Lefty Remedial Education 103; What a Freaking Assault Weapon Actually Is

Lol! Other than the 2nd, consrrvtives wipe their ass with the constitution!

The 1st Amendment has suffered more under Obama than has the 2nd. The 4th took a beating at the hands of the Anti-liberty left as well. In the no fly bullshit, you freedom haters are taking the squirts on the 14th to boot.

Little Sisters of the Poor, Sweet Cakes by Melisa, Hobby Lobby, hate speech, micro aggression, safe space, etc.

The Bill of Rights in total (en toto) is under prolonged attack by you who seek to end basic civil rights.
And yet, it is. Waken and smell the coffee. You can buy a fully automatic weapon, a machine gun, but expect to be 'infringed':

"Prompted by prohibition era gangsters and the rise of organized crime (law enforcement was seriously outgunned by the likes of bad guy like Dillinger), the United States drafted the National Firearms Act which passed in 1934. The National Firearms Act did not ban machine guns, but it made them impossible to afford for most people. To buy a machine gun under the 1934 NFA, an individual needs to submit the following (the procedure remains unchanged even today):

  • Pay a tax of $200, which in 1934 was worth over $3,500
  • Fill out a lengthy application to register your gun with the federal government
  • Submit photographs
  • Submit passport photos
  • Get your chief law enforcement official to sign your application
  • Wait for the results of your background check to come back"
So, the evidence is clear an convincing, the 2nd A. is not what you believe it to be. Some guns are regulated, as we saw in the Brady Bill. Sadly, two terrorist organizations - the NRA and the GOP - conspired to allow this bill to sunset. Now they oppose "no fly, no buy" another example of putting the American citizen in harm's way.

FYI to the Forum:
How to Deal With a Liar
Do you know someone who can't seem to utter the truth? Some people lie to make themselves look good or to get what they want, and others because they actually believe what they're saying. Either way, confronting the liar is a good place to start dealing with his or her bad behavior. It's important to remember that you don't have the power to change someone else - in the end, all you can do is tell the truth yourself. Read on to learn more about how to deal with a liar....
Varmit hunting...
What a hero. Many innocent people killed and you are concerned about varmints. Ah the gun nut turds.
Anti-gun nutters as yourself will never realize more laws will never stop criminal behavior, just make it more prevalent…
Speed limits failed to eliminate traffic deaths. Should we have speed limits? They are no panacea.

Gun regulations should be viewed with the same logic. While they will not eliminate gun violence, perhaps they can curb it/
No one has right to a vehicle... Firearm ownership is a absolute right.
There is no such thing as an "absolute right".

Not if you listen to those on the left that support abortion. They say that a woman has the absolute right to make choices with her body.
How about gun control?

How about vote control? Speech control? Religion control?

Shall NOT infringe, Comrade.

And yet, it is. Waken and smell the coffee. You can buy a fully automatic weapon, a machine gun, but expect to be 'infringed':

"Prompted by prohibition era gangsters and the rise of organized crime (law enforcement was seriously outgunned by the likes of bad guy like Dillinger), the United States drafted the National Firearms Act which passed in 1934. The National Firearms Act did not ban machine guns, but it made them impossible to afford for most people. To buy a machine gun under the 1934 NFA, an individual needs to submit the following (the procedure remains unchanged even today):

  • Pay a tax of $200, which in 1934 was worth over $3,500
  • Fill out a lengthy application to register your gun with the federal government
  • Submit photographs
  • Submit passport photos
  • Get your chief law enforcement official to sign your application
  • Wait for the results of your background check to come back"
So, the evidence is clear an convincing, the 2nd A. is not what you believe it to be. Some guns are regulated, as we saw in the Brady Bill. Sadly, two terrorist organizations - the NRA and the GOP - conspired to allow this bill to sunset. Now they oppose "no fly, no buy" another example of putting the American citizen in harm's way.

Then came Heller, and popped your Stalinist balloon...
The 1st Amendment has suffered more under Obama than has the 2nd. The 4th took a beating at the hands of the Anti-liberty left as well. In the no fly bullshit, you freedom haters are taking the squirts on the 14th to boot.

Little Sisters of the Poor, Sweet Cakes by Melisa, Hobby Lobby, hate speech, micro aggression, safe space, etc.

The Bill of Rights in total (en toto) is under prolonged attack by you who seek to end basic civil rights.
Agreed in general, but let's not forget Obama only expanded upon the Patriot Act Bush signed...with the nearly full cooperation of Congress under both Presidents.

If We, the People, really want to take our country back, we need to show some spine and not whine to the Feds every time something bad happens.
Not if you listen to those on the left that support abortion. They say that a woman has the absolute right to make choices with her body.

I honestly don't see the point of tying the Bill of Rights to abortion. If abortion were outlawed tonight, my support of civil rights would not waver, I would not suddenly support the democrats war to crush the Bill of Rights.

I don't get the connection.
Not if you listen to those on the left that support abortion. They say that a woman has the absolute right to make choices with her body.
Good catch.

Dear Lord, please save us from extremist assholes who want to tell us what you think. Amen.
Agreed in general, but let's not forget Obama only expanded upon the Patriot Act Bush signed...with the nearly full cooperation of Congress under both Presidents.

If We, the People, really want to take our country back, we need to show some spine and not whine to the Feds every time something bad happens.

That Bush was a pile of shit - and he was, does not excuse the democrats. Bush infringed our rights for surveillance, which is no excuse. The democrats are waging war on our rights for no reason other than to crush them.
I honestly don't see the point of tying the Bill of Rights to abortion. If abortion were outlawed tonight, my support of civil rights would not waver, I would not suddenly support the democrats war to crush the Bill of Rights.

I don't get the connection.
Unenumerated rights. Does the Constitution grant rights or does it grant government limited powers? If a right is not in the Constitution, does that mean we don't have it?
That Bush was a pile of shit - and he was, does not excuse the democrats. Bush infringed our rights for surveillance, which is no excuse. The democrats are waging war on our rights for no reason other than to crush them.
With a nearly unanimous consent of Congress. No President can act without the consent of Congress.....at least not for long.

Let's face it; after 9/11, the problem wasn't Bush or even Cheney, it was the American people. We've become a nation of wusses. Spineless, narcissistic, selfish, greedy assholes who quickly traded off hard-won rights to alleviate fears of terrorists. Sadly, the terrorists won that one. After a few years, many Americans realized that fact and attempted to rectify it.
Not if you listen to those on the left that support abortion. They say that a woman has the absolute right to make choices with her body.

I honestly don't see the point of tying the Bill of Rights to abortion. If abortion were outlawed tonight, my support of civil rights would not waver, I would not suddenly support the democrats war to crush the Bill of Rights.

I don't get the connection.

The 14th Amendment was at the heart of the decision. The reason for that was that the law being challenged was a State law not a federal law. It centered around privacy as viewed under the Due Process Clause. Under the constitutional concept referred to as selective incorporation, certain provisions of the BILL of RIGHTS have been extended to the states through the 14th amendment. By using that concept, what the Bill of Rights was designed to do to protect people from federal government violation of rights was extended to include state action of certain provisions. In other words, the 14th Amendment served the purpose of the 5th Amendment only to state instead of federal action. The reason the 14th was incorporated to protect what the Bill of Rights did was because it was a state and not a federal law. Had it been a federal law being challenged, the 5th amendment would be the one used. The 5th and 14th include a Due Process Clause. The difference is one applies to federal government action and one applies to state government action. In this aspect, the 14th could be considered as part of the Bill of Rights as it did the same thing the Bill of Rights would have done had it been federal law.
Unenumerated rights. Does the Constitution grant rights or does it grant government limited powers? If a right is not in the Constitution, does that mean we don't have it?

The constitution is clear that rights not enumerated do not indicate that the right does not exist. The 9th states;

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
The constitution is clear that rights not enumerated do not indicate that the right does not exist. The 9th states;

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Agreed. So gays can get married, women can have abortions and I can buy a few more AK-47s.
We should all listen to the Vice President and fire a shotgun through our front door when someone is knocking on it at night. I mean, he's a democrat and he should know all about safety.
As far as home defences,s shotgun is my choice.
The people all freaked out over Ar15 a pump shot gun let alone a semi auto shot gun with double aught buck shot is just as lethal as an Ar15.
In close quarters,like a bar, you could get with high probability a hand full of victims with each shot.
This idea that banning 1 gun model,will somehow offer more security,your just wrong.

semi auto shot gun with double aught buck shot is just as lethal as an Ar15.

perhaps more lethal

"more lethal"? As in deader than dead

ok fucktard less survivable

LOL, Who's the fucktard?

Who's the fucktard?

you of course
...The law dictionary defines weapon as, "Anything used or designed to be used in destroying, defeating, or injuring an enemy; an instrument of offensive or defensive combat. Furthermore, it defines dangerous weapon as, "An instrument which, when used in the ordinary manner contemplated by its design and construction, will, or is likely to, cause death or great bodily harm"
Like a knife, tire iron or baseball bat?

Anything used or designed to be used in destroying, defeating, or injuring an enemy

well that would exclude the ar-15 because it is a civilian sporting rifle

So you wouldn't use it to defend yourself, your home or to fight a tyrannical govt?

sure but that is not what is designed to do it is not a combat weapon

my 22 single shot would fall into that category if used defensively

i get so tired of you anti gun nuts

how is the elimination of DUE PROCESS going for you guys these days

How is it not designed to do that or it's not a combat weapon when the design is exactly the same as the weapon carried by our military?

obviously it is not designed the same way

not even close they are two completely different firearms
Agreed. So gays can get married, women can have abortions and I can buy a few more AK-47s.
Homos, don't give a shit about them, they can do as they please. Abortion takes the life of another human, due process is needed. Buy all the AK's you like.

It is a mind cringing fact to realize that our Republics loudest voices on the gun issue are such idiotic ignoramuses that they dont know what the hell an assault rifle is.

It is even worse when their supposed opposition party gives in and uses the same erroneous bullshit terms inaccurately as the Gun Grabbing Nazis do.

So here is a little article to help the goose stepping leftwing idiots to get their shit straight.

Not that facts have ever slowed them down at all.

What Is an 'Assault Weapon?' - Breitbart

What is an “assault weapon?”
Is it a gun that shoots a certain round? Say a .223 or a 5.56? Or is a gun that has a flashlight on it? What about a laser or an aftermarket grip, or a heat shield, or flash hider?

Does the term “assault weapon” only apply to black guns? Or can an “assault weapon” be white or green or red or brown or camouflage? Can it be pink?

Does an “assault weapon” use magazines or does it use what Sen. Tim Kaine called “ammunition clips?” After all, President Obama recently described the Glock handgun Omar Mateen carried in Pulse Orlando as a gun that “had a lot of clips in it.”

Is a clip like a bullet or do Kaine and Obama simply not understand firearm basics?

Here’s the point: “assault weapons” is a made up term that applies to whatever best serves Democrats who are pushing gun control at any given time. After all, the New York Times reports that the term “assault weapons” is a “myth” Democrats created in the 1990s.

And according to the NYT, the “myth” came into play when the Democrats — who were eager to find a scapegoat for escalating crime in the early 1990s — created a “politically defined category of guns” they could then demonize and ban. They subsequently achieved an “assault weapons” ban in 1994, and it lasted until 2004. And when today’s Democrats appeal to that ban as one that should be re-instituted, they prove they understand little about it.

For starters, the 1994 did not ban “assault weapons.” Rather, it banned cosmetic features that Democrats consider part and parcel to “assault weapons.”

To put it another way, the 1994 ban did not ban AR-15s in general. Rather, it banned flash hiders, certain fore stocks and grips, collapsible and folding rear stocks, “high capacity” magazines, etc. It banned things that made the gun look like the scary guns Democrats think about when they think about an “assault weapon.” But it did nothing to change or ban the actual gun.

The author of the above article is correct that the term "Assault weapon" is a made up term, but "assault rifle" has been around since WW2 and was used exclusively for rifles capable of firing small arms ammo in full auto mode, i.e. what most libtards would call a "machine gun".

That was an assault rifle, but todays AR-15 is not an assault rifle, but merely a lower cost rifle that uses cheap and easily available military components.

If you have ever priced Walnut wood stocks and compared them to the cost of plastic stocks you would understand why the military wanted the cheaper plastic, and the color was black to suppress light reflection, a bad thing on the battlefield.

So I hope this helps you libtards out there to understand that not every rifle that has those mean ole military kind of looking components makes them an "assault weapon". Calling them such only makes you look stupid, as if that were even needed.

Keep up the good work, Jim. You get it.
obviously it is not designed the same way

not even close they are two completely different firearms
Donchaknow that we can buy fully automatic M-16s through the mail for a few hundred bucks????....or so the far LW anti-gun mob wants everyone to believe.
Homos, don't give a shit about them, they can do as they please. Abortion takes the life of another human, due process is needed. Buy all the AK's you like.

Disagreed about Americans not giving a shit. Disagreed that a zygote is a human being much less an American citizen. Thanks, I will!

Since we're on the subject, do you believe every zygote conceived in the US is an American citizen? A human being?

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