Left wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

I don't think this is about the terrorists political affiliation, nor his religion. It's not about Islam or Christianity. It's not about black or white. It's not about gay or straight. It's about kooks.

Kooks come in all shapes and sizes. In a country of 315 million people, we are going to have our fair share of kooks. If we can't live with that, then it's time to leave a country this size.

It's not about guns either. This clown had a concealed carry permit, and at least one of his weapons was purchased legally at a reputable firearms store. More than likely, so was the other.

This time the kook was a known Democrat. Next mass killing it may be a Republican. A couple of killings before, the victims were black people in a church. This time a kook was targeting gay people. Kooks are kooks.

If we are to lay blame anywhere, it's our government. DumBama has been catering to these people since taking office. He's let top notch terrorist prisoners go free. He's let criminal foreigners do the same. This kook was investigated by the FBI only a few years ago with suspicions that he was in bed with terrorist organizations, and they did nothing because they didn't have enough evidence to arrest or convict him. Obviously, they weren't monitoring or keeping a close eye on him.
In some of those cases, you're not wrong, however, the terrorists are consistently Islamic Extremists, and they're out to kill anyone that isn't. The government refuses to acknowledge that a group of Islamic Extremists are the threat we're facing.

Actually, it was a no gun zone, if I heard correctly. These people should have been able to defend themselves.
I don't think this is about the terrorists political affiliation, nor his religion. It's not about Islam or Christianity. It's not about black or white. It's not about gay or straight. It's about kooks.

Kooks come in all shapes and sizes. In a country of 315 million people, we are going to have our fair share of kooks. If we can't live with that, then it's time to leave a country this size.

It's not about guns either. This clown had a concealed carry permit, and at least one of his weapons was purchased legally at a reputable firearms store. More than likely, so was the other.

This time the kook was a known Democrat. Next mass killing it may be a Republican. A couple of killings before, the victims were black people in a church. This time a kook was targeting gay people. Kooks are kooks.

If we are to lay blame anywhere, it's our government. DumBama has been catering to these people since taking office. He's let top notch terrorist prisoners go free. He's let criminal foreigners do the same. This kook was investigated by the FBI only a few years ago with suspicions that he was in bed with terrorist organizations, and they did nothing because they didn't have enough evidence to arrest or convict him. Obviously, they weren't monitoring or keeping a close eye on him.
In some of those cases, you're not wrong, however, the terrorists are consistently Islamic Extremists, and they're out to kill anyone that isn't. The government refuses to acknowledge that a group of Islamic Extremists are the threat we're facing.

Actually, it was a no gun zone, if I heard correctly. These people should have been able to defend themselves.

It was a gun free zone...
I don't think this is about the terrorists political affiliation, nor his religion. It's not about Islam or Christianity. It's not about black or white. It's not about gay or straight. It's about kooks.

Kooks come in all shapes and sizes. In a country of 315 million people, we are going to have our fair share of kooks. If we can't live with that, then it's time to leave a country this size.

It's not about guns either. This clown had a concealed carry permit, and at least one of his weapons was purchased legally at a reputable firearms store. More than likely, so was the other.

This time the kook was a known Democrat. Next mass killing it may be a Republican. A couple of killings before, the victims were black people in a church. This time a kook was targeting gay people. Kooks are kooks.

If we are to lay blame anywhere, it's our government. DumBama has been catering to these people since taking office. He's let top notch terrorist prisoners go free. He's let criminal foreigners do the same. This kook was investigated by the FBI only a few years ago with suspicions that he was in bed with terrorist organizations, and they did nothing because they didn't have enough evidence to arrest or convict him. Obviously, they weren't monitoring or keeping a close eye on him.
In some of those cases, you're not wrong, however, the terrorists are consistently Islamic Extremists, and they're out to kill anyone that isn't. The government refuses to acknowledge that a group of Islamic Extremists are the threat we're facing.

Actually, it was a no gun zone, if I heard correctly. These people should have been able to defend themselves.

It was a gun free zone...
I thought so. It wouldn't have happened if it was a zone that allowed concealed weapons. Gun free zones are easy pickings for criminals.
No one sides with terrorists.

Obama could be a prophet of Islam?
Oh well I change my position...your cherry-picked memes have convinced me.
Obama does. He funds them.
How does he do that?
Do you not know about the Iran Deal?
You'll have to be a bit more specific.
How is Obama funding terrorists?

I used to believe you were just PLAYING dumb.
So, you have nothing then?
It's cute that you ignored my answer, and went straight to the people making fun of you for not knowing.
No one sides with terrorists.
Obama does. He funds them.
How does he do that?
Do you not know about the Iran Deal?
You'll have to be a bit more specific.
How is Obama funding terrorists?
He's dumping tons of money into their laps through that deal, and giving them plenty of time before actual inspections take place, and if I recall correctly, their own people are conducting said inspections. I think the amount was $150 billion, but I'm not sure if that's accurate.
What does that have to do with him funding terrorists?
Try keeping your focus on one discussion.
Obama does. He funds them.
How does he do that?
Do you not know about the Iran Deal?
You'll have to be a bit more specific.
How is Obama funding terrorists?
He's dumping tons of money into their laps through that deal, and giving them plenty of time before actual inspections take place, and if I recall correctly, their own people are conducting said inspections. I think the amount was $150 billion, but I'm not sure if that's accurate.
What does that have to do with him funding terrorists?
Try keeping your focus on one discussion.
Wow, okay. I guess giving them money directly and giving them free rein over nuclear weapons(So, accomplishing nothing but giving them money with that bill) suddenly isn't funding. Giving people money... apparently isn't funding them... so giving terrorists money... isn't funding terrorists... no, I'm pretty sure you're the one that needs to focus, there, hotshot. Ignoring the facts doesn't prevent them from existing.

Your response actually would have been better had you pretended the post didn't exist, then you'd as least have an excuse for being ignorant. Now you're just blatantly ignoring facts.(Was all set to take a screenshot of my post, too.)
How does he do that?
Do you not know about the Iran Deal?
You'll have to be a bit more specific.
How is Obama funding terrorists?
He's dumping tons of money into their laps through that deal, and giving them plenty of time before actual inspections take place, and if I recall correctly, their own people are conducting said inspections. I think the amount was $150 billion, but I'm not sure if that's accurate.
What does that have to do with him funding terrorists?
Try keeping your focus on one discussion.
Wow, okay. I guess giving them money directly and giving them free rein over nuclear weapons(So, accomplishing nothing but giving them money with that bill) suddenly isn't funding. Giving people money... apparently isn't funding them... so giving terrorists money... isn't funding terrorists... no, I'm pretty sure you're the one that needs to focus, there, hotshot. Ignoring the facts doesn't prevent them from existing.

Your response actually would have been better had you pretended the post didn't exist, then you'd as least have an excuse for being ignorant. Now you're just blatantly ignoring facts.(Was all set to take a screenshot of my post, too.)

I'm interested in how Iran having 'free rein over nuclear weapons' is funding terrorists.
I don't believe that anyone has given the Iranians any funding but please feel free to educate me further...you're clearly well informed.

Can I also assume that you're drawing a straight line between the Iran deal and Orlando...since you brought it into the discussion?
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support Islam....Ideology whose main purpose is to kill as many gay people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO regressive ideology should be criticized so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from oppressive white males......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "Tolerant") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the acceptance of such ideology.

“Well, I would want to help Saudi Arabia,” Trump said.
"I would want to protect Saudi Arabia. But Saudi Arabia is going to have to help us economically. They were making, before the oil went down ... they were making $1 billion a day.”

Saudi Arabia...
The root of all this evil...

And you have the nerve to come here and lecture people...

This country needs to stay away from getting people in charge who are willing to sell their souls to the evil maker saudi sheiks, like Trump, or Clinton, or Obama...
They seem to be siding with Muslims over gays.

I realize it's a Sophie's choice kinda thing for them, but I think they're taking the low road.

I side with the innocent people that were slaughtered because of someones hatred driven by extremist bs.

In this case, worst massacre ever in US history and commited in the name of Jihad.

I'm interested in how Iran having 'free rein over nuclear weapons' is funding terrorists.
I don't believe that anyone has given the Iranians any funding but please feel free to educate me further...you're clearly well informed.

Can I also assume that you're drawing a straight line between the Iran deal and Orlando...since you brought it into the discussion?
Iran sponsors terrorism, Obama is funding Iran(As in literally giving them a ton of money), the guy who gunned down a bunch of gay people is a terrorist. It's pretty easy to follow.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support Islam....Ideology whose main purpose is to kill as many gay people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO regressive ideology should be criticized so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from oppressive white males......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "Tolerant") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the acceptance of such ideology.
In some of those cases, you're not wrong, however, the terrorists are consistently Islamic Extremists, and they're out to kill anyone that isn't. The government refuses to acknowledge that a group of Islamic Extremists are the threat we're facing.

Actually, it was a no gun zone, if I heard correctly. These people should have been able to defend themselves.

I agree with the last part. But terrorists are not always responsible for these mass murders. We've had plenty of non-terrorist mass murders too.

He was a kook because (at least what we know now) he wasn't raised that way. He was born here and a citizen. It seems to me he went out looking to join up with terrorists (kook) and not the other way around. He was the one looking to be a troublemaker.
In some of those cases, you're not wrong, however, the terrorists are consistently Islamic Extremists, and they're out to kill anyone that isn't. The government refuses to acknowledge that a group of Islamic Extremists are the threat we're facing.

Actually, it was a no gun zone, if I heard correctly. These people should have been able to defend themselves.

I agree with the last part. But terrorists are not always responsible for these mass murders. We've had plenty of non-terrorist mass murders too.

He was a kook because (at least what we know now) he wasn't raised that way. He was born here and a citizen. It seems to me he went out looking to join up with terrorists (kook) and not the other way around. He was the one looking to be a troublemaker.

Here is problem B...

But this thread and incident is about problem A: Muslims and their terrorism.
Mostly agree, but only an idiot would believe Islam had nothing to do with it. Only an idiot...

The false equivalency parade.

And if that is the case (and I'm sure it is) then it's the government that let us down here.

American or not, anybody that's the least suspected in being involved with these middle-east clowns should be watched 24/7. Our agencies should be listening to all their phone calls, reading every e-mail, even reading their text messages if possible.

The problem is that people whined and complained after the Patriot Act was put into play. They complained about the NSA program even though nobody was ever prosecuted using that method of surveillance. If we want to stop things like this from happening, then we have to pitch in too. We should support a government that wants to use whatever methods they can to keep us safe from guys like this shooter in Orlando.
And if that is the case (and I'm sure it is) then it's the government that let us down here.

American or not, anybody that's the least suspected in being involved with these middle-east clowns should be watched 24/7. Our agencies should be listening to all their phone calls, reading every e-mail, even reading their text messages if possible.

The problem is that people whined and complained after the Patriot Act was put into play. They complained about the NSA program even though nobody was ever prosecuted using that method of surveillance. If we want to stop things like this from happening, then we have to pitch in too. We should support a government that wants to use whatever methods they can to keep us safe from guys like this shooter in Orlando.
The main problem here is that the government repeatedly, consistently, proves we can't trust them. Especially the current administration, with his blatant support of Islamic Terrorists.
We can elect someone who wants to do something.

We can elect someone who wants to do nothing.


Those who are appalled will want to do something

Those who offer only thoughts and prayers will think that is enough.


Nothing highlights the choice to be made more this November.


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