Left's war on Christmas has utterly failed.

Christmas overall is alive and well in my personal opinion, although I do think that the celebration of the birth of Jesus is often times secondary to the celebration of Santa Claus and gift giving, which is very unfortunate. You can, however, find articles and stories from around the country during the Christmas season of local communities, organizations, and individual people making efforts to remove the religious aspects of Christmas out of a skewed understanding of the separation of church and state, but thankfully those examples are smaller in percentage than the people and communities that without fear celebrating with pride the birth of Jesus. I don't believe that there is a large scale "war on Christmas" but I do think that there are many people in this country that get so wrapped up in their disliking of Christmas and the religious connection to it that they lose sight of the positive and beautiful aspects of the Christmas season.

As for the actual topic of Hallmark Christmas movies they are predictable and mushy, but I Iook forward to them every year.
and none of those people you called "they" has ever been successful at stopping ANYONE from celebrating Christmas...nor Easter -- which in my opinion is an even larger Christian holiday than Christmas...

Yet I have N-E-V-E-R seen folks going on about a War on Easter......this imaginary war on Christmas was started by the same people who excel at trying to panic Christians while fleecing their pockets....

There are public buildings and parks that have had to remove nativity scenes before. It doesn't happen often but it's happened. It is true that the removal of those scenes does not personal affect my own ability to celebrate Christmas but it is an example of people going out of their way to remove something that also doesn't affect their ability to not celebrate a holiday.

Easter is another holiday where the religious aspects of the holiday often times take a back seat to the Easter Bunny, candy, BBQ's, and "spring". People go to church on Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus there typically but I wouldn't say that there are a lot of decorations or scenes that are targeted by organizations for removal since it's not a holiday where public buildings are typically decorated in a religious way.

They are only being removed from public space, which must remain religiously neutral. Why insist that religious symbols remain in public space on a semi-permanent basis? There is plenty of private space for people to exhibit their religious symbols.

I disagree with the interpretation of the separation of church and state in that that public spaces need to be neutral. The separation of church and state forbids the establishment of a state religion but that doesn't mean that a religious holiday can't be celebrated in a public space during that holiday season in my personal opinion. A nativity scene in a public park or infront of a public building isn't establishing a religion. That of course is a whole other topic though.
However I don't see many other religions demanding the public square be used for their own respective religious displays...and I am willing to bet the main ones against other religions using that same taxpayer funded public square will be the same folks whining about a war being waged on Christmas...
I am forced to see the atheism faith whenever I am in the public square.
and none of those people you called "they" has ever been successful at stopping ANYONE from celebrating Christmas...nor Easter -- which in my opinion is an even larger Christian holiday than Christmas...

Yet I have N-E-V-E-R seen folks going on about a War on Easter......this imaginary war on Christmas was started by the same people who excel at trying to panic Christians while fleecing their pockets....

There are public buildings and parks that have had to remove nativity scenes before. It doesn't happen often but it's happened. It is true that the removal of those scenes does not personal affect my own ability to celebrate Christmas but it is an example of people going out of their way to remove something that also doesn't affect their ability to not celebrate a holiday.

Easter is another holiday where the religious aspects of the holiday often times take a back seat to the Easter Bunny, candy, BBQ's, and "spring". People go to church on Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus there typically but I wouldn't say that there are a lot of decorations or scenes that are targeted by organizations for removal since it's not a holiday where public buildings are typically decorated in a religious way.

They are only being removed from public space, which must remain religiously neutral. Why insist that religious symbols remain in public space on a semi-permanent basis? There is plenty of private space for people to exhibit their religious symbols.

I disagree with the interpretation of the separation of church and state in that that public spaces need to be neutral. The separation of church and state forbids the establishment of a state religion but that doesn't mean that a religious holiday can't be celebrated in a public space during that holiday season in my personal opinion. A nativity scene in a public park or infront of a public building isn't establishing a religion. That of course is a whole other topic though.
However I don't see many other religions demanding the public square be used for their own respective religious displays...and I am willing to bet the main ones against other religions using that same taxpayer funded public square will be the same folks whining about a war being waged on Christmas...
I am forced to see the atheism faith whenever I am in the public square.

What is "the atheism faith"? How does one "see" it? How are you "forced" to see or do anything? When I'm out in public I have no way of knowing what someone's beliefs are unless that person is wearing religious clothing or jewelry.
and none of those people you called "they" has ever been successful at stopping ANYONE from celebrating Christmas...nor Easter -- which in my opinion is an even larger Christian holiday than Christmas...

Yet I have N-E-V-E-R seen folks going on about a War on Easter......this imaginary war on Christmas was started by the same people who excel at trying to panic Christians while fleecing their pockets....

There are public buildings and parks that have had to remove nativity scenes before. It doesn't happen often but it's happened. It is true that the removal of those scenes does not personal affect my own ability to celebrate Christmas but it is an example of people going out of their way to remove something that also doesn't affect their ability to not celebrate a holiday.

Easter is another holiday where the religious aspects of the holiday often times take a back seat to the Easter Bunny, candy, BBQ's, and "spring". People go to church on Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus there typically but I wouldn't say that there are a lot of decorations or scenes that are targeted by organizations for removal since it's not a holiday where public buildings are typically decorated in a religious way.

They are only being removed from public space, which must remain religiously neutral. Why insist that religious symbols remain in public space on a semi-permanent basis? There is plenty of private space for people to exhibit their religious symbols.

I disagree with the interpretation of the separation of church and state in that that public spaces need to be neutral. The separation of church and state forbids the establishment of a state religion but that doesn't mean that a religious holiday can't be celebrated in a public space during that holiday season in my personal opinion. A nativity scene in a public park or infront of a public building isn't establishing a religion. That of course is a whole other topic though.

It's okay to have a prayer service in public space as long as the people pick up afterwards. Its leaving the religious symbols around after the people leave that is the problem. Public space may be used, but not appropriated. This "king of the hill" one-upsmanship and grandstanding has got to stop. Houses of worship are all over the place and are tax-exempt. There is no reason not to use them for religious displays.
Atheists are the only ones who get to have symbols of their faith dominate public space. Atheists / lefties are waging war against Christianity, and are fighting to have all traces of it banished from society and replaced with symbols of the atheism faith.

"Atheists are the only ones who get to have symbols of their faith dominate public space."

like what?

for instance?

an example?
When I'm out in public I have no way of knowing what someone's beliefs are unless that person is wearing religious clothing or jewelry.

Places where religious symbols have been removed and or banned ARE the symbols of the atheist faith.
Christianity lost a lot of credibility when their leaders fondled Donnie as if is a gift from God. As they stood in front of their Mega Churches making millions, 10,000 children are locked up by the government. Their crime is coming here for help.

Christians would have a fit & demand they be released. Fake Christians cheer the man who locked them up.

Donald Trump is at the opposite end of the spectrum than Jesus. Jesus preached about people like Trump.

Jesus helped the poor. Trump kicks them in the face.

Trumps cure to homelessness is to bulldoze their cardboard homes & tents. A Christian's solution would be find them better places tol live.

Fuck you Trumpettres , You are NOT Christians at all.

The reason why you hate Christmas so much is because it is a Christian holiday. Lefties hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything you stand for.

What is this "you" bit? When did I ever say that I hated Christmas or Christianity? Actually, I've been a Christian all of my life. These right-wing "Christian" cults are the ones who oppose the basic principles of the Christian faith, principles that are shared with other faiths.
You can't be a Christian AND vote to murder babies, defend ms13, vote to redistribute my paycheck to your checking, butt fuck men, and have queer marriage. You are a soulless commie.

Quit lying about murdering babies. Evidently you don't mind our government stealing babies & locking them up because their parents came here for help. So fuck your pretend giving a shit.
You can vote for murdering babies all you want, but it is absolutely not Christian. You can also marry a fudgepacker, but it isn't Christian. Lefties hate Christmas because it is a Christian holiday, and they hate Christianity because it is the opposite of everything that lefties stand for.
No one is murdering babies.

A lot of "leftists" are Christian you stupid fuck.

Where did Jesus say homosexuals can not be Christians & get into heaven.

Being a bigoted fuck like you ain't Christian.
What is this "you" bit? When did I ever say that I hated Christmas or Christianity? Actually, I've been a Christian all of my life. These right-wing "Christian" cults are the ones who oppose the basic principles of the Christian faith, principles that are shared with other faiths.
You can't be a Christian AND vote to murder babies, defend ms13, vote to redistribute my paycheck to your checking, butt fuck men, and have queer marriage. You are a soulless commie.
Of course people welcome LGBTs as our family, friends, and neighbors, and are glad to celebrate the marriages of two people who love each other.

This is not a Christian marriage. Absolutely not. You are talking about a commie union that hijacks the word "marriage" and rejects Christian teachings. Anti Christian queer unions do not get the respect that a real marriage gets. There is nothing Christian about queer "marriage".

That's what you think. But who cares what you think. If you don't want to marry someone of your gender, just plain don't do it. Nobody is forcing you. You don't speak for the entire Christian faith.
Tell us all what the Bible says about queers and queer marriage. Tell us what marriage is according to the Bible. I will not be surprised if you have to evade answering this.

Judge not
A lot of "leftists" are Christian you stupid fuck.

Commies don't like being called commies, so they hide behind all kinds of other names. They claim to be progressives, Democrats, Christians, Republicans, Libertarians, socialists, you name it. They don't realize that they simply cannot hide, and that we can smell their stench wherever they are.

They will vote for killing babies, queer marriage, dismantling the Constitution, welfare for lazy commies paid for by me, you name it. Commies operate in dark places, kinda like cockroaches. When you flick the lights on, they scurry off to a new dark hiding place. Next thing you know, there is a commie claiming to be a Christian...
Christmas overall is alive and well in my personal opinion, although I do think that the celebration of the birth of Jesus is often times secondary to the celebration of Santa Claus and gift giving, which is very unfortunate. You can, however, find articles and stories from around the country during the Christmas season of local communities, organizations, and individual people making efforts to remove the religious aspects of Christmas out of a skewed understanding of the separation of church and state, but thankfully those examples are smaller in percentage than the people and communities that without fear celebrating with pride the birth of Jesus. I don't believe that there is a large scale "war on Christmas" but I do think that there are many people in this country that get so wrapped up in their disliking of Christmas and the religious connection to it that they lose sight of the positive and beautiful aspects of the Christmas season.

As for the actual topic of Hallmark Christmas movies they are predictable and mushy, but I Iook forward to them every year.
and none of those people you called "they" has ever been successful at stopping ANYONE from celebrating Christmas...nor Easter -- which in my opinion is an even larger Christian holiday than Christmas...

Yet I have N-E-V-E-R seen folks going on about a War on Easter......this imaginary war on Christmas was started by the same people who excel at trying to panic Christians while fleecing their pockets....

There are public buildings and parks that have had to remove nativity scenes before. It doesn't happen often but it's happened. It is true that the removal of those scenes does not personal affect my own ability to celebrate Christmas but it is an example of people going out of their way to remove something that also doesn't affect their ability to not celebrate a holiday.

Easter is another holiday where the religious aspects of the holiday often times take a back seat to the Easter Bunny, candy, BBQ's, and "spring". People go to church on Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus there typically but I wouldn't say that there are a lot of decorations or scenes that are targeted by organizations for removal since it's not a holiday where public buildings are typically decorated in a religious way.

They are only being removed from public space, which must remain religiously neutral. Why insist that religious symbols remain in public space on a semi-permanent basis? There is plenty of private space for people to exhibit their religious symbols.

I disagree with the interpretation of the separation of church and state in that that public spaces need to be neutral. The separation of church and state forbids the establishment of a state religion but that doesn't mean that a religious holiday can't be celebrated in a public space during that holiday season in my personal opinion. A nativity scene in a public park or infront of a public building isn't establishing a religion. That of course is a whole other topic though.

Wtf is refusing public Christmas celebration?

Refusing public Christmas celebration??? Sorry but I didn't say anything about refusing anything. Are you confusing my post with someone else's?
When I'm out in public I have no way of knowing what someone's beliefs are unless that person is wearing religious clothing or jewelry.

Places where religious symbols have been removed and or banned ARE the symbols of the atheist faith.

There is no such thing as an "atheist faith." What an idiotic thought. Moreover, people of many faiths believe in civic religious neutrality. People can were religious garb in our public institutions. It's allowed. You can come to the courthouse with a huge cross on your chest and pay your speeding ticket.
When I'm out in public I have no way of knowing what someone's beliefs are unless that person is wearing religious clothing or jewelry.

Places where religious symbols have been removed and or banned ARE the symbols of the atheist faith.

There is no such thing as an "atheist faith." What an idiotic thought. Moreover, people of many faiths believe in civic religious neutrality. People can were religious garb in our public institutions. It's allowed. You can come to the courthouse with a huge cross on your chest and pay your speeding ticket.
Atheism is indeed a faith. Atheists have faith that there is no God/s
When I'm out in public I have no way of knowing what someone's beliefs are unless that person is wearing religious clothing or jewelry.

Places where religious symbols have been removed and or banned ARE the symbols of the atheist faith.

There is no such thing as an "atheist faith." What an idiotic thought. Moreover, people of many faiths believe in civic religious neutrality. People can were religious garb in our public institutions. It's allowed. You can come to the courthouse with a huge cross on your chest and pay your speeding ticket.
Atheism is indeed a faith. Atheists have faith that there is no God/s

So anyone who disagrees with your views on various issues is a "commie"? You appear to be hiding behind a "Christian" mask yourself, so I take it that you are a "commie."
When I'm out in public I have no way of knowing what someone's beliefs are unless that person is wearing religious clothing or jewelry.

Places where religious symbols have been removed and or banned ARE the symbols of the atheist faith.

There is no such thing as an "atheist faith." What an idiotic thought. Moreover, people of many faiths believe in civic religious neutrality. People can were religious garb in our public institutions. It's allowed. You can come to the courthouse with a huge cross on your chest and pay your speeding ticket.
Children in many public schools can say different.
When I'm out in public I have no way of knowing what someone's beliefs are unless that person is wearing religious clothing or jewelry.

Places where religious symbols have been removed and or banned ARE the symbols of the atheist faith.

There is no such thing as an "atheist faith." What an idiotic thought. Moreover, people of many faiths believe in civic religious neutrality. People can were religious garb in our public institutions. It's allowed. You can come to the courthouse with a huge cross on your chest and pay your speeding ticket.
Children in many public schools can say different.
Where do they get kicked out for wearing religious jewelry or clothing or headgear?
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

No one is waging a war on Christmas, you blithering idiot
When I'm out in public I have no way of knowing what someone's beliefs are unless that person is wearing religious clothing or jewelry.

Places where religious symbols have been removed and or banned ARE the symbols of the atheist faith.

There is no such thing as an "atheist faith." What an idiotic thought. Moreover, people of many faiths believe in civic religious neutrality. People can were religious garb in our public institutions. It's allowed. You can come to the courthouse with a huge cross on your chest and pay your speeding ticket.
Children in many public schools can say different.

your religion doesn’t belong in public school

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