Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

Name calling and slogans sound good to shallow people. But it was the Democrat party that had a history racism. That is clearly evident.
You are the one implying Blacks are stupid enough to allow themselves to be brainwashed for being uppity enough to not agree with the Right.

The left has made it clear they believe blacks are by promoting such programs as affirmative action. They claim they want people to be judged on qualifications and character but use the very thing they say is wrong to use when it comes to hiring, admitting, etc.
AA allows QUALIFIED minorities equal opportunity, only racists see minorities as unqualified and therefore conclude that AA means AA jobs go to the unqualified.

AA uses a factor that if used to deny would be something you called racism.

Only racists support a program that uses race to benefit while claiming using race is wrong.
A typical Right-wing half truth.
AA uses minority status as an additional factor among QUALIFIED candidates ONLY when minorities are UNDERREPRESENTED.

Underrepresented? Typical Liberal mindset when not enough to suit them have been hired, admitted, etc. In other words, you support quotas.
Name calling and slogans sound good to shallow people. But it was the Democrat party that had a history racism. That is clearly evident.
You are the one implying Blacks are stupid enough to allow themselves to be brainwashed for being uppity enough to not agree with the Right.

The left has made it clear they believe blacks are by promoting such programs as affirmative action. They claim they want people to be judged on qualifications and character but use the very thing they say is wrong to use when it comes to hiring, admitting, etc.
AA allows QUALIFIED minorities equal opportunity, only racists see minorities as unqualified and therefore conclude that AA means AA jobs go to the unqualified.

AA uses a factor that if used to deny would be something you called racism.

Only racists support a program that uses race to benefit while claiming using race is wrong.
A typical Right-wing half truth.
AA uses minority status as an additional factor among QUALIFIED candidates ONLY when minorities are UNDERREPRESENTED.

The way I see it you can be a racist and bigot as much as you want, as long as you vote Democrat, you get a pass.
You are the one implying Blacks are stupid enough to allow themselves to be brainwashed for being uppity enough to not agree with the Right.

The left has made it clear they believe blacks are by promoting such programs as affirmative action. They claim they want people to be judged on qualifications and character but use the very thing they say is wrong to use when it comes to hiring, admitting, etc.
AA allows QUALIFIED minorities equal opportunity, only racists see minorities as unqualified and therefore conclude that AA means AA jobs go to the unqualified.

AA uses a factor that if used to deny would be something you called racism.

Only racists support a program that uses race to benefit while claiming using race is wrong.
A typical Right-wing half truth.
AA uses minority status as an additional factor among QUALIFIED candidates ONLY when minorities are UNDERREPRESENTED.

Underrepresented? Typical Liberal mindset when not enough to suit them have been hired, admitted, etc. In other words, you support quotas.

He supports more qualified people who worked their butts off getting good grades, not being admitted to universities just because they aren't "black" or "Hispanic". He supports reverse racism. That how democrats weasel votes.
I'm just wondering how it is that blacks have been brainwashed ...
Probably because the Racist Right think so little of their reasoning ability based solely on their skin color!!!

Says one from the side that used skin color to pick the current President.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
We have the word of a racist and sexist on that!

You guys have abused the word racist to the point that it no longer has any meaning. My car didn't start, it must be racist. The gas prices went up, the oil companies are racist. Hopefully this race bating divisive garbage will end once Obama leaves office.
You racists were racists before Obama was elected and you will still be racists after he is gone. You can't blame your racism on Obama or anyone else except your parents.
You are the one implying Blacks are stupid enough to allow themselves to be brainwashed for being uppity enough to not agree with the Right.

The left has made it clear they believe blacks are by promoting such programs as affirmative action. They claim they want people to be judged on qualifications and character but use the very thing they say is wrong to use when it comes to hiring, admitting, etc.
AA allows QUALIFIED minorities equal opportunity, only racists see minorities as unqualified and therefore conclude that AA means AA jobs go to the unqualified.

AA uses a factor that if used to deny would be something you called racism.

Only racists support a program that uses race to benefit while claiming using race is wrong.
A typical Right-wing half truth.
AA uses minority status as an additional factor among QUALIFIED candidates ONLY when minorities are UNDERREPRESENTED.

The way I see it you can be a racist and bigot as much as you want, as long as you vote Democrat, you get a pass.
Racists always act like THEY are the victims of prejudice. Poor baby.
The left has made it clear they believe blacks are by promoting such programs as affirmative action. They claim they want people to be judged on qualifications and character but use the very thing they say is wrong to use when it comes to hiring, admitting, etc.
AA allows QUALIFIED minorities equal opportunity, only racists see minorities as unqualified and therefore conclude that AA means AA jobs go to the unqualified.

AA uses a factor that if used to deny would be something you called racism.

Only racists support a program that uses race to benefit while claiming using race is wrong.
A typical Right-wing half truth.
AA uses minority status as an additional factor among QUALIFIED candidates ONLY when minorities are UNDERREPRESENTED.

Underrepresented? Typical Liberal mindset when not enough to suit them have been hired, admitted, etc. In other words, you support quotas.

He supports more qualified people who worked their butts off getting good grades, not being admitted to universities just because they aren't "black" or "Hispanic". He supports reverse racism. That how democrats weasel votes.
Probably because the Racist Right think so little of their reasoning ability based solely on their skin color!!!

Says one from the side that used skin color to pick the current President.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
We have the word of a racist and sexist on that!

You guys have abused the word racist to the point that it no longer has any meaning. My car didn't start, it must be racist. The gas prices went up, the oil companies are racist. Hopefully this race bating divisive garbage will end once Obama leaves office.
You racists were racists before Obama was elected and you will still be racists after he is gone. You can't blame your racism on Obama or anyone else except your parents.

I am a minority you dumbfuck. The way I see it todays Democrats are practicing reverse racism.
Probably because the Racist Right think so little of their reasoning ability based solely on their skin color!!!

Says one from the side that used skin color to pick the current President.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
We have the word of a racist and sexist on that!

You guys have abused the word racist to the point that it no longer has any meaning. My car didn't start, it must be racist. The gas prices went up, the oil companies are racist. Hopefully this race bating divisive garbage will end once Obama leaves office.
You racists were racists before Obama was elected and you will still be racists after he is gone. You can't blame your racism on Obama or anyone else except your parents.

Now we know where your stupidity came from. It's genetic.
The left has made it clear they believe blacks are by promoting such programs as affirmative action. They claim they want people to be judged on qualifications and character but use the very thing they say is wrong to use when it comes to hiring, admitting, etc.
AA allows QUALIFIED minorities equal opportunity, only racists see minorities as unqualified and therefore conclude that AA means AA jobs go to the unqualified.

AA uses a factor that if used to deny would be something you called racism.

Only racists support a program that uses race to benefit while claiming using race is wrong.
A typical Right-wing half truth.
AA uses minority status as an additional factor among QUALIFIED candidates ONLY when minorities are UNDERREPRESENTED.

The way I see it you can be a racist and bigot as much as you want, as long as you vote Democrat, you get a pass.
Racists always act like THEY are the victims of prejudice. Poor baby.

Racists like you act like using race as a factor is wrong until race is used to benefit. Then, using race is OK as long as it's a certain race.
AA allows QUALIFIED minorities equal opportunity, only racists see minorities as unqualified and therefore conclude that AA means AA jobs go to the unqualified.

AA uses a factor that if used to deny would be something you called racism.

Only racists support a program that uses race to benefit while claiming using race is wrong.
A typical Right-wing half truth.
AA uses minority status as an additional factor among QUALIFIED candidates ONLY when minorities are UNDERREPRESENTED.

Underrepresented? Typical Liberal mindset when not enough to suit them have been hired, admitted, etc. In other words, you support quotas.

He supports more qualified people who worked their butts off getting good grades, not being admitted to universities just because they aren't "black" or "Hispanic". He supports reverse racism. That how democrats weasel votes.

You're the one that brought up the "underrepresented". Code word for reverse racism. This is what the left in academia does. They admit less qualified Blacks or Hispanics over others. They are scum.
Says one from the side that used skin color to pick the current President.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
We have the word of a racist and sexist on that!

You guys have abused the word racist to the point that it no longer has any meaning. My car didn't start, it must be racist. The gas prices went up, the oil companies are racist. Hopefully this race bating divisive garbage will end once Obama leaves office.
You racists were racists before Obama was elected and you will still be racists after he is gone. You can't blame your racism on Obama or anyone else except your parents.

I am a minority you dumbfuck. The way I see it todays Democrats are practicing reverse racism.
And yet you support the people who say your minority status makes you unqualified for everything, which makes it hard to believe you are actually a minority anywhere but a messageboard.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
We have the word of a racist and sexist on that!

You guys have abused the word racist to the point that it no longer has any meaning. My car didn't start, it must be racist. The gas prices went up, the oil companies are racist. Hopefully this race bating divisive garbage will end once Obama leaves office.
You racists were racists before Obama was elected and you will still be racists after he is gone. You can't blame your racism on Obama or anyone else except your parents.

I am a minority you dumbfuck. The way I see it todays Democrats are practicing reverse racism.
And yet you support the people who say your minority status makes you unqualified for everything, which makes it hard to believe you are actually a minority anywhere but a messageboard.

Minority status doesn't make someone unqualified. However, minority status doesn't make someone more qualified in order to meet some quota you believe in.
AA uses a factor that if used to deny would be something you called racism.

Only racists support a program that uses race to benefit while claiming using race is wrong.
A typical Right-wing half truth.
AA uses minority status as an additional factor among QUALIFIED candidates ONLY when minorities are UNDERREPRESENTED.

Underrepresented? Typical Liberal mindset when not enough to suit them have been hired, admitted, etc. In other words, you support quotas.

He supports more qualified people who worked their butts off getting good grades, not being admitted to universities just because they aren't "black" or "Hispanic". He supports reverse racism. That how democrats weasel votes.

You're the one that brought up the "underrepresented". Code word for reverse racism. This is what the left in academia does. They admit less qualified Blacks or Hispanics over others. They are scum.
There were a lot more words than just "underrepresented" in what I said, which was not used in the way you are using it. That is why you are worse than scum, you are lying scum.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
We have the word of a racist and sexist on that!

You guys have abused the word racist to the point that it no longer has any meaning. My car didn't start, it must be racist. The gas prices went up, the oil companies are racist. Hopefully this race bating divisive garbage will end once Obama leaves office.
You racists were racists before Obama was elected and you will still be racists after he is gone. You can't blame your racism on Obama or anyone else except your parents.

I am a minority you dumbfuck. The way I see it todays Democrats are practicing reverse racism.
And yet you support the people who say your minority status makes you unqualified for everything, which makes it hard to believe you are actually a minority anywhere but a messageboard.

I am an immigrant that is not of European ancestry, nor am I a Christian. I support judging people for who they are and their achievements, regardless of their race, color, or ethnicity. I find that the Republican Party fits best with that philosophy. Don't kid yourself, every Black or Hispanic applicant to colleges know they have a big advantage of being admitted over those in the general applicant pool. That's how it is in the real world.
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We have the word of a racist and sexist on that!

You guys have abused the word racist to the point that it no longer has any meaning. My car didn't start, it must be racist. The gas prices went up, the oil companies are racist. Hopefully this race bating divisive garbage will end once Obama leaves office.
You racists were racists before Obama was elected and you will still be racists after he is gone. You can't blame your racism on Obama or anyone else except your parents.

I am a minority you dumbfuck. The way I see it todays Democrats are practicing reverse racism.
And yet you support the people who say your minority status makes you unqualified for everything, which makes it hard to believe you are actually a minority anywhere but a messageboard.

Minority status doesn't make someone unqualified. However, minority status doesn't make someone more qualified in order to meet some quota you believe in.
To the racist Right it does by definition.
You guys have abused the word racist to the point that it no longer has any meaning. My car didn't start, it must be racist. The gas prices went up, the oil companies are racist. Hopefully this race bating divisive garbage will end once Obama leaves office.
You racists were racists before Obama was elected and you will still be racists after he is gone. You can't blame your racism on Obama or anyone else except your parents.

I am a minority you dumbfuck. The way I see it todays Democrats are practicing reverse racism.
And yet you support the people who say your minority status makes you unqualified for everything, which makes it hard to believe you are actually a minority anywhere but a messageboard.

Minority status doesn't make someone unqualified. However, minority status doesn't make someone more qualified in order to meet some quota you believe in.
To the racist Right it does by definition.

To a racist like you, it's called an excuse because you support quotas.
A typical Right-wing half truth.
AA uses minority status as an additional factor among QUALIFIED candidates ONLY when minorities are UNDERREPRESENTED.

Underrepresented? Typical Liberal mindset when not enough to suit them have been hired, admitted, etc. In other words, you support quotas.

He supports more qualified people who worked their butts off getting good grades, not being admitted to universities just because they aren't "black" or "Hispanic". He supports reverse racism. That how democrats weasel votes.

You're the one that brought up the "underrepresented". Code word for reverse racism. This is what the left in academia does. They admit less qualified Blacks or Hispanics over others. They are scum.
There were a lot more words than just "underrepresented" in what I said, which was not used in the way you are using it. That is why you are worse than scum, you are lying scum.
"Underrepresentation" is a common tactic the leftist fascists use to strong arm people. Does it matter what institution it is?
We have the word of a racist and sexist on that!

You guys have abused the word racist to the point that it no longer has any meaning. My car didn't start, it must be racist. The gas prices went up, the oil companies are racist. Hopefully this race bating divisive garbage will end once Obama leaves office.
You racists were racists before Obama was elected and you will still be racists after he is gone. You can't blame your racism on Obama or anyone else except your parents.

I am a minority you dumbfuck. The way I see it todays Democrats are practicing reverse racism.
And yet you support the people who say your minority status makes you unqualified for everything, which makes it hard to believe you are actually a minority anywhere but a messageboard.

I am an immigrant that is not of European ancestry, nor am I a Christian. I support judging people for who they are and their achievements, regardless of their race, color, or ethnicity. I find that the Republican Party fits best with that philosophy. Don't kid yourself, every Black or Hispanic applicant to colleges knows they have a big advantage of being admitted, over those in the general applicant pool. That's how it is in the real world.
I never had a college admission test that asked my race. Only after those who qualified on their tests and were called in for an interview had their race revealed. At that point it is another consideration for the school like legacy is. If you racists were bitching about legacy considerations in college admissions as long as you were whining about race, then maybe you could make a case that you are not the racists you are.
You racists were racists before Obama was elected and you will still be racists after he is gone. You can't blame your racism on Obama or anyone else except your parents.

I am a minority you dumbfuck. The way I see it todays Democrats are practicing reverse racism.
And yet you support the people who say your minority status makes you unqualified for everything, which makes it hard to believe you are actually a minority anywhere but a messageboard.

Minority status doesn't make someone unqualified. However, minority status doesn't make someone more qualified in order to meet some quota you believe in.
To the racist Right it does by definition.

To a racist like you, it's called an excuse because you support quotas.
Quotas for the qualified.
The Right never bitches about legacies, or nepotism which advances the unqualified, they only bitch about anything that advances qualified minorities.
A typical Right-wing half truth.
AA uses minority status as an additional factor among QUALIFIED candidates ONLY when minorities are UNDERREPRESENTED.

Underrepresented? Typical Liberal mindset when not enough to suit them have been hired, admitted, etc. In other words, you support quotas.

He supports more qualified people who worked their butts off getting good grades, not being admitted to universities just because they aren't "black" or "Hispanic". He supports reverse racism. That how democrats weasel votes.

You're the one that brought up the "underrepresented". Code word for reverse racism. This is what the left in academia does. They admit less qualified Blacks or Hispanics over others. They are scum.
There were a lot more words than just "underrepresented" in what I said, which was not used in the way you are using it. That is why you are worse than scum, you are lying scum.
A typical Right-wing half truth.
AA uses minority status as an additional factor among QUALIFIED candidates ONLY when minorities are UNDERREPRESENTED.

Underrepresented? Typical Liberal mindset when not enough to suit them have been hired, admitted, etc. In other words, you support quotas.

He supports more qualified people who worked their butts off getting good grades, not being admitted to universities just because they aren't "black" or "Hispanic". He supports reverse racism. That how democrats weasel votes.

You're the one that brought up the "underrepresented". Code word for reverse racism. This is what the left in academia does. They admit less qualified Blacks or Hispanics over others. They are scum.
There were a lot more words than just "underrepresented" in what I said, which was not used in the way you are using it. That is why you are worse than scum, you are lying scum.

It's the only one that mattered. It's the typical liberal view that not having enough minorities automatically means discrimination.
I am a minority you dumbfuck. The way I see it todays Democrats are practicing reverse racism.
And yet you support the people who say your minority status makes you unqualified for everything, which makes it hard to believe you are actually a minority anywhere but a messageboard.

Minority status doesn't make someone unqualified. However, minority status doesn't make someone more qualified in order to meet some quota you believe in.
To the racist Right it does by definition.

To a racist like you, it's called an excuse because you support quotas.
Quotas for the qualified.
The Right never bitches about legacies, or nepotism which advances the unqualified, they only bitch about anything that advances qualified minorities.

Bullshit. Quotas to satisfy those who automatically believe less minorities than they think should be somewhere means discrimination.

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