Left-wing pro-abortion eugenicists open up after Texas passes sanctity of life law

Saving children's lives is big government? Actually it's common sense.
Saving them for what cannon fodder? If they be brown and from down South of the border you hate them....You people make no sense.
I've never hidden my perspective.

I WANT leftist parasites to remain childless. If they murder their genetic garbage in the womb, so be it.

It's barbaric as all hell, but at least we end up with less parasites in ghettoes, trailer parks, and prisons. Liberals are a malignancy. Sure, one of their kids may potentially become the next Pinochet and purge leftist filth from our midst, but it's not likely.

The bed wetters can always flee to commiefornia if life in TX is so hard for them. They can stay there disarmed, have their wombs sucked out monthly, get "free shit" from the last remaining tax payers and learn to speak spanish. Get the fuck out of TX bed wetters, you don't like it here, we don't want you here.

I 100% agree.

I am fine with worthless people killing their idiot bastards and sparing us their waste of oxygen.

I would think this law would simply help with the decision process.

Shit (out your worthless genetic material) or get off the pot.
Its just another indication that the South will always be this backwards area that the rest of the nation has to suffer endure.

CandyCorn: Supports a woman's right to choose once, on abortion. For every other subject, a woman's bogy belongs to government ....
If a woman wants birth control they can get it. The morning after pill, there is no need for abortion. Soon you loons will be compared to Hitler for all the slaughter you have done.
The Mongols killed far more during their reign of power..If a woman wants an abortion she can still get one and God can still kill at will, and for some reason people worship him.
The Mongols killed far more during their reign of power..If a woman wants an abortion she can still get one and God can still kill at will, and for some reason people worship him.

LOL, and I call you Broken English Boy. Wow, did I nail that or what?

Can you explain string theory now? That would be a hoot
The civilized world hung people like you after WWII for doing this.
The Nazis also faked stories of Jews/liberals killing infants, to justify their attacks on Jews.

It's not a question of whether you Trump cult ratfuks are similar to Nazis. You clearly are. It's only a question of whether you differ from the Nazis in any significant way. Best I can tell, you don't.

You were challenged to post the "human weeds" quote that you said existed. You ran instead. Everyone knows you lied, including you. But that won't stop you. Your idol Goebbels relied on the BigLie tactic, so you will too.

Oh, you also share the Nazi position on abortion -- nobody gets a choice. But then, I'm sure that's a big reason why you hold that position.
If you were forced to fuck it's a different story.
Here we have one of the misogynist control freak losers that are so common in the Trump cult.

Even among Trump cult fascists, this one stands out as being a particularly sad specimen of humanity.

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