Lefty Remedial Education 103; What a Freaking Assault Weapon Actually Is

And yet, it is. Waken and smell the coffee. You can buy a fully automatic weapon, a machine gun, but expect to be 'infringed':

"Prompted by prohibition era gangsters and the rise of organized crime (law enforcement was seriously outgunned by the likes of bad guy like Dillinger), the United States drafted the National Firearms Act which passed in 1934. The National Firearms Act did not ban machine guns, but it made them impossible to afford for most people. To buy a machine gun under the 1934 NFA, an individual needs to submit the following (the procedure remains unchanged even today):

  • Pay a tax of $200, which in 1934 was worth over $3,500
  • Fill out a lengthy application to register your gun with the federal government
  • Submit photographs
  • Submit passport photos
  • Get your chief law enforcement official to sign your application
  • Wait for the results of your background check to come back"
So, the evidence is clear an convincing, the 2nd A. is not what you believe it to be. Some guns are regulated, as we saw in the Brady Bill. Sadly, two terrorist organizations - the NRA and the GOP - conspired to allow this bill to sunset. Now they oppose "no fly, no buy" another example of putting the American citizen in harm's way.

FYI to the Forum:
How to Deal With a Liar
Do you know someone who can't seem to utter the truth? Some people lie to make themselves look good or to get what they want, and others because they actually believe what they're saying. Either way, confronting the liar is a good place to start dealing with his or her bad behavior. It's important to remember that you don't have the power to change someone else - in the end, all you can do is tell the truth yourself. Read on to learn more about how to deal with a liar....

I see. Fuck you! You're too stupid to issue a rebuttal, and thus default to a non sequitur and a personal attack.

There is no lie, no attempt to misrepresent the fact that the 2nd A. isn't in reality infringed, and has been over the past two centuries.
There is no such thing as an "absolute right".
Which is a key difference between those who believe all power should reside with the State and those who believe all power resides with the individual.

I have an "absolute"/inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. What I don't have a right to do is deprive you of yours nor you mine...as you are suggesting you can do.
No one is saying you cannot continue to bear arms. No one is advocating confiscation. But there are some regulations that go along with the responsibility of gun ownership. No one has an absolute right to own any weapon at all.
If a person is not a criminal they do have an absolute right to own firearms… Fuck face
Isn't it true that these types of rifles Fire a small rounds that "tumble " in a way to cause maximum damage to the target on exit ? That's why hunters don't use them because they will tear up the meat?

Meaning the only real use for them is to kill people .
They are not designed to "tumble" you dumbass motherfucker.
Dumbass pieces of shit like yourself will believe anything the media will tell you. You must be skull fucked daily for all the brain damage you have. Shit for brains
Most ammo you Buy in bulk is full metal jacket you mother fucking retarded piece of shit. Lol
Next time you fall in the well stay there. Dip shit
There is no such thing as an "absolute right".
Which is a key difference between those who believe all power should reside with the State and those who believe all power resides with the individual.

I have an "absolute"/inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. What I don't have a right to do is deprive you of yours nor you mine...as you are suggesting you can do.
No one is saying you cannot continue to bear arms. No one is advocating confiscation. But there are some regulations that go along with the responsibility of gun ownership. No one has an absolute right to own any weapon at all.
If a person is not a criminal they do have an absolute right to own firearms… Fuck face
May I take a ride in your Apache helicopter? Where do you buy shells for your mortar? Where's your bazooka?

And "fuck face"?!? Do you think that's impressive repertoire? Are you French? Ah! The French! A curious race. They fight with their feet and fuck with their face.
And yet, it is. Waken and smell the coffee. You can buy a fully automatic weapon, a machine gun, but expect to be 'infringed':

"Prompted by prohibition era gangsters and the rise of organized crime (law enforcement was seriously outgunned by the likes of bad guy like Dillinger), the United States drafted the National Firearms Act which passed in 1934. The National Firearms Act did not ban machine guns, but it made them impossible to afford for most people. To buy a machine gun under the 1934 NFA, an individual needs to submit the following (the procedure remains unchanged even today):

  • Pay a tax of $200, which in 1934 was worth over $3,500
  • Fill out a lengthy application to register your gun with the federal government
  • Submit photographs
  • Submit passport photos
  • Get your chief law enforcement official to sign your application
  • Wait for the results of your background check to come back"
So, the evidence is clear an convincing, the 2nd A. is not what you believe it to be. Some guns are regulated, as we saw in the Brady Bill. Sadly, two terrorist organizations - the NRA and the GOP - conspired to allow this bill to sunset. Now they oppose "no fly, no buy" another example of putting the American citizen in harm's way.

FYI to the Forum:
How to Deal With a Liar
Do you know someone who can't seem to utter the truth? Some people lie to make themselves look good or to get what they want, and others because they actually believe what they're saying. Either way, confronting the liar is a good place to start dealing with his or her bad behavior. It's important to remember that you don't have the power to change someone else - in the end, all you can do is tell the truth yourself. Read on to learn more about how to deal with a liar....

I see. Fuck you! You're too stupid to issue a rebuttal, and thus default to a non sequitur and a personal attack.

There is no lie, no attempt to misrepresent the fact that the 2nd A. isn't in reality infringed, and has been over the past two centuries.

No one's interested in your propositions, faggot.
I see. Fuck you! You're too stupid to issue a rebuttal, and thus default to a non sequitur and a personal attack.

There is no lie, no attempt to misrepresent the fact that the 2nd A. isn't in reality infringed, and has been over the past two centuries.
Thank you for proving, once again, what "tolerance" means to the far Left.
According to the libtards AR stands for "assault rifle". In reality it is related to the Armalite Company. Arguing with these folks is really tedious. Its difficult and almost impossible to fix stupid though...
As Reagan said, “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
How about gun control?

How about vote control? Speech control? Religion control?

Shall NOT infringe, Comrade.

And yet, it is. Waken and smell the coffee. You can buy a fully automatic weapon, a machine gun, but expect to be 'infringed':

"Prompted by prohibition era gangsters and the rise of organized crime (law enforcement was seriously outgunned by the likes of bad guy like Dillinger), the United States drafted the National Firearms Act which passed in 1934. The National Firearms Act did not ban machine guns, but it made them impossible to afford for most people. To buy a machine gun under the 1934 NFA, an individual needs to submit the following (the procedure remains unchanged even today):

  • Pay a tax of $200, which in 1934 was worth over $3,500
  • Fill out a lengthy application to register your gun with the federal government
  • Submit photographs
  • Submit passport photos
  • Get your chief law enforcement official to sign your application
  • Wait for the results of your background check to come back"
So, the evidence is clear an convincing, the 2nd A. is not what you believe it to be. Some guns are regulated, as we saw in the Brady Bill. Sadly, two terrorist organizations - the NRA and the GOP - conspired to allow this bill to sunset. Now they oppose "no fly, no buy" another example of putting the American citizen in harm's way.

I see no harm in regulating actual military weapons lke machine guns, and having their owners pay a small tax or fee, nor do 80% of gun owners in the USA.

But banning single shot rifles for being 'assault weapons' when the criteria for doing so will be arbitrary and completely cosmetic is asinine, pointless and harassment of American gun owners..
Homos, don't give a shit about them, they can do as they please. Abortion takes the life of another human, due process is needed. Buy all the AK's you like.

Disagreed about Americans not giving a shit. Disagreed that a zygote is a human being much less an American citizen. Thanks, I will!

Since we're on the subject, do you believe every zygote conceived in the US is an American citizen? A human being?
They are fully persons, but are not citizens till they set foot on US soil born of their American mother.
With a very dangerous, legally bought weapon for mass killing.
No, a single shot rifle is not a weapon made for mass killing. The only reason he killed so many was due to his closing the exits and trapping them into a kill zone.

Had he used some incendiaries he would have probably killed all of them, but thank God he had no infantry military training.
According to the libtards AR stands for "assault rifle". In reality it is related to the Armalite Company. Arguing with these folks is really tedious. Its difficult and almost impossible to fix stupid though...
As Reagan said, “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
LOL. I always liked Reagan. He wasn't perfect, by a long shot, but he was damn good!
semi auto shot gun with double aught buck shot is just as lethal as an Ar15.
perhaps more lethal
Definitely more lethal.

A Mossberg 12 gauge can hold ten rounds and each of the pellets have I think the diameter of a 0.38 round and there is I believe about 12 in each cartridge.

That is 120 possible hits and shotguns are easy to reload.
LMAO. You gun nutters with all your vast knowledge of guns and ammo, and after spending countless hours and days on here, you fuckers are STILL trying to figure out what an assault rifle IS.

Fucking amazing.

The AR15 is still the number one choice of weapons with which to "assault" school rooms, movie theaters and night clubs.

Hope that helps you idiots.
Links or be bullshit.
They are fully persons, but are not citizens till they set foot on US soil born of their American mother.
A zygote is a single cell.
And why cant a person be a single cell? They are biologically separate genticaly unique from their parents and given time and the normal safety of a mothers care, they will be as fully human as anyone else, 95% of the time.

What a crying shame that the mother's womb has become the deadliest place to be in America.

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