Left Wing Nuts!

Anarchists are extreme right wingers not liberals or Democrats. They shouldn't be lumped in there with them. And since we know that Republicans are big government liberals too, they should be excluded as well. :badgrin:

i posted this before as well, but there are different types of anarchists. there are the traditional ones who are all about personal freedoms, they are the far right. there is also the ones considered far left which are basically environmental freaks. they want us all to give up everything and live at one with nature. now, the convention people? i think they just like protesting
i posted this before as well, but there are different types of anarchists. there are the traditional ones who are all about personal freedoms, they are the far right. there is also the ones considered far left which are basically environmental freaks. they want us all to give up everything and live at one with nature. now, the convention people? i think they just like protesting

Yeah, that's true.

During the Spanish civil war, the anarchists were basically quasi-socialists. They sought to tear down the existing structure, but didn't seem to have any plans to reconstitute a government to replace it.

No wonder Franco won.

In the 70's when I was visiting France I met students (and some scarier militant types with no visible means of support) who called themselves anachists, too.

I think they were attaching what they thought was a politically favorable name to themselves as a cover like often happens in trying times.

I suspect those scary self-proclaiming anachists types were really just criminals, to be honest.
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Anarchy has become a synonym for mayhem and violence rather than the Utopian ideal it really is. It is something to which we can aspire but which can never be attained. Because, if the human species is to be prevented from self annihilation by war or destruction of habitat, certain aspects of human nature, greed and selfishness for example, must be mitigated by government.
Anarchy has become a synonym for mayhem and violence rather than the Utopian ideal it really is. It is something to which we can aspire but which can never be attained. Because, if the human species is to be prevented from self annihilation by war or destruction of habitat, certain aspects of human nature, greed and selfishness for example, must be mitigated by government.

But the government is also human--are we to expect them to be trusted to mitigate the selfishness and greed of it's citizens ? It's looks to me as if the greediest and selfish rise to become what they are supposed to mitigate.
Aren't greed and selfishness moral issues that cannot be legislated anyway ?
Good questions. Remind me to respond tomorrow when I'm not brain dead.
But the government is also human--are we to expect them to be trusted to mitigate the selfishness and greed of it's citizens ? It's looks to me as if the greediest and selfish rise to become what they are supposed to mitigate.
Aren't greed and selfishness moral issues that cannot be legislated anyway ?

Greed and selfishness are destructive to an individual and a society. But in modern western economic systems they're lauded. Capitalism works because greed and selfishness are protected by the law. In a sense greed and selfishness are legislated in society with capitalism as its economic system.

If an economic system were in place that expressly militated against greed and selfishness then people would find it would be to their advantage not to be greedy and not to be selfish.
what cements your beliefs? This thread? :rofl:

They arent' people? :confused: They are people...radical dembot people.

You want to hold every mccain/palin supporters responsible for all the extremists in the republican party, no?
methinks you have no idea what anarchists are. And find where i've held mcpee responsible for the extremists in the republican party.

What cements my beliefs are the continued bull that the rushbo listeners, like kman and perhaps you, keep spreading. The politics of hate and lies, that's what the republican party has become.

a blast from the past
I'm surprised it didn't make the news.


not realy

Dems don't like to aim thier cameras at thier own loons, keeps them from having to explain why they admire people that call for violence to get what they want.

Of course if they actually were cons, like some morons are suggesting, they would be blaming Beck and Palin for inciting riots.
I'm surprised it didn't make the news.


not realy

Dems don't like to aim thier cameras at thier own loons, keeps them from having to explain why they admire people that call for violence to get what they want.

Of course if they actually were cons, like some morons are suggesting, they would be blaming Beck and Palin for inciting riots.

It made the news in 2008. WTF? Slow news day yesterday? And look at all the members who have gone bye-bye since then. Hmmm...
Why is it that every loner with an am radio and a GED can pass themselves off as Political Scientists? Ever notice how Fascism, Communism, Marxism, Socialism and now Anarchy all get pinned to the the Democrat donkey?

What would happen if all the angry pundits actually started spewing truth and facts instead of half truths and innuendo? They would find themselves out of work because it's more profitable in contemporary America to shout first, teach second.

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