Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Again we all know that is bullshit

No, you WANT that to not be true. But the fact is, most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence, not some bad guy breaking into your house and killing you.

Yeah and suicide is a choice but we all know that you just can't fucking stand it when people make their own choices because you have a pathological need to tell people what to do
Hey asswipe......

We have 8 million rifles with detachable magazines in this country, about 5 million AR-15s......

in 34 years we have had 149 people killed in mass shootings with these rifles.....

again, we had a dozen kids killed with Lawn Darts and we banned Lawn darts.

We had 7 people poisoned with Tylanol and we put safety seals on all the pill bottles.

It's a risk analysis like everything else is in life.

You measure the risk (33,000 gun deaths a year) vs. the benefit (none whatsoever) and you make a decision.

Take the profit out of the gun industry, and they won't be so keen on you having one.

So according to you moron......in 2014 we had 33,000 people accidentally killed in cars....so according to you that means we have to get rid of cars.....

Guns....illegal gun murder 8,124 in 2014

Accidental gun death in 2015, 586

by your very own measure...all cars need to be banned....Right?
Hey, Dick Tiny, maybe you should have read the whole article. It doesn't help your side.

The great majority of the victims (76.7 percent) were killed by a relative or someone known to them. Homicides by a stranger accounted for only 15 cases (3.6 percent). The identity of the offender could not be established in 73 cases (17.4 percent). The remaining cases involved other offenders or police acting in the line of duty.

Although firearms are often kept in homes for personal protection, this study shows that the practice is counterproductive. Our data indicate that keeping a gun in the home is independently associated with an increase in the risk of homicide in the home. The use of illicit drugs and a history of physical fights in the home are also important risk factors. Efforts to increase home security have largely focused on preventing unwanted entry, but the greatest threat to the lives of household members appears to come from within.

Yeah...the relative, and someone known to them were criminals....with long histories of violence and long criminal records...since 90% of murderers in this country have at least one felony and the majority of the 90% have multiple felony convictions....

It isn't the gun, it is the criminal in the home and their drug dealers who come to their home and murder them...

They fail to acknowledge that the criminals they know are the ones killing them...
Hey, Dick Tiny, maybe you should have read the whole article. It doesn't help your side.

The great majority of the victims (76.7 percent) were killed by a relative or someone known to them. Homicides by a stranger accounted for only 15 cases (3.6 percent). The identity of the offender could not be established in 73 cases (17.4 percent). The remaining cases involved other offenders or police acting in the line of duty.

Although firearms are often kept in homes for personal protection, this study shows that the practice is counterproductive. Our data indicate that keeping a gun in the home is independently associated with an increase in the risk of homicide in the home. The use of illicit drugs and a history of physical fights in the home are also important risk factors. Efforts to increase home security have largely focused on preventing unwanted entry, but the greatest threat to the lives of household members appears to come from within.

And again.....he is lying...

Also, he studied groups with high rates of violent criminality, alcoholism, drug addiction, abject poverty, and domestic abuse .

From such a poor and violent study group he attempted to generalize his findings to normal homes

Interestingly, when Dr. Kellermann was interviewed he stated that, if his wife were attacked, he would want her to have a gun for protection.[19] Apparently, Dr. Kellermann doesn't even believe his own studies.
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We have 8 million rifles with detachable magazines in this country, about 5 million AR-15s......

in 34 years we have had 149 people killed in mass shootings with these rifles.....

8,000,000 to 149..........in a country of over 320,000,000 people

By your numbers, if there were NO AR15 rifles out there, it wouldn't make a fucking bit of difference.

There are plenty of other guns with the same firepower. And there are millions of the guns (ARs) that aren't being used for their intended purpose. Which is killing people. That's what the designer intended them to be used for. To say different makes you a motherfucking liar.

So just stop.selling AR15s. No loss to anyone EXCEPT the manufacturers of AR type weapons.

And that is who you work for; the gun industry.

What is your fucking obsession with AR-15s.......you hear the press talk about them and you guys just robotically parrot their talking points.....

AR-15s, as shown to you over and over again, are not a problem...at all........and yet you still want to ban them...so your need to ban them has no rational thought behind it...since you acknowledge they aren't used for crime or mass shootings where it makes a real difference and because the same damage can be done with a pistol....

I wish I worked for the gun industry...the discount would be nice...
Again we all know that is bullshit

No, you WANT that to not be true. But the fact is, most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence, not some bad guy breaking into your house and killing you.

357,000,000 guns in private hands in 2015....

586 accidental gun deaths....

do you even realize the difference in those numbers asswipe?

We do not have a problem with guns in the United STates....we have thug problem that isn't being addressed by prosecutors and judges...they keep putting the killers, caught with illegal guns, back on the streets.....

Of course you assholes need them on the streets shooting people....without them, our gun crime rate would be lower than Europe....but you wouldn't be able to use the murder committed by these career felons to justify your gun control agenda....so you keep putting them back on the streets to commit murder...
This isn't the movies, it's not Minority Report. You don't punish people for crimes that they have yet to commit.

Really? Wasn't it you bitching that the FBI didn't stop the shooter in Orlando? By arresting him. And he hadn't committed a crime at the time.

Or was it another wacked out gun nutter blaming the FBI?

Not it was not.

Why do you assume I'm a whacked out gun nutter? Seriously if you're going to insult the intelligence of another poster-at least learn how to spell. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Do you not believe in the Constitution and rule of law that you're not a criminal until you're convicted of a crime? That you're innocent until proven guilty?
Hey dumb ass, if they're terrorist, take them to court, convict them and they lose their right to buy guns. See how simple it is?

No I don't see how simple it is.

Do we arrest and jail.people for.crimes of the mind? Or do they still need to.commit a crime for real?

Which after they have their AR15 and a thousand rounds of ammo, is a little to late to stop what happens next.

Evidently they don't need to do a damned thing according to regressives to have their liberty taken, no need for due process either. The concept of innocent until prove guilty in a court of law appears to be the first major right lost, doesn't it? So why stop at just taking their liberty, why not just take their life and be done with it? Both are rights protected by the 5th amendment.
Hey, Dick Tiny, maybe you should have read the whole article. It doesn't help your side.

The great majority of the victims (76.7 percent) were killed by a relative or someone known to them. Homicides by a stranger accounted for only 15 cases (3.6 percent). The identity of the offender could not be established in 73 cases (17.4 percent). The remaining cases involved other offenders or police acting in the line of duty.

Although firearms are often kept in homes for personal protection, this study shows that the practice is counterproductive. Our data indicate that keeping a gun in the home is independently associated with an increase in the risk of homicide in the home. The use of illicit drugs and a history of physical fights in the home are also important risk factors. Efforts to increase home security have largely focused on preventing unwanted entry, but the greatest threat to the lives of household members appears to come from within.

I know one person who has killed another in a DGU, yep, it was a family member, his stepfather, of course you would discount the fact that his stepfather had his own gun and was there to kill the guys mother. Take your lies and fuck off bitch.
Again we all know that is bullshit

No, you WANT that to not be true. But the fact is, most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence, not some bad guy breaking into your house and killing you.

That proves your dishonesty, counting suicides in gun violence stats is pure BS.
Agreed. It's completely dishonest of the anti-gun Left to fluff up their numbers by including suicides. First, it's simply disingenuous. Second, all their proposed laws won't stop a suicidal American from buying a single shot pistol and eating a bullet.

Do it yourself suicide kit which can be ordered through the mail:
Black Powder Pistols - Black Powder Revolvers : Cabela's

OTOH, Robin Williams and David Carradine did a good job with a tie, available used for $2 from Good Will:
Again we all know that is bullshit

No, you WANT that to not be true. But the fact is, most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence, not some bad guy breaking into your house and killing you.

That proves your dishonesty, counting suicides in gun violence stats is pure BS.
Agreed. It's completely dishonest of the anti-gun Left to fluff up their numbers by including suicides. First, it's simply disingenuous. Second, all their proposed laws won't stop a suicidal American from buying a single shot pistol and eating a bullet.

Do it yourself suicide kit which can be ordered through the mail:
Black Powder Pistols - Black Powder Revolvers : Cabela's
View attachment 79313

OTOH, Robin Williams and David Carradine did a good job with a tie, available used for $2 from Good Will:

Yep, willfully ignorant people gonna stay ignorant. Ya just can't make this shit up.
Again we all know that is bullshit

No, you WANT that to not be true. But the fact is, most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence, not some bad guy breaking into your house and killing you.

That proves your dishonesty, counting suicides in gun violence stats is pure BS.
Agreed. It's completely dishonest of the anti-gun Left to fluff up their numbers by including suicides. First, it's simply disingenuous. Second, all their proposed laws won't stop a suicidal American from buying a single shot pistol and eating a bullet.

Do it yourself suicide kit which can be ordered through the mail:
Black Powder Pistols - Black Powder Revolvers : Cabela's
View attachment 79313

OTOH, Robin Williams and David Carradine did a good job with a tie, available used for $2 from Good Will:

Yep, willfully ignorant people gonna stay ignorant. Ya just can't make this shit up.
Funny, but unfortunately true. Those idiots want to pass law based on lies and emotion, not fact. Let's hope smarter minds prevail.
Again we all know that is bullshit

No, you WANT that to not be true. But the fact is, most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence, not some bad guy breaking into your house and killing you.

That proves your dishonesty, counting suicides in gun violence stats is pure BS.
Agreed. It's completely dishonest of the anti-gun Left to fluff up their numbers by including suicides. First, it's simply disingenuous. Second, all their proposed laws won't stop a suicidal American from buying a single shot pistol and eating a bullet.

Do it yourself suicide kit which can be ordered through the mail:
Black Powder Pistols - Black Powder Revolvers : Cabela's
View attachment 79313

OTOH, Robin Williams and David Carradine did a good job with a tie, available used for $2 from Good Will:

I built one of those kits. It was from Traditions I believe. Awesome little pistols and with a .45 Cal conical over a stout load (55gr) of 3f it will punch through the soft bits of smallish deer nicely. Got a hog that was around 60 lbs with it to. Never understood how I could let my 19 year old son have that but not a Glock.
On your first point, be aware that NONE of the shooters in mass murders (Aurora, Sandy Hook, etc.) had PREVIOUSLY been convicted of murder.........Sometime I wonder how a person is called an honest citizen on a Monday...and than a mass murderer on Tuesday.

On your second point, we HAVE watered down many of the bill o rights.....The first and eight (torture) come quickly to mind.

Again NO ONE is stating to take ways your precious gun rights......Its the weapons of war we do not want in ANYONE's hands since they can turn from "honest citizen" on a day and "terrorist/murderer" the next.
Bill of rights is for citizens only. Non-citizens can be tortured without violating rights because they have none.

Not true.
No countries bill of rights is for aliens. Constitutions are meant for their own civilians only.

People in the US legally (such as tourists and legal immigrants) absolutely have rights under the Constitution/Bill of Rights.
I can accept that. The ones that are here legally. Not the ones that aren't.
So anyone can rape the women and kids, shoot the men and rob them all?
Again we all know that is bullshit

No, you WANT that to not be true. But the fact is, most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence, not some bad guy breaking into your house and killing you.

That proves your dishonesty, counting suicides in gun violence stats is pure BS.
Agreed. It's completely dishonest of the anti-gun Left to fluff up their numbers by including suicides. First, it's simply disingenuous. Second, all their proposed laws won't stop a suicidal American from buying a single shot pistol and eating a bullet.

Do it yourself suicide kit which can be ordered through the mail:
Black Powder Pistols - Black Powder Revolvers : Cabela's
View attachment 79313

OTOH, Robin Williams and David Carradine did a good job with a tie, available used for $2 from Good Will:

I built one of those kits. It was from Traditions I believe. Awesome little pistols and with a .45 Cal conical over a stout load (55gr) of 3f it will punch through the soft bits of smallish deer nicely. Got a hog that was around 60 lbs with it to. Never understood how I could let my 19 year old son have that but not a Glock.
I built a .60 pistol many moons ago but it's lost in time. Now I have a .54 caliber Hawkins rifle and a .44 caliber 1851 Navy revolver like those shown below.

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