
Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
For years I have made it my practice to take the fight to the source. Don't just whine to friends and family. Don't just write a letter to a newspaper and be done. Take it to the perpetrator.

Philip Zimbardo was a psychology professor at prestigious Stanford University in People's Republic of California. He conducted a famous experiment which demonstrated humanity's innate cruelty. I wrote to his department, the university president and newspaper, copying Zimbardo himself. While feigning supreme intellectualism and popularity, as the Left is wont to do, he showed ignorance and pettiness in abundance.


Stanford News Service, Students, President and Faculty of Stanford:

While doing a Google search for "Professor + Bush + evil" to demonstrate to another academic the profound liberal bias of academics, I noticed with interest an article by your own Professor Emeritus, Philip Zimbardo.

Psychology professor reflects on a life studying violence and evil

One excerpt from this article follows:
Zimbardo, an expert on violence and evil, also detailed what he despises.
"I hate the arrogance of power and control; I hate deception and lies and secrecy," he said. "Combining that -- that's the Bush administration. I deplore what the Bush administration is doing to destroy basic American values."

In his infamous experiment, Professor Zimbardo practiced the very "deception and lies and secrecy" which he says he "hates."
He deceived prison guards by secretly taping them when they thought he did not. He deceived parents when he admits to "manipulating" them. Ultimately only one in fifty people overseeing this experiment, herself a new graduate, saw the cruelty being deceptively, authoritatively visited upon these young, impressionable men. Only one in fifty.

Obviously Professor Zimbardo does not hate "the arrogance of power and control" when it comes in the form of William Jefferson Clinton, because a photograph of the two of them together is prominently displayed on Zimbardo's website. The good Professor does not hate "deception and lies and secrecy" when practiced by a Democrat who promised us "the most ethical administration in history" and was instead impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice. Nor was it "all about sex" when Clinton broke his promise to give Americans a "tax cut." Clinton's broken promise was excusable by the Left, but not George H.W. Bush's. In Leftist Newspeak, the booming economy was "in good shape" under Clinton, while under Reagan, "the rich got richer and the poor got poorer."
On the subject of "violence and evil," it should be mentioned that the slaughter of nearly 1,000,000 Tutsis in Rwanda by the Hutus was ignored by Bill "Loathing the Military" Clinton. Clinton ordered the State Department not to use "the g word" when discussing the Rwandan Genocide. Clinton turned his back on the butchery in Rwanda, but sent troops to restore the socialist Aristide to power in Haiti. What has the "expert on violence and evil" to say of his friend, Clinton, on these grave matters?
Now as to the Left's relentless ridicule of President Bush as being "stupid," please note that Professor Zimbardo misspelled "home page," and "significant."
Welcome to the Homepage ((SIC)) of Professor Philip G. Zombardo
Does Psychology Make a Signficant ((SIC)) Difference in Our Lives (July-August, 2004)

Professor Zimbardo combines the singular with the plural.
To Philip G. Zimbardo, With Best Wishes
# Other well wisher [SIC] (103 of them)

Professor Zimbardo calls himself a "breach baby (hands first)" when in fact a breach baby is one who is butt down, not head down.
"As a breach baby (hands first)"

He objects to the "racialization of arrests and sentencing, with African-Americans and Hispanics overrepresented " but evidently not to the sexualization of arrests and sentencing, with males profoundly over-represented. Such obeisance to Leftist Group Think is pandemic in academia.

If Professor Zimbardo were truly overwrought by the destruction "of basic American values," why would he be so proud of his association with a serial sexual predator, and pathological liar who so disgraced himself that he was impeached therefor? Meanwhile, Zimbardo has maligned President Bush who upholds "basic American values" such as the right of an infant being delivered to live. The overwhelming majority of Americans support a ban on partial birth abortions, which Clinton vetoed and Bush signed.

To be sure, Left and Right engage in hatefully attacking the other side of the political spectrum. But the Left wins out both quantitatively and qualitatively. Searching "evil Bush" yielded 26,400 hits (one of them Professor Zimbardo, an expert on the subject of evil), while "evil Clinton" yielded only 1,360. Shouldn't we get this ratio down to something more fair, like 10 to 1 ?

Until such time as the malignantly narcissistic Left acknowledges its profound bias and acts to correct it, I shall continue to seek out the very best and brightest Leftists - the giants of academia - and expose them. Jonathan Swift would have it no other way.

His vein, ironically grave,
Expos'd the fool, and lash'd the knave.

"I don't like what this one dude did, so liberals are evil!".

Yes, that's what conservatives call "logic".
Says the creator of Orangemanbad......what a looneytunes.

JBrownson, my Friend, I have Leftist mamooth on Ignore so I could not see his looneytunes until I clicked POST REPLY to your post.

He put HIS WORDS in MY MOUTH and then proceeded with yet another lie based on his first lie.
This is liberalism in action, lie after lie after lie. And they think themselves clever, for lying.

Liberalism is evil from the outset. Abortion is evil. Coveting is evil and coveting is THE BASIS of class warfare waged relentlessly by lying liberals who call themselves "kind" and "generous" for pushing welfare and big government a la Karl Marx.

Liberals have taken over public education and have been dumbing down America for decades.

"Public education is a socialist monopoly, a real one." - The Late Milton Friedman

Explore hundreds of facts documenting that here, my ongoing assembly:

I try to teach and help people, but Leftists, like mamooth, have no interest in learning.
Evil is like that.
Says the creator of Orangemanbad......what a looneytunes.

Don't lie. You and your side created OrangeManBad. You don't see any liberals weeping like that.

And why did you do it? Because you're incapable of addressing criticisms of Trump. You know the liberals are right, but your cult forbids you from stating that simple truth, so you whimper "ORANGEMANBAD!" as a way of deflecting and running.

What, you actually that that wasn't obvious? Come on. everyone knows that any time a Trump cultist weeps "ALL YOU SAY IS ORANGEMANBAD!", they're effectively screaming "WAAAA! I'M SO BUTTHURT OVER THE SPANKING YOU JUST GAVE ME!."

JBrownson, my Friend, I have Leftist mamooth on Ignore so I could not see his looneytunes until I clicked POST REPLY to your post.

Some things don't change. You will always be far too terrified to debate any liberal.

Question. Did you join the Trump cult because you were already a eunuch, or was the operation part of the initiation ceremony?
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