Lefty Remedial Education 103; What a Freaking Assault Weapon Actually Is

all laws effect everyone, until they are broken. See speeders. They are presumably law abiding citizens until the drive faster than the legal limit. See bank robbers. Until they don the mask and give the teller a note, they too are law abiding citizens.

Do you want to eliminate all laws because they presumably only effect law abiding citizens?

When are you going to make an argument that isn't so patently stupid?
Why do you conflate an enumerated right with laws designed to protect citizen's right from each other?

Do you know and under the famous Oliver Wendell Holmes quote on this subject?
How many of these bullshit threads we gonna have . Gun nuts try to convince everyone that assault rifles are nothing more than .22 pistols wh fancy cosmetic add ons ! Which is total bullshit .

Easy answer. Plenty. We will stop arguing when you give up and worry about killing over a million babies a year with your forceps.

How many of these bullshit threads we gonna have . Gun nuts try to convince everyone that assault rifles are nothing more than .22 pistols wh fancy cosmetic add ons ! Which is total bullshit .

Easy answer. Plenty. We will stop arguing when you give up and worry about killing over a million babies a year with your forceps.

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Spare me the fake outrage over a zygote when you righties are pro death penalty and gun expansion.
How about vote control? Speech control? Religion control?

Shall NOT infringe, Comrade.
I'm waiting for the Democrats to regain power of the WH and Congress to open the Constitution for a rewrite, then watch it blow up in their faces. It may be a couple decades and I'll be in retirement by then, but still laughing at the foolishness of idiots.
Spare me the fake outrage over a zygote when you righties are pro death penalty and gun expansion.
I support abortion rights up to the 24 week limit, the death penalty but only for the most heinous crimes and only after a moratorium on how it is judged, and, of course, our Constitutional rights, yet Left Wing partisan assholes accuse me of being "Yep, you're very far right, out on the fringe."

What the fuck is up with that? Care to explain that one, Timmy?
How about gun control?

How about vote control? Speech control? Religion control?

Shall NOT infringe, Comrade.

And yet, it is. Waken and smell the coffee. You can buy a fully automatic weapon, a machine gun, but expect to be 'infringed':

"Prompted by prohibition era gangsters and the rise of organized crime (law enforcement was seriously outgunned by the likes of bad guy like Dillinger), the United States drafted the National Firearms Act which passed in 1934. The National Firearms Act did not ban machine guns, but it made them impossible to afford for most people. To buy a machine gun under the 1934 NFA, an individual needs to submit the following (the procedure remains unchanged even today):

  • Pay a tax of $200, which in 1934 was worth over $3,500
  • Fill out a lengthy application to register your gun with the federal government
  • Submit photographs
  • Submit passport photos
  • Get your chief law enforcement official to sign your application
  • Wait for the results of your background check to come back"
So, the evidence is clear an convincing, the 2nd A. is not what you believe it to be. Some guns are regulated, as we saw in the Brady Bill. Sadly, two terrorist organizations - the NRA and the GOP - conspired to allow this bill to sunset. Now they oppose "no fly, no buy" another example of putting the American citizen in harm's way.

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