Left Are Terrified of Mike Johnson

And yet RWI's praise the Donald for having an affair with a "Porn Star" while his infant son was at home with his faithful mother.


Quote anyone on the right praising Mr. Trump for having that affair. Post a link to any of us, saying that it was a good thing, or even not a bad thing, for him to cheat on his wife; or else admit that you're a lying piece of shit.

Quote anyone on the right praising Mr. Trump for having that affair. Post a link to any of us, saying that it was a good thing, or even not a bad thing, for him to cheat on his wife; or else admit that you're a lying piece of shit.
You're looking for concessions? Not in this lifetime. Magaturds certainly kept their fat maws shut about it the whole time. Because they're fucking cowards.
A binary worldview keeps things nice and simple. No curiosity required, no critical thinking required, no listening required, just support the tribe no matter what. Always.
So you're saying mindlessly pick a side?

Or are you trying to say that murdering and raping women and children is justified because they are upset about Jews actually existing on planet Earth?
Yes, because the democrats position of "bake that cake, approve of homosexuality, and celebrate he/she's" is right up Evangelical's alley.
That deflection is so obtuse as to be more than a bit pathetic.
Yeah, exactly. I've said it a thousand times -- this has never been about him. It's about a populace that can fall for a blatant con man.
An observation that is also applicable to the MAGA caucus in the House. There's too much focus on Johnson's religious zealotry, Gym Jordan's conspiratorial rants, MTG's utter nutbaggery, and not enough on the lost, disinformed souls who put them there. The folks who will look you squarely in the eye and earnestly pronounce Trump, the greatest domestic danger to democracy in our history, is the greatest prez of all time.
No, that's called public discord and polarization caused by fraud and misinformation.
There's nothing good about it.

Yes, it is discord and polarization, but with the Democrats and Republicans constantly offer up the lunacy best representing their party, it isn't bad that nonpartisan folks handle it the only way we can by playing them against each other. We see it played out when the party holding the Presidency commonly losing seats in the mid-terms. When Obama took the country to the left the public went for Trump. Biden with his leftwing agenda, will cause a similar reaction. I compare it to paddling a canoe, if you keep with the left or right only, you'll end up going in circles.
So you're saying mindlessly pick a side?

Or are you trying to say that murdering and raping women and children is justified because they are upset about Jews actually existing on planet Earth?
I'm saying you mindlessly pick a side. As usual. All Palestinians do those things?

You folks sure love illustrating my points for me. Weird.
I'm saying you mindlessly pick a side. As usual. All Palestinians do those things?

You folks sure love illustrating my points for me. Weird.
:puhleeze:So you avoid the question by claiming my question somehow proves a point you never made.

You can't answer the question rationally, so you instead try to deflect by asking a question and then accuse me of proving your point in some way.
You also claim I'm making some sort of generalization. Not all Palestinians do the same, but they pretty much for the most part believe in the same things.

You say that I'm mindlessly picking a side. That's laughable. The fact remains that Hamas and the Palestinian people are pretty much the same thing right now. And in this case even the youngest Palestinian is trained to murder Jews. Palestinians are monolithic in their beliefs because they have been brainwashed into thinking alike.
At least in Israel there are differing viewpoints. Not so in Gaza. Palestinians can work in Israel, but you'll never find one single Jew (or Christian) living or working in Gaza. So who's side should I take if I take one at all? The side of Hamas or the side of just about the only Democracy left in the Middle-East?
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For fucks sake. :rolleyes: What a moronic take. I suppose you'll never 'get it'.
For them, it's only Good vs. Evil. One or the other. Only. And by the way, they're the "Good", in case you're wondering.

Point out that life can be a little complicated here and there, that they've dumbed it down too much, and you're Satan.

Like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed jihadi on the streets of Damascus. Impossible.
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Makes me a very happy man he #2 in line for the White House behind Harris.

You understand, Johnson is the personification of everything the Left hate! Him as speaker complicates all their plans! Imagine now if they try to replace Biden as they want to with either Newsome and Whitmer or maybe Michelle and that fell through!

It would put Harris in charge and that would be sure to bomb like a submarine with screen doors. Kamala was never meant to be more than a figurehead behind their installed hand-puppet. Worse, it would put a far right MAGA conservative religious constitutionalist one step from the White House.


Viva la Matt Gaetz.

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