Left Are Terrified of Mike Johnson

As long as the Left is crying over Mike Johnson and we have the Right weeping over Joe Biden, it gives me hope that the country will maintain a course down the middle which is the path preferred by most Americans.
It's like debating with a toddler.....

The point is to show to his son he ISNT doing it. He's practicing what he preaches, something those on the left have big problems doing or understanding.
Or...he's just into porn. ^Shrug^. Because his son never reports what his father might be watching. I mean, it wouldn't be that surprising.
It's been my experience that the more devout and pious you are, the easier it is to slip into temptation. :)
As long as he supports giving Burchette and Luna Select Committees it's all good. Just don't get on TV saying God or Jebus told you to .....
They use nasty rhetoric towards most Republicans. Does that mean they're terrified?
They are enabled and insulated. Never having to pay back the checks they cashed in destroying people. What the progs have done to their own multiple groups that form the party is a conflagration wanting to happen. There are groups that hate each other and vote the same party. There are groups that vote now for people of that party who may kill them. And many see nothing wrong with it.
Politicians on both sides of the aisle manufacture lies about each other. Are they all terrified of each other?
Media. Focus. Journalists. They used to be trained to tell the truth. Now they are trained to manufacture leftist propaganda. We used to rely on the fourth estate to uncover and report on corruption. As the last ten years have clearly shown, the media here in the US have become nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.
The left hates Johnson and they will use any dirty trick and spin any story to try to hurt him. You can bet Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters investigators are busy researching every second of Johnson and his family to try to find some shred of dirt that they can spin to democrats and their minions in the media.
Or...he's just into porn. ^Shrug^. Because his son never reports what his father might be watching. I mean, it wouldn't be that surprising.
It's been my experience that the more devout and pious you are, the easier it is to slip into temptation. :)

The object is to resist it, and atone for it when it happens.

The left has taken on the dogma of religion in it's beliefs, but has no mechanism for forgiveness.
Terrified is a loaded word. I'd say concerned...........as all Americans should be with a Speaker who holds beliefs so clearly detached from reality.
It's interesting watching the pseudo Christians wield him like a weapon. He appears to be a devout True Believer, and they're happy to leverage that for their own autocratic gain.

We haven't learned about mixing distorted religion and politics. There is no shortage of historical examples of how harmful it can be. Our Founders may have failed. Or we failed them. They expected too much.
They are enabled and insulated. Never having to pay back the checks they cashed in destroying people. What the progs have done to their own multiple groups that form the party is a conflagration wanting to happen. There are groups that hate each other and vote the same party. There are groups that vote now for people of that party who may kill them. And many see nothing wrong with it.
I don't know how we will ever unify as a country when folks like you harbor such bizarre beliefs about your fellow Americans. Because these nutty notions don't materialize out of thin air. They come from listening to and reading right wing media sources who seek to objectify and divide the populace for profit. As long as there is profit to be had from this deceit it will continue feeding a willing audience a bunch of garbage.
I don't know how we will ever unify as a country when folks like you harbor such bizarre beliefs about your fellow Americans. Because these nutty notions don't materialize out of thin air. They come from listening to and reading right wing media sources who seek to objectify and divide the populace for profit. As long as there is profit to be had from this deceit it will continue feeding a willing audience a bunch of garbage.

Translation -- "We'll never be WE because you're such an awful YOU".

Got it. You go ahead and be the WE you want to be and it might be nice if you could possibly even do it in another country.

The "tolerant left", folks. There it is, in all its toxic glory.


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