Lefties Pretend To Be Religious

Said1 said:
So you're parents had control of it, eh? Not you, right?

What? That's like saying "you're military is better than Canada's, and thus such and observation by you about American Military, would not be applicable to to Canada"

What obervation are you talking about specifically? I certainly hope you don't mean the break down of benefit allotments?

The parents had control of it to an extent. They could spend it on what they needed to provide for me.

The observation of slackers on Welfare who beat the system. The military analogy is not pertinant at all. Better is such a general thing. I'm talking specifically about the requirements for being on Welfare and the requirements for staying on. They're easier in Canada. That's why you will see slackers on it. It is harder in the US. That is why there aren't many slackers on welfare here.
rtwngAvngr said:
Are the parents allowed to live in the apartment or house with the child whose housing is paid for by the government, or must they sleep in the yard?

Silly.. It's at the discretion of the child..
For the entire family to keep getting aid, merely looking for a job is enough, regardless of your constipated and psychotic chains of reasoning.
Shattered said:
Silly.. It's at the discretion of the child..

Thank god that is not the 'god's honest truth'. My kids would have thrown me out quite a few times! :laugh:
Shattered said:
...the fact that you're dumb enough to believe that children are actually removed from their home if the parents don't spent all of the money on them... Social workers are in it for the money.. when they find out they really don't make much compared to their potential caseloads, they stop giving a shit, and start putting forth minimal efforts... Probably 1 in 10 caseworkers can actually tell you what's really going on with their families and how they're progressing, if at all.

Social workers remove children. If anyone thinks that it's because of the Social Workers, then why not just improve the Social Workers instead of changing Welfare? If most of the parents out there on Welfare are like yours, which they're not, then don't you support doing something about it so more kids don't have to go through what you experienced, or has what you've been through taught you nothing?

Also, 49 states passed their percent employment goals for families for TANF. The government cuts funding for the states that don't meet the goals.
IControlThePast said:
Social workers remove children. If anyone thinks that it's because of the Social Workers, then why not just improve the Social Workers instead of changing Welfare? If most of the parents out there on Welfare are like yours, which they're not, then don't you support doing something about it so more kids don't have to go through what you experienced, or has what you've been through taught you nothing?

Also, 49 states passed their percent employment goals for families for TANF. The government cuts funding for the states that don't meet the goals.

That's right. The system is perfect, and if it's not, the answer is raises for social workers, or just making all children wards of the state to begin with.
IControlThePast said:
Social workers remove children. If anyone thinks that it's because of the Social Workers, then why not just improve the Social Workers instead of changing Welfare? If most of the parents out there on Welfare are like yours, which they're not, then don't you support doing something about it so more kids don't have to go through what you experienced, or has what you've been through taught you nothing?

Also, 49 states passed their percent employment goals for families for TANF. The government cuts funding for the states that don't meet the goals.

Perhaps where you live, they remove them. WE, however, have something far more different than the tripe you're spouting.

You make me tired.

Oh, as for what I support? Getting rid of welfare after 6 months if a set of very specific stipulations is not met.
IControlThePast said:
The parents had control of it to an extent. They could spend it on what they needed to provide for me.


The observation of slackers on Welfare who beat the system.

They don't exist in America?

The military analogy is not pertinant at all. Better is such a general thing.

Well, using your logic would also make most of your opinions about things taking place in other countries not applicable. So you better stick to the USA chat forum, and I'll stick to the Canada forum, kay?

] I'm talking specifically about the requirements for being on Welfare and the requirements for staying on. They're easier in Canada. That's why you will see slackers on it. It is harder in the US. That is why there aren't many slackers on welfare here.

Where have I said otherwise? Anyway, you're just looking for a way to dismiss my opinions, which is a loserish thing to do. Welfare fraud exists everywhere, sorry you're too proud to admit you might be wrong.
rtwngAvngr said:
That's right. The system is perfect, and if it's not, the answer is raises for social workers, or just making all children wards of the state to begin with.

It's great to see that you want more parents to behave like Shatterd's.
Said1 said:
Well, using your logic would also make most of your opinions about things taking place in other countries not applicable. So you better stick to the USA chat forum, and I'll stick to the Canada forum, kay?

Good to see you're conceding the point ;). I'll stick to talking about how Welfare is in the US and you can go talk about how it is in Canada.

Where have I said otherwise? Anyway, you're just looking for a way to dismiss my opinions, which is a loserish thing to do. Welfare fraud exists everywhere, sorry you're too proud to admit you might be wrong.

Too far back to remember. I never said it doesn't exist here. Where it does, it is prosecuted. All people here have been able to drudge up is myths, aka specious reasoning, and no links of any sort of large scale Welfare fraud.

I never said it doesn't exist here. It is just marginal and unimportant.
IControlThePast said:
It's great to see that you want more parents to behave like Shatterd's.

Excuse me, but Shattered doesn't have parents - she disowned them many, many years ago.
IControlThePast said:
Good to see you're conceding the point ;). I'll stick to talking about how Welfare is in the US and you can go talk about how it is in Canada.

I normally don't mind you, but your attitude really stinks. I'm sure you feel attacked, but it wasn't from me. Show the same respect I've (almost) always shown you.

Too far back to remember.

Never said that, not once. Quote if I did.

I never said it doesn't exist here. Where it does, it is prosecuted.

IF they are caught, just like any other crime.

All people here have been able to drudge up is myths, aka specious reasoning, and no links of any sort of large scale Welfare fraud.

LOL. Specious reasoning again, you are becoming tres predictable. You haven't shown any saying other wise either, so same to you.

I never said it doesn't exist here. It is just marginal and unimportant.

Marginal and unimportant? That's a pretty big assertion, and I'd like to see a link. Seriously, I think it would be interesting. Show me the way Grasshopper.
IControlThePast said:
It's great to see that you want more parents to behave like Shatterd's.

Yes. That's exactly right. I want more parents to be neglectful, obviously.
IControlThePast said:
Y'all are right, we don't need any Welfare here, discussion done.

We're saying the system is abused you ignorant fool. Discussion done.
ictp said:
All people here have been able to drudge up is myths, aka specious reasoning, and no links of any sort of large scale Welfare fraud.

No. I provided links showing the OFFICIAL POLICY is to give aid to THE ENTIRE FAMILY, and that all the ADULT must do to get aid FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY, is SEARCH for a job. Searching for a job is not working at a job. Even without fraud, the system sucks.

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