Legal experts speak on Classified documents whether RE Trump or Pence or Biden


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

This is interesting. I'm reading through it a 2nd time because all the puzzle pieces are not together in my mind yet...

and I am somewhat pressed for time, etc.. so here are ATTORNEY's comments
It has been explained ad nauseum on this board, not to mention many other venues. The text within the statutes of the espionage act speaks of national defense information. Classification is not mentioned. Therefor in order to be convicted under it the government only has to convince a jury that the information relates to the national defense.

This by the way only speaks to the charges under the espionage act. The other counts dealing with obstruction would simply require the government to show that the documents had classification markings since that was what was asked for in the subpoena. Simply the coversheets would take care of that.

This is interesting. I'm reading through it a 2nd time because all the puzzle pieces are not together in my mind yet...

and I am somewhat pressed for time, etc.. so here are ATTORNEY's comments
Conservative legal experts hand picked by Fox News.
See this is what people that don't understand what "classified" shows. Documents are not "declassified" it is the information in the document that is declassified. The document is a piece of paper, it is the information that is important.

For example let’s say that there are 6 copies of a specific document containing specific classified information. One located in the White House, 5 located amongst various agencies which also need the document. In addition there are subordinate documents that contain (either in part of in whole some of the same classified information).

Under a normal process when the information contained in a highly classified documents is declassified (or downgraded) that impacts all copies of the document (its information, and subordinate documents containing the same information in whole or portions of a subordinate document).

So If the FPOTUS "declassified" a document, he is really declassifying the information in that document. If the FPOTUS, while acting as POTUS, "declassified" the information without telling anyone (either directly or in writing) for that specific document, you end up with:

  • One copy of the information located at the White House (or one of his Country Clubs) being "declassified", and
  • Five copies of the information located at the responsible agencies still being classified as the responsible agencies will not know the information was declassified because the FPOTUS (while POTUS) just mentally declassified the information in his head.
The result is someone could be prosecuted for improper handling of classified material for actions related to the 5 responsible agency documents, but not for improper handling of the exact same document if the source of the document was the White House. But they contain the same information! By this we are talking about the information in the document and subordinate information which sourced the document which can have even wider reaching impacts.

The national security infrastructure cannot function in a reasonable way if the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time simply because the POTUS chooses not to tell anyone.

Kind of a Schrodinger's Classified document where the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time until someone asks the FPOTUS to find out if he mentally and secretly declassified it without telling anyone while still POTUS. Normal people wouldn't know just by looking at the document.

nothing like the topic of TRUMP

to get libtards circling around like the vultures they are...

I'll wait until a conservative comes along. They don't believe in murdering children up to the 9th month

so yeh... more trustworthy

nothing like the topic of TRUMP

to get libtards circling around like the vultures they are...

I'll wait until a conservative comes along. They don't believe in murdering children up to the 9th month

so yeh... more trustworthy

Ah so you are waiting for a conservative who's actually prepared to honestly discuss what's in the statutes? Good luck.

It's kind of the same as finding a conservative who's willing to honestly discuss what's in the indictment before calling it a witchhunt.

In my experience you're more likely to find a Unicorn... unless of course.

Does he count?

Or him?
ha ha... too damn funny!

someone brings in Christie and other RINOs

to make a point against Trump



but also illustrative of how sick our country is
ha ha... too damn funny!

someone brings in Christie and other RINOs

to make a point against Trump



but also illustrative of how sick our country is
The wackos are wanting the Trump appointed judge to recuse herself.
But its okay if an Obammy or Poopeypants appointed judge rules over him.
The wackos are wanting the Trump appointed judge to recuse herself.
But its okay if an Obammy or Poopeypants appointed judge rules over him.

yeh, I know... so tiresome, those moron leftists (sorry for the redundancy)


too predictable, those folks...
oh, by the way jr brown...

i still don't know (and so others may also not know) if the "poopypants" thing is a true story..

what do you know?

I know it's not all that important... just curious.. If it's true, I ... well, I started to say I feel sorry for the dude... but then I thought of the border situation and...

the pity began to feel more like

Look, man, if Dear Leader declassified our most extremely damaging classified information with his magical mind, I'm totally cool with that.

If Dear Leader took a classified document he had not declassified, and showed it to Kid Rock, I'm totally cool with that. Even if he openly admitted it was still a secret document.

Secrets, smeekrets. Who cares?

I mean, Dear Leader attempted to overthrow our government, and I've not only been cool with that, I think the violent insurrectionists should be pardoned and given gift certificates to Baskin Robbins.

Unless Baskin Robbins has gone fucking woke. I have not checked.

Dear Leader can literally do no wrong, man. When will you leftist banana republic groomers finally figure that out?

Does he have to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue for you to get it? Huh?

If Trump was indicted for murdering someone on Fifth Avenue, it would clearly be a politically-motivated prosecution. That's how things work in this cult, man. Get with the program!
ha ha... too damn funny!

someone brings in Christie and other RINOs

to make a point against Trump



but also illustrative of how sick our country is
Let's test your knowledge of the case against Trump.
Trump voluntarily turned over 197 classified documents he had in his possession, along with several boxes of other government property. Biden turned over ALL the classified documents and government property he had in his possession.

Is Trump being indicted for possessing any of those 197 classified documents or boxes?

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