Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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I don't have a reason for to buy or own a gun other than for my own and my families protection.

Moreover, I have no NEED for a reason since I have A RIGHT to own a gun.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

You have a right to have a militia in your state. You are not a militia.

I am a militia of one with the sole charge of protecting my wife and property because the cops and every other government agent for that matter are not obligated to do so
fact, I gave you articles about a Pastor of a church, an Uber driver in Chicago, and a Psychiatrist in his hospital office....all of whom stopped mass shooters.....

And that isn't even all of them....

4000+ DGUs PER DAY according to you. And you have THREE examples, over a month, to prove how effective having a gun is for stopping crime.

You full of shit dude.
I don't have a reason for to buy or own a gun other than for my own and my families protection.

Moreover, I have no NEED for a reason since I have A RIGHT to own a gun.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

You have a right to have a militia in your state. You are not a militia.

Joe.....you have been shown again and again that the 43 times number is fake...that the guy who actually made up that number was forced to change it down to 2.7 times because his research was shown to be biased and false.....I showed you the links to this information about 3 weeks ago...and even the 2.7 number...is fake, because he pretty much just looked at communities with social pathologies rather than looking at gun ownership as a whole across the country.....

The 43 times number was found to include criminal associates, drug addicts, and alcoholics.......but we now understand that the facts, the statistics and reality do not support the anti gun position...

Knowing this, seeing the facts, you continue to post that number....that makes you a liar.
Hey dumb ass, if they're terrorist, take them to court, convict them and they lose their right to buy guns. See how simple it is?

No I don't see how simple it is.

Do we arrest and jail.people for.crimes of the mind? Or do they still need to.commit a crime for real?

Which after they have their AR15 and a thousand rounds of ammo, is a little to late to stop what happens next.
Hey dumb ass, if they're terrorist, take them to court, convict them and they lose their right to buy guns. See how simple it is?

No I don't see how simple it is.

Do we arrest and jail.people for.crimes of the mind? Or do they still need to.commit a crime for real?

Which after they have their AR15 and a thousand rounds of ammo, is a little to late to stop what happens next.
So let's just treat everyone like fucking criminals

Problem solved
fact, I gave you articles about a Pastor of a church, an Uber driver in Chicago, and a Psychiatrist in his hospital office....all of whom stopped mass shooters.....

And that isn't even all of them....

4000+ DGUs PER DAY according to you. And you have THREE examples, over a month, to prove how effective having a gun is for stopping crime.

You full of shit dude.

No moron...not according to me...according to bill clinton's Department of Justice study on guns used for self defense.......that study, created by anti gun researchers to refute the research by Dr. Gary Kleck, was created by these anti gun researchers, using actual methods for researching these phenomena....with the intent of finding a very low number...in order to help clinton push his gun control agenda....what did they find?

They found Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives, even mass shooters 1,500,000 times a year....and they aren't the only ones who found numbers this high....I have posted the other 12 studies, conducted by different researchers, many of them also anti gun researchers, from both government and private researchers over a 40 year period...

You refuse to acknowledge the facts and the truth they found about gun use in the United States.......

As has been pointed out to you...and it fails to penetrate your thick skull.....most defensive gun use in the United STates never requires the gun to be fired, the criminals running away after seeing the victim with the gun....so they never make the news.....and unless there is a body, it isn't newsworthy....and then....most times it is only covered locally....never reaching national news levels....

Being such a moron, as you are, you don't understand...being a left winger, you understand even less....so.....keep denying the truth..twit.
I am a militia of one with the sole charge of protecting my wife and property because the cops and every other government agent for that matter are not obligated to do so

again- gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Joe.....you have been shown again and again that the 43 times number is fake..

no, i haven't. You've posted some NRA propaganda that no one reads from some gun-whack website that takes something unrelated Kellerman said.

Kellerman has never said he got it wrong.
Hey dumb ass, if they're terrorist, take them to court, convict them and they lose their right to buy guns. See how simple it is?

No I don't see how simple it is.

Do we arrest and jail.people for.crimes of the mind? Or do they still need to.commit a crime for real?

Which after they have their AR15 and a thousand rounds of ammo, is a little to late to stop what happens next.

Hey asswipe......

We have 8 million rifles with detachable magazines in this country, about 5 million AR-15s......

in 34 years we have had 149 people killed in mass shootings with these rifles.....

8,000,000 to 149..........in a country of over 320,000,000 people

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and if you look at the FBI homicide table 8 they murder over 1,000 people every single year.....

So...how much of problem are these rifles twit...since AMericans aren't using them for crime or mass shootings......

Do you fucking understand the numbers you were just shown...and how stupid they make your post?
This isn't the movies, it's not Minority Report. You don't punish people for crimes that they have yet to commit.

Really? Wasn't it you bitching that the FBI didn't stop the shooter in Orlando? By arresting him. And he hadn't committed a crime at the time.

Or was it another wacked out gun nutter blaming the FBI?
I am a militia of one with the sole charge of protecting my wife and property because the cops and every other government agent for that matter are not obligated to do so

again- gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Joe.....you have been shown again and again that the 43 times number is fake..

no, i haven't. You've posted some NRA propaganda that no one reads from some gun-whack website that takes something unrelated Kellerman said.

Kellerman has never said he got it wrong.

I showed you kellermans actual reworked study from the New England Journal of Medicine moron...you know that, you saw the link, the study and now you lie about it......you are a liar....the NRA has nothing to do with the Journal...

If you guys didn't bitch about the NRA you wouldn't have any argument at all...
Hey asswipe......

We have 8 million rifles with detachable magazines in this country, about 5 million AR-15s......

in 34 years we have had 149 people killed in mass shootings with these rifles.....

again, we had a dozen kids killed with Lawn Darts and we banned Lawn darts.

We had 7 people poisoned with Tylanol and we put safety seals on all the pill bottles.

It's a risk analysis like everything else is in life.

You measure the risk (33,000 gun deaths a year) vs. the benefit (none whatsoever) and you make a decision.

Take the profit out of the gun industry, and they won't be so keen on you having one.
I showed you kellermans actual reworked study from the New England Journal of Medicine moron...you know that, you saw the link, the study and now you lie about it......you are a liar....the NRA has nothing to do with the Journal...

If you guys didn't bitch about the NRA you wouldn't have any argument at all...

You didn't link to the NEJM, you linked to some gun whack website that claimed that's wht it said.

Kellerman got it right. Deal with it.
I am a militia of one with the sole charge of protecting my wife and property because the cops and every other government agent for that matter are not obligated to do so

again- gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Joe.....you have been shown again and again that the 43 times number is fake..

no, i haven't. You've posted some NRA propaganda that no one reads from some gun-whack website that takes something unrelated Kellerman said.

Kellerman has never said he got it wrong.

Hey, asshole......here is Kellerman's revised study from the New England Journal of Medicine...you have seen it.....and now you are lying about that stat...again......and even the 2.7 number is crap...since he includes criminals shooting criminals in the worst neighborhoods he could find as being in "the home."

MMS: Error

After controlling for these characteristics, we found that keeping a gun in the home was strongly and independently associated with an increased risk of homicide (adjusted odds ratio, 2.7;


And here is the Rense article explaining why kellerman is lying.....

Nine Myths Of Gun Control

Myth #6 "A homeowner is 43 times as likely to be killed or kill a family member as an intruder"

To suggest that science has proven that defending oneself or one's family with a gun is dangerous, gun prohibitionists repeat Dr. Kellermann's long discredited claim: "a gun owner is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than an intruder." [17] This fallacy , fabricated using tax dollars, is one of the most misused slogans of the anti-self-defense lobby.

The honest measure of the protective benefits of guns are the lives saved, the injuries prevented, the medical costs saved, and the property protected not Kellermann's burglar or rapist body count.

Only 0.1% (1 in a thousand) of the defensive uses of guns results in the death of the predator. [3]

Any study, such as Kellermann' "43 times" fallacy, that only counts bodies will expectedly underestimate the benefits of gun a thousand fold.

Think for a minute. Would anyone suggest that the only measure of the benefit of law enforcement is the number of people killed by police? Of course not. The honest measure of the benefits of guns are the lives saved, the injuries prevented, the medical costs saved by deaths and injuries averted, and the property protected. 65 lives protected by guns for every life lost to a gun. [2]

Kellermann recently downgraded his estimate to "2.7 times," [18] but he persisted in discredited methodology. He used a method that cannot distinguish between "cause" and "effect." His method would be like finding more diet drinks in the refrigerators of fat people and then concluding that diet drinks "cause" obesity.

Also, he studied groups with high rates of violent criminality, alcoholism, drug addiction, abject poverty, and domestic abuse .

From such a poor and violent study group he attempted to generalize his findings to normal homes

Interestingly, when Dr. Kellermann was interviewed he stated that, if his wife were attacked, he would want her to have a gun for protection.[19] Apparently, Dr. Kellermann doesn't even believe his own studies.


I showed you kellermans actual reworked study from the New England Journal of Medicine moron...you know that, you saw the link, the study and now you lie about it......you are a liar....the NRA has nothing to do with the Journal...

If you guys didn't bitch about the NRA you wouldn't have any argument at all...

You didn't link to the NEJM, you linked to some gun whack website that claimed that's wht it said.

Kellerman got it right. Deal with it.

No asshole...you are lying ...again....I just posted exactly what I linked to along with the Rense article that showed why even his new number was crap......
We have 8 million rifles with detachable magazines in this country, about 5 million AR-15s......

in 34 years we have had 149 people killed in mass shootings with these rifles.....

8,000,000 to 149..........in a country of over 320,000,000 people

By your numbers, if there were NO AR15 rifles out there, it wouldn't make a fucking bit of difference.

There are plenty of other guns with the same firepower. And there are millions of the guns (ARs) that aren't being used for their intended purpose. Which is killing people. That's what the designer intended them to be used for. To say different makes you a motherfucking liar.

So just stop.selling AR15s. No loss to anyone EXCEPT the manufacturers of AR type weapons.

And that is who you work for; the gun industry.
Hey, Dick Tiny, maybe you should have read the whole article. It doesn't help your side.

The great majority of the victims (76.7 percent) were killed by a relative or someone known to them. Homicides by a stranger accounted for only 15 cases (3.6 percent). The identity of the offender could not be established in 73 cases (17.4 percent). The remaining cases involved other offenders or police acting in the line of duty.

Although firearms are often kept in homes for personal protection, this study shows that the practice is counterproductive. Our data indicate that keeping a gun in the home is independently associated with an increase in the risk of homicide in the home. The use of illicit drugs and a history of physical fights in the home are also important risk factors. Efforts to increase home security have largely focused on preventing unwanted entry, but the greatest threat to the lives of household members appears to come from within.

No asshole...you are lying ...again....I just posted exactly what I linked to along with the Rense article that showed why even his new number was crap......

right. YOu posted a gun nut sight that took once sentence completely out of context. That's what you did, buddy.
I am a militia of one with the sole charge of protecting my wife and property because the cops and every other government agent for that matter are not obligated to do so

again- gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Joe.....you have been shown again and again that the 43 times number is fake..

no, i haven't. You've posted some NRA propaganda that no one reads from some gun-whack website that takes something unrelated Kellerman said.

Kellerman has never said he got it wrong.

Again we all know that is bullshit
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