Left Are Terrified of Mike Johnson

For them, it's only Good vs. Evil. One or the other. Only. And by the way, they're the "Good", in case you're wondering.

Point out that life can be a little complicated here and there, that they've dumbed it down too much, and you're Satan.

Like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed jihadi on the streets of Damascus. Impossible.
When I was in Kuwait the last time I met one of those. Good thing I didn't understand Arabic as much as I would like because I probably would have belted the guy.
I was walking thru the mall in Kuwait City and some child saw my uniform and started crying. He must have thought I was an Iraqi soldier.
Then this asshole comes up to me and starts screaming at me in Arabic that I wasn't wanted there. I just stood there listening to him....and another guy walks up to me and says that not everyone feels the way that jerk does. He says that they appreciate us being there because we got rid of Saddam.

So I have the ability to be realistic, but I also know what I know from personal experience. My experience says that not everyone is the same, but in Gaza the hatred of Jews is pretty much universal. Too bad that you cannot comprehend that.
The scary thing is that Mac isn't acting. He really sees his mono-rotationally polarized world views as a clear vision into reality.
You're preaching to the choir.
Mac thinks he's the smartest asshole on USMB.
When you stomp his balls he ghosts you.....till the next issue comes up....a typical libroid tactic.
Libs are never willing to admit they were wrong about anything.
....and another guy walks up to me and says that not everyone feels the way that jerk does. He says that they appreciate us being there because we got rid of Saddam.
BTW, belated thanks for helping get rid of Saddam! :eusa_clap:

Too bad that you cannot comprehend that.
Talking to Mac is like talking to the wall, or a troll, or a paid loon.
Better off talking to the houseplants or the dog.
BTW, belated thanks for helping get rid of Saddam! :eusa_clap:

Talking to Mac is like talking to the wall, or a troll, or a paid loon.
Better off talking to the houseplants or the dog.
The only help I personally did was help train the Kuwaitis after we booted the SOB out of there.
I had my GG shots (one in each cheek) and was waiting for my flight to Saudi Arabia to join my unit and they shut down all flights into the theater. The ground war was about to start. I was in the Q Course in Phase Three when Desert Storm started. By the time I was ready to deploy they wouldn't let me go.

I did go over there a couple of times and saw all of the destruction Saddam did to Kuwait. Also saw the bomb craters in the Highway of Death.
The Iraqis had literally taken everything in Kuwait and trucked it off to Baghdad. They even stole the wood floors in the bowling alley. They stole the cushions in the seats at the movie theater. They stole every workable vehicle in the entire country.

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