Legal Pot


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
So how will this go? I helped a good friend build a huge grow set up before i left Colorado. From him I learned that even though weed is legal, there is a ton of federal rules and refs that make legal side of the businesses tough. In he quoted article there was seven BILLION dollars produced by the industry. Seven Billion dollars of money the weed producers are begging to pay tax's on. I mean that's a big chunk of wall or some Bammer/Trump care. So what y'all think, is Trump and his AG going after pot heads?

Trump and his attorney general are freaking out the $7 billion pot industry
Growing for yourself is one think but selling is another. Like with beer, you want to sell to the general population you have regulations. The tax money collected doesn't compare to public safety.
totally for legal smoke...and allowing people to grow their own....unfortunately us growers suffer from lack of good seeds to stat with....being blocked from that market for so long....

landrace google it...
totally for legal smoke...and allowing people to grow their own....unfortunately us growers suffer from lack of good seeds to stat with....being blocked from that market for so long....

landrace google it...
I have some killer seeds that have been advertising to be planted..
It should be state to state on this issue and the AG and the entire Federal Government should get their crooked nose out of a subject matter that is none of their damn business.

Let States collect the taxes and use it to improve the State infrastructure and social welfare system within their States.
It should be state to state on this issue and the AG and the entire Federal Government should get their crooked nose out of a subject matter that is none of their damn business.

Let States collect the taxes and use it to improve the State infrastructure and social welfare system within their States.
Won't happen. If they collect a billion in taxes they will line their pockets with it and cry for more taxes.
Growing for yourself is one think but selling is another. Like with beer, you want to sell to the general population you have regulations. The tax money collected doesn't compare to public safety.

I agree. I am for legal pot, but regulated like booze.
It should be state to state on this issue and the AG and the entire Federal Government should get their crooked nose out of a subject matter that is none of their damn business.

Let States collect the taxes and use it to improve the State infrastructure and social welfare system within their States.

Agree. And the states are collecting, but not the Feds. Also, states where pot is not legal are talking law suits against states where it is legal because of the smuggling so there go's allot of the revinue in court costs. Either way, they really need to clean it up.
It should be state to state on this issue and the AG and the entire Federal Government should get their crooked nose out of a subject matter that is none of their damn business.

Let States collect the taxes and use it to improve the State infrastructure and social welfare system within their States.

Agree. And the states are collecting, but not the Feds. Also, states where pot is not legal are talking law suits against states where it is legal because of the smuggling so there go's allot of the revinue in court costs. Either way, they really need to clean it up.

Yeah, it need to be cleaned up and States that do not want to sell it can enforce the illegal usage but should not use the Federal Government to dictate what another State should do.

Personally the whole issue should be over by now and the damn stuff should be legal. I mean I have a better chance of killing someone, beating a woman or child, or ruining my life while drinking booze and not pot!
So how will this go? I helped a good friend build a huge grow set up before i left Colorado. From him I learned that even though weed is legal, there is a ton of federal rules and refs that make legal side of the businesses tough. In he quoted article there was seven BILLION dollars produced by the industry. Seven Billion dollars of money the weed producers are begging to pay tax's on. I mean that's a big chunk of wall or some Bammer/Trump care. So what y'all think, is Trump and his AG going after pot heads?

Trump and his attorney general are freaking out the $7 billion pot industry
I thought that pot was still illegal according to federal law.
So how will this go? I helped a good friend build a huge grow set up before i left Colorado. From him I learned that even though weed is legal, there is a ton of federal rules and refs that make legal side of the businesses tough. In he quoted article there was seven BILLION dollars produced by the industry. Seven Billion dollars of money the weed producers are begging to pay tax's on. I mean that's a big chunk of wall or some Bammer/Trump care. So what y'all think, is Trump and his AG going after pot heads?

Trump and his attorney general are freaking out the $7 billion pot industry
I thought that pot was still illegal according to federal law.

Myup, but legal in some form in 8+ states. Jeff sessions is talking about or hunting that the Feds will enforce federal drug laws. I take that as him hinting at looking into stopping it.

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