Legal immigrants sometimes murder people. Should we ban them?


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2018
You may have heard the argument that we must stop illegal immigration because sometimes illegal immigrants murder people.
But not only US citizens, but also legal immigrants,m -that is, those with a green cards- murder people in the United States.

Why should we allow any legal immigrants to continue to enter the United States If the number of people they have killed is not zero?
Is there blood in the hands of those who continue to issue green cards?
Some conservatives might argue that it is different because it illegal immigrants are committing a crime by entering the country.
But if that is the argument, why bring up the murders at all? After all, there should be a wall and they should be kept that way even if they had never murdered anyone.
Please explain your position in this thread. Thank you.
We should not take any more immigrants from Mexico, there are way more of them than any other nationality already. It's pure racism towards other people. In fact, we have so many immigrants that maybe it's time to call a break on that whole thing. The plan is to keep America America you see.
"Legal immigrants sometimes murder people. Should we ban them?"

Of course not.

Unfortunately most on the reprehensible right want to ban all immigration regardless.
Legal immigrants are vetted. They have no criminal records and are not wanted by any law enforcement agency. If they murder someone in the United States they serve their sentence. If not serving life they are deported upon release.

Illegal immigrants on the other hand have extensive criminal records with crimes committed in this country. They are on more than one most wanted list. They get sanctuary and government protection.
"Legal immigrants sometimes murder people. Should we ban them?"

Of course not.

Unfortunately most on the reprehensible right want to ban all immigration regardless.

We don't want to ban all immigration, just have it 'merit based'.

Congress needs to fix the outdated immigration laws as follows:
1. No catch & release
2. No diversity lottery
3. No asylum claims unless they are pre-approved before entry
4. No chain migration
5. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
6. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
7. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship
You may have heard the argument that we must stop illegal immigration because sometimes illegal immigrants murder people.
But not only US citizens, but also legal immigrants,m -that is, those with a green cards- murder people in the United States.

Why should we allow any legal immigrants to continue to enter the United States If the number of people they have killed is not zero?
Is there blood in the hands of those who continue to issue green cards?
Some conservatives might argue that it is different because it illegal immigrants are committing a crime by entering the country.
But if that is the argument, why bring up the murders at all? After all, there should be a wall and they should be kept that way even if they had never murdered anyone.
Please explain your position in this thread. Thank you.
We immigration applicats with criminal records and are thus more likely to commit crime. With illegals there is no such vetting.
We should not take any more immigrants from Mexico, there are way more of them than any other nationality already. It's pure racism towards other people. In fact, we have so many immigrants that maybe it's time to call a break on that whole thing. The plan is to keep America America you see.
Should we take more immigrants from Guatemala?
If they have went through the legal process of becoming an American citizen, or have passed background checks in order to legally work in the U.S., then they should be treated like any felon.

Now, I am in favor of decreasing the immigration from shithole countries, like much of south of our borders, and end immigration from places around the world like Somali for instance.
stop minimizing the problem

An FBI crime study also shows heavy illegal alien involvement in criminal activity revealed these statistics:

  • 75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
  • One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.
  • Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
  • 63 percent of cited drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that number, 97 percent are illegal aliens. 66 percent of cited drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegal aliens.[1

Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We’re All Victims
The OP is a certified Asswipe. The number of people killed by LEGAL immigrants is negligible compared to the number of Americans killed or seriously injured by ILLEGAL immigrants. PERIOD. STUPID AssClown Thread.
Democrats & Progressives fighting for open borders and Sanctuary for illegals must be purged (removed from the country via re-location) if this nation is to survive.

MS-13 members charged in New York brawl let go from ICE custody by federal judges before attack, officials say

MS-13 members charged in New York brawl let go from ICE custody by federal judges before attack, officials say

"Legal immigrants sometimes murder people. Should we ban them?"

Of course not.

Unfortunately most on the reprehensible right want to ban all immigration regardless.

Unfortunately most on the reprehensible left want to open our borders to the entire world.
"Legal immigrants sometimes murder people. Should we ban them?"

Of course not.

Unfortunately most on the reprehensible right want to ban all immigration regardless.

I’m sure I’d categorize as “reprehensible right”....If immigration is of clear benefit to Americans I’m all for it. The problem you have is you know you can’t show how Spanish only speaking low iQ Gustavo, Guadalupe and their litter of money trees can and will benefit REAL Americans. You insist that Americans get fucked and the only beneficiary be the thirdworlders. That said, I’ve concluded that many of you are of illegal descent yourselves.
You may have heard the argument that we must stop illegal immigration because sometimes illegal immigrants murder people.
But not only US citizens, but also legal immigrants,m -that is, those with a green cards- murder people in the United States.

Why should we allow any legal immigrants to continue to enter the United States If the number of people they have killed is not zero?
Is there blood in the hands of those who continue to issue green cards?
Some conservatives might argue that it is different because it illegal immigrants are committing a crime by entering the country.
But if that is the argument, why bring up the murders at all? After all, there should be a wall and they should be kept that way even if they had never murdered anyone.
Please explain your position in this thread. Thank you.
legal immigrants should be handled the same as any american citizen as should the illegal alien. The illegal should be deported, the legal deported and the citizen put to jail. The objective is to take one of the categories away by eliminating their existence in the country. that's one third the crime stopped.

You aren't for eliminating one third crime? hmmmmmm interesting.
Leftist pieces of shit have murdered 100 million people since the 1917 Revolution, and we can't seem to ban you assholes.
You may have heard the argument that we must stop illegal immigration because sometimes illegal immigrants murder people.
But not only US citizens, but also legal immigrants,m -that is, those with a green cards- murder people in the United States.

Why should we allow any legal immigrants to continue to enter the United States If the number of people they have killed is not zero?
Is there blood in the hands of those who continue to issue green cards?
Some conservatives might argue that it is different because it illegal immigrants are committing a crime by entering the country.
But if that is the argument, why bring up the murders at all? After all, there should be a wall and they should be kept that way even if they had never murdered anyone.
Please explain your position in this thread. Thank you.

There is a difference between legally coming here and illegally coming here and you know this. Also anyone in Green Card Status can have their status revoked if they commit a heinous crime like murder after they complete their time in Prison if they are granted release.

The Green Card holder can be deported back to their country of origin, so just for your information.

Also legal immigrants have beeen vetted through our system and even though it fails from time to time it still works where as Illegal Immigrants skirt the system and are never vetted until caught and tossed out.

There is a big difference between Legal Immigrants and Illegal ones!
vetted --- unvetted , illegals or legals , there is no difference as they ain't Americans and many times aren't even Westerners . Legal or illegal they will both vote to turn Texas BLUE . And to make matters worse , it is some 'government' paid functionary that decides who has been vetted enough . And as i always say and ask . With 310 million residents of the USA in the 2010 Census , why does the USA 'need or Want' more residents in the USA eh ??
"Legal immigrants sometimes murder people. Should we ban them?"

Of course not.

Unfortunately most on the reprehensible right want to ban all immigration regardless.

And once again you confuse LEGAL immigration with ILLEGAL immigration....dumbass.

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