Left-Wing Activists Harass Florida AG Pam Bondi At Movie Theater, Spit On Her...is it Antifa?

Maxine Waters pushes supporters to fight Trump WH, says 'the people' will 'absolutely harass' Trump staffers
Maxine KNOWS she is right and THEY are wrong!!!!!!!! hahahahah
no--this is not civilized
...we do not want and can't have both sides heckling/harassing/disrupting [ like the nazis did ] every time they THINK the other side is wrong

...how would she like it if people harassed her kids, mother, father, sister, friends/etc? ...blocked their car from getting out of their driveway?? blocked them from going anywhere?? etc

The Nazi Brownshirts started out their attacks on Jews by "harassing" them. It's a form of political terrorism. If they're successful they'll escalate the attacks...it's what bullies ALWAYS do!



I'm curious...why are you emulating those that you supposedly abhor? Too myopic to grasp that you on the left are becoming more facist than the facists that you love to hate?

that's complete & utter bullshit. i abhor violence, i do not condone it at all. btw- waters never called for any harm to come to trump's mooks. that is yet another lie your president is peddling. but to shame & shun? oh ya... it's on. the freaks on the right have been uncivil for 3 years with capt crazy pants leading the charge...& encouraging it. btw- shunning is a biblical correct way to tell someone they are unacceptable.
how would you like it if groups blocked your family??
yes Waters was calling for that crap ---don't try to say otherwise

One wonders what Maxine's response would be if she were given a taste of what she's calling for with the Trump Cabinet? Anyone here think she'd accept being "shunned" when she went out to dinner with her family? I think she'd scream bloody murder if a conservative "mob" surrounded her!
Maxine Waters pushes supporters to fight Trump WH, says 'the people' will 'absolutely harass' Trump staffers
Maxine KNOWS she is right and THEY are wrong!!!!!!!! hahahahah
no--this is not civilized
...we do not want and can't have both sides heckling/harassing/disrupting [ like the nazis did ] every time they THINK the other side is wrong

...how would she like it if people harassed her kids, mother, father, sister, friends/etc? ...blocked their car from getting out of their driveway?? blocked them from going anywhere?? etc

The Nazi Brownshirts started out their attacks on Jews by "harassing" them. It's a form of political terrorism. If they're successful they'll escalate the attacks...it's what bullies ALWAYS do!



I'm curious...why are you emulating those that you supposedly abhor? Too myopic to grasp that you on the left are becoming more facist than the facists that you love to hate?

that's complete & utter bullshit. i abhor violence, i do not condone it at all. btw- waters never called for any harm to come to trump's mooks. that is yet another lie your president is peddling. but to shame & shun? oh ya... it's on. the freaks on the right have been uncivil for 3 years with capt crazy pants leading the charge...& encouraging it. btw- shunning is a biblical correct way to tell someone they are unacceptable.

When you go to someone's house and scare their wife and kids? When you spit on someone who's trying to see a movie? That isn't "shunning" someone! Shunning means to treat someone like they don't exist! Is that what Maxine Waters was calling for? Sounds to me like she was calling for liberal mobs to form...seek out members of Trump's cabinet and make it impossible for them to be out in public! You know what the "correct" way to tell someone that they are unacceptable? You get the VOTES to remove them from office! If you CAN'T get the votes...THEN I'VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU...THEY ARE ACCEPTABLE BECAUSE THE VOTERS HAVE DEEMED THEM SUCH!

um, no. i said that she said shun.... & SHAME. SHAME THEM. make them own their words.

neilson going to a god damn mexican restaurant????
trump throwing paper towels to puerto ricans after the hurricane???
sarah honey boo whining that a restaurant OWNER- polls her staff to see if anybody felt at ease serving her... & when nobody wanted to- QUIETLY slips her a note & comped her a cheese board because she doubles down on session's biblical justification for caging humans?

go whine to tillis' family about all that. you have no leg to stand on, buttercup.
no, it's wrong to do it on their personal time ---uncivil/wrong
how would you like it if someone protested/harassed/stopped/blocked/etc one of your family members?

huh, you mean like the bakery dude not wililng to make a cake for a couple homogays based on his religion?
1. that's not harassment
2.1st Amendment= freedom of religion
3.the baker didn't stop them from eating
3. these protesters are hating
BIG difference

& she took charitable foundation money for not doing her sworn duty to uphold the law & is a trumpette.

you don't get to preach. i said they should not have spit on her. agreed. other than that- oh well.
no--BIG difference--freedom of religion
...and you people make it sound like Trump/etc are MURDERING people--they are not though
...there are no concentration camps
..there are no trials without a judge/jury/freedom
...NOT the same as the baker case--not even close--the baker didn't go to some fag convention and start crap--did he?????!!!!!
...the baker didn't keep fags from eating, did he???
BIG difference

your mango führer has instructed that upwards of 20,000 immigrants be detained on 2 military bases. most likely in concentrated tents like the various makeshift ones now in el paso... AND since this ignorant reply of yours, president tribblehead has tweeted that he wants to eliminate due process ie what were you saying about no trials without judgejury/freedom?

Hiring manythousands of judges, and going through a long and complicated legal process, is not the way to go - will always be disfunctional. People must simply be stopped at the Border and told they cannot come into the U.S. illegally. Children brought back to their country......

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 25, 2018

....If this is done, illegal immigration will be stopped in it’s tracks - and at very little, by comparison, cost. This is the only real answer - and we must continue to BUILD THE WALL!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 25, 2018

Trump doubles down on rejecting undocumented immigrants with no due process
Give them a mass 90 second hearing. Pack them into cargo planes, trucks, buses, and trains and send them back to where they came from.
The Nazi Brownshirts started out their attacks on Jews by "harassing" them. It's a form of political terrorism. If they're successful they'll escalate the attacks...it's what bullies ALWAYS do!



I'm curious...why are you emulating those that you supposedly abhor? Too myopic to grasp that you on the left are becoming more facist than the facists that you love to hate?

that's complete & utter bullshit. i abhor violence, i do not condone it at all. btw- waters never called for any harm to come to trump's mooks. that is yet another lie your president is peddling. but to shame & shun? oh ya... it's on. the freaks on the right have been uncivil for 3 years with capt crazy pants leading the charge...& encouraging it. btw- shunning is a biblical correct way to tell someone they are unacceptable.
how would you like it if groups blocked your family??
yes Waters was calling for that crap ---don't try to say otherwise

One wonders what Maxine's response would be if she were given a taste of what she's calling for with the Trump Cabinet? Anyone here think she'd accept being "shunned" when she went out to dinner with her family? I think she'd scream bloody murder if a conservative "mob" surrounded her!
she would immediately cry "RACISM"""
The Nazi Brownshirts started out their attacks on Jews by "harassing" them. It's a form of political terrorism. If they're successful they'll escalate the attacks...it's what bullies ALWAYS do!



I'm curious...why are you emulating those that you supposedly abhor? Too myopic to grasp that you on the left are becoming more facist than the facists that you love to hate?

that's complete & utter bullshit. i abhor violence, i do not condone it at all. btw- waters never called for any harm to come to trump's mooks. that is yet another lie your president is peddling. but to shame & shun? oh ya... it's on. the freaks on the right have been uncivil for 3 years with capt crazy pants leading the charge...& encouraging it. btw- shunning is a biblical correct way to tell someone they are unacceptable.

When you go to someone's house and scare their wife and kids? When you spit on someone who's trying to see a movie? That isn't "shunning" someone! Shunning means to treat someone like they don't exist! Is that what Maxine Waters was calling for? Sounds to me like she was calling for liberal mobs to form...seek out members of Trump's cabinet and make it impossible for them to be out in public! You know what the "correct" way to tell someone that they are unacceptable? You get the VOTES to remove them from office! If you CAN'T get the votes...THEN I'VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU...THEY ARE ACCEPTABLE BECAUSE THE VOTERS HAVE DEEMED THEM SUCH!

um, no. i said that she said shun.... & SHAME. SHAME THEM. make them own their words.

neilson going to a god damn mexican restaurant????
trump throwing paper towels to puerto ricans after the hurricane???
sarah honey boo whining that a restaurant OWNER- polls her staff to see if anybody felt at ease serving her... & when nobody wanted to- QUIETLY slips her a note & comped her a cheese board because she doubles down on session's biblical justification for caging humans?

go whine to tillis' family about all that. you have no leg to stand on, buttercup.

Shun and harass are two totally different concepts, Playtime! You don't need a mob to shun someone...you don't need to surround them...you don't need to make a scene! Maxine Waters isn't calling on liberals to shun anyone...she's calling on them to harass conservatives in public!

As for whether anyone at the restaurant felt "at ease" serving Sarah Huckabee Sandders? Why wouldn't they? Did they think that Sanders was going to do something to them because they're liberals? Funny how some of the group she was with self identifies themselves as being liberals yet THEY didn't seem to fear that Sanders was going to "harm them"! The owner didn't ask her staff if anyone felt at ease waiting on that table...she asked if anyone felt uneasy because Sanders was in the restaurant and when several said yes...the owner made the call to ask Sanders to leave! That's NOT everyone in the restaurant deciding they don't want to wait on a table...that's a few people deciding that and everyone being stuck with the result.

So let's look at that result...shall we? If you're one of the servers that DIDN'T have a problem with waiting on Sanders (and a large party like that one was probably good for a nice chunk of change as a tip!) not only did you not have the chance to make money THAT night (which I assure you is why the majority of the staff was there!) now the restaurant has been closed since that night as the owner hides out...which means you as a server are making ZERO money right now! If I worked for that owner I'd be inquiring about whether she was going to pay my rent this month since her decisions had taken away my ability to do so!
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