Left wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

Your's is a ridiculous premise. Let's walk through this slowly.
The ideology of Islam is not to kill as many Gay people as possible.

Second, the implication that anyone who can differentiate between radically inspired terrorists and the greater Muslim community is tacitly complicit in terror attacks is specious, stupid logic.

So, as a Liberal who supports the rights of all Americans and can understand that Islam is a faith that does not require the deaths of people who are different I reject your flimsy premise.
Difference is that these Islamic extremists ARE out to kill as many gays as possible... and everyone else that isn't a Muslim extremist. Obama, and many people on the left, happen to side with them, and also pretend there aren't any Muslim Extremists.
And there are Christian extremists who want to kill people they think are sinners. That does not make all Christians complicit.

Your clumsy, ham handed stabs at scoring cheap political points in the face of this tragedy is both shameful and stupid. If everything is screened through a political template, it cheapens the tragedy and explains your personal frustration. You act petulantly because no everyone falls behind your stupid political outlook. Therefore you see everything as a political act. That gives you license to abandon responsibility and ease in placing blame for the things you ultimately fail to understand.
Your's is a ridiculous premise. Let's walk through this slowly.
The ideology of Islam is not to kill as many Gay people as possible.

Second, the implication that anyone who can differentiate between radically inspired terrorists and the greater Muslim community is tacitly complicit in terror attacks is specious, stupid logic.

So, as a Liberal who supports the rights of all Americans and can understand that Islam is a faith that does not require the deaths of people who are different I reject your flimsy premise.
Difference is that these Islamic extremists ARE out to kill as many gays as possible... and everyone else that isn't a Muslim extremist. Obama, and many people on the left, happen to side with them, and also pretend there aren't any Muslim Extremists.
And there are Christian extremists who want to kill people they think are sinners. That does not make all Christians complicit.

Your clumsy, ham handed stabs at scoring cheap political points in the face of this tragedy is both shameful and stupid. If everything is screened through a political template, it cheapens the tragedy and explains your personal frustration. You act petulantly because no everyone falls behind your stupid political outlook. Therefore you see everything as a political act. That gives you license to abandon responsibility and ease in placing blame for the things you ultimately fail to understand.
Christians do not define Christianity
Muhamed defines Islam
Your's is a ridiculous premise. Let's walk through this slowly.
The ideology of Islam is not to kill as many Gay people as possible.

Second, the implication that anyone who can differentiate between radically inspired terrorists and the greater Muslim community is tacitly complicit in terror attacks is specious, stupid logic.

So, as a Liberal who supports the rights of all Americans and can understand that Islam is a faith that does not require the deaths of people who are different I reject your flimsy premise.
Difference is that these Islamic extremists ARE out to kill as many gays as possible... and everyone else that isn't a Muslim extremist. Obama, and many people on the left, happen to side with them, and also pretend there aren't any Muslim Extremists.
And there are Christian extremists who want to kill people they think are sinners. That does not make all Christians complicit.

Your clumsy, ham handed stabs at scoring cheap political points in the face of this tragedy is both shameful and stupid. If everything is screened through a political template, it cheapens the tragedy and explains your personal frustration. You act petulantly because no everyone falls behind your stupid political outlook. Therefore you see everything as a political act. That gives you license to abandon responsibility and ease in placing blame for the things you ultimately fail to understand.

Just can't not divert attention to those Christian terrorists. cause...

Take some rudimentary statistics. You are an embarrassment.

I have a better theory why this is seen as political act. Because it was...
And there are Christian extremists who want to kill people they think are sinners. That does not make all Christians complicit.
I don't currently see an organized Christian group blowing themselves up all over random countries and gunning people down in the streets.

Your clumsy, ham handed stabs at scoring cheap political points in the face of this tragedy is both shameful and stupid. If everything is screened through a political template, it cheapens the tragedy and explains your personal frustration. You act petulantly because no everyone falls behind your stupid political outlook. Therefore you see everything as a political act. That gives you license to abandon responsibility and ease in placing blame for the things you ultimately fail to understand.
And you act as though you know random people over the internet, while having never met them, and seem to think there's no organized Islamic threat. It's neat that you know so many seldom-used words, but using them to fluff your post doesn't enforce any points you could have had.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support Islam....Ideology whose main purpose is to kill as many gay people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO regressive ideology should be criticized so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from oppressive white males......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "Tolerant") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the acceptance of such ideology.

Your title say "Left wingers" yet your OP says "Right wingers..."

Here's a tip... when you decide to rip off and mock some other moron's thread, make sure you get the edits right...
No one sides with terrorists.
Obama does. He funds them.
How does he do that?
Do you not know about the Iran Deal?
You'll have to be a bit more specific.
How is Obama funding terrorists?
He's dumping tons of money into their laps through that deal, and giving them plenty of time before actual inspections take place, and if I recall correctly, their own people are conducting said inspections. I think the amount was $150 billion, but I'm not sure if that's accurate.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support Islam....Ideology whose main purpose is to kill as many gay people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO regressive ideology should be criticized so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from oppressive white males......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "Tolerant") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the acceptance of such ideology.

Your title say "Left wingers" yet your OP says "Right wingers..."

Here's a tip... when you decide to rip off and mock some other moron's thread, make sure you get the edits right...

Wow, have a cookie, you found a slip!
Your's is a ridiculous premise. Let's walk through this slowly.
The ideology of Islam is not to kill as many Gay people as possible.

Second, the implication that anyone who can differentiate between radically inspired terrorists and the greater Muslim community is tacitly complicit in terror attacks is specious, stupid logic.

So, as a Liberal who supports the rights of all Americans and can understand that Islam is a faith that does not require the deaths of people who are different I reject your flimsy premise.
Difference is that these Islamic extremists ARE out to kill as many gays as possible... and everyone else that isn't a Muslim extremist. Obama, and many people on the left, happen to side with them, and also pretend there aren't any Muslim Extremists.
And there are Christian extremists who want to kill people they think are sinners. That does not make all Christians complicit.

Your clumsy, ham handed stabs at scoring cheap political points in the face of this tragedy is both shameful and stupid. If everything is screened through a political template, it cheapens the tragedy and explains your personal frustration. You act petulantly because no everyone falls behind your stupid political outlook. Therefore you see everything as a political act. That gives you license to abandon responsibility and ease in placing blame for the things you ultimately fail to understand.

"And there are Christian extremists who want to kill people they think are sinners."

Just about as many as you have cerebral neurons.

And both of yours rarely function at the same time.....so....not a single synapse.
I don't think this is about the terrorists political affiliation, nor his religion. It's not about Islam or Christianity. It's not about black or white. It's not about gay or straight. It's about kooks.

Kooks come in all shapes and sizes. In a country of 315 million people, we are going to have our fair share of kooks. If we can't live with that, then it's time to leave a country this size.

It's not about guns either. This clown had a concealed carry permit, and at least one of his weapons was purchased legally at a reputable firearms store. More than likely, so was the other.

This time the kook was a known Democrat. Next mass killing it may be a Republican. A couple of killings before, the victims were black people in a church. This time a kook was targeting gay people. Kooks are kooks.

If we are to lay blame anywhere, it's our government. DumBama has been catering to these people since taking office. He's let top notch terrorist prisoners go free. He's let criminal foreigners do the same. This kook was investigated by the FBI only a few years ago with suspicions that he was in bed with terrorist organizations, and they did nothing because they didn't have enough evidence to arrest or convict him. Obviously, they weren't monitoring or keeping a close eye on him.
I don't think this is about the terrorists political affiliation, nor his religion. It's not about Islam or Christianity. It's not about black or white. It's not about gay or straight. It's about kooks.

Kooks come in all shapes and sizes. In a country of 315 million people, we are going to have our fair share of kooks. If we can't live with that, then it's time to leave a country this size.

It's not about guns either. This clown had a concealed carry permit, and at least one of his weapons was purchased legally at a reputable firearms store. More than likely, so was the other.

This time the kook was a known Democrat. Next mass killing it may be a Republican. A couple of killings before, the victims were black people in a church. This time a kook was targeting gay people. Kooks are kooks.

If we are to lay blame anywhere, it's our government. DumBama has been catering to these people since taking office. He's let top notch terrorist prisoners go free. He's let criminal foreigners do the same. This kook was investigated by the FBI only a few years ago with suspicions that he was in bed with terrorist organizations, and they did nothing because they didn't have enough evidence to arrest or convict him. Obviously, they weren't monitoring or keeping a close eye on him.

Mostly agree, but only an idiot would believe Islam had nothing to do with it. Only an idiot...

The false equivalency parade.

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