Left Winger, Bill Gates, Blackmailed By Jeffery Epstein???

you don’t see the difference between rape snd a person walking behind stage? wow

i call that the cult mindset of the party of weinstein
You would call it that, because you're a magaturd. You've had your mouth around orange cock for so long you've lost any common sense you had.
You would call it that, because you're a magaturd. You've had your mouth around orange cock for so long you've lost any common sense you had.
i just find it very sick and sad

you all remjnd of the people still believing in Warren Jefferies
what was Bill GATES doing at pedophile island???

That slimy hymie Douchshowitz was there often !! IF you accuse him - he sues you lol
LOL So, you are blaming Gates because he had to pay blackmail? Gates was blackmailed by Epstein because he got caught having an affair with a 20-year-old.

What was Trump's excuse to associate with Epstein?

you are comparing rape to a owner of a parent walking back stage?

i guess you have to do that to justify your support for the party of epstein
I am comparing you playing dumb about a guy bragging about being able to walk in on UNDERAGE GIRLS being undressed and you defending it because, cult.....and if you can't even acknowledge that, then hell yea, you will defend rape....

You will say, "He own's the pageant......so why not be able to grab those underage girls by the pussy ...you can do that when you are famous...he said so.....what's the big deal libs?"

Folks like you will always defend or play dumb about bullshit...because you are full of shit....
esI am comparing you playing dumb about a guy bragging about being able to walk in on UNDERAGE GIRLS being undressed and you defending it because, cult.....

So why not be able to grab those underage girls by the pussy and whatever else he brags about doing to them? Folks like you will still defend it or play dumb about it....so yes, you are full of shit....
I am not "playing dumb" - to most people not in the Xiden cult, rape is very different then someone who owns or works at a beauty pageant walking back stage.

Either you are too culted up not to notice it and simply trying to deflect from the criminal complaint against your cult leader, or you are a truly deplorable person...I guess, you could be both.

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