Lefties Pretend To Be Religious

Kathianne said:
Won't piss on anything thank you very much. Narcissism isn't one of my problems. As for 'raising children' based on what I've read of your posts. Including those where you have implied that too many women have children they can't raise on their own.

What is half of your nieces/nephews lives anyways? Would be nice to count you in the people that care/make that women that care, not meaning men can't care, many do, example Dillo :) , SE, JimNYC, but too many don't.

Too many women DO have kids that can't raise them on their own, and they KEEP HAVING THEM TO GET MORE MONEY. 15 and 16 year old high school girls are getting pregnant to be able to add to the welfare income currently in their house. One would think that Chicago wouldn't be that much different from Wisconsin, but juding by YOUR posts, I'm going to assume it is.

Half of their lives (not that it really matters since I don't know the first thing about kids) is 6 years for my niece, and 4 years for my nephew - they're 12 and 8 now. So, birth to 6, and birth to 4 (including the panic attacked induced by a 24/7 heart monitor because he was almost 2 months premature).
Said1 said:
Come on, you know minors aren't getting the checks, their parents are getting them.....the able bodied adult parents.

Sorry to say, but I see it all the tiime. They do it some how, and their children stay with them. Some work under the table, some live in really bad conditions, but not really considerded abusive or dangerous to their children.

Again, I don't mean to be rude, but how much real exposure have you had to low income families and people on welfare? Serious question. I would like to see the answer.

You've seen it in the US? The Canadian Welfare sysetm gives more aid.

AFDC as a dependant.
IControlThePast said:
You've seen it in the US? The Canadian Welfare sysetm gives more aid.

AFDC as a dependant.

blah blah blah blah blah. Lie. spin. misquote. blah. pretend.
"but wikipedia has a sentence I've seized upon to make my whole case"

Who are you gonna believe, ICTP or your lying eyes?
IControlThePast said:
The link only explicitly mentions families as being able to recieve cash assistance. Here's a link that explicitly says


From the link:
As of 2005, only two states — New Jersey and Utah — still paid cash welfare benefits to childless adults deemed "able-bodied" (many other states do allow such payments to be made if a disability is demonstrated). In any event, the person(s) seeking General Assistance must first apply for any other programs — state or federal — for which alternate eligibility may or may not exist; only if all such applications are denied is the applicant then permitted to receive General Assistance benefits, which usually include food stamps, and often, assistance in paying for rental housing.

I asked you another question regarding your experience with low income families and people on welfare and about children getting checks.
IControlThePast said:
The link only explicitly mentions families as being able to recieve cash assistance. Here's a link that explicitly says


It says that in NJ and UT, adults WITHOUT CHILDREN can draw welfare. In all 50 states, any household with a child in it can apply for welfare. There is rampant abuse of the welfare system going on, period.
IControlThePast said:
"Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), commonly known as welfare, is the monthly cash assistance program for poor families with children under age 18."


Right. And adults are in those families. Hence, adults get welfare, and only have to SEARCH for jobs to keep getting it. Learn some critical thinking.
IControlThePast said:
You've seen it in the US? The Canadian Welfare sysetm gives more aid.

AFDC as a dependant.

I"ve seen the number for families on welfare mothers living in in the United States (I forget where), as well as other documents showing similar data. I have access to PDF documents, as do you.

What's an AFDC dependant? What does that have to do with anything anyway? Specifically?
Shattered said:
Believe me, Wisconsin's wefare system is *fucked up* - that's why I asked ICTP what state he lived in wherein the social workers actually give a shit about the families assigned to them...

South Carolina

I don't have the experience with MA to tell you about that though.
AFDC = Aids For Families with Dependent Children.

So, what's an AFDC dependent? A childs child?
rtwngAvngr said:
Right. And adults are in those families. Hence, adults get welfare, and only have to SEARCH for jobs to keep getting it. Learn some critical thinking.

But adults don't get cash handouts, the children do. Children get the cash handout aid. That's because they're dependants.
IControlThePast said:
But adults don't get cash handouts, the children do. Children get the cash handout aid. That's because they're dependants.

PLS stop it. You really acting silly, are you doing it on purpose? The money is going to the adults because they have children who are minors. You know this. PLS, give it a rest.
IControlThePast said:
But adults don't get cash handouts, the children do. Children get the cash handout aid. That's because they're dependants.

WTH are you talking about? There is no "cash handout to the children" - Welfare comes in the form of a check made out to the PARENT, to be cashed by the PARENT, and spent by the PARENT.
IControlThePast said:
But adults don't get cash handouts, the children do. Children get the cash handout aid. That's because they're dependants.

It goes to the FAMILY with children, not directly to the the children. The FAMILY includes adults in the FAMILY. Childrean can't cash checks you fucking idiot.
Said1 said:
I"ve seen the number for families on welfare mothers living in in the United States (I forget where), as well as other documents showing similar data. I have access to PDF documents, as do you.

What's an AFDC dependant? What does that have to do with anything anyway? Specifically?

That means I was a dependant on AFDC. My parents used to be poor, I was a child, and our family was on AFDC. AFDC was replaced by the much less generous TANF in 1996.
IControlThePast said:
That means I was a dependant on AFDC. My parents used to be poor, I was a child, and our family was on AFDC. AFDC was replaced by the much less generous TANF in 1996.

Was AFDC portion of the check in your name, spent buy you, how you saw fit? Or has that change under TANF?

And back to the Canada qustion I asked, what does that prove?
IControlThePast said:
That means I was a dependant on AFDC. My parents used to be poor, I was a child, and our family was on AFDC. AFDC was replaced by the much less generous TANF in 1996.

TANF still gives aid to the entity known as the family. Families contain adults.
Shattered said:
Too many women DO have kids that can't raise them on their own, and they KEEP HAVING THEM TO GET MORE MONEY. 15 and 16 year old high school girls are getting pregnant to be able to add to the welfare income currently in their house. One would think that Chicago wouldn't be that much different from Wisconsin, but juding by YOUR posts, I'm going to assume it is.

Half of their lives (not that it really matters since I don't know the first thing about kids) is 6 years for my niece, and 4 years for my nephew - they're 12 and 8 now. So, birth to 6, and birth to 4 (including the panic attacked induced by a 24/7 heart monitor because he was almost 2 months premature).

Shattered, I commend you. You were there when kids needed you. Don't you realize that is true with the vast majority of mother's too and way too many father's? Have a bit of compassion is what I'm saying. My kids are raised, I don't need a dime from the system, never took one, but not everyone is as fortunate as I am.

My children's father made, (makes) good money. He pays nothing towards their college costs, thanks legal system. he paid what the system set for him. On time, never late. They couldn't have braces, cause I couldn't pay half. They couldn't go to dentist, cause there wasn't enough money.

Youngest, 3.89 on 4 point scale, will now be going to community college cause the cost went beyond our ability to pay. He could sue his father, whoops, he doesn't have the money to hire an attorney.

I and my kids are luckier than many. His insurance kept the co-payments to shrinks within the affordable limits, which concurrently curtailed his visitation for abuse. Some Shattered are caught in a Catch 22.

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