Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery — Urinating on Flags —

These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS



I wonder if it is true.
He’s never posted anything true.

And I’ll take protests over treasonously turning our country to Russia any day
How about the people you just said have no morals and stand for nothing, or me, who hates cops, hater dupe? Change the channel and remain calm.
I don't hate them, I laugh at them. you all stand for nothing. you can't even tell me what Trump has done wrong to receive the hate he does. No one can. You laugh at me when I ask. That I don't know why you hate the president seems reasonable since I'm not you.
There is the fact he is an immoral POS with thousands of vendors stiffed, he lies about everything including his prostitutes, and little things like 12000 children in custody, hate-mongering everyday. He's a total fraud. I wouldn't mind if he did anything any thing good...
None of that is fact, of course. Virtually nothing snowflakes say about Trump is a fact.
They are all fact, ignoramus. Or prove it.
They are all lies, just like everything you post.
So no prostitutes with Trump? No vendors suing him? No 12000 children in in custody? You and your right-wing media are a bad joke.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS


I wonder if it is true.
They guy who took the pictures is a witness to the event.

He must have been close enough to hold the other guys pecker for him while he peed. That wasn't you taking those pics, was it?
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS



I wonder if it is true.
Every witness claims they saw what they reported, dumbass.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




so some idiots did a deplorable thing and now you blame all liberals?.......I am disgusted that these people did this. I do NOT approve at all!......but I am just as disgusted at you for trying to blame ME for this.....

rush limbaugh said "leave only some liberals left alive"

he is a conervative
you are a conservative....

then....that means......you agree with rush limbaugh!....

isn't that how conservative logic works?
no, logic is condemning violence and crime no matter who is involved.
You doups still don't even know the story of right-wing hate violence since Trump but you know every phony Scandal like this against Hillary the foundation the IRS the CIA and the FBI. Unbelievable functional morons and functional Nazis for that matter...
You mean this kind of "right wing hate and violence," you piece of shit?

Castro Valley Man Accused Of Switchblade Assault On GOP Congressional Candidate

How about the douche bag who shot Steve Scalise and a bunch of other Republicans playing baseball?

I could post page after page after page about leftwing violence against Republicans and conservatives.

The indisputable fact is that the left is responsible for 95% of all the hate and violence in this country.
I suppose you would believe that, super duper. Actually the only spike in violence has been right-wing violence against blacks Muslims Jews gays Etc since Trump.
There are no actual examples of right wingers committing violence against blacks, Muslims of leftwingers in your article.
We don't have propagandists or lying politicians anywhere near like you do. We have journalism around the world all the traditional respected media agrees with us. Keep voting for the greedy idiot rich...

Propaganda is all you have the ability to do little hater dupe. It requires no thought from you, only requires you to parrot what your masters demand you parrot. You're a good little parrot. But you need to address the OP little hater dupe. Why is it that when vile actions are committed like this, it is usually you lefty hater dupes doing it?
like the spike in hate violence against Muslims and gays since Trump was elected? The violence you speak of is garbage propaganda repeated a million times.
hate violence where?

In other words, no actual evidence of right wing violence.

You're such a pathetic piece of snowflake shit.
Sure, ignoramus dope.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search
I wonder if it is true.
They guy who took the pictures is a witness to the event.

He must have been close enough to hold the other guys pecker for him while he peed. That wasn't you taking those pics, was it?
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS



I wonder if it is true.
Every witness claims they saw what they reported, dumbass.
so some idiots did a deplorable thing and now you blame all liberals?.......I am disgusted that these people did this. I do NOT approve at all!......but I am just as disgusted at you for trying to blame ME for this.....

rush limbaugh said "leave only some liberals left alive"

he is a conervative
you are a conservative....

then....that means......you agree with rush limbaugh!....

isn't that how conservative logic works?
no, logic is condemning violence and crime no matter who is involved.
You doups still don't even know the story of right-wing hate violence since Trump but you know every phony Scandal like this against Hillary the foundation the IRS the CIA and the FBI. Unbelievable functional morons and functional Nazis for that matter...
You mean this kind of "right wing hate and violence," you piece of shit?

Castro Valley Man Accused Of Switchblade Assault On GOP Congressional Candidate

How about the douche bag who shot Steve Scalise and a bunch of other Republicans playing baseball?

I could post page after page after page about leftwing violence against Republicans and conservatives.

The indisputable fact is that the left is responsible for 95% of all the hate and violence in this country.
I suppose you would believe that, super duper. Actually the only spike in violence has been right-wing violence against blacks Muslims Jews gays Etc since Trump.
There are no actual examples of right wingers committing violence against blacks, Muslims of leftwingers in your article.
How do you get that? Unbelievable. You only accept garbage anecdotes with silly photos?
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search
How about the people you just said have no morals and stand for nothing, or me, who hates cops, hater dupe? Change the channel and remain calm.
I don't hate them, I laugh at them. you all stand for nothing. you can't even tell me what Trump has done wrong to receive the hate he does. No one can. You laugh at me when I ask. That I don't know why you hate the president seems reasonable since I'm not you.
There is the fact he is an immoral POS with thousands of vendors stiffed, he lies about everything including his prostitutes, and little things like 12000 children in custody, hate-mongering everyday. He's a total fraud. I wouldn't mind if he did anything any thing good...
None of that is fact, of course. Virtually nothing snowflakes say about Trump is a fact.
They are all fact, ignoramus. Or prove it.
They are all lies, just like everything you post.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search
Propaganda is all you have the ability to do little hater dupe. It requires no thought from you, only requires you to parrot what your masters demand you parrot. You're a good little parrot. But you need to address the OP little hater dupe. Why is it that when vile actions are committed like this, it is usually you lefty hater dupes doing it?
like the spike in hate violence against Muslims and gays since Trump was elected? The violence you speak of is garbage propaganda repeated a million times.
hate violence where?

In other words, no actual evidence of right wing violence.

You're such a pathetic piece of snowflake shit.
Sure, ignoramus dope.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search

Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.
like the spike in hate violence against Muslims and gays since Trump was elected? The violence you speak of is garbage propaganda repeated a million times.
hate violence where?

In other words, no actual evidence of right wing violence.

You're such a pathetic piece of snowflake shit.
Sure, ignoramus dope.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search

Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.

In other words, ALL news that offends your tender and fragile ego is fake. Suck it up Snowflake. Face reality instead of running from it.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Fingerboy, if a plane dropped a brain bomb on your house it wouldn't even be a start.

We already did this bogus bullshit. What you have here is an alleged incident that isn't documented, followed by some unknown couple in an unknown place. There's no evidence who they are or even that there's any connection.

And yet you sit swimming in your partisan-hack soup swill, declaring you not only know them but also know their political persuasion.

All while being too stupid to distinguish between the singular and the plural. Are you telling us BOTH of this couple stood and urinated on your Linus blankie?

Your evidence then is ----------- where?

Like Woodward’s book?
Amusing how liberals dispute this story yet have no problem believing a Russian dossier claiming TRUMP had prostitutes pee on a bed...
Yep. Notice that Golfing Gator has never contested the anything in the "dossier," but he's all over himself to denounce this story. Typical snowflake,

Aren't you supposed to be looking up my "quotes" on that same dossier to back up your ass-sertions about my alleged positions on it?

What ever happened to that search, Fingerboy? Abandoned? Wonder why.
I don't do homework assignments, snowflake.
That's strikingly obvious. It's why you had a political convention on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin.

In this case it means you can't back up your ass-sertion of what you claimed my position was. Which means, you admit you're a liar.

In other words, no actual evidence of right wing violence.

You're such a pathetic piece of snowflake shit.
Sure, ignoramus dope.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search

Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.

In other words, ALL news that offends your tender and fragile ego is fake. Suck it up Snowflake. Face reality instead of running from it.
Fake news offends me. It should offend every decent intelligent person.
like the spike in hate violence against Muslims and gays since Trump was elected? The violence you speak of is garbage propaganda repeated a million times.
hate violence where?

In other words, no actual evidence of right wing violence.

You're such a pathetic piece of snowflake shit.
Sure, ignoramus dope.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search

Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.
Well, your thread is promoting what appears to be a fake news story. No real evidence indicates flags were pulled and urinated on and no one has been "caught". Fake news and you are promoting it.
like the spike in hate violence against Muslims and gays since Trump was elected? The violence you speak of is garbage propaganda repeated a million times.
hate violence where?

In other words, no actual evidence of right wing violence.

You're such a pathetic piece of snowflake shit.
Sure, ignoramus dope.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search

Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.
Yes, only your bought off High School grad X Coke head DJ pundits know the truth LOL... And of course our law enforcement is a GIANT conspiracy against your low life Heroes...

In other words, no actual evidence of right wing violence.

You're such a pathetic piece of snowflake shit.
Sure, ignoramus dope.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search

Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.

In other words, ALL news that offends your tender and fragile ego is fake. Suck it up Snowflake. Face reality instead of running from it.
Fake news offends me. It should offend every decent intelligent person.
So, why are you posting a what appears to be a fake news story?

In other words, no actual evidence of right wing violence.

You're such a pathetic piece of snowflake shit.
Sure, ignoramus dope.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search

Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.
Well, your thread is promoting what appears to be a fake news story. No real evidence indicates flags were pulled and urinated on and no one has been "caught". Fake news and you are promoting it.
Wrong, turd. There's no evidence that it's fake.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Fingerboy, if a plane dropped a brain bomb on your house it wouldn't even be a start.

We already did this bogus bullshit. What you have here is an alleged incident that isn't documented, followed by some unknown couple in an unknown place. There's no evidence who they are or even that there's any connection.

And yet you sit swimming in your partisan-hack soup swill, declaring you not only know them but also know their political persuasion.

All while being too stupid to distinguish between the singular and the plural. Are you telling us BOTH of this couple stood and urinated on your Linus blankie?

Your evidence then is ----------- where?

Like Woodward’s book?

Non Sequitur non-answer. Woodward's book exists. It has his name on it.

In other words, no actual evidence of right wing violence.

You're such a pathetic piece of snowflake shit.
Sure, ignoramus dope.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search

Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.
Well, your thread is promoting what appears to be a fake news story. No real evidence indicates flags were pulled and urinated on and no one has been "caught". Fake news and you are promoting it.
Wrong, turd. There's no evidence that it's fake.

How stupid are you exactly? I mean is there even a scale to measure it?

You don't plop out an assertion and then go "prove the negative". You prove the assertion itself.

Whelp ---- you can't do that.
You lose.
Last edited:

In other words, no actual evidence of right wing violence.

You're such a pathetic piece of snowflake shit.
Sure, ignoramus dope.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search

Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.
Well, your thread is promoting what appears to be a fake news story. No real evidence indicates flags were pulled and urinated on and no one has been "caught". Fake news and you are promoting it.
Wrong, turd. There's no evidence that it's fake.
There is no evidence that it is true actually. Try waiting for law enforcement to find anything to bother with... Also holds true for Hillary the foundation the FBI Obama holder lerner and all your phony scandals that nobody gives a damn about in the real world, super duper.

In other words, no actual evidence of right wing violence.

You're such a pathetic piece of snowflake shit.
Sure, ignoramus dope.
hate crimes Spike since Trump - Google Search

Washington Post

All fake news sources. The SPLC is a subversive organization.
Well, your thread is promoting what appears to be a fake news story. No real evidence indicates flags were pulled and urinated on and no one has been "caught". Fake news and you are promoting it.
Wrong, turd. There's no evidence that it's fake.

There is no evidence it is real.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




so some idiots did a deplorable thing and now you blame all liberals?.......I am disgusted that these people did this. I do NOT approve at all!......but I am just as disgusted at you for trying to blame ME for this.....

rush limbaugh said "leave only some liberals left alive"

he is a conervative
you are a conservative....

then....that means......you agree with rush limbaugh!....

isn't that how conservative logic works?
no, logic is condemning violence and crime no matter who is involved.
You doups still don't even know the story of right-wing hate violence since Trump but you know every phony Scandal like this against Hillary the foundation the IRS the CIA and the FBI. Unbelievable functional morons and functional Nazis for that matter...
You mean this kind of "right wing hate and violence," you piece of shit?

Castro Valley Man Accused Of Switchblade Assault On GOP Congressional Candidate

How about the douche bag who shot Steve Scalise and a bunch of other Republicans playing baseball?

I could post page after page after page about leftwing violence against Republicans and conservatives.

The indisputable fact is that the left is responsible for 95% of all the hate and violence in this country.

Like James Fields? Oh wait. Like the Tiki torchers? Oh wait.
Like Jeremy Christian? Oh wait.
Like the Klan? Oh wait.
Like the Boston brothers who beat up a street man because they thought he was Latino, yelping "Trump was right"? Oh wait.
Like Jim David Adkisson? Oh wait.
Like John Salvi, Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder, Tim McVeigh? Oh wait wait wait wait.
Like the John McGraws and the Alvin Bambergers and the Thomas Vallentis? Oh wait wait wait.

Fingerboy you remind us of a religious figure --- "Nun So Blind".

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