Leftist now say term Marijuana is racist

I won't say that the term marijuana is racist, but I will say that the whole reason it was made illegal in the first place was.

Anslinger was a racist who didn't like brown or black people, and because they were the main consumers of marijuana at the time, making the plant illegal was the easiest way to lock them up. It's also why the jail sentences were so draconian when enforcement started. 10 years for 1 joint? C'mon.
The criminalization of pot didnt happen like that. It went through regulation at the federal level, then states started doing more, then we made federal legislation because of the traffic(crime) to get it here. Then, they criminalized it.
Also, it was 2 - 10 years...
I wont say aslinger wasnt a racist, idk. I didnt know the guy. But he was correct in saying it brought crime.

It brought crime because it was made illegal. Follow the trail of Prohibition of alcohol. We learned in short order to repeal and replace the 18th A., and allow the several states and even counties to regulate alcohol and to tax it.
It went through years of regulation before it got outlawed though. It bringing crime is why the push for it to be all out banned came about. They were after everything that was habit forming. Drug wise. Or at that time "poison"
Leftists Now Say Term ‘Marijuana’ Racist
Leftists have set their sights on the latest problematic word in their feverish attempt to rewrite language.

You just can't make this chit up, if you can't see the hippies have raised their kids and their kids to be totally fkn off their rockers.
Leftist Liberal failure , you have got to be kidding me this one takes the cake of Leftist Loons" being offended.
Why in the hell are you idiots allowing these colleges to mold your kids into total fkn retards. Oh I know because it is you leftist sheep who help mold the liberal colleges and decided this is where the Indoctrination to being an idiot begins.
When something is beyond one`s understanding they`re sure to screech LIBRUL this and LIBRUL that. Damn colleges and hippies is a nice touch too.

Beyond one's understanding...

What a friggin hoot....

Screech this,

you LIBRULs are so full of shit...
Political correctness... the new racism
Well, it is.

The plant's name is "Cannabis" - no one referred to it by a scary Mexican name until they wanted to demonize it.
Pretty sure i read that the mexicans gave it that name when they came here after their revolution

Something like that - but the term "Cannabis" existed for hundreds of years prior to that.

I wonder why, when campaigning for it to be made illegal, the government decided to use the Mexican slang term for it, rather than the accepted and well-known term?
Well, it is.

The plant's name is "Cannabis" - no one referred to it by a scary Mexican name until they wanted to demonize it.
Pretty sure i read that the mexicans gave it that name when they came here after their revolution

Something like that - but the term "Cannabis" existed for hundreds of years prior to that.

I wonder why, when campaigning for it to be made illegal, the government decided to use the Mexican slang term for it, rather than the accepted and well-known term?

Maybe just because it is/was more commonly know as marijuana.....

Just like when we hear something that we know not to be true...

We don't "refer" to it as Bull Feces....

We call it Bull Shit....
When the Federal Bureau of Narcotics was formed in 1932, Mellon's nephew Harry Anslinger was appointed its head, a job in Mellon's treasury department that was created just for him. Treasury agents were beginning to operate on their own agenda. Deep in the throes of the depression, congress began to reexamine all federal agencies. Anslinger began to fear that his department was in danger of emasculation. Although worldwide, hemp was still big business, in 1935 the Treasury Department began secretly drafting a bill called The Marihuana Tax Act. The Treasury Department's general counsul Herman Oliphant was put in charge of writing something that could get past both Congress and the Court disguised as a tax revenue bill. Congress wasn't all that interested in the matter, seeing as all the information they had to work with was what was provided to them by Anslinger. They deliberately collected horror stories on the evils of marihuana pulled primarily from the Hearst newspapers, called Anslinger's Gore Files. Crimes that had never happened at all were being attributed to marihuana.

How Marijuana Became Illegal
Well, it is.

The plant's name is "Cannabis" - no one referred to it by a scary Mexican name until they wanted to demonize it.
Pretty sure i read that the mexicans gave it that name when they came here after their revolution

Something like that - but the term "Cannabis" existed for hundreds of years prior to that.

I wonder why, when campaigning for it to be made illegal, the government decided to use the Mexican slang term for it, rather than the accepted and well-known term?

Maybe just because it is/was more commonly know as marijuana.....

Just like when we hear something that we know not to be true...

We don't "refer" to it as Bull Feces....

We call it Bull Shit....

Prior to 1938, it was "commonly known" throughout the western world as cannabis.

"Marijuana" or "marihuana" was a little-known Mexican slang term that was never used in the US prior to the Marihuana Tax Act.
Well, it is.

The plant's name is "Cannabis" - no one referred to it by a scary Mexican name until they wanted to demonize it.
Pretty sure i read that the mexicans gave it that name when they came here after their revolution

Something like that - but the term "Cannabis" existed for hundreds of years prior to that.

I wonder why, when campaigning for it to be made illegal, the government decided to use the Mexican slang term for it, rather than the accepted and well-known term?

Maybe just because it is/was more commonly know as marijuana.....

Just like when we hear something that we know not to be true...

We don't "refer" to it as Bull Feces....

We call it Bull Shit....

Prior to 1938, it was "commonly known" throughout the western world as cannabis.

"Marijuana" or "marihuana" was a little-known Mexican slang term that was never used in the US prior to the Marihuana Tax Act.

Why would they choose a little known Mexican slang term?

What about the cannibals?

They have feelings too....
Well, it is.

The plant's name is "Cannabis" - no one referred to it by a scary Mexican name until they wanted to demonize it.
Pretty sure i read that the mexicans gave it that name when they came here after their revolution

Something like that - but the term "Cannabis" existed for hundreds of years prior to that.

I wonder why, when campaigning for it to be made illegal, the government decided to use the Mexican slang term for it, rather than the accepted and well-known term?

Maybe just because it is/was more commonly know as marijuana.....

Just like when we hear something that we know not to be true...

We don't "refer" to it as Bull Feces....

We call it Bull Shit....

Prior to 1938, it was "commonly known" throughout the western world as cannabis.

"Marijuana" or "marihuana" was a little-known Mexican slang term that was never used in the US prior to the Marihuana Tax Act.

Why would they choose a little known Mexican slang term?

What about the cannibals?

They have feelings too....

Because calling it by a Mexican slang term made it that much more terrifying to suburban white families in the 1940s.

Cannabis, on the other hand, comes from Kannabis, which is ancient Greek.
"calling it what they call it is fear mongering against them. Its also racist"
Pretty sure i read that the mexicans gave it that name when they came here after their revolution

Something like that - but the term "Cannabis" existed for hundreds of years prior to that.

I wonder why, when campaigning for it to be made illegal, the government decided to use the Mexican slang term for it, rather than the accepted and well-known term?

Maybe just because it is/was more commonly know as marijuana.....

Just like when we hear something that we know not to be true...

We don't "refer" to it as Bull Feces....

We call it Bull Shit....

Prior to 1938, it was "commonly known" throughout the western world as cannabis.

"Marijuana" or "marihuana" was a little-known Mexican slang term that was never used in the US prior to the Marihuana Tax Act.

Why would they choose a little known Mexican slang term?

What about the cannibals?

They have feelings too....

Because calling it by a Mexican slang term made it that much more terrifying to suburban white families in the 1940s.

Cannabis, on the other hand, comes from Kannabis, which is ancient Greek.

looks like Google is your friend.

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