LED lightbulb flicker rate could be giving us headaches expert warns

I've been using LED light bulbs for over 10 years and I don't have flickering. If they're flickering then they need changing.

It is so subliminal most people don't notice it.

Probably a secret mind control technique

It's right up there with the thread a couple of daze ago about EEBIL Roomba vacuum cleaners "mapping" your house so that the EEBIL globulist aliens can take over our bodies. Because EEBIL globulist aliens have no idea what the inside of a house looks like. With the Roomba Maps they'll be able to find our bodies to occupy and zombify without having to stop and ask, "where's the bathroom". Brilliant plan I tell ya.
LED Lightbulb Flicker Rate Could be Giving Us HEADACHES, Expert Warns

Energy-saving lightbulbs could be giving us all headaches as they flicker too much.

LED bulbs can bring on feelings of dizziness and pain within just 20 minutes of switching them on, an expert has warned.

Professor Arnold Wilkins, professor of psychology at the University of Essex, said the flickering of the unpopular lights is stronger than for traditional lightbulbs.

But hey trust the FCC , trust your parental Government they would never allow anything that hurts us, nor would they give us things for health lets say that would ever kill us. Noooo whatever gave you that idea.

Never mind being filthy rich means more to them than you or your kid, no money is ever made from the circle of make them think it's all good as we sell them bs leading them along.

Actually what gives me a headache is morons who think Alex Jones is a source for anything except hair-on-fire bullshit, get set straight on that ------------- and then go right back to it again as a source expecting somehow different results.

First, this supposed source, if he actually exists, is listed as a "professor of psychology" --- not physics. Nor is he an electrical engineer.

Second, the alternating current he brings up alternates not at "hundreds of times every second" as he ignorantly claims. It's sixty. And in England where he is, fifty. And that's been the case for as long as alternating current has been with us -- well over a hundred years.

Third, incandescent light bulbs --- the less efficient original design that Edison came up with ---- ALSO turn on and off sixty (not "hundreds") of times a second, and have been since alternating current has been with us, that same hundred-plus years. Have we had "headaches" for a hundred years?

Fourth, dimmer switches -- those dials that dial up or down the light intensity --- work by varying the rate of that alternating current, meaning your dim light is simply flickering more slowly and spending more time 'off'.

And Fifth --- none of this has jack squat to do with the "FCC". That's the Federal Communications Commission. It regulates what's on the air, not freaking LIGHT.

Tell me --- exactly how stupid do you have to be to not have heard of sixty (or fifty)-cycle alternating current and yet call yourself a "professor"? FREAKING LITTLE KIDS KNOW THIS.

:eusa_doh: :wtf: :banghead:
Even the Europeans do dat de same whey..
I've been using LED light bulbs for over 10 years and I don't have flickering. If they're flickering then they need changing.

It is so subliminal most people don't notice it.

Probably a secret mind control technique

It's right up there with the thread a couple of daze ago about EEBIL Roomba vacuum cleaners "mapping" your house so that the EEBIL globulist aliens can take over our bodies. Because EEBIL globulist aliens have no idea what the inside of a house looks like. With the Roomba Maps they'll be able to find our bodies to occupy and zombify without having to stop and ask, "where's the bathroom". Brilliant plan I tell ya.
But hey, the floor is clean...
I've been using LED light bulbs for over 10 years and I don't have flickering. If they're flickering then they need changing.
Actually, they do flicker. AC is alternating current. LEDs are DC or direct curent. So in 60 hz, or 60 cycles per second, they are off a half second for every second.
But movies are usually 24 frames a second. So LED's are nearly three times faster. So I find it hard to believe at such a high flicker rate, it could actually affect anyone. But it would take studies to know for sure.

The TV's are suppose to have a trance like flicker rate which is what causes people to like zone out at times while watching it.
Even with porn?
I've been using LED light bulbs for over 10 years and I don't have flickering. If they're flickering then they need changing.

It is so subliminal most people don't notice it.

Probably a secret mind control technique

It's right up there with the thread a couple of daze ago about EEBIL Roomba vacuum cleaners "mapping" your house so that the EEBIL globulist aliens can take over our bodies. Because EEBIL globulist aliens have no idea what the inside of a house looks like. With the Roomba Maps they'll be able to find our bodies to occupy and zombify without having to stop and ask, "where's the bathroom". Brilliant plan I tell ya.
But hey, the floor is clean...

Actually Da EEBIL Roombas are in cahoots with Da EEBIL Tesla AC current. Da EEBIL Roomba Aliens need 60 frames a second to watch their EEBIL Roomba movies so they can find out exactly where the toilet is. Da EEBIL 60-cycle current was set up by them so they could run da EEBIL Roombas.

It's all a grand master plan.

Holy shit, some people around here you could tell them you developed a cheese straightener and they'd line up to buy it.
I've been using LED light bulbs for over 10 years and I don't have flickering. If they're flickering then they need changing.

It is so subliminal most people don't notice it.

Probably a secret mind control technique

It's right up there with the thread a couple of daze ago about EEBIL Roomba vacuum cleaners "mapping" your house so that the EEBIL globulist aliens can take over our bodies. Because EEBIL globulist aliens have no idea what the inside of a house looks like. With the Roomba Maps they'll be able to find our bodies to occupy and zombify without having to stop and ask, "where's the bathroom". Brilliant plan I tell ya.
But hey, the floor is clean...

Actually Da EEBIL Roombas are in cahoots with Da EEBIL Tesla AC current. Da EEBIL Roomba Aliens need 60 frames a second to watch their EEBIL Roomba movies so they can find out exactly where the toilet is. Da EEBIL 60-cycle current was set up by them so they could run da EEBIL Roombas.

It's all a grand master plan.

Holy shit, some people around here you could tell them you developed a cheese straightener and they'd line up to buy it.
Most people know open lead about electricity..
It is so subliminal most people don't notice it.

Probably a secret mind control technique

It's right up there with the thread a couple of daze ago about EEBIL Roomba vacuum cleaners "mapping" your house so that the EEBIL globulist aliens can take over our bodies. Because EEBIL globulist aliens have no idea what the inside of a house looks like. With the Roomba Maps they'll be able to find our bodies to occupy and zombify without having to stop and ask, "where's the bathroom". Brilliant plan I tell ya.
But hey, the floor is clean...

Actually Da EEBIL Roombas are in cahoots with Da EEBIL Tesla AC current. Da EEBIL Roomba Aliens need 60 frames a second to watch their EEBIL Roomba movies so they can find out exactly where the toilet is. Da EEBIL 60-cycle current was set up by them so they could run da EEBIL Roombas.

It's all a grand master plan.

Holy shit, some people around here you could tell them you developed a cheese straightener and they'd line up to buy it.
Most people know open lead about electricity..

They just don't have the capacitance to shunt basic everyday logical induction. Too much resistance. They're positive about whatever Alex Jones amps up and it transforms into oscillations of insanity. Such gullibility is ---- well, shocking.

But I like the way the OP put this in "current" events. I get it now.
Probably a secret mind control technique

It's right up there with the thread a couple of daze ago about EEBIL Roomba vacuum cleaners "mapping" your house so that the EEBIL globulist aliens can take over our bodies. Because EEBIL globulist aliens have no idea what the inside of a house looks like. With the Roomba Maps they'll be able to find our bodies to occupy and zombify without having to stop and ask, "where's the bathroom". Brilliant plan I tell ya.
But hey, the floor is clean...

Actually Da EEBIL Roombas are in cahoots with Da EEBIL Tesla AC current. Da EEBIL Roomba Aliens need 60 frames a second to watch their EEBIL Roomba movies so they can find out exactly where the toilet is. Da EEBIL 60-cycle current was set up by them so they could run da EEBIL Roombas.

It's all a grand master plan.

Holy shit, some people around here you could tell them you developed a cheese straightener and they'd line up to buy it.
Most people know open lead about electricity..

They just don't have the capacitance to shunt basic everyday logical induction. Too much resistance. They're positive about whatever Alex Jones amps up and it transforms into oscillations of insanity. Such gullibility is ---- well, shocking.

But I like the way the OP put this in "current" events. I get it now.
I didn't know watt he was doing at first, but then I got to the core and transduced his intentions...Still thought the crux was an AND, OR a NOR charged bit of information for binary understanding..
Although Bell usede D.C. as a power source for his light bulbs..Which would not give you the 60 cycle horizontal led flicker....or actually a positive and negative flow of induction...
I've been using LED light bulbs for over 10 years and I don't have flickering. If they're flickering then they need changing.
Actually, they do flicker. AC is alternating current. LEDs are DC or direct curent. So in 60 hz, or 60 cycles per second, they are off a half second for every second.
But movies are usually 24 frames a second. So LED's are nearly three times faster. So I find it hard to believe at such a high flicker rate, it could actually affect anyone. But it would take studies to know for sure.

The TV's are suppose to have a trance like flicker rate which is what causes people to like zone out at times while watching it.

Anyone suckered into watching TV is by definition "zoned out". But it's not because of a flicker rate, which applies to cathode-ray tubes that nobody uses any more and the local thrift store can't sell off. It's because TV is designed to make passive sponges out of its victims by dictating every thing that goes on and every sensory input. That's why it's a propaganda device to soak your mind in dumb-down brine so it can sell shit you don't need (which is the definition of advertising).

That propaganda is equally effective whether it's done on a CRT, an LCD or an Android screen.

In the case of LED bulbs, you were generally correct. Except that every LED bulb has it's own switching power supply that converts AC to DC. So the "noise and flicker" on the light out is at the frequency of the Switching power supply (typically > 100KHz).. BUUUTTT !!!

This "flicker issue" comes in from badly designed "dimmer bulbs".. These are separately sold and packaged and labeled for use with dimmers of all kinds out there. These bad designs DO flicker at 50/60Hz and harmonics of those frequencies..

And A LOT of times, people are so confused that they stick NON -- dimmer bulbs into dimmer circuits and get strange and ANNOYING results.

Avoiding Flicker in LED Lighting Applications | DigiKey
I've been using LED light bulbs for over 10 years and I don't have flickering. If they're flickering then they need changing.
Actually, they do flicker. AC is alternating current. LEDs are DC or direct curent. So in 60 hz, or 60 cycles per second, they are off a half second for every second.
But movies are usually 24 frames a second. So LED's are nearly three times faster. So I find it hard to believe at such a high flicker rate, it could actually affect anyone. But it would take studies to know for sure.

The TV's are suppose to have a trance like flicker rate which is what causes people to like zone out at times while watching it.

Anyone suckered into watching TV is by definition "zoned out". But it's not because of a flicker rate, which applies to cathode-ray tubes that nobody uses any more and the local thrift store can't sell off. It's because TV is designed to make passive sponges out of its victims by dictating every thing that goes on and every sensory input. That's why it's a propaganda device to soak your mind in dumb-down brine so it can sell shit you don't need (which is the definition of advertising).

That propaganda is equally effective whether it's done on a CRT, an LCD or an Android screen.

In the case of LED bulbs, you were generally correct. Except that every LED bulb has it's own switching power supply that converts AC to DC. So the "noise and flicker" on the light out is at the frequency of the Switching power supply (typically > 100KHz).. BUUUTTT !!!

This "flicker issue" comes in from badly designed "dimmer bulbs".. These are separately sold and packaged and labeled for use with dimmers of all kinds out there. These bad designs DO flicker at 50/60Hz and harmonics of those frequencies..

And A LOT of times, people are so confused that they stick NON -- dimmer bulbs into dimmer circuits and get strange and ANNOYING results.

Avoiding Flicker in LED Lighting Applications | DigiKey

Dimmers are just evil. Not in a conspiratorial sense but just responsible for a ton of electric detritus including EMR that sullies my radio. OP oughta be more concerned about that.electromagetic jetsam.

I've got a friend complaining that she has a "humming" light. This is the first thing I told her to check. That, and replacing a potentially faulty bulb.

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