Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery — Urinating on Flags —

These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS



Bri, they have no morals and stand for nothing. They don’t care at all
You hater Dupes will believe any garbage now. Very scary. Meanwhile your lying Heroes Rob us all blind...
Dude you must be looking in a mirror! You can’t name anyone I hate! Give it to me
How about the people you just said have no morals and stand for nothing, or me, who hates cops, hater dupe? Change the channel and remain calm.
I don't hate them, I laugh at them. you all stand for nothing. you can't even tell me what Trump has done wrong to receive the hate he does. No one can. You laugh at me when I ask. That I don't know why you hate the president seems reasonable since I'm not you.
Amusing how liberals dispute this story yet have no problem believing a Russian dossier claiming TRUMP had prostitutes pee on a bed...
Yep. Notice that Golfing Gator has never contested the anything in the "dossier," but he's all over himself to denounce this story. Typical snowflake,

Yeah all I have ever done is say 100 times I do not think Trump was involved with the Russians.

So, fuck you and your partisanship. Anyone like you that puts party before county can kiss my ass.

You openly admit that facts and truth do no matter, that they are meaningless. That is all anyone needs to know about you.

If this country fails it will be because of people like you

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You're the moron who laughed at the OP. You have to be a pretty sad so called human to think that crap like this is funny.
It's also probably not true like most of your propaganda...


I hate to break it to you little hater dupe, but you're the propagandist. It's pretty much all you can do because you lack a brain so can't think for yourself. You merely do your masters bidding like the useful idiot you are.
We don't have propagandists or lying politicians anywhere near like you do. We have journalism around the world all the traditional respected media agrees with us. Keep voting for the greedy idiot rich...

Propaganda is all you have the ability to do little hater dupe. It requires no thought from you, only requires you to parrot what your masters demand you parrot. You're a good little parrot. But you need to address the OP little hater dupe. Why is it that when vile actions are committed like this, it is usually you lefty hater dupes doing it?
like the spike in hate violence against Muslims and gays since Trump was elected? The violence you speak of is garbage propaganda repeated a million times.
hate violence where?
Hey Finger Boy

I just took a flag outside and pissed on it.

Whatcha gonna do about it?
You just disgraced yourself in front of the entire forum. Only a douchebag would admit he pissed on the American flag.

See? There you go again, trying to speak for me.

I didn't say "American" flag. You pulled that out of your ass too.

See how you are?
naw, in a discussion about the american flag you stated you took a flag outside and pissed on it. Seems reasonable for anyone to assume you meant the American Flag. You get that right? but hey, that's logical, and no one on the left is ever logical.
Hey Finger Boy

I just took a flag outside and pissed on it.

Whatcha gonna do about it?
You just disgraced yourself in front of the entire forum. Only a douchebag would admit he pissed on the American flag.

See? There you go again, trying to speak for me.

I didn't say "American" flag. You pulled that out of your ass too.

See how you are?
It was a reasonable assumption. Was it the Russian flag? Mexican flag?
the entire discussion was about the american flag. Logical people would say what you did. It's obvious he doesn't live by logic.
You're the moron who laughed at the OP. You have to be a pretty sad so called human to think that crap like this is funny.
It's also probably not true like most of your propaganda...


I hate to break it to you little hater dupe, but you're the propagandist. It's pretty much all you can do because you lack a brain so can't think for yourself. You merely do your masters bidding like the useful idiot you are.
We don't have propagandists or lying politicians anywhere near like you do. We have journalism around the world all the traditional respected media agrees with us. Keep voting for the greedy idiot rich...

You tards print anonymous letters to the editor ...that's as low as you can go in the newspaper journalism business..

More garbage, you are unbelievable LOL! Try any newspaper or TV channel not owned by Murdoch.... And none of your bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJs either, super duper.
why do you hate Murdoch? cause he supplies another side to a story? so you think there is but one side to a story? why do we go to court then and defend ourselves against the story the prosecutor tells? Really, you don't think the other side of a story is legit? really? that isn't logical. see you proved my point about you all having no logic.
I hate to break it to you little hater dupe, but you're the propagandist. It's pretty much all you can do because you lack a brain so can't think for yourself. You merely do your masters bidding like the useful idiot you are.
We don't have propagandists or lying politicians anywhere near like you do. We have journalism around the world all the traditional respected media agrees with us. Keep voting for the greedy idiot rich...

You tards print anonymous letters to the editor ...that's as low as you can go in the newspaper journalism business..

More garbage, you are unbelievable LOL! Try any newspaper or TV channel not owned by Murdoch.... And none of your bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJs either, super duper.

Yeah you know it Franco newspaper cheifs are rolling over in their graves over this one .

With violent nutjobs like GOP voter Fox bots at best, people are afraid to write...https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...CRAB&usg=AOvVaw1G41ZyqZdaIhVtHWGA3f2x&ampcf=1
No such thing as a hate crime. sorry bubba, all made up by the leftists trying to keep control. you hate the rest of the story and so you declare it hate. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Sarah Huckabee dealt with a hate crime then. correct?
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




so some idiots did a deplorable thing and now you blame all liberals?.......I am disgusted that these people did this. I do NOT approve at all!......but I am just as disgusted at you for trying to blame ME for this.....

rush limbaugh said "leave only some liberals left alive"

he is a conervative
you are a conservative....

then....that means......you agree with rush limbaugh!....

isn't that how conservative logic works?
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




so some idiots did a deplorable thing and now you blame all liberals?.......I am disgusted that these people did this. I do NOT approve at all!......but I am just as disgusted at you for trying to blame ME for this.....

rush limbaugh said "leave only some liberals left alive"

he is a conervative
you are a conservative....

then....that means......you agree with rush limbaugh!....

isn't that how conservative logic works?
no, logic is condemning violence and crime no matter who is involved.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




so some idiots did a deplorable thing and now you blame all liberals?.......I am disgusted that these people did this. I do NOT approve at all!......but I am just as disgusted at you for trying to blame ME for this.....

rush limbaugh said "leave only some liberals left alive"

he is a conervative
you are a conservative....

then....that means......you agree with rush limbaugh!....

isn't that how conservative logic works?

If Fingerboy didn't have Association fallacies joined at the hip with Ipse Dixit, Non Sequitur, Blanket Generalization and of course his mandatory Ad Hom, he'd have nothing to post here. Might even have an actual life.

Ask him about how Democrats held a political convention on some wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin in December.
Amusing how liberals dispute this story yet have no problem believing a Russian dossier claiming TRUMP had prostitutes pee on a bed...
Yep. Notice that Golfing Gator has never contested the anything in the "dossier," but he's all over himself to denounce this story. Typical snowflake,

Aren't you supposed to be looking up my "quotes" on that same dossier to back up your ass-sertions about my alleged positions on it?

What ever happened to that search, Fingerboy? Abandoned? Wonder why.
Hey Finger Boy

I just took a flag outside and pissed on it.

Whatcha gonna do about it?
You just disgraced yourself in front of the entire forum. Only a douchebag would admit he pissed on the American flag.

See? There you go again, trying to speak for me.

I didn't say "American" flag. You pulled that out of your ass too.

See how you are?
It was a reasonable assumption. Was it the Russian flag? Mexican flag?

See what I did here, fetishists?

All I said was "flag". Not what kind of flag. Finger-boy automatically ass-sumes it's an American flag, because he's a fetishist attached to his graven image, yea verily that the sacred object not be blasphemed. On the next level when I point out I didn't say "American" he continues to ass-sume it's some other national flag, i.e. if not our fetish, somebody else's.

It's always going back to the fetish, the sacred object that must be worshiped. He fails to consider it could be a flag for some college. Or some advertised product. Maybe it says "New York Yankees" or "Dallas Cowboys" (either of which would deserve a good squirt). But the prime directive becomes the obsession of charging in on one's white steed to defend the "honor" of the idol, the graven image.

This is the folly of fetishism.

I submit that a person or people who piss on, burn, tear up etc such a graven image worshiped idol are at least in part rejecting not the idol itself but the idea of fetishism. Whether it be a US flag, a Stars & Bars, a Koran, a picture of the Pope, whatever is falsely invested with pseudo-"sacred" power. It's just a stupid thing to do.

And it's mongered and mandated by jingoists for one purpose: Submission to Authority.


I also had a second purpose here --- should I reveal what it was, this flag I pissed on?

None. I completely made it up. No such event occurred. Yet here was Finger-boy all ready to convict me on the basis of no evidence at all, just because I claimed it. Which is the same thing his OP did. Even ascribing political philosophies to unidentified people he doesn't know.

That's the power of self-delusion.
The Lying Orange Faced 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Yellow Belly, Shit Sucking, Slime Ball Fuck Wad 45 Poll Numbers Continue To Fall.

Trump's Approval Rating Plunges In New Polls, Boosting Dems' Midterm Election Hopes.

The OP is deliberatly misleading people, he is a liar. The event(s) portrayed in his post are a LIE. He knows that, but he also knows that the Dead From The Neck Up Seig Heil!! Shouting, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer love to lied to.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




RWNJ website...the story has no real basis in fact, but you are a delousional 45 supporting Con and you live with delousion.
what does that mean, the story has no basis? no basis for what?
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS



I wonder if it is true.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS



I wonder if it is true.

This "story" is from Gateway Pundit therefore it is unadulterated bullshit.

This is true fiction. Other than the lying headline, there was not a single sentence how they knew this person was a "leftist" as opposed to a Trumpist.
John, meet reality. Reality, meet John.
Hey Finger Boy

I just took a flag outside and pissed on it.

Whatcha gonna do about it?
You just disgraced yourself in front of the entire forum. Only a douchebag would admit he pissed on the American flag.

See? There you go again, trying to speak for me.

I didn't say "American" flag. You pulled that out of your ass too.

See how you are?
It was a reasonable assumption. Was it the Russian flag? Mexican flag?

See what I did here, fetishists?

All I said was "flag". Not what kind of flag. Finger-boy automatically ass-sumes it's an American flag, because he's a fetishist attached to his graven image, yea verily that the sacred object not be blasphemed. On the next level when I point out I didn't say "American" he continues to ass-sume it's some other national flag, i.e. if not our fetish, somebody else's.

It's always going back to the fetish, the sacred object that must be worshiped. He fails to consider it could be a flag for some college. Or some advertised product. Maybe it says "New York Yankees" or "Dallas Cowboys" (either of which would deserve a good squirt). But the prime directive becomes the obsession of charging in on one's white steed to defend the "honor" of the idol, the graven image.

This is the folly of fetishism.

I submit that a person or people who piss on, burn, tear up etc such a graven image worshiped idol are at least in part rejecting not the idol itself but the idea of fetishism. Whether it be a US flag, a Stars & Bars, a Koran, a picture of the Pope, whatever is falsely invested with pseudo-"sacred" power. It's just a stupid thing to do.

And it's mongered and mandated by jingoists for one purpose: Submission to Authority.


I also had a second purpose here --- should I reveal what it was, this flag I pissed on?

None. I completely made it up. No such event occurred. Yet here was Finger-boy all ready to convict me on the basis of no evidence at all, just because I claimed it. Which is the same thing his OP did. Even ascribing political philosophies to unidentified people he doesn't know.

That's the power of self-delusion.
yep we noticed what you did, you took a subject about the american flag and said flag. Yep, you think you're clever? stupid mostly. but the objective was to trick the young man. yep we got it. For me, I give two shits why you want to piss on a flag. I guess that must be a leftist thing to see one's urine on a flag. not quite sure exactly. But hey ain't you the clever dude. me I just use the toilet in the bathroom. makes much more sense. but enjoy.

forgot to ask did you live stream the event? get it live stream?

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