Leftist Media Caught planting lies, again.


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Yesterday, the Democratic Party Press planted and repeated a story of Sandy Hook Victims being "heckled."

Leftist both in the media and out, jumped on the story to show why we need to revoke civil rights. Even some of the lowlife scumbags of the left in this forum ran with the story.

One minor problem, the whole thing was a "hoax."

{Turns out, the clip was edited to portray heckling when in reality it never happened. Today a whole slew of media outlets are issuing retractions and apologies while some outlets, like MSNBC and The Huffington Post, have refused to run the full clip.}


Even far left Slate has admitted that the video was a fake, a fabrication of the anti-Liberty left.

{Update: We now have video of Neil Heslin's testimony to Connecticut lawmakers yesterday—during which he was reportedly "heckled" by gun-rights advocates—and the footage suggests that the initial characterization of the incident was more than a little misleading.

At around the 15-minute mark in the video below you'll hear an untold number of gun-rights supporters shout out a variety of Second Amendment-related remarks, just as the the Connecticut Post originally reported occurred in a story headlined "Father of Newtown victim heckled at hearing." But the video also shows that those who interjected were responding to a question posed by Heslin}
Was Sandy Hook dad Neil Heslin really "heckled"? The video suggests not.
Yesterday, the Democratic Party Press planted and repeated a story of Sandy Hook Victims being "heckled."

Leftist both in the media and out, jumped on the story to show why we need to revoke civil rights. Even some of the lowlife scumbags of the left in this forum ran with the story.

One minor problem, the whole thing was a "hoax."

{Turns out, the clip was edited to portray heckling when in reality it never happened. Today a whole slew of media outlets are issuing retractions and apologies while some outlets, like MSNBC and The Huffington Post, have refused to run the full clip.}


Even far left Slate has admitted that the video was a fake, a fabrication of the anti-Liberty left.

{Update: We now have video of Neil Heslin's testimony to Connecticut lawmakers yesterday—during which he was reportedly "heckled" by gun-rights advocates—and the footage suggests that the initial characterization of the incident was more than a little misleading.

At around the 15-minute mark in the video below you'll hear an untold number of gun-rights supporters shout out a variety of Second Amendment-related remarks, just as the the Connecticut Post originally reported occurred in a story headlined "Father of Newtown victim heckled at hearing." But the video also shows that those who interjected were responding to a question posed by Heslin}
Was Sandy Hook dad Neil Heslin really "heckled"? The video suggests not.

They will never admit they were wrong, because it doesnt match with their talking points.
B-b-b-but, you rw's said that was okay when O'Keefe/Britebart did it. rw's also said that it was rally libs who did it in order to cast doubt on the veracity of O'Keefe/Britebart's "journalistic honesty".

Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda. That's why libs don't respect fox/lush/beck etc.

From the article, the real crux of the discussion -

"We're all entitled to our own opinion and I respect their opinions and their thoughts," Heslin continued after the incident. "I wish they'd respect mine and give it a little bit of thought, and realize it could have been their child that could have been in that school that day."
B-b-b-but, you rw's said that was okay when O'Keefe/Britebart did it. rw's also said that it was rally libs who did it in order to cast doubt on the veracity of O'Keefe/Britebart's "journalistic honesty".

Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda. That's why libs don't respect fox/lush/beck etc.

From the article, the real crux of the discussion -

"We're all entitled to our own opinion and I respect their opinions and their thoughts," Heslin continued after the incident. "I wish they'd respect mine and give it a little bit of thought, and realize it could have been their child that could have been in that school that day."

He looked into the audience, and asked a question. he PAUSED for dramatic effect. He was not speaking when they responded.

Keep spinning this all you want. The first video released was a gem of selective editing. The full video shows a response to maybe an intended rhetorical question, but a QUESTION, to which he then panned to the audience as if asking for a response.
Yesterday, the Democratic Party Press planted and repeated a story of Sandy Hook Victims being "heckled."

Leftist both in the media and out, jumped on the story to show why we need to revoke civil rights. Even some of the lowlife scumbags of the left in this forum ran with the story.

One minor problem, the whole thing was a "hoax."

{Turns out, the clip was edited to portray heckling when in reality it never happened. Today a whole slew of media outlets are issuing retractions and apologies while some outlets, like MSNBC and The Huffington Post, have refused to run the full clip.}


Even far left Slate has admitted that the video was a fake, a fabrication of the anti-Liberty left.

{Update: We now have video of Neil Heslin's testimony to Connecticut lawmakers yesterday—during which he was reportedly "heckled" by gun-rights advocates—and the footage suggests that the initial characterization of the incident was more than a little misleading.

At around the 15-minute mark in the video below you'll hear an untold number of gun-rights supporters shout out a variety of Second Amendment-related remarks, just as the the Connecticut Post originally reported occurred in a story headlined "Father of Newtown victim heckled at hearing." But the video also shows that those who interjected were responding to a question posed by Heslin}
Was Sandy Hook dad Neil Heslin really "heckled"? The video suggests not.

Did they ever stop lying?
B-b-b-but, you rw's said that was okay when O'Keefe/Britebart did it. rw's also said that it was rally libs who did it in order to cast doubt on the veracity of O'Keefe/Britebart's "journalistic honesty".

Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda. That's why libs don't respect fox/lush/beck etc.

From the article, the real crux of the discussion -

Your party's press got caught openly lying, and this is the best you can come up with?
Yes. The question Heslin threw out there: (paraphrased) "Can anyone tell me why anyone would need (such large magazine) weapons?" Nobody on the panel said anything to that but there was a very brief--no more than a couple of seconds--response from the gallery with the only intelligible response being "No infringement of Second Amendment rights." The moderator then immediately admonished that the audience would remain quiet or they would clear the room.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, could honestly call what happened 'heckling'. It was not aimed at Heslin and it was in response to a question Heslin asked.

But if you read the leftwing media account of the event--most especially the headlines they put on it--you would think a whole mob was there with signs and placards jeering and insulting Heslin.
B-b-b-but, you rw's said that was okay when O'Keefe/Britebart did it. rw's also said that it was rally libs who did it in order to cast doubt on the veracity of O'Keefe/Britebart's "journalistic honesty".
Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda. That's why libs don't respect fox/lush/beck etc.

From the article, the real crux of the discussion -

Your party's press got caught openly lying, and this is the best you can come up with?

Please show me where the Democratic party had anything to do with this.

The "best" I can come up with is to to state, very clearly,

Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda.

Even though you are so dishonest that you cherry picked only part of my post, you somehow allowed that statement to slip by. In case you missed it, here it is again,

Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda.

See it now?

Or, should I post it again?

Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda.

If you're still unsure of my opinion,

Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda.
B-b-b-but, you rw's said that was okay when O'Keefe/Britebart did it. rw's also said that it was rally libs who did it in order to cast doubt on the veracity of O'Keefe/Britebart's "journalistic honesty".
Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda. That's why libs don't respect fox/lush/beck etc.

From the article, the real crux of the discussion -

Your party's press got caught openly lying, and this is the best you can come up with?

Please show me where the Democratic party had anything to do with this.

The "best" I can come up with is to to state, very clearly,

Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda.

Even though you are so dishonest that you cherry picked only part of my post, you somehow allowed that statement to slip by. In case you missed it, here it is again,

Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda.

See it now?

Or, should I post it again?

Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda.

If you're still unsure of my opinion,

Bottom line is its wrong for either side to twist facts to suit their agenda.

Repeat it all you want, but we both know you are just FINE with your side pulling this shit off if they can get away with it. You still didnt admit that this whole "outrage" was fabricated.

You are still nothing but a coward liberal hack.
I have yet to see even one of the upstanding right wing members of this board to speak out against the Britebart/O'Keefe lies and and edited videos.

Looks to me like you all live in glass houses.

I have yet to see even one of the upstanding right wing members of this board to speak out against the Britebart/O'Keefe lies and and edited videos.

Looks to me like you all live in glass houses.


The fact is that the vast majority of the mainstream media are leftists and do tailor their news coverage, their headlines, the photos they use, and how they present their stories to make the Democratic Party/Democrats, most especially the Administration, look as good as possible and to present any opposition in the worst light they think they can get away with.

Objectivity and impartiality is very difficult to come by in the media anymore, and that is a tragedy for freedom loving people who want the best information before they draw conclusions. A free people won't remain free for long if communications are so controlled that honest information is suppressed and the media is used to coerce, manipulate, and control perception.
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." Mark Twain.

They hope the damage is done...if only half the people who heard the story hear that it is bullshit...that's a win for the leftist propaganda machine.

ABC pulled this on Palin. Editing Palin « The Parse

MSNBC selectively edits Romney MSNBC's Selectively Edited Romney Video, Andrea Mitchell's Non-Apology Illustrate Network's Dishonesty | NewsBusters

And the INFAMOUS "He looks black" edit by NBC attacking George Zimmerman.

NBC's "Today" show ran the edited audio of George Zimmerman's phone call to a police dispatcher in which Zimmerman says: "'This guy looks like he's up to no good … he looks black."

But the audio recording in its entirety reveals that Zimmerman did not volunteer the information that Martin was black.

Instead, Zimmerman was answering a question from a police dispatcher about the race of the "suspicious person" whom Zimmerman was speaking about.

A transcript of the complete 911 call shows that Zimmerman said, "This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."

The 911 officer responded saying, "OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?"

"He looks black," Zimmerman said.

Last edited:
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." Mark Twain.

They hope the damage is done...if only half the people who heard the story hear that it is bullshit...that's a win for the leftist propaganda machine.

ABC pulled this on Palin. Editing Palin « The Parse

MSNBC selectively edits Romney MSNBC's Selectively Edited Romney Video, Andrea Mitchell's Non-Apology Illustrate Network's Dishonesty | NewsBusters

And the INFAMOUS "He looks black" edit by NBC attacking George Zimmerman.

NBC's "Today" show ran the edited audio of George Zimmerman's phone call to a police dispatcher in which Zimmerman says: "'This guy looks like he's up to no good … he looks black."
But the audio recording in its entirety reveals that Zimmerman did not volunteer the information that Martin was black. Instead, Zimmerman was answering a question from a police dispatcher about the race of the "suspicious person" whom Zimmerman was speaking about.
A transcript of the complete 911 call shows that Zimmerman said, "This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."
The 911 officer responded saying, "OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?"
"He looks black," Zimmerman said.

Yep. Selective editing of any information in order to create a lie should not be acceptable to anybody. I don't have a problem with edits that do not change the intent or motive of the speaker and/or do not create a false illusion of what is being reported. But whether a video, or broadcast, or printed newstory, or headline, or photo, we should demand that the media present it honestly and without any form of manipulation.

Most of the leftist MSM takes care not to intentionally lie. But they have no reluctance to create false illusions.
Yes. The question Heslin threw out there: (paraphrased) "Can anyone tell me why anyone would need (such large magazine) weapons?" Nobody on the panel said anything to that but there was a very brief--no more than a couple of seconds--response from the gallery with the only intelligible response being "No infringement of Second Amendment rights." The moderator then immediately admonished that the audience would remain quiet or they would clear the room.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, could honestly call what happened 'heckling'. It was not aimed at Heslin and it was in response to a question Heslin asked.

But if you read the leftwing media account of the event--most especially the headlines they put on it--you would think a whole mob was there with signs and placards jeering and insulting Heslin.

The MSM lied (again) and a lot of people fell for it. It is amusing to see how they now feebly attempt to minimize their gullibility.
The media can't stop lying. Has George Zimmerman ever got an apology for that selective editing? How about George Bush. Did Dan Rather ever apologize. This won't stop the left from lying. Next they'll be making up entire stories out of nothing. Maybe they'll stage events to have something to say with participants coming right out of central casting. Oh, wait. They did that with people said to be Sandy hurricane evacuees.

Lame stream journalists have become Jayson Blair clones.

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