Legal expert: President is NOT required to release his taxes!

There is really nothing in play in this whole matter that "trump's" the Fourth Amendment.

Capturing and examining a person's tax returns is without a doubt a "search" under the Amendment. A search can only be conducted (a) with the consent of the person searched, (b) pursuant to a lawful arrest, or (c) as authorized by a search warrant. None of this applies.

The law that Congress is citing pertains only to tax returns with some legislative significance, which is not the case here. There is no legitimate legislative purpose for the request; it is PURELY political. The fact that in examining Trump's voluminous tax returns some items may arise that COULD BE violations of the tax (or other) laws is not sufficient to justify violation of the fundamental right not to be invaded without legal cause. Trump is audited EVERY YEAR, and if Congress doesn't think that the IRS is sophisticated enough to adequately audit his returns, that has no bearing whatsoever on the final resolution of this matter.

Much wind is being generated about Congress' "oversight" responsibilities, which are a fiction. Congress has no more right to "oversee" the Executive Branch than vice versa. If a crime has been committed, or if there is a reasonable basis for concluding that a crime has been committed, the proper agency to pursue it is the IRS, or the Justice Department. Congress plays no role.

At the end of the day, Congress will NOT gain access to Trump's returns. This will either be decided by the USSC or by Congress simply giving up since they know they are without any real basis.

Mark my words. Never happen.
You are comparing something from 2011 when trump wasn't a presidential candidate? Obviously he would have never needed to show his school records, he wasnt in the race.

But, aside from deflection, why did Obama need to hide his records?
The refusal to release his tax returns, if nothing else, is proof Trump never wanted to be president.
/----/ What kind of twisted logic is that?
View attachment 255845
Trump's entire campaign was a publicity stunt meant to launch a TV network. He had no list of nominees ready to go, no immediate plans and no idea how to actually be president. He had a Moscow deal in the works that had to be abandoned and no wish to actually disclose anything about his finances. He still acts like he thinks he is a private individual.
/----/ And Hildabeast couldn't beat the guy who didn't want to win? Oh wait - I forgot - she won the popular vote by sitting on her lay ass while Trump campaigned non-stop to the very end - because he didn't want to win.
real men.jpg
There is really nothing in play in this whole matter that "trump's" the Fourth Amendment.

....that's because you dimwits got your "law degree" from Trump U.

The 4th Amendment CLEARLY states that a warrant based on probable cause "TRUMPS" (pardon the expression,) the privacy of any ....and I mean ANY citizen.

You may not like it......BUT sworn testimony from Cohen offers PROBABLE CAUSE from someone who handled much of Trump's accounting tasks......(as was done in Al Capone's case.)

So, if probable cause is CLEAR.....then any decent judge who is not a Trump stooge would readily grant a warrant that MUST be adhered to by the IRS Commissioner and the Treasury Sec.
The refusal to release his tax returns, if nothing else, is proof Trump never wanted to be president.
/----/ What kind of twisted logic is that?
View attachment 255845
Trump's entire campaign was a publicity stunt meant to launch a TV network. He had no list of nominees ready to go, no immediate plans and no idea how to actually be president. He had a Moscow deal in the works that had to be abandoned and no wish to actually disclose anything about his finances. He still acts like he thinks he is a private individual.
/----/ And Hildabeast couldn't beat the guy who didn't want to win? Oh wait - I forgot - she won the popular vote by sitting on her lay ass while Trump campaigned non-stop to the very end - because he didn't want to win.
View attachment 255869
He loves the adulation of the crowds, it's no more complicated than that.
They expect Trump to release everything until they find a legal reason to impeach him but don't require prosecution on evidence on Hillary or Obama when everyone's already seen it.
[QUOTE="Oddball, post: 22197183, member: 17281"]It means that "must" and "shall" become the permissive "may", when construing the imperative violates your rights, which includes all of the BoR.... But good luck with your case, Francis.

Careful there, Trump ass licker.........LMAO

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.[/QUOTE]

You're over your head and out of your league, shitferbrains....Best STFU and let the adults talk.

While you're at it, you might want to check with your local community college and see if the offer an ESL course.
Legal expert: President is NOT required to release his taxes!

They can but request. It is not set down as a right to demand and this is why the left (and certain portions of the right) used the IRS to play games with Americans in a lawfare ring around the rosy... in order to play with people's finances.

Then the intelligence communities got involved.

So much money. No wonder DC was floating the same production $$$ as Silicon Valley.

That game seems to be changing in real time although the CIA agency is at best, quiescent...

...and nothing close to dormant.

Here's how Trump can put an end to Demoncrats calling for his taxes. He needs to say he won't release his taxes until Obama releases his Original 1961 Long Form Birth Certificate with the raised state seal along with his college admissions. The Dems and Media will go silent.

Resurrecting the birtherism bullshit would really make him seem crazy and unhinged, I've been expecting it for some time now.
The birther thing is no longer even controversial. Last year, Obama himself admitted that he is from Kenya. Case closed.

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/----/ "free State, the right"
4 Ways Punctuation Puts the Constitution in Question | Care2 Causes

The use of commas (and other punctuation in the constitution) has led us to this point of disagreement.
The Right to Bear Commas

Gun control is a heated debate for a variety of reasons, but people often overlooked that some of the more intense legal battles on this subject hinge not on it being a life-or-death matter, but the inclusion of a single comma in the Second Amendment.

The Amendment reads: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The comma in question, between “State” and “the right” is the point of contention.

Courts have said the commas divide the Amendment into phrases, with the parts about militias being “prefatory” and the right to bear arms “operative,” thereby protecting gun ownership. On the other hand, gun control activists believe that the comma is either superfluous, or that the phrasing can be read to specify that the right to keep arms pertains to the militia.

The fact that the punctuation and strange phrasing has continually left this issue in question is fascinating from a historical perspective.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Here's how Trump can put an end to Demoncrats calling for his taxes. He needs to say he won't release his taxes until Obama releases his Original 1961 Long Form Birth Certificate with the raised state seal along with his college admissions. The Dems and Media will go silent.

Lets see Trump do the same

Obama graduated Magna cum laude
Trump? Looks like he barely graduated

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