Lefties Pretend To Be Religious

Kathianne said:
shattered, since you are childless I doubt you can speak of how much kids cost on a day to day basis, other than your genius opinion, of course. I never took welfare, though I would have, if my kids needed it.

I know, that makes me a fuk up in the shatter world.

What the fuck are you talking about now? ICTP made the "assumption" that the adults on welfare don't see any of the money - that's wrong. I made the statement that the adults get ALL the money, and they sure as hell don't put it all toward their kids, since their fat asses are down at Potawatomi Bingo Hall every god damned month gambling it away.

What the hell does that have to do with whatever the fuck you're talking about? I couldn't possibly care less about whether or not you were on welfare, so back the fuck off.
Shattered said:
What the fuck are you talking about now? ICTP made the "assumption" that the adults on welfare don't see any of the money - that's wrong. I made the statement that the adults get ALL the money, and they sure as hell don't put it all toward their kids, since their fat asses are down at Potawatomi Bingo Hall every god damned month gambling it away.

What the hell does that have to do with whatever the fuck you're talking about? I couldn't possibly care less about whether or not you were on welfare, so back the fuck off.
No Shattered. Your contention is:
I made the statement that the adults get ALL the money, and they sure as hell don't put it all toward their kids, since their fat asses are down at Potawatomi Bingo Hall every god damned month gambling it away.​

I had family to keep me from this, but if I had to, rest assure, it would have gone to my children. Then again, some people might have done differently, but not all.

So no, I won't back down, and you should not judge that you haven't a clue about. There were times that my kids got sick, with insurance. Only $10 Bucks an office visit, no biggie. Except my youngest was also going to the shrink 2 times a week at $10 a pop. The other two were going once or twice, depending on school reports. They also had the dentist 2 times a year each. They kept eating. Rent was over $600, which was like ghetto living in wealthy suburb. Haven't spoken of clothes, right? Entertainment-:laugh:

Yeah, welfare moms.
Shattered said:
The checks are being mailed to the house - the adults in the household get/open/cash/SPEND the money. If you think it's being used strictly for kids in all cases, you're on crack. You get X amount of dollars for daily necessities, and THEN X amount of dollars for each child you have, as well as food stamps, and in some cases of small children, WIC checks.

Merely APPLYING is one of the only requirements for continuing to receive benefits - you don't actually have to interview, or even get a job.

First, that even still fits with my statement that cash assistance isn't given to able bodied adults who don't work.

Second, you're on crack if you think somone can survive off of the cash assistance money for their children, and still provide for their children. If the children aren't taken care of, they are removed by social services and then the adult doesn't get the cash assistance anymore. Maybe if a family does a good job being frugal they'll have some left over cash. But there is no way someone could survive off of that alone. This is just cash assistance to help the children too. It doesn't even fully provide for the children by itself in the first place. They have to have a job if they want to survive still.
IControlThePast said:
Read it again and closely.

Only low income families are provided cash assistance. The children are provided the cash assistance, the able bodied adults are not. Searching for a job is necessary for recieving the in-kind benefits, and doesn't deal with the cash, because the cash assistance is going to people who aren't abled bodied workers, the children.

This is a family benefits program only, right? Single people would fall under another program, would they not? Or are you saying single people do not get cash benefits anymore? That is not evident in the link....that I could tell.

And do you seriously minors are recieving family benefits checks? Where in the link does it say it goes right to them, in their name?

In-kind benefits are non-cash benefits right? These benefits are probably for people who have sources of income or do not meet the criteria for any cash program for whatever reason, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but you're a little out of touch with your interpretation. Where in the link does it say what you claim, exactly?
Kathianne said:
No Shattered. Your contention is:
I made the statement that the adults get ALL the money, and they sure as hell don't put it all toward their kids, since their fat asses are down at Potawatomi Bingo Hall every god damned month gambling it away.​

I had family to keep me from this, but if I had to, rest assure, it would have gone to my children. Then again, some people might have done differently, but not all.

So no, I won't back down, and you should not judge that you haven't a clue about. There were times that my kids got sick, with insurance. Only $10 Bucks an office visit, no biggie. Except my youngest was also going to the shrink 2 times a week at $10 a pop. The other two were going once or twice, depending on school reports. They also had the dentist 2 times a year each. They kept eating. Rent was over $600, which was like ghetto living in wealthy suburb. Haven't spoken of clothes, right? Entertainment-:laugh:

Yeah, welfare moms.

Newsflash, chicky - This isn't about you, it never was about you, and I don't believe anyone even mentioned your name - my comment was based on my personal experience (which you know jack shit about), and what I know about my states welfare system.

What makes someone a "fuck up in Shattered's world" (since you're so quick to bestow the title upon yourself) is someones absolute need to take a generic discussion, and turn it around to be about themselves just for attention.
IControlThePast said:
First, that even still fits with my statement that cash assistance isn't given to able bodied adults who don't work.

Come on, you know minors aren't getting the checks, their parents are getting them.....the able bodied adult parents.

Second, you're on crack if you think somone can survive off of the cash assistance money for their children, and still provide for their children. If the children aren't taken care of, they are removed by social services and then the adult doesn't get the cash assistance anymore. Maybe if a family does a good job being frugal they'll have some left over cash. But there is no way someone could survive off of that alone. This is just cash assistance to help the children too. It doesn't even fully provide for the children by itself in the first place. They have to have a job if they want to survive still.

Sorry to say, but I see it all the tiime. They do it some how, and their children stay with them. Some work under the table, some live in really bad conditions, but not really considerded abusive or dangerous to their children.

Again, I don't mean to be rude, but how much real exposure have you had to low income families and people on welfare? Serious question. I would like to see the answer.
Said1 said:
Come on, you know minors aren't getting the checks, their parents are getting them.....the able bodied adult parents.

Sorry to say, but I see it all the tiime. They do it some how, and their children stay with them. Some work under the table, some live in really bad conditions, but not really considerded abusive or dangerous to their children.

Again, I don't mean to be rude, but how much real exposure have you had to low income families and people on welfare? Serious question. I would like to see the answer.

He's seriously on drugs, said.
Second, you're on crack if you think somone can survive off of the cash assistance money for their children, and still provide for their children. If the children aren't taken care of, they are removed by social services and then the adult doesn't get the cash assistance anymore.


Where in the hell do you live, that social workers actually give a shit about their clients, and take an interest in how the kids are being treated? Whether they're being provided for? Whether the money's being properly spent? Whether the money they're receiving is enough, or whether they might need a bit more?

They are absolutely NOT removed by social services, unless there is a constant pattern of physical abuse, reports being filed, and a whole host of other shit. Why? BECAUSE THE WELFARE DEPARTMENT HAS NO PLACE TO PUT THE KIDS. Therefore, unless there are truely extenuating circumstances, the kids are "better off at home".
Shattered said:
Newsflash, chicky - This isn't about you, it never was about you, and I don't believe anyone even mentioned your name - my comment was based on my personal experience (which you know jack shit about), and what I know about my states welfare system.

What makes someone a "fuck up in Shattered's world" (since you're so quick to bestow the title upon yourself) is someones absolute need to take a generic discussion, and turn it around to be about themselves just for attention.

Gee Shattered, it seems that anyone that has children and can't care for them alone is a loser, according to you. You are the one that makes a point of your choosing NOT to have children for some reason, though you have an endless repertoire of advice/orders for those with kids, especially WOMEN that end up with children without husbands, or 'means of support'. You even had a dialogue of what to say to children regarding water guns, though you have never dealt with kids.
Shattered said:
What the fuck are you talking about now? ICTP made the "assumption" that the adults on welfare don't see any of the money - that's wrong. I made the statement that the adults get ALL the money, and they sure as hell don't put it all toward their kids, since their fat asses are down at Potawatomi Bingo Hall every god damned month gambling it away.

What the hell does that have to do with whatever the fuck you're talking about? I couldn't possibly care less about whether or not you were on welfare, so back the fuck off.

Ok, now don't freak out. The women you speak of gambling, probably have other income, like their children's father who is probably residing with them, even though they say he's not. I've seen this many, many times and I've even worked in a bingo hall. :D Just my personal experince, not the law.

Then there are honest women, who do try. I hate to lump them all together, but there is so much welfare fraud out there, it's amazing.
Kathianne said:
Gee Shattered, it seems that anyone that has children and can't care for them alone is a loser, according to you. You are the one that makes a point of your choosing NOT to have children for some reason, though you have an endless repertoire of advice/orders for those with kids, especially WOMEN that end up with children without husbands, or 'means of support'. You even had a dialogue of what to say to children regarding water guns, though you have never dealt with kids.

It seems your inferring alot kathianne. I guess your new supermod status means you can be a flaming bitch now. IS that it?
Kathianne said:
Gee Shattered, it seems that anyone that has children and can't care for them alone is a loser, according to you. You are the one that makes a point of your choosing NOT to have children for some reason, though you have an endless repertoire of advice/orders for those with kids, especially WOMEN that end up with children without husbands, or 'means of support'. You even had a dialogue of what to say to children regarding water guns, though you have never dealt with kids.

Whatever gave you the impression that I've never dealt with kids? I raised both my niece and nephew together for the first half of their lives.

Then again, perhaps I also have the experience of my OWN childhood with which to base an opinion?

Go piss up a rope. This isn't about you.
rtwngAvngr said:
It seems your inferring alot kathianne. I guess your new supermod status means you can be a flaming bitch now. IS that it?
RWA, don't flame me. I am not assuming anything that Shattered and I can't work out. Knock it off. No mod status change to that.
Kathianne said:
RWA, don't flame me. I am not assuming anything that Shattered and I can't work out. Knock it off. No mod status change to that.

AWW. Did you get flamed? Poor kathianne the victim.
Said1 said:
This is a family benefits program only, right? Single people would fall under another program, would they not? Or are you saying single people do not get cash benefits anymore? That is not evident in the link....that I could tell.

And do you seriously minors are recieving family benefits checks? Where in the link does it say it goes right to them, in their name?

In-kind benefits are non-cash benefits right? These benefits are probably for people who have sources of income or do not meet the criteria for any cash program for whatever reason, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but you're a little out of touch with your interpretation. Where in the link does it say what you claim, exactly?

The link only explicitly mentions families as being able to recieve cash assistance. Here's a link that explicitly says

indeed, today only two states - New Jersey and Utah - still give out cash to poverty-stricken adults who do not have child dependents

Said1 said:
Ok, now don't freak out. The women you speak of gambling, probably have other income, like their children's father who is probably residing with them, even though they say he's not. I've seen this many, many times and I've even worked in a bingo hall. :D Just my personal experince, not the law.

Then there are honest women, who do try. I hate to lump them all together, but there is so much welfare fraud out there, it's amazing.

Yes, there are honest women who do try - they're not the ones sitting there while their kids are running the streets locked out of the house. They're the ones you see in line at the grocery stores who are NOT decked out in $2000 gold necklaces, who have sensible/mostly nutritious foods in their grocery carts, rather than 6 bags of chips and a box of mac & cheese. Those are the women who are trying to use the system to keep their heads above water while they're actually out trying to DO something for themselves, rather than watching Oprah reruns.
Shattered said:
Whatever gave you the impression that I've never dealt with kids? I raised both my niece and nephew together for the first half of their lives.

Then again, perhaps I also have the experience of my OWN childhood with which to base an opinion?

Go piss up a rope. This isn't about you.

Won't piss on anything thank you very much. Narcissism isn't one of my problems. As for 'raising children' based on what I've read of your posts. Including those where you have implied that too many women have children they can't raise on their own.

What is half of your nieces/nephews lives anyways? Would be nice to count you in the people that care/make that women that care, not meaning men can't care, many do, example Dillo :) , SE, JimNYC, but too many don't.
Believe me, Wisconsin's wefare system is *fucked up* - that's why I asked ICTP what state he lived in wherein the social workers actually give a shit about the families assigned to them...
Kathianne said:
Won't piss on anything thank you very much. Narcissism isn't one of my problems. As for 'raising children' based on what I've read of your posts. Including those where you have implied that too many women have children they can't raise on their own.

What is half of your nieces/nephews lives anyways? Would be nice to count you in the people that care/make that women that care, not meaning men can't care, many do, example Dillo :) , SE, JimNYC, but too many don't.

wow. a suckup too.

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