Left's war on Christmas has utterly failed.

So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

If there's anything the left is really good at, it's failing.

So you call the Founders failures. Interesting.

Their vision was a country free from leftism. Instant success... if not ruined by letting in too many leftists.

The Founders WERE Leftists. But I suppose you'd support the Tories (Rightists) back then, wouldn't you?

Let's go back to the 5% tax rate then.
Where do you idiots get this stuff from? In all of my years, I have never met anyone of any religion or any politics who "hates Christmas." Where are all of these "Christians" coming from who feel so persecuted? They must be very weak people. We Christians celebrate Christmas, and I've lived by Jews and Muslims who don't seem to need any help to celebrate their holidays. Why all of this complaining by "Christians" all of a sudden?

And yet articles are published about how Christmas movies are fascist.
Link those articles.

Did you fail to click on the link in the OP?

The Hallmark channel is fascist?
It's boring, but I don't equate that to "fascist".

I once knew a lady who watched the Hallmark channel. She had blue hair and false teeth. I don't think that she was a fascist, however. She was too busy doing bake sales for the Presbyterian church.
And yet articles are published about how Christmas movies are fascist.
Link those articles.

Did you fail to click on the link in the OP?

The Hallmark channel is fascist?
It's boring, but I don't equate that to "fascist".

I once knew a lady who watched the Hallmark channel. She had blue hair and false teeth. I don't think that she was a fascist, however. She was too busy doing bake sales for the Presbyterian church.

She probably spent her entire life like this. Some people spend their entire lives watching Rambo, Gunsmoke, and John Wayne movie re-runs. They think it's real.
Link those articles.

Did you fail to click on the link in the OP?

The Hallmark channel is fascist?
It's boring, but I don't equate that to "fascist".

I once knew a lady who watched the Hallmark channel. She had blue hair and false teeth. I don't think that she was a fascist, however. She was too busy doing bake sales for the Presbyterian church.

She probably spent her entire life like this. Some people spend their entire lives watching Rambo, Gunsmoke, and John Wayne movie re-runs. They think it's real.

Others never turn off CNN.
Did you fail to click on the link in the OP?

The Hallmark channel is fascist?
It's boring, but I don't equate that to "fascist".

I once knew a lady who watched the Hallmark channel. She had blue hair and false teeth. I don't think that she was a fascist, however. She was too busy doing bake sales for the Presbyterian church.

She probably spent her entire life like this. Some people spend their entire lives watching Rambo, Gunsmoke, and John Wayne movie re-runs. They think it's real.

Others never turn off CNN.

If CNN isn't real, what is? CNN is consistent with the other news channels, even the BBC. They are much more reliable than Fox, Infowars, Breitbart.
and none of those people you called "they" has ever been successful at stopping ANYONE from celebrating Christmas...nor Easter -- which in my opinion is an even larger Christian holiday than Christmas...

Yet I have N-E-V-E-R seen folks going on about a War on Easter......this imaginary war on Christmas was started by the same people who excel at trying to panic Christians while fleecing their pockets....

There are public buildings and parks that have had to remove nativity scenes before. It doesn't happen often but it's happened. It is true that the removal of those scenes does not personal affect my own ability to celebrate Christmas but it is an example of people going out of their way to remove something that also doesn't affect their ability to not celebrate a holiday.

Easter is another holiday where the religious aspects of the holiday often times take a back seat to the Easter Bunny, candy, BBQ's, and "spring". People go to church on Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus there typically but I wouldn't say that there are a lot of decorations or scenes that are targeted by organizations for removal since it's not a holiday where public buildings are typically decorated in a religious way.

They are only being removed from public space, which must remain religiously neutral. Why insist that religious symbols remain in public space on a semi-permanent basis? There is plenty of private space for people to exhibit their religious symbols.

I disagree with the interpretation of the separation of church and state in that that public spaces need to be neutral. The separation of church and state forbids the establishment of a state religion but that doesn't mean that a religious holiday can't be celebrated in a public space during that holiday season in my personal opinion. A nativity scene in a public park or infront of a public building isn't establishing a religion. That of course is a whole other topic though.

It's okay to have a prayer service in public space as long as the people pick up afterwards. Its leaving the religious symbols around after the people leave that is the problem. Public space may be used, but not appropriated. This "king of the hill" one-upsmanship and grandstanding has got to stop. Houses of worship are all over the place and are tax-exempt. There is no reason not to use them for religious displays.
Atheists are the only ones who get to have symbols of their faith dominate public space. Atheists / lefties are waging war against Christianity, and are fighting to have all traces of it banished from society and replaced with symbols of the atheism faith.
Please show me all of these "atheist symbols" dominating the public square

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There are public buildings and parks that have had to remove nativity scenes before. It doesn't happen often but it's happened. It is true that the removal of those scenes does not personal affect my own ability to celebrate Christmas but it is an example of people going out of their way to remove something that also doesn't affect their ability to not celebrate a holiday.

Easter is another holiday where the religious aspects of the holiday often times take a back seat to the Easter Bunny, candy, BBQ's, and "spring". People go to church on Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus there typically but I wouldn't say that there are a lot of decorations or scenes that are targeted by organizations for removal since it's not a holiday where public buildings are typically decorated in a religious way.

They are only being removed from public space, which must remain religiously neutral. Why insist that religious symbols remain in public space on a semi-permanent basis? There is plenty of private space for people to exhibit their religious symbols.

I disagree with the interpretation of the separation of church and state in that that public spaces need to be neutral. The separation of church and state forbids the establishment of a state religion but that doesn't mean that a religious holiday can't be celebrated in a public space during that holiday season in my personal opinion. A nativity scene in a public park or infront of a public building isn't establishing a religion. That of course is a whole other topic though.

It's okay to have a prayer service in public space as long as the people pick up afterwards. Its leaving the religious symbols around after the people leave that is the problem. Public space may be used, but not appropriated. This "king of the hill" one-upsmanship and grandstanding has got to stop. Houses of worship are all over the place and are tax-exempt. There is no reason not to use them for religious displays.
Atheists are the only ones who get to have symbols of their faith dominate public space. Atheists / lefties are waging war against Christianity, and are fighting to have all traces of it banished from society and replaced with symbols of the atheism faith.
Please show me all of these "atheist symbols" dominating the public square

View attachment 297324
If I could point one out to you, it wouldn't be there. Wherever religious symbols have been removed or banned, you can see and smell the stench of atheists.
Christmas overall is alive and well in my personal opinion, although I do think that the celebration of the birth of Jesus is often times secondary to the celebration of Santa Claus and gift giving, which is very unfortunate. You can, however, find articles and stories from around the country during the Christmas season of local communities, organizations, and individual people making efforts to remove the religious aspects of Christmas out of a skewed understanding of the separation of church and state, but thankfully those examples are smaller in percentage than the people and communities that without fear celebrating with pride the birth of Jesus. I don't believe that there is a large scale "war on Christmas" but I do think that there are many people in this country that get so wrapped up in their disliking of Christmas and the religious connection to it that they lose sight of the positive and beautiful aspects of the Christmas season.

As for the actual topic of Hallmark Christmas movies they are predictable and mushy, but I Iook forward to them every year.
and none of those people you called "they" has ever been successful at stopping ANYONE from celebrating Christmas...nor Easter -- which in my opinion is an even larger Christian holiday than Christmas...

Yet I have N-E-V-E-R seen folks going on about a War on Easter......this imaginary war on Christmas was started by the same people who excel at trying to panic Christians while fleecing their pockets....

There are public buildings and parks that have had to remove nativity scenes before. It doesn't happen often but it's happened. It is true that the removal of those scenes does not personal affect my own ability to celebrate Christmas but it is an example of people going out of their way to remove something that also doesn't affect their ability to not celebrate a holiday.

Easter is another holiday where the religious aspects of the holiday often times take a back seat to the Easter Bunny, candy, BBQ's, and "spring". People go to church on Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus there typically but I wouldn't say that there are a lot of decorations or scenes that are targeted by organizations for removal since it's not a holiday where public buildings are typically decorated in a religious way.
Would you like it if your taxes pay for religious displays on public property? A religion you disagree with or don't belong to? You ok with that?

All things considered yes I would. It would certainly be more acceptable to me than my tax dollars going towards organizations such as Planned Parenthood. I think ultimately though too many people lose sight of the hopeful message and general good feelings displays like that are meant to inspire. When you see a nativity scene on a lawn during Christmas there is a positive message in that scene that is full of love and hope for all of mankind. It’s sad to me that there are other people who see that and get angry. If I see a menorah lit up on a public space during Hanukkah it doesn’t offend me. It’s a celebration of a miracle from God. That’s awesome to me. There are two ways of seeing something like that in my personal opinion. Through an eye of hope and optimism, and the other is through an eye of skepticism and outrage. The second eye is not an ideal way to live in my opinion.
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Reality is simply fascist or "Christian" propaganda to the radical, anarchist left, the cult of critical theory, and so forth.
"Alternative Facts"...yes we know that CRC trumpanzees don't have a very tight grasp on reality.
"Alternative facts" is what the uneducated or barely educated call "facts" - who don't know what "facts" are to begin with, how they're actually used in any real life situation in regards to collecting and gathering facts or information, sorting it into premises, conclusions, assertions, and so forth, and delivering them within the context of any actual serious argument, debate, theory constructed from them, and so forth, whether in a court of law, journalism, research and learning, or any other sort of endeavor requiring the art of thinking, a opposed to inept regurgitation..

Has nothing if anything to do with Trump, so much as it's just a popular little folk axiom to those whom whatever silly 1960s TV or radio network marketed to the 6th grade reading level and an IQ of 100 or less serves as a surrogate for education, reading books, learning to improve one's critical thinking, judgment skills and so forth, such as in the likes of Rhodes Scholar Edward De Bono and his wonderful books and essays on the arts of thinking, learning, evaluating, and so forth to begin with, as opposed to willfully arresting one's own emotional intelligence and education and experience by having more or less none to speak or, nor any real world knowledge or awareness beyond one's childish little media network and elementary or grade school education surrogate, which most of the "mass media" is to begin with, as if it required intellect, it wouldn't be marketable to masses of people, gorged on an unhealthy diet of short-form information, to whom reading "a" single book written at the paltry HS or Bachelor's degree level even once per year, let alone reading full-length graduate and post-graduate school material every day, now would it?

I'm currently in the process of reading a book by a brilliant female lawyer and how she articulates how lawyers and others versed in the arts of thinking, taking in information, comparing different information from different sources, such as legal, philosophical, psychological, "wisdom of the crowd" and so forth, in order to form better, less irrational arguments, judgments, opinions, theories, wisdoms, and such and such, most apparently preferring to watch cat videos or other inanities on YouTube instead of expanding and freeing their mind and intellect from the misinformation and mundanity of short form media addiction.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

There is no war on Christmas, only morons belief that and only trolls make such a stupid claim.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

There is no war on Christmas, only morons belief that and only trolls make such a stupid claim.

Salon.com proves that statement to be false, claiming a Hallmark move is part of some silly "fascist" conspiracy theory or something, which sadly doesn't seem to be a parody like Colbert or the Onion, probably having many superstitious followers, Tin-Foil hat wearers, and paranoics of that very claim.
So it is Christmas time and leftists are as during any other time, pissed. The problem is now that all the Christmas movies people like are in fact, fascist, and of course way too white just like Christmas itself.

Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

Too bad, people are watching even more of these "fascist" Christmas movies than ever before. Christmas is awesome, leftism is a failure.

If there's anything the left is really good at, it's failing.

So you call the Founders failures. Interesting.

They were men of their time, probably weren't quaint on their many superstitious adherents and idolaters, not wanting to be viewed as idols or gods for the uneducated and illiterate to worship, despite having nothing in common with them, their thinking, their station in life, and so forth, beyond a simplistic, context devoid, ADHD, comic-book image thereof, rather than the whole, its context, and its parts, so to speak.

Arguably none of them were as enlightened as Jesus Christ, whom Jefferson himself had to look up to, rather than down to though, Christ would of course have made a better ruler and nation, were he into those worldly sort of things.

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