Lefty Remedial Education 103; What a Freaking Assault Weapon Actually Is

You're dishonesty is apparent to all....
I'm content to let our readers decide for themselves who is the disingenuous, lying fuckwad.

I vote for you.
Of course you do. Disingenuous anti-gun advocates need to stick together, amirite?

Yep, you're very far right, out on the fringe.
Are you suggesting that psychological studies have shown that the cause of some Americans to have a love affair with guns was because we fought the bastard redcoats? I always thought it was because of John Wayne. Does anyone else know of other studies, and how did other Americans resist the love affair?
No. I'm suggesting that Americans have a long heritage of individualism and distrust of government.

If you have something specific to discuss, please bring it out.

BTW, an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Are you anti-science? Anti-logic? Do you favor emotion over reason?
Yep, you're very far right, out on the fringe.
Is that why I support gay marriage and abortion? Immigration reform? You're a fucking liar and I've proved it. The fact you refuse to see it makes you simply another partisan asshole, as bad as those RWNJs you hate so much.
Are you suggesting that psychological studies have shown that the cause of some Americans to have a love affair with guns was because we fought the bastard redcoats? I always thought it was because of John Wayne. Does anyone else know of other studies, and how did other Americans resist the love affair?
No. I'm suggesting that Americans have a long heritage of individualism and distrust of government.

If you have something specific to discuss, please bring it out.

BTW, an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Are you anti-science? Anti-logic? Do you favor emotion over reason?
Just wondering why some Americans have such a fascination with guns. Is it their need for a weapon, or other need? If so what is the need? Why do other not feel that need, and on and on.
The average person doesn't know how to make bombs. They would use the Internet and potentially be noticed by the FBI.

With this reasoning no one ever made bombs before the algore invented the interwebs. I have said it several times... You just can't fix stupid...

The Right to vote is inferred in Sec. 2 of the 14th, the 15th, the 17th, the 19th, the 24th and the 26th Amendments to COTUS; and in Art. I, sec 2, clause 1; Art. IV, sec. 2.

Each of these links are clear, the right to vote is inherent in our democratic republic and their clarity is pure; unlike the syntax here, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Funny to watch you jump so quickly on declaring me wrong when the Politifact link covered the facts. Next time, why don't you just read the link and quote it?

Why are you so obstinate? Is it because I'm kicking your ass on our Second Amendment rights? Or is it because you want to rewrite the Constitution in your own image and people like me are in your way?

You couldn't kick my ass in any venue.

You see the 2nd as an absolute, It ain't.
Try reading past the 2nd amendment sometime .
I'm happy to do so. I swore an oath, at least seven times, to support and defend the Constitution. All of it. This is why I've always seen "gay marriage" as a 14th Amendment issue. Either give everyone the same rights and benefits or no one.

What section of the Constitution would you like to discuss, if any?

How about the 19th. Womens "right to vote".
all laws effect everyone, until they are broken. See speeders. They are presumably law abiding citizens until the drive faster than the legal limit. See bank robbers. Until they don the mask and give the teller a note, they too are law abiding citizens.

Lot of fellows in jail on conspiracy charges would disagree with you adamantly.
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Yep, you're very far right, out on the fringe.
Is that why I support gay marriage and abortion? Immigration reform? You're a fucking liar and I've proved it. The fact you refuse to see it makes you simply another partisan asshole, as bad as those RWNJs you hate so much.

In context, on the 2nd A. You're on the fringe, farther (further?) out than Scalia on the issue.
But according to you we don't have a right to vote , so it's ok to place modern day restrictions like voter ID . But not ok to restrict any guns because of the rights in the 2nd ?
That's incorrect, Timmy. Please let go of your emotions and reread my post again.

Secondly, do you know the difference between an enumerated right and an unemerated right? Do you understand the controversy over the Bill of Rights being written in the first place? Do you think the Constitution limits our rights as citizens or limits the powers of government?
But according to you we don't have a right to vote , so it's ok to place modern day restrictions like voter ID . But not ok to restrict any guns because of the rights in the 2nd ?
That's incorrect, Timmy. Please let go of your emotions and reread my post again.

Secondly, do you know the difference between an enumerated right and an unemerated right? Do you understand the controversy over the Bill of Rights being written in the first place? Do you think the Constitution limits our rights as citizens or limits the powers of government?

An amendMent is an amendment . The early ones are no better than the latter . In fact , later ones change the earlier.
How many of these bullshit threads we gonna have . Gun nuts try to convince everyone that assault rifles are nothing more than .22 pistols wh fancy cosmetic add ons ! Which is total bullshit .

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