Left wing/fascists violently close down Milo Yianopoluous speech, left wing tolerance again....

This is good on 2 levels. First because Milo's fascist beliefs have been shouted down by the people, which is encouraging, and second because conservatives have a gay person they can look up to. And even though what he says is crazy, his ability to eliminate gay hatred from republicans outweighs that.

Milo isn't the fascist......he is a conservative, not a left winger......the fascists are the ones shutting down free speech with violence....
Trump is shutting down free speech with government.


The left are the ones who intimidate with violence, what are you talking about? Trump has silenced no one. CNN can talk all they want, and they have. No one is stopping them from expressing their opinion. The left on the other hand, they tell you what you can and cannot say,and they will tell you what you are thinking is racist, and they will tell you that you are a denier of their truths. They allow zero dissent to what they think is good for mankind. That is fascist and thats an illness

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