Left's war on Christmas has utterly failed.

The only war on Christmas is the one raging in your twisted little right wing brain.
When I'm out in public I have no way of knowing what someone's beliefs are unless that person is wearing religious clothing or jewelry.

Places where religious symbols have been removed and or banned ARE the symbols of the atheist faith.

There is no such thing as an "atheist faith." What an idiotic thought. Moreover, people of many faiths believe in civic religious neutrality. People can were religious garb in our public institutions. It's allowed. You can come to the courthouse with a huge cross on your chest and pay your speeding ticket.
Children in many public schools can say different.

your religion doesn’t belong in public school

I'm interested in finding out whether he knows the difference between wearing religious garb or symbols and engaging in disruptive behavior or harassing other students.
Christmas overall is alive and well in my personal opinion, although I do think that the celebration of the birth of Jesus is often times secondary to the celebration of Santa Claus and gift giving, which is very unfortunate. You can, however, find articles and stories from around the country during the Christmas season of local communities, organizations, and individual people making efforts to remove the religious aspects of Christmas out of a skewed understanding of the separation of church and state, but thankfully those examples are smaller in percentage than the people and communities that without fear celebrating with pride the birth of Jesus. I don't believe that there is a large scale "war on Christmas" but I do think that there are many people in this country that get so wrapped up in their disliking of Christmas and the religious connection to it that they lose sight of the positive and beautiful aspects of the Christmas season.

As for the actual topic of Hallmark Christmas movies they are predictable and mushy, but I Iook forward to them every year.
and none of those people you called "they" has ever been successful at stopping ANYONE from celebrating Christmas...nor Easter -- which in my opinion is an even larger Christian holiday than Christmas...

Yet I have N-E-V-E-R seen folks going on about a War on Easter......this imaginary war on Christmas was started by the same people who excel at trying to panic Christians while fleecing their pockets....

There are public buildings and parks that have had to remove nativity scenes before. It doesn't happen often but it's happened. It is true that the removal of those scenes does not personal affect my own ability to celebrate Christmas but it is an example of people going out of their way to remove something that also doesn't affect their ability to not celebrate a holiday.

Easter is another holiday where the religious aspects of the holiday often times take a back seat to the Easter Bunny, candy, BBQ's, and "spring". People go to church on Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus there typically but I wouldn't say that there are a lot of decorations or scenes that are targeted by organizations for removal since it's not a holiday where public buildings are typically decorated in a religious way.

They are only being removed from public space, which must remain religiously neutral. Why insist that religious symbols remain in public space on a semi-permanent basis? There is plenty of private space for people to exhibit their religious symbols.

I prefer the ALL or NONE approach; either EVERYONE (all religions or groups) gets to put up a display or NOBODY does.

Most of the posters claiming there is a "War on Christmas", typically post anti-Christian posts year around. The "War on Christmas" is the polar opposite on what they push the rest of the year.
Where do they stand on taking care of God's Earth, helping the poor, weak and elderly, love thy neighbor, God telling us, thou shall not lie, we are commanded not to worship no one but God, that hate is a sin, adultery is a sin, only God can seek revenge:etc?
Christmas overall is alive and well in my personal opinion, although I do think that the celebration of the birth of Jesus is often times secondary to the celebration of Santa Claus and gift giving, which is very unfortunate. You can, however, find articles and stories from around the country during the Christmas season of local communities, organizations, and individual people making efforts to remove the religious aspects of Christmas out of a skewed understanding of the separation of church and state, but thankfully those examples are smaller in percentage than the people and communities that without fear celebrating with pride the birth of Jesus. I don't believe that there is a large scale "war on Christmas" but I do think that there are many people in this country that get so wrapped up in their disliking of Christmas and the religious connection to it that they lose sight of the positive and beautiful aspects of the Christmas season.

As for the actual topic of Hallmark Christmas movies they are predictable and mushy, but I Iook forward to them every year.
and none of those people you called "they" has ever been successful at stopping ANYONE from celebrating Christmas...nor Easter -- which in my opinion is an even larger Christian holiday than Christmas...

Yet I have N-E-V-E-R seen folks going on about a War on Easter......this imaginary war on Christmas was started by the same people who excel at trying to panic Christians while fleecing their pockets....

There are public buildings and parks that have had to remove nativity scenes before. It doesn't happen often but it's happened. It is true that the removal of those scenes does not personal affect my own ability to celebrate Christmas but it is an example of people going out of their way to remove something that also doesn't affect their ability to not celebrate a holiday.

Easter is another holiday where the religious aspects of the holiday often times take a back seat to the Easter Bunny, candy, BBQ's, and "spring". People go to church on Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus there typically but I wouldn't say that there are a lot of decorations or scenes that are targeted by organizations for removal since it's not a holiday where public buildings are typically decorated in a religious way.

They are only being removed from public space, which must remain religiously neutral. Why insist that religious symbols remain in public space on a semi-permanent basis? There is plenty of private space for people to exhibit their religious symbols.

I prefer the ALL or NONE approach; either EVERYONE (all religions or groups) gets to put up a display or NOBODY does.

I can't disagree in principle, but unfortunately, there are those who want their own displays be the only ones there. We are not that civilized that everyone can tolerate everyone else. There have been cases, for instance, in which some groups have opposed Wiccans getting their own worship space on military installations and having their religious symbol on the headstones of their military dead, which Wiccans had to fight the federal government to get, and I remember one case in which a town had a drawing for winter holiday display spaces, at a park, I think, and groups that won some, but not all the spaces were upset that others won the rest. Some groups that like meetings of official government committees to open with a prayer will walk out if the prayer is led by someone of a different religion than their's. U.S. society is not that mature.
When I'm out in public I have no way of knowing what someone's beliefs are unless that person is wearing religious clothing or jewelry.

Places where religious symbols have been removed and or banned ARE the symbols of the atheist faith.

There is no such thing as an "atheist faith." What an idiotic thought. Moreover, people of many faiths believe in civic religious neutrality. People can were religious garb in our public institutions. It's allowed. You can come to the courthouse with a huge cross on your chest and pay your speeding ticket.
Atheism is indeed a faith. Atheists have faith that there is no God/s

So anyone who disagrees with your views on various issues is a "commie"? You appear to be hiding behind a "Christian" mask yourself, so I take it that you are a "commie."
The political identifiers of the past, such as democrat, republican, progressive, socialist, libertarian, liberal, etc, have become obsolete. This is because commies hate to be called commies, and have therefore hijacked these political identifiers of the past. In the current political landscape, there are only two sides of a political war, and I cannot trust people when they claim to be of a certain political position. I only see lefties and rights now, even though I am well educated on the meanings of the terms of all those political identifiers of the past. Commies is just a synonym for lefties, and commies have ruined it for those who actually are what they claim to be. All I need is a minute to tell if somebody is a lefty or a righty. Commies also like to claim to be Christian, but I can still spot them.
There never was a "war on Christmas." Nobody is stopping anyone from celebrating any holiday. This has been a political ploy taken straight from the "Christian" right-wingers' Big Book of Grimest Fairy Tales. Poor widdle boys and girls. Can't put up a tree. Can't decorate a church and get to services there. Can't get that Christmas goose and cook it and make a feast. Can't get presents or receive them. Can't sing holiday songs. The rest of us who celebrate Christmas had a good time.
The reason why lefties hate Christmas and are at war with it is because it is a Christian holiday, and Christianity is the polar opposite of everything lefties/commies stand for.
Christianity lost a lot of credibility when their leaders fondled Donnie as if is a gift from God. As they stood in front of their Mega Churches making millions, 10,000 children are locked up by the government. Their crime is coming here for help.

Christians would have a fit & demand they be released. Fake Christians cheer the man who locked them up.

Donald Trump is at the opposite end of the spectrum than Jesus. Jesus preached about people like Trump.

Jesus helped the poor. Trump kicks them in the face.

Trumps cure to homelessness is to bulldoze their cardboard homes & tents. A Christian's solution would be find them better places tol live.

Fuck you Trumpettres , You are NOT Christians at all.

The reason why you hate Christmas so much is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything you stand for.

What is this "you" bit? When did I ever say that I hated Christmas or Christianity? Actually, I've been a Christian all of my life. These right-wing "Christian" cults are the ones who oppose the basic principles of the Christian faith, principles that are shared with other faiths.
You can't be a Christian AND vote to murder babies, defend ms13, vote to redistribute my paycheck to your checking, butt fuck men, and have queer marriage. You are a soulless commie.
You are not the one who gets to decide who is a christian and who is not. Unless you can show us some official documentation that gives you that power.
The reason why lefties hate Christmas and are at war with it is because it is a Christian holiday, and Christianity is the polar opposite of everything lefties/commies stand for.
Christianity lost a lot of credibility when their leaders fondled Donnie as if is a gift from God. As they stood in front of their Mega Churches making millions, 10,000 children are locked up by the government. Their crime is coming here for help.

Christians would have a fit & demand they be released. Fake Christians cheer the man who locked them up.

Donald Trump is at the opposite end of the spectrum than Jesus. Jesus preached about people like Trump.

Jesus helped the poor. Trump kicks them in the face.

Trumps cure to homelessness is to bulldoze their cardboard homes & tents. A Christian's solution would be find them better places tol live.

Fuck you Trumpettres , You are NOT Christians at all.

The reason why you hate Christmas so much is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything you stand for.

What is this "you" bit? When did I ever say that I hated Christmas or Christianity? Actually, I've been a Christian all of my life. These right-wing "Christian" cults are the ones who oppose the basic principles of the Christian faith, principles that are shared with other faiths.
You can't be a Christian AND vote to murder babies, defend ms13, vote to redistribute my paycheck to your checking, butt fuck men, and have queer marriage. You are a soulless commie.

Quit lying about murdering babies. Evidently you don't mind our government stealing babies & locking them up because their parents came here for help. So fuck your pretend giving a shit.
Let's remember, that today's CRC trumpanzees worship a man who welcomed a war criminal into the WH.
The reason why lefties hate Christmas and are at war with it is because it is a Christian holiday, and Christianity is the polar opposite of everything lefties/commies stand for.
Christianity lost a lot of credibility when their leaders fondled Donnie as if is a gift from God. As they stood in front of their Mega Churches making millions, 10,000 children are locked up by the government. Their crime is coming here for help.

Christians would have a fit & demand they be released. Fake Christians cheer the man who locked them up.

Donald Trump is at the opposite end of the spectrum than Jesus. Jesus preached about people like Trump.

Jesus helped the poor. Trump kicks them in the face.

Trumps cure to homelessness is to bulldoze their cardboard homes & tents. A Christian's solution would be find them better places tol live.

Fuck you Trumpettres , You are NOT Christians at all.

The reason why you hate Christmas so much is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything you stand for.

What is this "you" bit? When did I ever say that I hated Christmas or Christianity? Actually, I've been a Christian all of my life. These right-wing "Christian" cults are the ones who oppose the basic principles of the Christian faith, principles that are shared with other faiths.
You can't be a Christian AND vote to murder babies, defend ms13, vote to redistribute my paycheck to your checking, butt fuck men, and have queer marriage. You are a soulless commie.
You are not the one who gets to decide who is a christian and who is not. Unless you can show us some official documentation that gives you that power.

Commies think that one needs authority to see that a duck walks like a duck. Typical commie thinking...
What is this "you" bit? When did I ever say that I hated Christmas or Christianity? Actually, I've been a Christian all of my life. These right-wing "Christian" cults are the ones who oppose the basic principles of the Christian faith, principles that are shared with other faiths.
You can't be a Christian AND vote to murder babies, defend ms13, vote to redistribute my paycheck to your checking, butt fuck men, and have queer marriage. You are a soulless commie.
Of course people welcome LGBTs as our family, friends, and neighbors, and are glad to celebrate the marriages of two people who love each other.

This is not a Christian marriage. Absolutely not. You are talking about a commie union that hijacks the word "marriage" and rejects Christian teachings. Anti Christian queer unions do not get the respect that a real marriage gets. There is nothing Christian about queer "marriage".

That's what you think. But who cares what you think. If you don't want to marry someone of your gender, just plain don't do it. Nobody is forcing you. You don't speak for the entire Christian faith.
Tell us all what the Bible says about queers and queer marriage. Tell us what marriage is according to the Bible. I will not be surprised if you have to evade answering this.
Who cares what the bible says? This is a secular country....keep your CRC sharia to yourself.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for.

there's your Strawman, little boy.
The leftists wage war on Christmas while simultaneously denying they're doing it.

So, they're not only bitter, hateful people -- they're liars too.
The overall number of marriages is declining. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Focusing on careers without a relationship is perhaps a good choice for young people in this nation. Times are changing.
Wrong. This is how western civilization is being destroyed. Western civilization was founded upon judo Christian values that are passed along via the family and the church. What you see as changing times is your naive perception of the war on the Christianity, families, and western civilization.
Western civilization was built on Greek and Roman pagan principles....when the christians took over Rome, that's when it fell and Western civilization went into a long Dark Ages.....it wasn't until the Renaissance with it's turning away from all-christianity, all-the-time that Western Civilization began to improve again.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for.

Where do you idiots get this stuff from? In all of my years, I have never met anyone of any religion or any politics who "hates Christmas." Where are all of these "Christians" coming from who feel so persecuted? They must be very weak people. We Christians celebrate Christmas, and I've lived by Jews and Muslims who don't seem to need any help to celebrate their holidays. Why all of this complaining by "Christians" all of a sudden?

And yet articles are published about how Christmas movies are fascist.

Link those articles.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for.

Where do you idiots get this stuff from? In all of my years, I have never met anyone of any religion or any politics who "hates Christmas." Where are all of these "Christians" coming from who feel so persecuted? They must be very weak people. We Christians celebrate Christmas, and I've lived by Jews and Muslims who don't seem to need any help to celebrate their holidays. Why all of this complaining by "Christians" all of a sudden?

And yet articles are published about how Christmas movies are fascist.

Link those articles.

Did you fail to click on the link in the OP?
talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!
The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for.

Where do you idiots get this stuff from? In all of my years, I have never met anyone of any religion or any politics who "hates Christmas." Where are all of these "Christians" coming from who feel so persecuted? They must be very weak people. We Christians celebrate Christmas, and I've lived by Jews and Muslims who don't seem to need any help to celebrate their holidays. Why all of this complaining by "Christians" all of a sudden?

And yet articles are published about how Christmas movies are fascist.
Link those articles.

Did you fail to click on the link in the OP?

The Hallmark channel is fascist?
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

talk about TRIGGERED

you moronicons are EASILY triggered over a non existent war.

Happy Holidays!

The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for.

"The reason why you hate Christmas is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything lefties stand for"

I do appreciate the inanities and nonsense that subhuman moronicons spout.

YOU have been TRIGGERED!

I don't hate Xmas

I and my family celebrate a secular Xmas and just ignore the religious connections.

We had a very nice Xmas; food, family, music, christmas movies

and I got a BB gun!

You'll shoot your eye out.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

Salon's the same website that gave a mouthpiece to an admitted pedophile who was found out to be frequenting chatrooms or message boards for wannabe pedophiles or child rapists; there's no reason to give that archaic rag any attention; even a website like the "Daily Stormer" might be a more credible and reliable source than that one.

You mean Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R)? Or former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore? Or trump BFF Jeffery Epstein?

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