Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers

You can't provide specifics. Pathetic!
There are far too many to list them all

But here is one that most lib teachers could agree on

What if the teacher told the kids that Jesus is the Son of God the Creator, and died on the cross for our sins?
If they were teaching a class of the Christian religion, no problem. Teachers know that any other discussion would be inappropriate. I taught various religions when I was teaching about their impact of world history. The fact that I am a Christian did not enter into the discussion with most of my students, who were mostly Muslim.

You have examples of teachers doing this and no consequences being offered? Of course not!
You have this strange obsession with pedophilia,
Maybe so

We cant undo the harm that perverts do to children

Once done it remains for the rest of their life

Dont you agree?
Apparently, that is your area of expertise. I have never met nor even heard of a teacher where I worked that was even accused, much less proven to be such. Your "Chicken Little" act is getting very tiresome.
If they were teaching a class of the Christian religion, no problem. Teachers know that any other discussion would be inappropriate.
Yet in the classroom with no oversight inappropriate influence on children by the teacher can and often does take place
Apparently, that is your area of expertise. I have never met nor even heard of a teacher where I worked that was even accused, much less proven to be such.
Probably not in the classroom with other students watching

But far too many teachers have been sent to prison for having sex with a student
If they were teaching a class of the Christian religion, no problem. Teachers know that any other discussion would be inappropriate.
Yet in the classroom with no oversight inappropriate influence on children by the teacher can and often does take place
How do you know this to be true if no one sees it?

Your logic is that it must be taking place because no one can see it happening. That's stupid.

Also, there is supervision, as you have been told time and time again.
Apparently, that is your area of expertise. I have never met nor even heard of a teacher where I worked that was even accused, much less proven to be such.
Probably not in the classroom with other students watching

But far too many teachers have been sent to prison for having sex with a student
Really? How many? That Chicken Little act is getting tiresome, How does that compare to other professions?
I am struck by the arrogance of the teachers on this topic

They seem to think they have absolute ownership of the children from 8am to 3pm mon-friday
Before we go any further… I’ve read 1984 at least three times and am unfamiliar with anything Tucker said that is “reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]”
In fact, Tucker’s suggestion is the exact opposite of “something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]” Tucker is suggesting we monitor the government. 1984 is about (among other things) the government monitoring private citizens. So Moran got his metaphor exactly wrong, which tells me he’s probably a product of government-run public schools.

Actually, no. It's monitoring someone at their workplace to take things out of context.

Let's put a camera at your workplace, right above your desk, and then catch you every time you are browsing USMB at work, goofing on the internet, bullshitting with your friends or picking your nose. Seems fair to me.

Or we can just treat teachers like professionals.
More child abuse happens in homes than in schools. A lot happens in churches too......maybe a camera or two in churches....................... :eusa_think:
You are deflecting from the topic and we all know why.

You know teaching CRT to children is wrong and abusive.
More child abuse happens in homes than in schools. Why are you trying to cover that up?

What part of CRT is abusive? Link that part for us.
I am struck by the arrogance of the teachers on this topic

They seem to think they have absolute ownership of the children from 8am to 3pm mon-friday

You obviously have no concept of the legal principal in loco parentis.

Why don't you get your ass into a classroom and learn how things work? This stupidity you keep on display needs to stop!

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