Left wing rag upset that OWS is a considered an extremist group

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Funny how it didn't bother them that the Tea Party and returning vets were the subject of a DHS report about extremism.

But the DHS also appears to have scoured OWS-related Twitter feeds for much of their information. The report includes a special feature on what it calls Occupy's "social media and IT usage," and provides an interactive map of protests and gatherings nationwide – borrowed, improbably enough, from the lefty blog Daily Kos. "Social media and the organic emergence of online communities," the report notes, "have driven the rapid expansion of the OWS movement."

The most ominous aspect of the report, however, comes in its final paragraph:

"The growing support for the OWS movement has expanded the protests’ impact and increased the potential for violence. While the peaceful nature of the protests has served so far to mitigate their impact, larger numbers and support from groups such as Anonymous substantially increase the risk for potential incidents and enhance the potential security risk to critical infrastructure (CI). The continued expansion of these protests also places an increasingly heavy burden on law enforcement and movement organizers to control protesters. As the primary target of the demonstrations, financial services stands the sector most impacted by the OWS protests. Due to the location of the protests in major metropolitan areas, heightened and continuous situational awareness for security personnel across all CI sectors is encouraged."

Exclusive: Homeland Security Kept Tabs on Occupy Wall Street | Michael Hastings | Rolling Stone
While the peaceful nature of the protests has served so far to mitigate their impact...
Since when did trespassing, disorderly conduct, relieving yourself in public, public sex acts, destruction to property, theft, sexual assault, etcetera become "peaceful"?
I really hope they continue to worry about OWS, it means we have their attention. This is no game of pretend populism like the Tea Party, this is the real deal.
I really hope they continue to worry about OWS, it means we have their attention. ....
Riots and serial killers also get our attention.

What's your point? Have you joined with the others who fear populism to the point that even the worst banker slug looks good? They are going to make everyone, even the president, make a public choice between the 1% and the 99% since Wall Street has made it impossible to serve both.
I really hope they continue to worry about OWS, it means we have their attention. ....
Riots and serial killers also get our attention.

What's your point? Have you joined with the others who fear populism to the point that even the worst banker slug looks good? They are going to make everyone, even the president, make a public choice between the 1% and the 99% since Wall Street has made it impossible to serve both.
Actually, I'm saying the OWS has our attention just as a serial killer and riots would have it. Sort of like a current events freak show.
I really hope they continue to worry about OWS, it means we have their attention. This is no game of pretend populism like the Tea Party, this is the real deal.

If you think the DHS classifying you as an extremist group means "they" are paying attention to you you are a lot dumber than I thought you were.
I really hope they continue to worry about OWS, it means we have their attention. This is no game of pretend populism like the Tea Party, this is the real deal.

Attention as in help throw their ass in the gutter when they riot? I'm up for it.
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What no mace???


And what the hell did you CONZ think civil protest over government policies would LOOK LIKE? Teabagger rallies? You guys didn't accomplish dick. You elected people who haven't accomplished dick.
OWS got people TALKING ABOUT INCOME DISPARITY in this country. Something that hasn't been discussed since the GREAT DEPRESSION!
The pendulum has swung CONZ. Either recognize it and get out of the way or be whacked.
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I really hope they continue to worry about OWS, it means we have their attention. ....
Riots and serial killers also get our attention.

What's your point? Have you joined with the others who fear populism to the point that even the worst banker slug looks good? They are going to make everyone, even the president, make a public choice between the 1% and the 99% since Wall Street has made it impossible to serve both.

I dont get it.

The market is up. Just saw a thread giving Obama kudos for the market to be in the 13K range.

Now, seeing as most people have their pensions and IRA's in the market....I would say that wall street is serving about 80%......

SO whats your beef?

When it comes to protesting, neither end has much to be proud of.




What no mace???


And what the hell did you CONZ think civil protest over government policies would LOOK LIKE? Teabagger rallies? You guys didn't accomplish dick. You elected people who haven't accomplished dick.
OWS got people TALKING ABOUT INCOME DISPARITY in this country. Something that hasn't been discussed since the GREAT DEPRESSION!
The pendulum has swung CONZ. Either recognize it and get out of the way or be whacked.

Killing your fellow 99%ers? Give it your best shot.

What no mace???


And what the hell did you CONZ think civil protest over government policies would LOOK LIKE? Teabagger rallies? You guys didn't accomplish dick. You elected people who haven't accomplished dick.
OWS got people TALKING ABOUT INCOME DISPARITY in this country. Something that hasn't been discussed since the GREAT DEPRESSION!
The pendulum has swung CONZ. Either recognize it and get out of the way or be whacked.

Forgetting the 2010 midterm elections so soon?

The Tea Party was the driving force that helped the Republican Party gain 63 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, recapturing the majority, and making it the largest seat change since 1948 and the largest for any midterm election since the 1938 midterm elections.

What no mace???


And what the hell did you CONZ think civil protest over government policies would LOOK LIKE? Teabagger rallies? You guys didn't accomplish dick. You elected people who haven't accomplished dick.
OWS got people TALKING ABOUT INCOME DISPARITY in this country. Something that hasn't been discussed since the GREAT DEPRESSION!
The pendulum has swung CONZ. Either recognize it and get out of the way or be whacked.

Death threats now?

How very extremist of you.

You have to wonder why the Ows would think they would be free from their Guberment coming after them?

They sit back and say nothing when they label the Tea Party, extremist.
Some of the OWS folks most defintiely were.

AS is also the case as it regards the Tea Party movement.

This is in the nature of populist movements.

So what?
I really hope they continue to worry about OWS, it means we have their attention. This is no game of pretend populism like the Tea Party, this is the real deal.

the only importance these tramp stamped, face metaled, patchouli smelling, whining, adolescent stoners have is to themselves.............

delusional scumbags

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