Leftist anti-Semites openly hunting Jews in blue cities across America

What have Jewish people done to earn this hating from Americans?

This doesn't happen in a vacuum!

It can't be America's propaganda efforts because that has been directed at hating the Palestinian people that are being killed in the tens of thousands, for deliberately standing under Netanyahu's bombs!
Well, I'm pretty sure that the whole point of the NGOs (on both theoretical ''sides'') who are orchestrating all of this stuff by importing the image of what is going on over there to the streets of America over here is precisely so that people will ask '''Hey, why ain't the government doin nothin?"

So, as always...yay...more government. Less freedom.

That's always been the gig, I think. And useful idiots continue to help it along.

And I think we'll likely be hit with something far, far more repugnant to the fabric of our Republic than the Patriot Act ever was.

So, yeah. Problem. Reaction. Solution.

And, as always, the people will love them for it.

In the end, those who sell themselves as the ''do gooders'' in places like this and elsewhere in the wild of the www will be the useful utility to help pound a few more nails in America's coffin.

They know not what they do.

The actual goal of the Globalists is to eliminate national sovereignty.

No place in the world is there a sense of national sovereignty clung to as closely as Israel.

Klaus Schwab and the rest of those demons do not want you to support Israel. They want you to abandon it.
Pro -Israel babies not liking the type of treatment they happily dish out indiscriminately .
Revenge may be wrong but doubtless very sweet for many .
The Jews should have thought about their position more carefully before inviting retribution .
Which is what they did on October 7 with their False Flag .
While Joe Biden and the DemoKKKrat party do nothing at all to stop it.

The DemoKKKrat party will go down in history alongside Hitler's Third Reich.

Hundreds of ‘Radicalized’ NYC High Schoolers Riot Over Pro-Israel Teacher, Who Had to Be Locked in Office for Safety

Grenade Found Near New Jersey Synagogue, Bomb Squad Called​

Well, if this thread has done anything, it has sure brought out some of the worst antisemitic excrement the gene pool can ever vomit forth.
David Frum is a Jewish Canadian but he seems to be unbiased and neutral on reporting the incident.

He's as mystified over the growing trend in America as the rest of Canadians.

All I know is that anti-semitism in America is reported to have grown 388% in the last few weeks?
Deflection from what? Some asshole (post #8) insinuates that I`m a KKK supporter.
Are you?

Do you support Hamas?

No? Neither of these despicable groups?

Do you support and vote for the party that, 1) Created the KKK and, 2) Tacitly, and sometimes implicitly, supports Hamas?

Do you deny that any support Hamas gets from this Country is from dimocrap scum?

Come on -- Deny it. Go for it.

I need a reason to post the Header on FNC's website right now.

We boot our dirtbags (Santos) you celebrate yours.
What is a “gun nut”? You mean like the nut with the gun who drives by a city block and shoots up a street corner or funeral procession?
A gun nut is a person like him obsessed with preventing the populace from defending themselves against an all-powerful totalitarian state.

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