Left wants to rename Austin TX over pollical correctness

Californians invaded and took over Austin what did you expect. Will the new name be gender neutral? /mocking sarcasm
Californians fuck-up everything.

Californians flooded into Portland, OR and took over. One of the city's most historic streets line with expensive historic homes, these filthy Californian's renamed the street Cesar Chavez Blvd. The homeowners screamed to no avail. They elect gay pedophile mayors, illegals have sanctuary, there's heaps of trash all over the city from the homeless camps, damn near every major corner and street light has a panhandler standing their with a cardboard sign begging for money.

If the filthy Left had their way every street and road in the US would be named either Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, Rosa Parks Blvd or Obama Street.

Don't forget Castro.
There is already a Castroville fyi
Isn’t that a prison in Cuba for people who want freedom?
Wish the founders of Texas could come back an whip and stomp that goddamn liberal city council. Drag em’ through some cactus and spit tobacco juice in their beady, squinty, weasel eyes.
Californians fuck-up everything.

Californians flooded into Portland, OR and took over. One of the city's most historic streets line with expensive historic homes, these filthy Californian's renamed the street Cesar Chavez Blvd. The homeowners screamed to no avail. They elect gay pedophile mayors, illegals have sanctuary, there's heaps of trash all over the city from the homeless camps, damn near every major corner and street light has a panhandler standing their with a cardboard sign begging for money.

If the filthy Left had their way every street and road in the US would be named either Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, Rosa Parks Blvd or Obama Street.

Don't forget Castro.
There is already a Castroville fyi
Isn’t that a prison in Cuba for people who want freedom?
I aint google. Castroville is a little west Texas town settled during the Republic.

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