Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Again we all know that is bullshit

No, you WANT that to not be true. But the fact is, most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence, not some bad guy breaking into your house and killing you.

That proves your dishonesty, counting suicides in gun violence stats is pure BS.
Agreed. It's completely dishonest of the anti-gun Left to fluff up their numbers by including suicides. First, it's simply disingenuous. Second, all their proposed laws won't stop a suicidal American from buying a single shot pistol and eating a bullet.

Do it yourself suicide kit which can be ordered through the mail:
Black Powder Pistols - Black Powder Revolvers : Cabela's
View attachment 79313

OTOH, Robin Williams and David Carradine did a good job with a tie, available used for $2 from Good Will:
Yeah and suicide is a choice but we all know that you just can't fucking stand it when people make their own choices because you have a pathological need to tell people what to do

so you're the kind of malignant narcissist who would see a person in pain and think, "More food for me."
I know one person who has killed another in a DGU, yep, it was a family member, his stepfather, of course you would discount the fact that his stepfather had his own gun and was there to kill the guys mother. Take your lies and fuck off bitch.

Yeah, actually, it sounds more like domestic violence than a DGU to me.

357,000,000 guns in private hands in 2015....

586 accidental gun deaths....

do you even realize the difference in those numbers asswipe?

Billions of Tylenol's out there... only 7 deaths from poisoning. So no problem, right?

Millions of lawn darts out there... but only a couple of kids impaled their brains.

Millions of Ford Pintos out there... but only a couple exploded.

Thousands of airline flights- but only four were crashed into buildings.

You kind of see the flaw in your logic there, Spanky?
That proves your dishonesty, counting suicides in gun violence stats is pure BS.

They wouldn't be dead without the gun. So, um, no.

and they are starting to post pictures of their guns. Which is what they do when their 'manhood' is threatened.

Done with this thread.
This is a military "weapon of war" the anti-gun mob keeps screaming they want to ban: A 7-shot 1911A1 semi-automatic pistol.

That proves your dishonesty, counting suicides in gun violence stats is pure BS.

They wouldn't be dead without the gun. So, um, no.

and they are starting to post pictures of their guns. Which is what they do when their 'manhood' is threatened.

Done with this thread.
Robin Williams hung himself. Saying suicidal people wouldn't kill themselves if they didn't have a gun is a lie.
I know one person who has killed another in a DGU, yep, it was a family member, his stepfather, of course you would discount the fact that his stepfather had his own gun and was there to kill the guys mother. Take your lies and fuck off bitch.

Yeah, actually, it sounds more like domestic violence than a DGU to me.

357,000,000 guns in private hands in 2015....

586 accidental gun deaths....

do you even realize the difference in those numbers asswipe?

Billions of Tylenol's out there... only 7 deaths from poisoning. So no problem, right?

Millions of lawn darts out there... but only a couple of kids impaled their brains.

Millions of Ford Pintos out there... but only a couple exploded.

Thousands of airline flights- but only four were crashed into buildings.

You kind of see the flaw in your logic there, Spanky?

Damn man, you need some professional help, shoot someone to stop them from hurting another isn't defensive, you're one sick puppy.
These are actual military rifles many anti-gunners want to ban:

The M1903 Springfield. 5 shot, bolt action


M1 Garand, 8-shot internal magazine semi-automatic

These are actual military rifles many anti-gunners want to ban:

The M1903 Springfield. 5 shot, bolt action


M1 Garand, 8-shot internal magazine semi-automatic


PassingWind is such a "macho" kind of guy.....Look, folks, he shows us pictures of lots of guns,,,,,,and knows all of their cute names and numbers,,,,,Aren't we all sooooo impressed??????

Just looking at the two most recent public group killings San Bernadino and the one in Orlando, revealed a connection with the individual's need to excercize their extreme zealot interpretation of their Muslim faith. It's the embrace of this particular view of their religion that is the greater concern which... surprisingly .... no one from the left really wants to address or even acknowledge as a serious growing threat in our society (without those being labeled a racist for daring to recognize and confront its danger to our national security)

Quite the contrary. When a Christian does a mass shooting, like the guy who shot up Planned Parenthood after being stoked up by those fake videos about selling baby parts, we don't blame Christianity. But when a mentally ill person says "Jihad" because he can't cope with being gay, you want to chuck the First Amendment out the window.

Maybe we should just ban all religion. Works for me.

So now you want to try and compare the deaths in planned parenthood to those of Fort Hood, Benghazi, San Bernadino, and Orlando? Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you won't find many Muslims in the Middle East willing to be lenient and tolerate western immorality In general. Unlike Christians, you won't find any denominations that are willing to break away from religious tradition to be open and be more excepting of gays. This was not an issue over coping with being gay.

There was also no staged "fake video" associated with Planned parenthood. You failed on both counts.
No government can "keep our country safe".

The Boston Marathon bombers used common kitchen utensils and readily available components to construct those IED's.

The Orlando shooter could have used two hand guns and several clips to do the same thing he accomplished with the "O So Scary" looking rifle. The appearance of the weapon did not add to it's firepower. The victims are not any more dead than if the guy had done the same thing with pistols.

What we have here are people arguing to restrict scary looking weapons that are no more dangerous than the average handgun.

It's been said many times here and in other venues that there are already laws on the books dealing with murder and assault.

The FBI had prior knowledge of Mateen and FAILED the communities they are paid to keep safe.

Obama didn't FAIL Orlando...no more so than did the Governor of Florida or the Police Chief of Orlando.

Why can't you people just accept that a fucked up person foiled the system as any half way intelligent person could that had no previous arrest record.

The failure was in FBI procedure. If they hadn't dropped the ball the guy would have been on a watch list and never purchased the weapons. Further more his attempt to purchase thousands of rounds of ammo would have thrown up many red flags intensifying scrutiny since he should have been watched more closely anyway.

This situation is no worse than a guy who gets several DWI's and still goes out and drives his pick up truck drunk into a school bus killing a bunch of kids.

The FBI will say they did everything they could. That is a lie.

More laws on the books could not have stopped Mateen or anyone bent on killing a lot of people.

I'm really getting tired of some people politicising these tragedies playing on the unrealistic fears others have that they are going to face the same fate as the homos in Orlando.

Oh ya...and PISS on Sullivan. He is a political whore.

Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama has left us in danger and exposed due to his permissive and weak policies toward the War on Terror. He actually believed that because he has an affection toward Muslims they would bow down and kiss his...ring. The worst has happened.

Once President Bush declared the War on Terror, we had no fatal Islamic Terrorist Attacks on our soil. Since President Obama took office ISIS has infiltrated all fifty of our states and fatal Islamic Terrorist attacks are on the increase all over the world.

The FBI was not at fault. They have ongoing investigations in all fifty states concerning ISIS. President Obama refuses to allow radical mosques to be infiltrated. President Obama and his policies have placed us in grave danger and he is demanding we bring in tens of thousands of refugees whom ISIS has told us they have infiltrated.
Just looking at the two most recent public group killings San Bernadino and the one in Orlando, revealed a connection with the individual's need to excercize their extreme zealot interpretation of their Muslim faith. It's the embrace of this particular view of their religion that is the greater concern which... surprisingly .... no one from the left really wants to address or even acknowledge as a serious growing threat in our society (without those being labeled a racist for daring to recognize and confront its danger to our national security)

Quite the contrary. When a Christian does a mass shooting, like the guy who shot up Planned Parenthood after being stoked up by those fake videos about selling baby parts, we don't blame Christianity. But when a mentally ill person says "Jihad" because he can't cope with being gay, you want to chuck the First Amendment out the window.

Maybe we should just ban all religion. Works for me.

Sorry, no fake videos.

The Pulse nightclub was not shot up by someone who was mentally ill. He was a radical Islamic Terrorist and our weak, lame duck President can't even bring himself to utter the term.
fact, I gave you articles about a Pastor of a church, an Uber driver in Chicago, and a Psychiatrist in his hospital office....all of whom stopped mass shooters.....

And that isn't even all of them....

4000+ DGUs PER DAY according to you. And you have THREE examples, over a month, to prove how effective having a gun is for stopping crime.

You full of shit dude.

Looks like it is you who is full.
PassingWind is such a "macho" kind of guy.....Look, folks, he shows us pictures of lots of guns,,,,,,and knows all of their cute names and numbers,,,,,Aren't we all sooooo impressed??????

I'm sure you're a big hit with your circle of young friends, but you're lack of maturity is unimpressive and is unlikely to garner you any respect from your peers much less your employer.
fact, I gave you articles about a Pastor of a church, an Uber driver in Chicago, and a Psychiatrist in his hospital office....all of whom stopped mass shooters.....

And that isn't even all of them....

4000+ DGUs PER DAY according to you. And you have THREE examples, over a month, to prove how effective having a gun is for stopping crime.

You full of shit dude.

Looks like it is you who is full.
President Obama has been very good for arms sales in the USA.



From last January:
US Gun Sales Still Soaring
Sometime in 2009, the number of guns in the United States for the first time exceeded the country’s population. The gap has been widening ever since.

In early April, the FBI reported that it had run background checks for nearly 7.7 million Americans wanting to purchase a firearm in the first quarter of 2016. In all of 2015, the FBI ran a record total of more than 23 million background checks. A single background check can cover multiple purchases, so the number is at best a rough indicator of gun sales.

Firearms maker Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc. (NYSE: RGR) reported on Monday that sales were up 26% in the first quarter of 2016 compared with last year’s sales. The company does not report the number of guns it sells, but it does report that its finished goods inventory dropped by 14,600 units and its distributors’ inventories dropped by 54,300 for the quarter.

Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: SWHC) reported its most recent quarterly earnings in March, showing a sales increase of 61.5%, with handgun sales accounting for some 75% of sales in the quarter. The company’s CEO attributed the jump in sales to a “long-term trend toward personal protection.”

Sales began rising late last year following the mass killings in Paris and San Bernardino and have been bolstered by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s promise to push for stricter gun control laws if she is elected. An industry analyst told CNN Money in April, “As the general election draws closer, we believe fear [about second amendment rights] will be maintained.”

Read more: US Gun Sales Still Soaring - Sturm, Ruger & Company (NYSE:RGR) - 24/7 Wall St. US Gun Sales Still Soaring
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again, we had a dozen kids killed with Lawn Darts and we banned Lawn darts.

We had 7 people poisoned with Tylanol and we put safety seals on all the pill bottles.

It's a risk analysis like everything else is in life.

You measure the risk (33,000 gun deaths a year) vs. the benefit (none whatsoever) and you make a decision.

Take the profit out of the gun industry, and they won't be so keen on you having one.

You just get goofy don't you?

How many kids, since you want to play that game, are killed riding a bicycle? Roller skates? Roller blades? Ice skates? Overdose of marijuana due to the legalization in Colorado? Did you know that 30 infants a year die drowning in empty five-gallon buckets with a small amount of water in the bottom?

again, we had a dozen kids killed with Lawn Darts and we banned Lawn darts.

We had 7 people poisoned with Tylanol and we put safety seals on all the pill bottles.

It's a risk analysis like everything else is in life.

You measure the risk (33,000 gun deaths a year) vs. the benefit (none whatsoever) and you make a decision.

Take the profit out of the gun industry, and they won't be so keen on you having one.

You just get goofy don't you?

How many kids, since you want to play that game, are killed riding a bicycle? Roller skates? Roller blades? Ice skates? Overdose of marijuana due to the legalization in Colorado? Did you know that 30 infants a year die drowning in empty five-gallon buckets with a small amount of water in the bottom?


One of the ladies dropped her contact. The guy with the pistol is just pointing where he thinks it landed. I don't know why you people try to make a picture look all evil and shit.
Yeah and suicide is a choice but we all know that you just can't fucking stand it when people make their own choices because you have a pathological need to tell people what to do

so you're the kind of malignant narcissist who would see a person in pain and think, "More food for me."

No I'm the kind of person that minds my own business and doesn't tell other people what to do with their lives
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