Leftist Moderator Schieffer Tells LOSERS "Don't Watch Debate Moderators"

Do all Presidential moderators have to be leftists? Why? Is that compulsory? Aren't there more objective ones to chose from?
I really don't understand.

All debate moderators are ‘leftists’ when a republican presidential candidate is about to lose an election. It’s the moderators’ fault, not the candidate’s.
You truly think people here are demented enough to believe that little white lie, Miss Jones? Your slip is showin'!


Facts are like Kryptonite to the GOP.
All debate moderators are ‘leftists’ when a republican presidential candidate is about to lose an election. It’s the moderators’ fault, not the candidate’s.

Election 2012: Poll show Romney leads Obama 52 to 45%
Election 2012: Poll show Romney leads Obama 52 to 45% - New York economy and politics | Examiner.com

sigh national polls mean nothing.
They sure did when Obama was showing he was ahead due to oversampling Democrats, dear Mr. Plasmaball. :lmao:
It is known that Obama will not make public appearances if he has certain reporters present, so they are excluded from the invitation list.

No fair person is welcome to ask Obama straight answers.
It has to come from the Democrat spin room as evidenced by the Crowley format allowing Obama the open season on Romney to call him a liar, and Romney was disallowed from defending himself by her decree in Obama's debate favor.

Do you have a source for this?

Further it is beleived that Bush II had scripted press conferences. I believe all president may do this...
Tonight's press moderator has chided Americans about paying too much attention to the moderators of the Debates!

He says only the LOSERS take umbrage at their behavior.

They don't want you to notice them now, after Crowley Crowded out Romney 4 times in going for his neck to protect weakling Barack Obama.

So LOSER VOTERS, DON'T SAY NOTHIN' ABOUT MODERATOR Schieffer or he will call you a LOSER. Oh, wait. He doesn't have to. He already did.

That's how damned one-sided these infotainment assholes are.

For gods sake

Do you guys ever stop whining about the moderators?

Sit back and enjoy the debate
Oh, lighten up, Leftwinger. We righties prefer to enjoy beating up the idiot moderators you leftists are cramming down America's poor throat. It's so fun to know the stage hands will have to wipe up their drooling over Obama when all is said and done. :lmao:

How did leftists cram these moderators down anyones throat?

Romney agreed to them

Name some moderators you would find acceptable?
You are very naive. If you believe this.

That's your opinion. Opinions have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Have a good day.

The fact is if your candidate cannot handle a moderator in a controlled environment, you should be concerned with what he is going to do in a real situation...:lol:
My candidate did very well last debate considering it was a preplanned 2-against-1-if-need-be flop. Fortunately, the last moderator made Obama look like a suckling, and not a president. At one point, he told her to repeat the nasty words she said to Romney for him. lol What a lot of stagecraft went into creating a footshoot to Obama and not to Romney! They're telling us they're not collaborating with Obama? What a huge roll of BS the lying media puts out.

Schieffer should be discarded as moderator. He's going into this calling one candidate's supporters "losers." Instead of telling America not to pay attention to the moderator, he actually just painted a huge target on his own heiney, and I hope he kicks himself for saying such a ridiculous, biased, nasty, horrible thing. He's so fulla himself his guts are coming out of his toenails.
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It is known that Obama will not make public appearances if he has certain reporters present, so they are excluded from the invitation list.

No fair person is welcome to ask Obama straight answers.
It has to come from the Democrat spin room as evidenced by the Crowley format allowing Obama the open season on Romney to call him a liar, and Romney was disallowed from defending himself by her decree in Obama's debate favor.

Do you have a source for this?

Further it is beleived that Bush II had scripted press conferences. I believe all president may do this...
Aside from the fact that a Presidential Debate isn't exactly a press conference, yes, I have do a source for my opinion:


For gods sake

Do you guys ever stop whining about the moderators?

Sit back and enjoy the debate
Oh, lighten up, Leftwinger. We righties prefer to enjoy beating up the idiot moderators you leftists are cramming down America's poor throat. It's so fun to know the stage hands will have to wipe up their drooling over Obama when all is said and done. :lmao:

How did leftists cram these moderators down anyones throat?

Romney agreed to them

Name some moderators you would find acceptable?
By not giving equal time to truly neutral moderators. Candy Crowley must have really had to loose dress to cover up that "I wanna have Obama's baby" T-shirt she was wearin' under all that fluff!
Tonight's press moderator has chided Americans about paying too much attention to the moderators of the Debates!

He says only the LOSERS take umbrage at their behavior.

They don't want you to notice them now, after Crowley Crowded out Romney 4 times in going for his neck to protect weakling Barack Obama.

So LOSER VOTERS, DON'T SAY NOTHIN' ABOUT MODERATOR Schieffer or he will call you a LOSER. Oh, wait. He doesn't have to. He already did.

That's how damned one-sided these infotainment assholes are.

For gods sake

Do you guys ever stop whining about the moderators?

Sit back and enjoy the debate

If the Presidential Moderator screws up the debate, (like Candy Crowley did) he/she should be held fully accountable for his/her actions, but even though this actions may have some effect on the voting outcome, no doubt only a little slap on the wrist would happen.

And that is not fair.
Leftist Moderator Schieffer
Rightwing idiocy, Schieffer is no ‘leftist.’
Yes he is. Neutral people don't call conservatives "loser" less than 2 hours before the debate he is about to moderate in favor of "sinners".

Oops, I missed the W. Serves the leftist locksteppers right. /pun/pun/pun
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I'm worried about you.
You sound like a 12 year old alone in an empty room, chained to a radiator with only a tv permanently tuned to Fox for company.
Where can we send help?
Becki, if you can't say anything just tap the 'h' key twice to indicate that you need help.
I'm worried about you.
You sound like a 12 year old alone in an empty room, chained to a radiator with only a tv permanently tuned to Fox for company.
Where can we send help?
I do not control what my dear husband likes to watch, thank you very much. :D
You can send a check to your local state's chapter of "Monitor polls for ballot stuffing by precinct chairmen" of the Republican Party."

It would do you good to do America some good.
That's your opinion. Opinions have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Have a good day.

The fact is if your candidate cannot handle a moderator in a controlled environment, you should be concerned with what he is going to do in a real situation...:lol:
My candidate did very well last debate considerint it was a preplanned 2-against-1-if-need-be flop. Fortunately, the last moderator made Obama look like a suckling, and not a president. At one point, he told her to repeat the nasty words she said to Romney for him. lol What a lot of stagecraft went into creating a footshoot to Obama and not to Romney! They're telling us they're not collaborating with Obama? What a huge roll of BS the lying media puts out.

Schieffer should be discarded as moderator. He's going into this calling one candidate's supporters "losers." Instead of telling America not to pay attention to the moderator, he actually just painted a huge target on his own heiney, and I hope he kicks himself for saying such a ridiculous, biased, nasty, horrible thing. He's so fulla himself his guts are coming out of his toenails.

he's right; only losers complain about the refs before and after the game
Becki, if you can't say anything just tap the 'h' key twice to indicate that you need help.
If it bothers you so much, and raises your concern to such a piccolo, why not just take a relaxant?

Oops the debate's on. I'm not going to miss this one. Bye for now.
That's your opinion. Opinions have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Have a good day.

The fact is if your candidate cannot handle a moderator in a controlled environment, you should be concerned with what he is going to do in a real situation...:lol:
My candidate did very well last debate considerint it was a preplanned 2-against-1-if-need-be flop. Fortunately, the last moderator made Obama look like a suckling, and not a president. At one point, he told her to repeat the nasty words she said to Romney for him. lol What a lot of stagecraft went into creating a footshoot to Obama and not to Romney! They're telling us they're not collaborating with Obama? What a huge roll of BS the lying media puts out.

Schieffer should be discarded as moderator. He's going into this calling one candidate's supporters "losers." Instead of telling America not to pay attention to the moderator, he actually just painted a huge target on his own heiney, and I hope he kicks himself for saying such a ridiculous, biased, nasty, horrible thing. He's so fulla himself his guts are coming out of his toenails.

Again I ask for sources......I do not like either candidate, I want someone to do a great job not throw more bile at the public, nevertheless, you still have failed to prove that which you have asserted regarding barring reporters or selective media coverage.
The fact is if your candidate cannot handle a moderator in a controlled environment, you should be concerned with what he is going to do in a real situation...:lol:
My candidate did very well last debate considering it was a preplanned 2-against-1-if-need-be flop. Fortunately, the last moderator made Obama look like a suckling, and not a president. At one point, he told her to repeat the nasty words she said to Romney for him. lol What a lot of stagecraft went into creating a footshoot to Obama and not to Romney! They're telling us they're not collaborating with Obama? What a huge roll of BS the lying media puts out.

Schieffer should be discarded as moderator. He's going into this calling one candidate's supporters "losers." Instead of telling America not to pay attention to the moderator, he actually just painted a huge target on his own heiney, and I hope he kicks himself for saying such a ridiculous, biased, nasty, horrible thing. He's so fulla himself his guts are coming out of his toenails.

Again I ask for sources......I do not like either candidate, I want someone to do a great job not throw more bile at the public, nevertheless, you still have failed to prove that which you have asserted regarding barring reporters or selective media coverage.
Nobody can change a person's dislike for two candidates, and I'm no wave-wander that could change a man's heart, Mr. Connery.

The press of today does not play by the rules the press employed in years past, which I took for granted when growing up. they are not perfectly neutral. This week's monitor showed his hand when he chided the American people to not pay attention to the moderator, then made a statement that only the LOSERS would object. That's a hand tip into a hand that is stacked in self-interest of the leftist machine. Sorry if it may seem not important to you, but it truly set off my BS alarm system developed over years of dealing with leftist demagoguery.

Last week's performance by the moderator we are now chided for paying attention to set up and pitted likely times for Obama to go negative at times in which Romney was disallowed from answering no less than 7 liar charges made by Obama. You think Obama was clueless about that when he walked into that hall? If he wasn't, his handlers certainly were in on it, because he only went negative on Romney when Romney was not allowed to talk back in defense. That is manufactured staging, to produce an image that may or may not be accurate, used by none other than stage managers to fool people into thinking a mere mortal is a demon or a hero or whatever they wish him to be presenting him in a nice little package that viewers buy or reject, according to the wishes of none other than the director of the fiction.

I'm sure that will not be considered as proof by you, but I don't think it was accidental the timing of negatives and self-approbations on Obama's part last week.

I didn't listen closely this week, I listened to some but not all of this little word war between two competitors. The only thing that really stood out to me would not have stood out to anyone else, I'm sure. President Obama came out as waspish about nearly every negative he went on about. Others will have to determine what they think, but I got bit by a wasp about 6 weeks ago, and while I'm not allergic, eew. It's no fun.

I have no other source for my opinions than that. We are an informal board at USMB, we often agree to disagree.

I hope you find some semblance of peace with one or other of the candidates. My love for conservativism is not a source that you seem to be seeking. I hope you find a source that brings you to decide if you wish to vote on a candidate. I'm a total stranger, and unlike Gallup polls that have been around since 1935, I haven't been. :)

The Romney Fiscal Issues Page - there is a section discussing how Romney will "Exercise fiscal responsibility to restore economic opportunity." and another discussing how Romney plans to "Reform entitlement programs to keep them solvent and put America on a path to prosperity."

The reason I favor the Romney campaign is solely on account of my agreement with the bases of his Issues pages, and his pledge to make a budget and work on reducing the overspending and national debt through wise measures. Romney jobs plan - One of several pages

Romney's Issues page

I'm not certain what you expect, but if you use the three links above, you will know of Romney's plans. The ones that are important to me relate to fiscal matters, because that is what in the past presidents have tended to. The current occupant has not seen fit to do a budget, and the country's credit rating has been downgraded twice under this spendthrift approach to neglecting to get Congress to agree to a budget.

We have to have someone passing a budget on top of the table. This business of not having one has made it too easy to use the bully pulpit to print money and take that instead of going through Congress as the Constitution clearly designates as the tax collectors. No collections no money has been the past. Printing more money... I just don't like that as a Pet Rock project fund for money taxpayers can't come up with.

I hope the links help you make your choice. No way could I influence that having only my opinion that is so frail, based on my view of the administration which seems so confused in its role as wanting to be everything--executive, legislative, and judicial all rolled into one. That's a lean toward monarchy any way you cut it, and in this land, our fathers died to make sure people would forever not have to answer to a strong central power like King George of England in the 1776 era.
Do all Presidential moderators have to be leftists? Why? Is that compulsory? Aren't there more objective ones to chose from?
I really don't understand.

All debate moderators are ‘leftists’ when a republican presidential candidate is about to lose an election. It’s the moderators’ fault, not the candidate’s.

Don't forget the stacked polls with the oversampled Democrats.

Can't wait to see how the BLS tries to screw Republicans next. It's their turn next.

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