're a sex offender now. Do you think I'm going to hang out with a known sex offender? Sorry Joe"

That was the last I saw of him. Now Trump may be like me. He may have a pedo friend but not be a pedo himself. But Trump is a pedo you can just tell. And a rapist. I'll never forget that woman telling the story of how Trump molested her on the airplane and why she didn't say anything.

1. Who would believe her?
2. He's a rich and powerful man with good attorneys
3. He will tie her up in court and ruin her.
4. His word against hers

Trump is the only one who didn't suffer from the Me Too movement. You Trump supporters don't care. Hell, every leader in your party, even your entire News organization Fox News is full of sexual misconduct. Rupert Murdock, Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly. It seems like abusing women is the norm in your party.

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