Left-wing Democrats Appear Tired of Kamala Taking Them for Granted


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Left-wing Democrats Appear Tired of Kamala Taking Them for Granted

10 Sep 2024 ~~ By Joe; B. Pollack

Self-described “progressives” appear to be tiring of Kamala Harris’s effort to downplay her left-wing policies, and are reminding her that they do not want to be taken for granted as she tries to portray herself as a “moderate” candidate.
While Harris told CNN last month, in her first and only media interview, that “my values have not changed,” Harris’s campaign has been telling the media that she no longer supports some of her most radical policies, such as canceling private health insurance, defunding the police, ending detention for illegal migrants, backing the “Green New Deal,” banning fracking, and other policies that are toxic to mainstream Americans but beloved by left-wing Democrats.
Some of these policies, including “taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants,” are so radical that they even managed to shock CNN’s Erin Burnett when they were reported on air by Andrew Kaczynski.

Biden managed to unite “progressives” and moderates in 2016, running to oust a Republican. But Democrats are the party in power, and there are divisions that lurk beneath the surface — divisions that a cut-and-paste job won’t fix.

Regardlss of Kamala's flip flops and loss in the one and only debate, Democrat Neo-Marxists will vote for her.
If she wins she'll drop all her fraudulent campaign positions, jerk the steering wheel counter-clockwise, and immediately take the Clown Car careening to the extreme Communist left.
The Quisling Media will claim these kinds of things to make it seem that she’s a Centrist.
Heck, Kamala and her campaign even plagiarized Joe Biden's plan.
Then there's the debate that just ended....
Why is it that Kamala now wants to have another debate? Actually she lost the debate. If she had won, it would have been case closed and no thoughts of another debate.
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Left-wing Democrats Appear Tired of Kamala Taking Them for Granted

10 Sep 2024 ~~ By Joe; B. Pollack

Self-described “progressives” appear to be tiring of Kamala Harris’s effort to downplay her left-wing policies, and are reminding her that they do not want to be taken for granted as she tries to portray herself as a “moderate” candidate.
While Harris told CNN last month, in her first and only media interview, that “my values have not changed,” Harris’s campaign has been telling the media that she no longer supports some of her most radical policies, such as canceling private health insurance, defunding the police, ending detention for illegal migrants, backing the “Green New Deal,” banning fracking, and other policies that are toxic to mainstream Americans but beloved by left-wing Democrats.
Some of these policies, including “taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants,” are so radical that they even managed to shock CNN’s Erin Burnett when they were reported on air by Andrew Kaczynski.

Biden managed to unite “progressives” and moderates in 2016, running to oust a Republican. But Democrats are the party in power, and there are divisions that lurk beneath the surface — divisions that a cut-and-paste job won’t fix.

Regardlss of Kamala's flip flops and loss in the one and only debate, Democrat Neo-Marxists will vote for her.
If she wins she'll drop all her fraudulent campaign positions, jerk the steering wheel counter-clockwise, and immediately take the Clown Car careening to the extreme Communist left.
The Quisling Media will claim these kinds of things to make it seem that she’s a Centrist.
Heck, Kamala and her campaign even plagiarized Joe Biden's plan.

Independents got a good view, tonight. Harris talked facts and support for the normal, everyday Americans, and setting Donny up, well planned, executed, off the top of her head. Donny showed he was not prepared, and made statements (often pure BS, disjointed, not factual, even crazed as if the top of his head had come off. But, it was just how he is. The man ain't right.

Left-wing Democrats Appear Tired of Kamala Taking Them for Granted

10 Sep 2024 ~~ By Joe; B. Pollack

Self-described “progressives” appear to be tiring of Kamala Harris’s effort to downplay her left-wing policies, and are reminding her that they do not want to be taken for granted as she tries to portray herself as a “moderate” candidate.
While Harris told CNN last month, in her first and only media interview, that “my values have not changed,” Harris’s campaign has been telling the media that she no longer supports some of her most radical policies, such as canceling private health insurance, defunding the police, ending detention for illegal migrants, backing the “Green New Deal,” banning fracking, and other policies that are toxic to mainstream Americans but beloved by left-wing Democrats.
Some of these policies, including “taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants,” are so radical that they even managed to shock CNN’s Erin Burnett when they were reported on air by Andrew Kaczynski.

Biden managed to unite “progressives” and moderates in 2016, running to oust a Republican. But Democrats are the party in power, and there are divisions that lurk beneath the surface — divisions that a cut-and-paste job won’t fix.

Regardlss of Kamala's flip flops and loss in the one and only debate, Democrat Neo-Marxists will vote for her.
If she wins she'll drop all her fraudulent campaign positions, jerk the steering wheel counter-clockwise, and immediately take the Clown Car careening to the extreme Communist left.
The Quisling Media will claim these kinds of things to make it seem that she’s a Centrist.
Heck, Kamala and her campaign even plagiarized Joe Biden's plan.
Then there's the debate that just ended....
Why is it that Kamala now wants to have another debate? Actually she lost the debate. If she had won, it would have been case closed and no thoughts of another debate.

Breibart?! :auiqs.jpg:

Independents got a good view, tonight. Harris talked facts and support for the normal, everyday Americans, and setting Donny up, hell planned, executed, off the top of her head. Donny showed he was not prepared, and made statements (often pure BS, disjointed, not factual, even crazed as if the top of his head had come off. But, it was just how he is. The man ain't right.
Kamala pivoted away from almost every question.

Pre-Trump Politics-as-Usual.

I don't think anyone that was a TRUE independent was impressed by those non-answers.

She DID reaffirm her support for Israel. The Left will love that. Kiss the young liberal vote goodbye.

Trump answered almost every question. The only one I remember him equivocating on was if he would sign a National Abortion Ban.

That was the only purely political avoidance of an answer I saw.

Since it's not going to be passed by the House and is DOA in the Senate due to the Filibuster...hos answer was honest...it's a non-issue...but he avoided committing to an answer.

Kamala did that on damn near every question.

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