Leftists Whipping Themselves Into a Jacobin Frenzy

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
There's no question that animosity exists on both sides of the political spectrum, but have you noticed how personal it has become for many on the left?

It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism.

But what concerns me as much as this pattern of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded. Instead of encouraging people to appeal to the better angels of their nature, they are beckoning them to summon their demons and become part of a mob mentality -- as if we're witnessing a replay of events that preceded the French Revolution.

It's unsettling that they rationalize their misbehavior as justified, even warranted. They've convinced themselves that conservatives' views are so noxious they've forfeited any expectation to be treated civilly and they deserve to be shunned, muzzled and boycotted -- especially members of minority groups who have strayed from the reservation. They are "garbage people," "deplorables" and subhumans who are not entitled to equal rights, let alone decent treatment.

(Excerpt) Read more at townhall.com ...

IMHO, Germany did the same thing to the Jews in the 1930's.. Hitlers Nazi party was a minority not a majority, Even when hitler was made chancellor, they (nazi's) were still a minority. The German people were tired of war, tired of reparations for ww1, there was a global depression. Hitler rewarded those who were the most ruthless in pushing the nazi agenda - does this sound like the left today? they don't say a word and encourage their agenda "at any cost" .. a vast majority of the population doe want to get involved with the left and will stand by and quietly get onto the train for a better life at a re-education/ working camp:..
Conservatives are being openly abused on the streets, its about time conservatives start fighting with fists and bats against an physical assault by the left.

Right now this is all just cold dress rehearsal. Be prepared when things get ā€˜real hotā€™, even if you canā€™t physically move to a ā€˜safer localeā€.

The Left wants to literally eliminate us, one way or another, and everyone on our side had better realize that.

We cannot coexist with people who want to eliminate and destroy our security, prosperity and freedom.

Again think about it .... Something is going to have to give and it will be ugly and ultimately very, very bloody!
There's no question that animosity exists on both sides of the political spectrum, but have you noticed how personal it has become for many on the left?

It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism.

But what concerns me as much as this pattern of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded. Instead of encouraging people to appeal to the better angels of their nature, they are beckoning them to summon their demons and become part of a mob mentality -- as if we're witnessing a replay of events that preceded the French Revolution.

It's unsettling that they rationalize their misbehavior as justified, even warranted. They've convinced themselves that conservatives' views are so noxious they've forfeited any expectation to be treated civilly and they deserve to be shunned, muzzled and boycotted -- especially members of minority groups who have strayed from the reservation. They are "garbage people," "deplorables" and subhumans who are not entitled to equal rights, let alone decent treatment.

(Excerpt) Read more at townhall.com ...

IMHO, Germany did the same thing to the Jews in the 1930's.. Hitlers Nazi party was a minority not a majority, Even when hitler was made chancellor, they (nazi's) were still a minority. The German people were tired of war, tired of reparations for ww1, there was a global depression. Hitler rewarded those who were the most ruthless in pushing the nazi agenda - does this sound like the left today? they don't say a word and encourage their agenda "at any cost" .. a vast majority of the population doe want to get involved with the left and will stand by and quietly get onto the train for a better life at a re-education/ working camp:..
Conservatives are being openly abused on the streets, its about time conservatives start fighting with fists and bats against an physical assault by the left.

Right now this is all just cold dress rehearsal. Be prepared when things get ā€˜real hotā€™, even if you canā€™t physically move to a ā€˜safer localeā€.

The Left wants to literally eliminate us, one way or another, and everyone on our side had better realize that.

We cannot coexist with people who want to eliminate and destroy our security, prosperity and freedom.

Again think about it .... Something is going to have to give and it will be ugly and ultimately very, very bloody!

I don't know what they did during their 3 day retreat but they should have spent the time pulling their heads out of each other's asses so that they could get back to their jobs of responsible governance. They've wasted over two years now lost in Trump derangemnt syndrome and all they've managed to accomplish in that time is discrediting themselves and destroying their party.
Their emergency meeting just after Trump won was how to destroy him and everyone around him.
There's no question that animosity exists on both sides of the political spectrum, but have you noticed how personal it has become for many on the left?

It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism.

But what concerns me as much as this pattern of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded. Instead of encouraging people to appeal to the better angels of their nature, they are beckoning them to summon their demons and become part of a mob mentality -- as if we're witnessing a replay of events that preceded the French Revolution.

It's unsettling that they rationalize their misbehavior as justified, even warranted. They've convinced themselves that conservatives' views are so noxious they've forfeited any expectation to be treated civilly and they deserve to be shunned, muzzled and boycotted -- especially members of minority groups who have strayed from the reservation. They are "garbage people," "deplorables" and subhumans who are not entitled to equal rights, let alone decent treatment.

(Excerpt) Read more at townhall.com ...

IMHO, Germany did the same thing to the Jews in the 1930's.. Hitlers Nazi party was a minority not a majority, Even when hitler was made chancellor, they (nazi's) were still a minority. The German people were tired of war, tired of reparations for ww1, there was a global depression. Hitler rewarded those who were the most ruthless in pushing the nazi agenda - does this sound like the left today? they don't say a word and encourage their agenda "at any cost" .. a vast majority of the population doe want to get involved with the left and will stand by and quietly get onto the train for a better life at a re-education/ working camp:..
Conservatives are being openly abused on the streets, its about time conservatives start fighting with fists and bats against an physical assault by the left.

Right now this is all just cold dress rehearsal. Be prepared when things get ā€˜real hotā€™, even if you canā€™t physically move to a ā€˜safer localeā€.

The Left wants to literally eliminate us, one way or another, and everyone on our side had better realize that.

We cannot coexist with people who want to eliminate and destroy our security, prosperity and freedom.

Again think about it .... Something is going to have to give and it will be ugly and ultimately very, very bloody!

I don't know what they did during their 3 day retreat but they should have spent the time pulling their heads out of each other's asses so that they could get back to their jobs of responsible governance. They've wasted over two years now lost in Trump derangemnt syndrome and all they've managed to accomplish in that time is discrediting themselves and destroying their party.
they call people nazi and racist like ''amens'' at mass
THIS is wrong/hateful/lies/bullshit that should be punished
There's no question that animosity exists on both sides of the political spectrum, but have you noticed how personal it has become for many on the left?

It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism.

But what concerns me as much as this pattern of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded. Instead of encouraging people to appeal to the better angels of their nature, they are beckoning them to summon their demons and become part of a mob mentality -- as if we're witnessing a replay of events that preceded the French Revolution.

It's unsettling that they rationalize their misbehavior as justified, even warranted. They've convinced themselves that conservatives' views are so noxious they've forfeited any expectation to be treated civilly and they deserve to be shunned, muzzled and boycotted -- especially members of minority groups who have strayed from the reservation. They are "garbage people," "deplorables" and subhumans who are not entitled to equal rights, let alone decent treatment.

(Excerpt) Read more at townhall.com ...

IMHO, Germany did the same thing to the Jews in the 1930's.. Hitlers Nazi party was a minority not a majority, Even when hitler was made chancellor, they (nazi's) were still a minority. The German people were tired of war, tired of reparations for ww1, there was a global depression. Hitler rewarded those who were the most ruthless in pushing the nazi agenda - does this sound like the left today? they don't say a word and encourage their agenda "at any cost" .. a vast majority of the population doe want to get involved with the left and will stand by and quietly get onto the train for a better life at a re-education/ working camp:..
Conservatives are being openly abused on the streets, its about time conservatives start fighting with fists and bats against an physical assault by the left.

Right now this is all just cold dress rehearsal. Be prepared when things get ā€˜real hotā€™, even if you canā€™t physically move to a ā€˜safer localeā€.

The Left wants to literally eliminate us, one way or another, and everyone on our side had better realize that.

We cannot coexist with people who want to eliminate and destroy our security, prosperity and freedom.

Again think about it .... Something is going to have to give and it will be ugly and ultimately very, very bloody!
Can't wait, snowflake
This time next year, no one will identify as a democrat. "democrats are seditious traitors, imma Progressive Socialist Marxist!"

Some years back I met an elderly Jewish man, from Poland, whose family was mostly slaughtered in the Holocaust.

He explained something to me that applies to and may be the explanation for so many good Americans voting for "democrats are seditious traitors, imma Progressive Socialist Marxist!"

He said that anyone, even Jewish persons, could be made to be Nazis. Took me a long time to comprehend that...but we seem to have evidence of it.
There's no question that animosity exists on both sides of the political spectrum, but have you noticed how personal it has become for many on the left?

It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism.

But what concerns me as much as this pattern of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded. Instead of encouraging people to appeal to the better angels of their nature, they are beckoning them to summon their demons and become part of a mob mentality -- as if we're witnessing a replay of events that preceded the French Revolution.

It's unsettling that they rationalize their misbehavior as justified, even warranted. They've convinced themselves that conservatives' views are so noxious they've forfeited any expectation to be treated civilly and they deserve to be shunned, muzzled and boycotted -- especially members of minority groups who have strayed from the reservation. They are "garbage people," "deplorables" and subhumans who are not entitled to equal rights, let alone decent treatment.

(Excerpt) Read more at townhall.com ...

IMHO, Germany did the same thing to the Jews in the 1930's.. Hitlers Nazi party was a minority not a majority, Even when hitler was made chancellor, they (nazi's) were still a minority. The German people were tired of war, tired of reparations for ww1, there was a global depression. Hitler rewarded those who were the most ruthless in pushing the nazi agenda - does this sound like the left today? they don't say a word and encourage their agenda "at any cost" .. a vast majority of the population doe want to get involved with the left and will stand by and quietly get onto the train for a better life at a re-education/ working camp:..
Conservatives are being openly abused on the streets, its about time conservatives start fighting with fists and bats against an physical assault by the left.

Right now this is all just cold dress rehearsal. Be prepared when things get ā€˜real hotā€™, even if you canā€™t physically move to a ā€˜safer localeā€.

The Left wants to literally eliminate us, one way or another, and everyone on our side had better realize that.

We cannot coexist with people who want to eliminate and destroy our security, prosperity and freedom.

Again think about it .... Something is going to have to give and it will be ugly and ultimately very, very bloody!
Economist Hans-Hermann Hoppe said it more succinctly....

It's like liberals are tripping over each other to see who can come up with the most radical anti-American anti-constitutional crap and they run on it.

It started with Obama, "fundamentally transform America." Little did we know what that really meant. It was broad....but it started with forcing health care down our throats.

Then we get Bernie Sanders who wants socialist single payer health care and free college tuition for all.

Then we got to AOC who wants to ban cow farts and the trucks that deliver food to her supermarket.

Then we have TeePee warren who wants to get rid of the electoral college.

Little did we know that one day we would look back and see Obama as a middle-of-the-road democrat.
The Prog-Dems have been engaged in a Reign of Terror ever since Obabble stoked the identity politics flames during his first campaign. What they fail to understand is what Robespierre eventually found out: the Reign of Terror always ends up eating its own.
It is not just our prosperity, freedom, and liberty, but also our SOVEREIGNTY as a nation the Left wants us to give up. They are controlled by the destructive Globalists now, hence the shift from left to Radical Far Left.
All of the Democrat presidential candidates are running on the same extremist platform, there's hardly difference between any of them except for Tulsi's hesitancy to engage in regime change war. There's no room for moderates any more. Everything that animates the modern left comes right out of old books interpreting Marx. All the degradation of our society happening today was set in motion by those Marxist theories long before any of us were even born.
It's like liberals are tripping over each other to see who can come up with the most radical anti-American anti-constitutional crap and they run on it.

It started with Obama, "fundamentally transform America." Little did we know what that really meant. It was broad....but it started with forcing health care down our throats.

Then we get Bernie Sanders who wants socialist single payer health care and free college tuition for all.

Then we got to AOC who wants to ban cow farts and the trucks that deliver food to her supermarket.

Then we have TeePee warren who wants to get rid of the electoral college.

Little did we know that one day we would look back and see Obama as a middle-of-the-road democrat.
Oboingo wasn't middle-of-the-road in any way....He just pushed the envelope even further to the left for the current crop to build upon.
All of the Democrat presidential candidates are running on the same extremist platform, there's hardly difference between any of them except for Tulsi's hesitancy to engage in regime change war. There's no room for moderates any more. Everything that animates the modern left comes right out of old books interpreting Marx. All the degradation of our society happening today was set in motion by those Marxist theories long before any of us were even born.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitismā€¦

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