Lefty Politico: Trump Is Winning

Maybe Trump isn’t all that loathed. After all, he’s ahead of where Obama was at the same point in his term, and nobody in the press was calling Obama “loathed.”

And his tax cuts are sure a lot more popular with voters than Obama's signature healthcare law.

Trump Is Winning

Should we make the libtardos cry?

From the Boston Herald:

Now, more Americans are starting to discover that they are winners. Millions are starting to receive their Trump tax cuts as employers lower their tax withholdings, leaving more money in their paychecks. And the bill will become more popular as more people learn the good news. Even now, only one-third of Americans think they will see an income tax cut. Many voters are going to be pleasantly surprised. And that does not take into account the bonuses and raises that many Americans are receiving from their employers because of the corporate tax cuts — or the wage increases they will get from the economic growth that tax reform unleashes in the months and years ahead.

When House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., dismissed these tax saving as “crumbs,” she came off as an elitist. A couple of thousand dollars a year may be crumbs to a San Francisco multimillionaire, but to most hard-working Americans that is real money. Indeed, Pelosi is getting slammed by her fellow Democrats for her out-of-touch response. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II, D-Mo., warned that “language is important” and “we cannot be seen as patricians,” while Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., a member of the House Democratic leadership, said, “I think for people making $40,000 a year, any increase in their take-home is significant for them.”

Democrats are in a bind because they voted against that increase in take-home pay. The growing public support for tax reform is especially a problem for the five vulnerable Senate Democrats running for reelection in states that Trump won by double digits. All of them will have a hard time explaining why they sided with the “resistance” and opposed giving their constituents a tax cut.

Thiessen: Tax cut ‘surprises’ key to GOP 2018 wins
There go Republicans again giving more free shit away and buying votes. And they can't afford to be so generous. In fact they are giving us money and just putting it on the debt.

"The hypocrisy is astounding": Tax bill shows the GOP’s debt concerns were pure fraud

There is a long-running, almost metaphysical, argument about the GOP’s deficit hawkery. One school of thought holds that it has always been pure cynicism. Republicans passed the Bush tax cuts without offsets and paid for neither Medicare Part D nor the Iraq War. When they began decrying the deficit and debt during President Obama’s administration, under this theory, it was nothing but opportunistic political attacks, and it was obvious they would be abandoned as soon as Republicans regained power.

The response many Republicans gave was that the party had lost its way under George W. Bush, but it had recognized its mistakes and rediscovered its fiscally conservative soul. The Tea Party and its relentless campaign of primary challenges was proof the Republican Party had changed, and would stay changed.

The House and Senate passage of the GOP tax bills shows the cynics had it right.

In the Obama years, Republicans feared a debt crisis
From 1993 to 2016, Charlie Sykes was a right-wing talk show host on WTMJ in Milwaukee. That made him a conservative eminence in Wisconsin, the home state of Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Ron Johnson. Sykes interviewed them dozens of times, emceed events at which they appeared, introduced them before screaming crowds. And in speech after speech, interview after interview, they delivered the same message: Debt was the country’s most pressing problem.

Math and economics challenged libtardos can't understand a 1.5% increase in GDP will offset any deficit from tax cuts.
and all increases in prices will eliminate those lol very generous tax cuts drumph gave out

Hey, petunia, you're the party of forced inflation with your constant whining about increases in minimum wages. Market inflation is the result of a growing economy which benefits everyone not just a target group. Get a book and go to a safe space and read it.
Maybe Trump isn’t all that loathed. After all, he’s ahead of where Obama was at the same point in his term, and nobody in the press was calling Obama “loathed.”

And his tax cuts are sure a lot more popular with voters than Obama's signature healthcare law.

Trump Is Winning

Pity the Democrats who had the job of convincing Americans they didn’t want a tax cut.

2 years ago you guys said Debt was the country’s most pressing problem.

It's not anymore?

They pretend that they ever said it...lol
weren't they supposed to be the fiscally correct conservative party??lol
Maybe Trump isn’t all that loathed. After all, he’s ahead of where Obama was at the same point in his term, and nobody in the press was calling Obama “loathed.”

And his tax cuts are sure a lot more popular with voters than Obama's signature healthcare law.

Trump Is Winning

Should we make the libtardos cry?

From the Boston Herald:

Now, more Americans are starting to discover that they are winners. Millions are starting to receive their Trump tax cuts as employers lower their tax withholdings, leaving more money in their paychecks. And the bill will become more popular as more people learn the good news. Even now, only one-third of Americans think they will see an income tax cut. Many voters are going to be pleasantly surprised. And that does not take into account the bonuses and raises that many Americans are receiving from their employers because of the corporate tax cuts — or the wage increases they will get from the economic growth that tax reform unleashes in the months and years ahead.

When House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., dismissed these tax saving as “crumbs,” she came off as an elitist. A couple of thousand dollars a year may be crumbs to a San Francisco multimillionaire, but to most hard-working Americans that is real money. Indeed, Pelosi is getting slammed by her fellow Democrats for her out-of-touch response. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II, D-Mo., warned that “language is important” and “we cannot be seen as patricians,” while Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., a member of the House Democratic leadership, said, “I think for people making $40,000 a year, any increase in their take-home is significant for them.”

Democrats are in a bind because they voted against that increase in take-home pay. The growing public support for tax reform is especially a problem for the five vulnerable Senate Democrats running for reelection in states that Trump won by double digits. All of them will have a hard time explaining why they sided with the “resistance” and opposed giving their constituents a tax cut.

Thiessen: Tax cut ‘surprises’ key to GOP 2018 wins
There go Republicans again giving more free shit away and buying votes. And they can't afford to be so generous. In fact they are giving us money and just putting it on the debt.

"The hypocrisy is astounding": Tax bill shows the GOP’s debt concerns were pure fraud

There is a long-running, almost metaphysical, argument about the GOP’s deficit hawkery. One school of thought holds that it has always been pure cynicism. Republicans passed the Bush tax cuts without offsets and paid for neither Medicare Part D nor the Iraq War. When they began decrying the deficit and debt during President Obama’s administration, under this theory, it was nothing but opportunistic political attacks, and it was obvious they would be abandoned as soon as Republicans regained power.

The response many Republicans gave was that the party had lost its way under George W. Bush, but it had recognized its mistakes and rediscovered its fiscally conservative soul. The Tea Party and its relentless campaign of primary challenges was proof the Republican Party had changed, and would stay changed.

The House and Senate passage of the GOP tax bills shows the cynics had it right.

In the Obama years, Republicans feared a debt crisis
From 1993 to 2016, Charlie Sykes was a right-wing talk show host on WTMJ in Milwaukee. That made him a conservative eminence in Wisconsin, the home state of Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Ron Johnson. Sykes interviewed them dozens of times, emceed events at which they appeared, introduced them before screaming crowds. And in speech after speech, interview after interview, they delivered the same message: Debt was the country’s most pressing problem.
Describing letting Americans keep more of their own money instead of handing it over to the IRS as "giving free shit away" is EXACTLY why you Progressives are in for a rude awakening with this Mid Term Election! Letting me keep more of what "I" earned isn't giving me anything...it isn't STEALING as much as you liberals want to!

Nah son

Democrats just keep winning Republican seats they shouldn't be winning

(CNN)Roy Moore's victory in Alabama dominated the news on Wednesday. But, it was two far less high-profile races on Tuesday night -- one in Florida, one in New Hampshire -- that may well give us the best indication of where we are headed in the 2018 midterm elections.

In Florida, Democrat Annette Tadeo won a Republican-held state Senate district 51% to 47%. In New Hampshire, Democrat Kari Lerner beat a former Republican state representative to fill a state House district that Donald Trump won by 23 points last November.
Those twin wins make it eight Republican-controlled state legislative seats that Democrats have flipped in 2017 alone. (Republicans flipped a Democratic state House seat in Louisiana earlier this year although Democrats didn't even field a candidate in that race.)

That means that of the 27 Republican-held state legislative seats that have come open in 2017 to date, Democrats have now flipped almost 30% of them -- a remarkable number in anycircumstance but especially so when you consider the average Trump margin in these seats in 2016 was 19 points.
Maybe Trump isn’t all that loathed. After all, he’s ahead of where Obama was at the same point in his term, and nobody in the press was calling Obama “loathed.”

And his tax cuts are sure a lot more popular with voters than Obama's signature healthcare law.

Trump Is Winning

Pity the Democrats who had the job of convincing Americans they didn’t want a tax cut.

2 years ago you guys said Debt was the country’s most pressing problem.

It's not anymore?

They pretend that they ever said it...lol
weren't they supposed to be the fiscally correct conservative party??lol

I think that party is gone.. The corrupt GOP are making as much money as they can while they babysit.

New name to call this party.. the money grabbing who gives a shit party ..

Face it: The Republicans, most of them, are by now so accustomed to inertia and groupthink and political impotence that they seem willing to lose control of the House just to avoid getting a mean tweet from the president. Think the GOP will abandon Trump easily? They’ve all but given up.


Well McConnell and Ryan sold their souls for their pocket liners, and are trying to get as much passed before Trump gets kicked out of the WH.. They love his distractions..
How long after President Trump is "kicked out of the WH" before Hillary gets to replace him?
Is it right away or does she have to wait a few days?
Most LIB snowflakes believe Hillary will settle her fat ass behind the Oval office desk the day President Trump is taken out in handcuffs.
Maybe Trump isn’t all that loathed. After all, he’s ahead of where Obama was at the same point in his term, and nobody in the press was calling Obama “loathed.”

And his tax cuts are sure a lot more popular with voters than Obama's signature healthcare law.

Trump Is Winning

Pity the Democrats who had the job of convincing Americans they didn’t want a tax cut.

2 years ago you guys said Debt was the country’s most pressing problem.

It's not anymore?

They pretend that they ever said it...lol
weren't they supposed to be the fiscally correct conservative party??lol

I think that party is gone.. The corrupt GOP are making as much money as they can while they babysit.

New name to call this party.. the money grabbing who gives a shit party ..

Remember they blamed Obama for the gap between the rich and poor widening but their tax plan grows the gap even wider.
Face it: The Republicans, most of them, are by now so accustomed to inertia and groupthink and political impotence that they seem willing to lose control of the House just to avoid getting a mean tweet from the president. Think the GOP will abandon Trump easily? They’ve all but given up.


Well McConnell and Ryan sold their souls for their pocket liners, and are trying to get as much passed before Trump gets kicked out of the WH.. They love his distractions..
How long after President Trump is "kicked out of the WH" before Hillary gets to replace him?
Is it right away or does she have to wait a few days?
Most LIB snowflakes believe Hillary will settle her fat ass behind the Oval office desk the day President Trump is taken out in handcuffs.

Hillary lost, so it will be creepy Pence..
Face it: The Republicans, most of them, are by now so accustomed to inertia and groupthink and political impotence that they seem willing to lose control of the House just to avoid getting a mean tweet from the president. Think the GOP will abandon Trump easily? They’ve all but given up.


Well McConnell and Ryan sold their souls for their pocket liners, and are trying to get as much passed before Trump gets kicked out of the WH.. They love his distractions..
How long after President Trump is "kicked out of the WH" before Hillary gets to replace him?
Is it right away or does she have to wait a few days?
Most LIB snowflakes believe Hillary will settle her fat ass behind the Oval office desk the day President Trump is taken out in handcuffs.

i've only seen con idiots say this

Pity the Democrats who had the job of convincing Americans they didn’t want a tax cut.

2 years ago you guys said Debt was the country’s most pressing problem.

It's not anymore?

They pretend that they ever said it...lol
weren't they supposed to be the fiscally correct conservative party??lol

I think that party is gone.. The corrupt GOP are making as much money as they can while they babysit.

New name to call this party.. the money grabbing who gives a shit party ..

Remember they blamed Obama for the gap between the rich and poor widening but their tax plan grows the gap even wider.

The party is so excited that they won so they excuse everything, even if it goes against their own political talk points.. They won't be able to use that argument for awhile..

Maybe Trump isn’t all that loathed. After all, he’s ahead of where Obama was at the same point in his term, and nobody in the press was calling Obama “loathed.”

And his tax cuts are sure a lot more popular with voters than Obama's signature healthcare law.

Trump Is Winning

Should we make the libtardos cry?

From the Boston Herald:

Now, more Americans are starting to discover that they are winners. Millions are starting to receive their Trump tax cuts as employers lower their tax withholdings, leaving more money in their paychecks. And the bill will become more popular as more people learn the good news. Even now, only one-third of Americans think they will see an income tax cut. Many voters are going to be pleasantly surprised. And that does not take into account the bonuses and raises that many Americans are receiving from their employers because of the corporate tax cuts — or the wage increases they will get from the economic growth that tax reform unleashes in the months and years ahead.

When House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., dismissed these tax saving as “crumbs,” she came off as an elitist. A couple of thousand dollars a year may be crumbs to a San Francisco multimillionaire, but to most hard-working Americans that is real money. Indeed, Pelosi is getting slammed by her fellow Democrats for her out-of-touch response. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II, D-Mo., warned that “language is important” and “we cannot be seen as patricians,” while Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., a member of the House Democratic leadership, said, “I think for people making $40,000 a year, any increase in their take-home is significant for them.”

Democrats are in a bind because they voted against that increase in take-home pay. The growing public support for tax reform is especially a problem for the five vulnerable Senate Democrats running for reelection in states that Trump won by double digits. All of them will have a hard time explaining why they sided with the “resistance” and opposed giving their constituents a tax cut.

Thiessen: Tax cut ‘surprises’ key to GOP 2018 wins
There go Republicans again giving more free shit away and buying votes. And they can't afford to be so generous. In fact they are giving us money and just putting it on the debt.

"The hypocrisy is astounding": Tax bill shows the GOP’s debt concerns were pure fraud

There is a long-running, almost metaphysical, argument about the GOP’s deficit hawkery. One school of thought holds that it has always been pure cynicism. Republicans passed the Bush tax cuts without offsets and paid for neither Medicare Part D nor the Iraq War. When they began decrying the deficit and debt during President Obama’s administration, under this theory, it was nothing but opportunistic political attacks, and it was obvious they would be abandoned as soon as Republicans regained power.

The response many Republicans gave was that the party had lost its way under George W. Bush, but it had recognized its mistakes and rediscovered its fiscally conservative soul. The Tea Party and its relentless campaign of primary challenges was proof the Republican Party had changed, and would stay changed.

The House and Senate passage of the GOP tax bills shows the cynics had it right.

In the Obama years, Republicans feared a debt crisis
From 1993 to 2016, Charlie Sykes was a right-wing talk show host on WTMJ in Milwaukee. That made him a conservative eminence in Wisconsin, the home state of Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Ron Johnson. Sykes interviewed them dozens of times, emceed events at which they appeared, introduced them before screaming crowds. And in speech after speech, interview after interview, they delivered the same message: Debt was the country’s most pressing problem.
Describing letting Americans keep more of their own money instead of handing it over to the IRS as "giving free shit away" is EXACTLY why you Progressives are in for a rude awakening with this Mid Term Election! Letting me keep more of what "I" earned isn't giving me anything...it isn't STEALING as much as you liberals want to!

Nah son

Democrats just keep winning Republican seats they shouldn't be winning

(CNN)Roy Moore's victory in Alabama dominated the news on Wednesday. But, it was two far less high-profile races on Tuesday night -- one in Florida, one in New Hampshire -- that may well give us the best indication of where we are headed in the 2018 midterm elections.

In Florida, Democrat Annette Tadeo won a Republican-held state Senate district 51% to 47%. In New Hampshire, Democrat Kari Lerner beat a former Republican state representative to fill a state House district that Donald Trump won by 23 points last November.
Those twin wins make it eight Republican-controlled state legislative seats that Democrats have flipped in 2017 alone. (Republicans flipped a Democratic state House seat in Louisiana earlier this year although Democrats didn't even field a candidate in that race.)

That means that of the 27 Republican-held state legislative seats that have come open in 2017 to date, Democrats have now flipped almost 30% of them -- a remarkable number in anycircumstance but especially so when you consider the average Trump margin in these seats in 2016 was 19 points.
Now all you have to do is win back the 950 legislative seats you lost when BONOBO was your president.
If Mueller doesn't indict any member of Trump's campaign on 'collusion' charges, or 'obstruction, or Trump, you all can kiss Nov. and 2020 goodbye.
Mueller better hurry up!
President Trump will be putting another SCJ on the bench, possibly two if Ruth croaks, within a year.
Maybe Trump isn’t all that loathed. After all, he’s ahead of where Obama was at the same point in his term, and nobody in the press was calling Obama “loathed.”

And his tax cuts are sure a lot more popular with voters than Obama's signature healthcare law.

Trump Is Winning
You call this winning??

Maybe Trump isn’t all that loathed. After all, he’s ahead of where Obama was at the same point in his term, and nobody in the press was calling Obama “loathed.”

And his tax cuts are sure a lot more popular with voters than Obama's signature healthcare law.

Trump Is Winning
Despite Trump’s bullish take on his performance, the president’s approval rating fell five points over last month to 35 percent, according to a CNN survey, conducted by polling firm SSRS. That number matches the lowest rating of his presidency in December.

A separate poll by USA Today and Suffolk University’s Political Research Center found similar results, with the president’s approval rating also slipping to match the lowest point that survey has found at 38 percent, with 60 percent disapproving of the job he’s doing.

Gun control looks to be a particular problem for the president.

The CNN poll was conducted Feb. 20 to 23 amid outrage over guns in the wake of the Parkland school shooting that killed 17 people. Only a third of those polled approve of how Trump is handling gun control policy, with 54 percent disapproving, the CNN poll found. Just over 12 percent of those surveyed said they have yet to make up their mind on the issue.

More popular than Obama was........

Do you also lie to yourself?
Face it: The Republicans, most of them, are by now so accustomed to inertia and groupthink and political impotence that they seem willing to lose control of the House just to avoid getting a mean tweet from the president. Think the GOP will abandon Trump easily? They’ve all but given up.


Well McConnell and Ryan sold their souls for their pocket liners, and are trying to get as much passed before Trump gets kicked out of the WH.. They love his distractions..
How long after President Trump is "kicked out of the WH" before Hillary gets to replace him?
Is it right away or does she have to wait a few days?
Most LIB snowflakes believe Hillary will settle her fat ass behind the Oval office desk the day President Trump is taken out in handcuffs.
We have been over Hillary since the day after the election. It's you guys who can't stop talking about her.
2 years ago you guys said Debt was the country’s most pressing problem.

It's not anymore?

They pretend that they ever said it...lol
weren't they supposed to be the fiscally correct conservative party??lol

I think that party is gone.. The corrupt GOP are making as much money as they can while they babysit.

New name to call this party.. the money grabbing who gives a shit party ..

Remember they blamed Obama for the gap between the rich and poor widening but their tax plan grows the gap even wider.

The party is so excited that they won so they excuse everything, even if it goes against their own political talk points.. They won't be able to use that argument for awhile..

I live in Michigan. I watched the GOP on a national level talk about never raising taxes. Then Rick Snyder GOP Governor of my state raises our taxes to pay for roads. And what bothers me most is Michigan Republicans didn't blink an eye. They defended the move. They said, "how else are we going to come up with the money?"

Well I'll tell you how. You shouldn't have given the rich and corporations all those tax breaks. That's why we are broke. So when you gave them breaks and then raised our taxes, you essentially shifted the tax burden more onto the middle class.

But middle class and poor Republicans who worship the rich can't get that through their thick skulls.
Maybe Trump isn’t all that loathed. After all, he’s ahead of where Obama was at the same point in his term, and nobody in the press was calling Obama “loathed.”

And his tax cuts are sure a lot more popular with voters than Obama's signature healthcare law.

Trump Is Winning
Trump’s Approval Rating Drops Back To His Worst With 2 New Polls
Gun policy looms as key threat to president’s support, polls find.

Support for stricter gun laws has spiked to the highest level since 1993 and Americans aren’t happy with Trump’s position on the issue, CNN has found.

Despite Trump’s bullish take on his performance, the president’s approval rating fell five points over last month to 35 percent, according to a CNN survey, conducted by polling firm SSRS. That number matches the lowest rating of his presidency in December.

A separate poll by USA Today and Suffolk University’s Political Research Center found similar results, with the president’s approval rating also slipping to match the lowest pointthat survey has found at 38 percent, with 60 percent disapproving of the job he’s doing.

Gun control looks to be a particular problem for the president.

The CNN poll was conducted Feb. 20 to 23 amid outrage over guns in the wake of the Parkland school shooting that killed 17 people. Only a third of those polled approve of how Trump is handling gun control policy, with 54 percent disapproving, the CNN poll found. Just over 12 percent of those surveyed said they have yet to make up their mind on the issue.

CNN is in the tank with the gun grabbers. No reason to trust any polling they do, or to believe any of their reporting isn't infected with their bias and Trump Derangement.

So it is bogus unless if Trump is doing well Marty?

It's not about bogus or not bogus, it's about a site and a news organization with an obvious vested rooting interest.

It hasn't gone Newsweek off the rails, but it is approaching it.
Maybe Trump isn’t all that loathed. After all, he’s ahead of where Obama was at the same point in his term, and nobody in the press was calling Obama “loathed.”

And his tax cuts are sure a lot more popular with voters than Obama's signature healthcare law.

Trump Is Winning
Trump’s Approval Rating Drops Back To His Worst With 2 New Polls
Gun policy looms as key threat to president’s support, polls find.

Support for stricter gun laws has spiked to the highest level since 1993 and Americans aren’t happy with Trump’s position on the issue, CNN has found.

Despite Trump’s bullish take on his performance, the president’s approval rating fell five points over last month to 35 percent, according to a CNN survey, conducted by polling firm SSRS. That number matches the lowest rating of his presidency in December.

A separate poll by USA Today and Suffolk University’s Political Research Center found similar results, with the president’s approval rating also slipping to match the lowest pointthat survey has found at 38 percent, with 60 percent disapproving of the job he’s doing.

Gun control looks to be a particular problem for the president.

The CNN poll was conducted Feb. 20 to 23 amid outrage over guns in the wake of the Parkland school shooting that killed 17 people. Only a third of those polled approve of how Trump is handling gun control policy, with 54 percent disapproving, the CNN poll found. Just over 12 percent of those surveyed said they have yet to make up their mind on the issue.

CNN is in the tank with the gun grabbers. No reason to trust any polling they do, or to believe any of their reporting isn't infected with their bias and Trump Derangement.

So it is bogus unless if Trump is doing well Marty?
Yup. Just like the unemployment numbers

Unemployment numbers not 'phony' to Trump anymore - CNNPolitics

They were fake until Trump got in. Now they are real.

The key is the trending, not the month to month #'s, and even those have to be taken with a grain of salt.
2 years ago you guys said Debt was the country’s most pressing problem.

It's not anymore?

The most pressing problem is liberalism and the elites they have installed. There is no close second. If we can eradicate them then we can move on to fixing other problems.
It isn’t political.
How long after President Trump is "kicked out of the WH" before Hillary gets to replace him?
Is it right away or does she have to wait a few days?
Most LIB snowflakes believe Hillary will settle her fat ass behind the Oval office desk the day President Trump is taken out in handcuffs.

You foreigners have a comical ignorance of how our system works.

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