Left wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make


And just where were you when those four men died in Benghazi? None of you liberal zealots were howling at the moon calling for action then, you abandoned them to defend her highness.

And just where were you when those four men died in Benghazi? None of you liberal zealots were howling at the moon calling for action then, you abandoned them to defend her highness.
Fuck you and your phony ass Benghazi horse shit LOL just Fuck you LOL...Fucking asshole Moron..shit eating GOP suck ass

Donald Trump, Who Is Featured In Terrorist Recruitment Videos, Says Only He Can Keep America Safe

Donald Trump is dangerous enough as a candidate; let's not see how much worse he would be with access to the nuclear codes.…

After His Terrorism Speech Bombs, A Reeling Donald Trump Bans The Washington Post

After giving a widely panned, and factually empty, anti-terrorism speech, Donald Trump announced that he was banning The Washington Post because the newspaper reported the truth about his statements.…

For what, for saying "there's something going on" with Obama? So, how does that suggest he implied Obama was involved with the Orlando shooting? Is it like you to put words in someone's mouth?

Of course there's something going on. The man will under no circumstance acknowledge this as "radical Islamic terrorism." Those three words are taboo, for fear he'll label an entire religion. Yeah, coming from the same president who didn't mind hearkening back to the Crusades to say there were those who "committed atrocities in the name of Christ".

Quite bemusing.

And just where were you when those four men died in Benghazi? None of you liberal zealots were howling at the moon calling for action then, you abandoned them to defend her highness.
Fuck you and your phony ass Benghazi horse shit LOL just Fuck you LOL...Fucking asshole Moron..shit eating GOP suck ass

Donald Trump, Who Is Featured In Terrorist Recruitment Videos, Says Only He Can Keep America Safe

Donald Trump is dangerous enough as a candidate; let's not see how much worse he would be with access to the nuclear codes.…

And what does any of that have to do with what I said? Did it only take one post to flip you off the deep end?
Quite bemusing.
Go fuck yourself you sad weak whimpering piece of shit ...you are really ready to go down on your Alpha Male DSonald eh LOL he is gonna save you? ..fucking moron...sad weak Bimbo...POS crawler

Trump Helps The Terrorists Win And Republicans Lose With Disastrous Anti-Terrorism Speech

Donald Trump tries to look presidential, but his anti-terrorism speech quickly morphed into a garbled and bigoted rant about how Muslims should be banned from the United States.…
Left wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the policies of an administration who is bent on allowing thousands of potential maniacs....whose ONLY purpose may be to help radicalize as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO Muslim should be outlawed from coming here.
If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good people") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the immigration policies of this administration.



If you annoy people, you get this.

The right started this, now the right is getting the benefit, and they knew they would.

It's doubtful in the extreme that many of those killed at the gay nightclub were in the right.

"In the right" or "on the right"?

"On" obviously, Typo-Boy.

There's a big difference between the two. So I'm making sure. But then you want to get all defensive about someone asking for clarification. I think I won't bother reply to your original one then, if you're going to be like that.

You have read enough of my posts to know what I meant. Don't play childish games.
Sad weak Bimbo whine baby crying the old "Benghazi whine " LOL

Trump Causes More Headaches for Republicans
June 13, 2016

The Lid: “Setting aside the impact that repeating his theories could have on his own electoral chances, Trump’s statements when it comes to national security could be the most consequential parts of his rhetoric when it comes to downballot races. For weeks or even months to come, Republican lawmakers will be asked by journalists and by their political opponents if they believe that Obama is somehow complicit in terror attacks. They’ll be peppered with questions about Trump’s suggestion that Obama should resign in the wake of the attack. They’ll face another round of inquiries about his proposed ban on Muslim immigration.”

“In press conferences, debates, and opposition research, Trump’s positions will be omnipresent for Republicans running for office at any level. If you’re a Republican in a contested race, it’s just about the last thing you probably want to spend the next 147 days doing.”
Quite bemusing.
Go fuck yourself you sad weak whimpering piece of shit ...you are really ready to go down on your Alpha Male DSonald eh LOL he is gonna save you? ..fucking moron...sad weak Bimbo...POS crawler

Trump Helps The Terrorists Win And Republicans Lose With Disastrous Anti-Terrorism Speech

Donald Trump tries to look presidential, but his anti-terrorism speech quickly morphed into a garbled and bigoted rant about how Muslims should be banned from the United States.…

Wow. You're acting like I burned your autograp--er autopenned Hillary Clinton poster or something. Get over yourself. When I point out a reality, you respond with a plethora of slurs and insults. Such a childish human being you are.

If you annoy people, you get this.

The right started this, now the right is getting the benefit, and they knew they would.

It's doubtful in the extreme that many of those killed at the gay nightclub were in the right.

"In the right" or "on the right"?

"On" obviously, Typo-Boy.

There's a big difference between the two. So I'm making sure. But then you want to get all defensive about someone asking for clarification. I think I won't bother reply to your original one then, if you're going to be like that.

You have read enough of my posts to know what I meant. Don't play childish games.

I reply to posts. I don't know who you are, I don't recognize your name or anything like that. If I reply to your posts, I do so by looking at what you write, not who you are.
And what does any of that have to do with what I said? Did it only take one post to flip you off the deep end?
the four Benghazi AmericansLOL fuck you and your phony ass Benghazi whine Idiot :banana:shameless Moron

WATCH: CNN’s Jake Tapper shames Trump for ‘offensive’ linking of Obama to Islamic terrorists

This is hilarious!!

I don't care what CNN or Jake Tapper says. I don't give a shit about your liberal interpretation of what Trump says. All you focused on were these words "there's something going on." There was no direct (or passive) suggestion linking Obama to Orlando.

You dishonest hack, crawl back to woodwork from whence you came.
Wow. You're acting like I burned your autograp--er autopenned Hillary Clinton poster or something. Get over yourself. When I point out a reality, you respond with a plethora of slurs and insults. Such a childish human being you are.

Its the absolute phony whine about Benghazi by stools like you that sets me makes me insult you fool

Bimbo sad weak whiny.. do not whine about insults when your candidate lives off Insu8ltiong people to thrill pieces of ...now you whine about insults LOL did you ever whine about Trump insulting people you phony whining pathetic loser

You like Insults and Childish behavior when its the Orange Mound of Shit Trump handing out insults LOL

Here is your Pussy Donald wilting in the heat

Trump Bans Washington Post from Campaign Events
Last edited:
It's doubtful in the extreme that many of those killed at the gay nightclub were in the right.

"In the right" or "on the right"?

"On" obviously, Typo-Boy.

There's a big difference between the two. So I'm making sure. But then you want to get all defensive about someone asking for clarification. I think I won't bother reply to your original one then, if you're going to be like that.

You have read enough of my posts to know what I meant. Don't play childish games.

I reply to posts. I don't know who you are, I don't recognize your name or anything like that. If I reply to your posts, I do so by looking at what you write, not who you are.

Well, I know you.
Its the absolute phony whine about Benghazi by stools like you that sets me makes me insult you fool

Spare me your indignance. What're you gonna do now, start telling mama jokes now? You're pretty lame, Tyrone. You didn't give even one half of a damn about those four men in Benghazi, yet, you're slobbering all over the Orlando shooting victims.

You lack priorities mister.
Its the absolute phony whine about Benghazi by stools like you that sets me makes me insult you fool

Spare me your indignance. What're you gonna do now, start telling mama jokes now? You're pretty lame, Tyrone. You didn't give even one half of a damn about those four men in Benghazi, yet, you're slobbering all over the Orlando shooting victims.

You lack priorities mister.
Fuck you asshole you do not give a fuck about the people who died in Benghazi.,.you are just whining a Party Line you suck ...cry baby ...do you give a fuck about these people who dies in The Iraq 43 disaster...grow a pair of balls and face it you are a PHONY
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801
"In the right" or "on the right"?

"On" obviously, Typo-Boy.

There's a big difference between the two. So I'm making sure. But then you want to get all defensive about someone asking for clarification. I think I won't bother reply to your original one then, if you're going to be like that.

You have read enough of my posts to know what I meant. Don't play childish games.

I reply to posts. I don't know who you are, I don't recognize your name or anything like that. If I reply to your posts, I do so by looking at what you write, not who you are.

Well, I know you.

Well, must mean I have something interesting to say.
"On" obviously, Typo-Boy.

There's a big difference between the two. So I'm making sure. But then you want to get all defensive about someone asking for clarification. I think I won't bother reply to your original one then, if you're going to be like that.

You have read enough of my posts to know what I meant. Don't play childish games.

I reply to posts. I don't know who you are, I don't recognize your name or anything like that. If I reply to your posts, I do so by looking at what you write, not who you are.

Well, I know you.

Well, must mean I have something interesting to say.

No more than the other case study, guno.
There's a big difference between the two. So I'm making sure. But then you want to get all defensive about someone asking for clarification. I think I won't bother reply to your original one then, if you're going to be like that.

You have read enough of my posts to know what I meant. Don't play childish games.

I reply to posts. I don't know who you are, I don't recognize your name or anything like that. If I reply to your posts, I do so by looking at what you write, not who you are.

Well, I know you.

Well, must mean I have something interesting to say.

No more than the other case study, guno.

I'm not guno.
Its the absolute phony whine about Benghazi by stools like you that sets me makes me insult you fool

Spare me your indignance. What're you gonna do now, start telling mama jokes now? You're pretty lame, Tyrone. You didn't give even one half of a damn about those four men in Benghazi, yet, you're slobbering all over the Orlando shooting victims.

You lack priorities mister.
Fuck you asshole you do not give a fuck about the people who died in Benghazi.,.you are just whining a Party Line you suck ...cry baby ...do you give a fuck about these people who dies in The Iraq 43 disaster...grow a pair of balls and face it you are a PHONY
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Thanks for making my point. The difference between you and I, is that I "give a fuck" about all of our servicemen who died during the war in Iraq, including the four who died in Benghazi. Actually, to be honest, you don't give a fuck about any of them, not the 4,801 servicemen who died in war, not the men in Benghazi. You just like to use the dead as a platform for political activism. Just like you did with the 49 people who died in Orlando.

You sick bastard.

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