Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery — Urinating on Flags —

You tards print anonymous letters to the editor ...that's as low as you can go in the newspaper journalism business..

More garbage, you are unbelievable LOL! Try any newspaper or TV channel not owned by Murdoch.... And none of your bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJs either, super duper.

Yeah you know it Franco newspaper cheifs are rolling over in their graves over this one .

With violent nutjobs like GOP voter Fox bots at best, people are afraid to write...https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...CRAB&usg=AOvVaw1G41ZyqZdaIhVtHWGA3f2x&ampcf=1

You complaining over fox Fox news that has like 2 million people? And name a Murdoch newspaper that publishes anonymous letters to the editor?

The editor page is Holy ground for serious news and opinions ..not anonymous bull shit.

Fox is crap propaganda especially in primetime and all newspapers print Anonymous letters, ignoramus.

Hey Dumb Ass...

The propaganda is all on cnn and msnbctard where

they fake blowing up trucks and doctor 911 tapes to

fit their agenda you Stupid tard.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Gateway Pundit is fake news, dumb ass.
There is absolutely no proof of correlation between that couple and those flags in the article.

Wallow in the cesspool. It suits you.
Denial is not a river in Egypt. The guy who took the photos is a witness to what occurred. You morons keep trying to ignore that.
No they are protesting they can not be obnoxious assholes to cops and pissing on the American flag to boot...
A capital crime in the US for blacks. Protesting that is protesting the US flag. So that's what it stands for.
Only a snowflake douchebag would try to convince us that an eyewitness police report along with photos of the perps is "no evidence."
No evidence a police report was ever filed. All bullcrap fake news. Show the police report.
From the story:

"Police are searching for the young leftists."

Holy FUCK.

Every time I think I've got the depths of your boundless stupidity plumbed, you outdo yourself.

That's not a "story" dickhead. That's JIM FUCKING HOFT. He's a "writer" in the same sense that you're a "human". That's Hateway Plunderit, purveyor of fucking BULLSHIT.
In other words, it's a story by someone you don't like. Who did you expect to write it, the Washington Post?

Jim Fucking Hoft is a fucking BLOGGER, not a journalist, and what he shits onto the internet is in no way anything smelling remotely like "news". So when he writes "police are searching for the young leftists" HE'S PULLING IT OUT OF HIS ASS. As you can see from his links, which don't exist.

And what's with this plural shit? Is Jim Fucking Hoft suggesting this woman squatted on flags or what? Or maybe he's just too goddam stupid to proofread himself.

Damn straight I don't like him. Because I loathe dishonest hacks and that's exactly what Jim Fucking Hoft swims in.
He's more of a journalist than any of the lying weasels at the NYT, WAPO and CNN.
It is rather remarkable how the wingnuts from both sides just take stores as the gospel as long as they support their views.

You have the word of one man and 3 pictures that do not show what he claims happened, and the right wingnuts believe it like it was handed down by Moses himself. It would never occur to them to question it

Suddenly you filthy LefTards need indisputable PROOF....the probability principle doesn’t apply here but it sure did with Roy Moore...isn’t that right LefTard?
Have you noticed how nasty they are when one of their ilk reveals how snowflakes genuinely feel about America? Notice that none of them have condemned these to pieces of human waste. That will believe an obviously bogus "dossier," created by some Russian spies, that even its author refuses to support, but they require irrefutable proof for this tawdry episode.

You're comparing the credibility of a former Secret Intelligence Service MI6 agent to some guy named George Gattney?
What are you snorting?
More garbage, you are unbelievable LOL! Try any newspaper or TV channel not owned by Murdoch.... And none of your bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJs either, super duper.

Yeah you know it Franco newspaper cheifs are rolling over in their graves over this one .

With violent nutjobs like GOP voter Fox bots at best, people are afraid to write...https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...CRAB&usg=AOvVaw1G41ZyqZdaIhVtHWGA3f2x&ampcf=1

You complaining over fox Fox news that has like 2 million people? And name a Murdoch newspaper that publishes anonymous letters to the editor?

The editor page is Holy ground for serious news and opinions ..not anonymous bull shit.

Fox is crap propaganda especially in primetime and all newspapers print Anonymous letters, ignoramus.

Hey Dumb Ass...

The propaganda is all on cnn and msnbctard where

they fake blowing up trucks and doctor 911 tapes to

fit their agenda you Stupid tard.
Hey brainwashed functional moron, so it's also on every respected media in the world every TV Channel and newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch. It's also backed up by our law enforcement, so you are a conspiracy Nut Job. Poor America.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Gateway Pundit is fake news, dumb ass.
There is absolutely no proof of correlation between that couple and those flags in the article.

Wallow in the cesspool. It suits you.
Denial is not a river in Egypt. The guy who took the photos is a witness to what occurred. You morons keep trying to ignore that.

Now that you mention it I was a witness to a crime too. I saw this guy beat an old lady with a blunt instrument. I got his picture too, here it is:


Look at him, holding that whatever that thing is threateningly. Looks like he's saying "I'm gonna fuck you up". Ya think he's a "leftist"?

Think we can find him?

And if we do ----------------------------- then what?

I mean hey I just posted it on the internets, therefore it's a real thing.
No evidence a police report was ever filed. All bullcrap fake news. Show the police report.
From the story:

"Police are searching for the young leftists."

Holy FUCK.

Every time I think I've got the depths of your boundless stupidity plumbed, you outdo yourself.

That's not a "story" dickhead. That's JIM FUCKING HOFT. He's a "writer" in the same sense that you're a "human". That's Hateway Plunderit, purveyor of fucking BULLSHIT.
In other words, it's a story by someone you don't like. Who did you expect to write it, the Washington Post?

Jim Fucking Hoft is a fucking BLOGGER, not a journalist, and what he shits onto the internet is in no way anything smelling remotely like "news". So when he writes "police are searching for the young leftists" HE'S PULLING IT OUT OF HIS ASS. As you can see from his links, which don't exist.

And what's with this plural shit? Is Jim Fucking Hoft suggesting this woman squatted on flags or what? Or maybe he's just too goddam stupid to proofread himself.

Damn straight I don't like him. Because I loathe dishonest hacks and that's exactly what Jim Fucking Hoft swims in.
He's more of a journalist than any of the lying weasels at the NYT, WAPO and CNN.

Then why does he call his website a blog, you stupid fucking idiot?

"In late 2004 I started The Gateway Pundit blog after the presidential election. .....""
About - The Gateway Pundit

I'll tell you why, dumbass.
Because he lies every day, just like Trump.
But if he calls it a blog he's not legally liable for the content.
Lapped up by stupid goons like yourself.
Well, your thread is promoting what appears to be a fake news story. No real evidence indicates flags were pulled and urinated on and no one has been "caught". Fake news and you are promoting it.
Wrong, turd. There's no evidence that it's fake.
There is no evidence that it is true actually. Try waiting for law enforcement to find anything to bother with... Also holds true for Hillary the foundation the FBI Obama holder lerner and all your phony scandals that nobody gives a damn about in the real world, super duper.
Only a snowflake douchebag would try to convince us that an eyewitness police report along with photos of the perps is "no evidence."
No evidence a police report was ever filed. All bullcrap fake news. Show the police report.
From the story:

"Police are searching for the young leftists."

From the bi-assed blogger, idiot.
From the story:

"Police are searching for the young leftists."

Holy FUCK.

Every time I think I've got the depths of your boundless stupidity plumbed, you outdo yourself.

That's not a "story" dickhead. That's JIM FUCKING HOFT. He's a "writer" in the same sense that you're a "human". That's Hateway Plunderit, purveyor of fucking BULLSHIT.
In other words, it's a story by someone you don't like. Who did you expect to write it, the Washington Post?

Jim Fucking Hoft is a fucking BLOGGER, not a journalist, and what he shits onto the internet is in no way anything smelling remotely like "news". So when he writes "police are searching for the young leftists" HE'S PULLING IT OUT OF HIS ASS. As you can see from his links, which don't exist.

And what's with this plural shit? Is Jim Fucking Hoft suggesting this woman squatted on flags or what? Or maybe he's just too goddam stupid to proofread himself.

Damn straight I don't like him. Because I loathe dishonest hacks and that's exactly what Jim Fucking Hoft swims in.
He's more of a journalist than any of the lying weasels at the NYT, WAPO and CNN.

Then why does he call his website a blog, you stupid fucking idiot?

"In late 2004 I started The Gateway Pundit blog after the presidential election. .....""
About - The Gateway Pundit

I'll tell you why, dumbass.
Because he lies every day, just like Trump.
But if he calls it a blog he's not legally liable for the content.
Lapped up by stupid goons like yourself.

You're posting to a rube so gullible he started a thread showing a Klan funeral march on a December day in Wisconsin and claimed it was the Democratic National Convention of 1924. Because another blogger said so and Fingerboy didn't bother vetting it.

Gullible's Travels.
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These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




First take on the photos:

The only story they tell is: He's smoking, he's tattooed, his friend is pissed off and he seems to be too. There is no nexus to the flags and the people.

Even if this was an eyewitness account, why didn't he use his cell phone and videotape it?
Still shots prove nothing.
This would not even be admissible evidence in a court run by clowns.


Trump is replacing many of the judges in the courts that are ran by libtard clowns.
Wrong, turd. There's no evidence that it's fake.
There is no evidence that it is true actually. Try waiting for law enforcement to find anything to bother with... Also holds true for Hillary the foundation the FBI Obama holder lerner and all your phony scandals that nobody gives a damn about in the real world, super duper.
Only a snowflake douchebag would try to convince us that an eyewitness police report along with photos of the perps is "no evidence."
No evidence a police report was ever filed. All bullcrap fake news. Show the police report.
From the story:

"Police are searching for the young leftists."

Holy FUCK.

Every time I think I've got the depths of your boundless stupidity plumbed, you outdo yourself.

That's not a "story" dickhead. That's JIM FUCKING HOFT. He's a "writer" in the same sense that you're a "human". That's Hateway Plunderit, purveyor of fucking BULLSHIT. He pulls it out of his ass same as you do.

Awww, poor wittle wiberal Antifa baby is all upset for people calling out his fellow leftists' proven epidemic of hatred and violence. He has to have a stompy-foot tantrum over it, bless his precious little heart. Just listen to how sputtering-desperate he gets when people condemn Antifa violence. Ladies and gentleman, look how enraged and incoherent this Antifa supporter is. You're seeing an example of Antifa meltdown viciousness in printed form before your very eyes.
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No evidence a police report was ever filed. All bullcrap fake news. Show the police report.
From the story:

"Police are searching for the young leftists."

Holy FUCK.

Every time I think I've got the depths of your boundless stupidity plumbed, you outdo yourself.

That's not a "story" dickhead. That's JIM FUCKING HOFT. He's a "writer" in the same sense that you're a "human". That's Hateway Plunderit, purveyor of fucking BULLSHIT.
In other words, it's a story by someone you don't like. Who did you expect to write it, the Washington Post?

Jim Fucking Hoft is a fucking BLOGGER, not a journalist, and what he shits onto the internet is in no way anything smelling remotely like "news". So when he writes "police are searching for the young leftists" HE'S PULLING IT OUT OF HIS ASS. As you can see from his links, which don't exist.

And what's with this plural shit? Is Jim Fucking Hoft suggesting this woman squatted on flags or what? Or maybe he's just too goddam stupid to proofread himself.

Damn straight I don't like him. Because I loathe dishonest hacks and that's exactly what Jim Fucking Hoft swims in.
He's more of a journalist than any of the lying weasels at the NYT, WAPO and CNN.
You are basically insane at this point, super duper dupe... Every newspaper in the world not owned by Murdoch agrees with me... Ditto television. They are called journalists. Your heroes are propagandists and internet entrepreneurs who make a mint off you idiots.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Gateway Pundit is fake news, dumb ass.
There is absolutely no proof of correlation between that couple and those flags in the article.

Wallow in the cesspool. It suits you.
Denial is not a river in Egypt. The guy who took the photos is a witness to what occurred. You morons keep trying to ignore that.

You don't know where those photos come from.
The initial story, if you cared to look, comes from a Tweet by this Gattney person
Not a news outlet.
Gateway Pundit goes to TWITTER to get their blog ideas.

Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.
Well, your thread is promoting what appears to be a fake news story. No real evidence indicates flags were pulled and urinated on and no one has been "caught". Fake news and you are promoting it.
Wrong, turd. There's no evidence that it's fake.

There is no evidence it is real.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Whatever you say, snowflake. There's no evidence that you're a libertarian.

You are such the hypocrite, even after all this time on the forum it still amazes me how dishonest you people can be
Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.
Well, your thread is promoting what appears to be a fake news story. No real evidence indicates flags were pulled and urinated on and no one has been "caught". Fake news and you are promoting it.
Wrong, turd. There's no evidence that it's fake.

There is no evidence it is real.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Whatever you say, snowflake. There's no evidence that you're a libertarian.

You are such the hypocrite, even after all this time on the forum it still amazes me how dishonest you people can be

They eat up the fake news sources that are probably funded by Trump himself.
Why did AMI/The National Enquirer publish nothing but positive articles about Trump and kill other stories they bought that were negative?
Answer: $$$$
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




First take on the photos:

The only story they tell is: He's smoking, he's tattooed, his friend is pissed off and he seems to be too. There is no nexus to the flags and the people.

Even if this was an eyewitness account, why didn't he use his cell phone and videotape it?
Still shots prove nothing.
This would not even be admissible evidence in a court run by clowns.


Trump is replacing many of the judges in the courts that are ran by libtard clowns.
The law and reality are liberal now, all you have is garbage propaganda.

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