Left Are Terrified of Mike Johnson

Terrified is a loaded word. I'd say concerned...........as all Americans should be with a Speaker who holds beliefs so clearly detached from reality.

he is very much mainstream, your cult not withstanding.
They are enabled and insulated. Never having to pay back the checks they cashed in destroying people. What the progs have done to their own multiple groups that form the party is a conflagration wanting to happen. There are groups that hate each other and vote the same party. There are groups that vote now for people of that party who may kill them. And many see nothing wrong with it.

Cult behavior


so tell us more about how bad it is for a father to talk to his son and take measures so he doesnt get hooked on porn and end up having sex with porn stars,,,

do you know if the kid bought the computer???

Translation -- "We'll never be WE because you're such an awful YOU".

Got it. You go ahead and be the WE you want to be and it might be nice if you could possibly even do it in another country.

The "tolerant left", folks. There it is, in all its toxic glory.

Well, why TF should anyone tolerate you? :cuckoo:
“Left Are Terrified of Mike Johnson”



They find him pathetic and ridiculous.

They also oppose Johnson because he is in fact wrong on the issues.

And they have an appropriate, warranted concern with regard to Johnson’s willful ignorance, his hatred of gay and transgender Americans, and his propensity for theocratic authoritarianism.

Poor who-er

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