Legal services $270 billion in 2012... OK tax them 10%


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Like Obamacare does tanning salons and use the $27 Billion in tax revenue to pay the premiums for the 4 million truly uninsured and TRASH OBAMACARE!!!

After all that was the PRIME objective wasn't it of Obamacare was to provide coverage for the truly uninsured?

Year: 2012 U.S. Legal Services Industry Market size: $270.567 billion
» U.S. Legal Services Industry Market Size Blog

Tanning salons caused cancer hence the 10% tax!
Lawyers according to 90% of doctors cause the $850 billion a year in "defensive medicine" costs, i.e. duplicate tests, referrals to specials... all out of fear of being sued!

In addition hospitals under 1986 EMTALA law if they take Medicare HAVE to see uninsured.
So hospitals sometimes markup their costs 6,000% to make up from medicare/ins.cos. the uninsured services!

So between forcing hospitals to submit claims to the insurance covering the uninsured paid by the $27 billion tax on
lawyers hospitals and defensive medicine costs would DECLINE... possibly by $100 to $200 billion a year!

SO why do we need Obamacare?
Why are 99% of Americans being punished to supposedly cover less then 4 million people???
It does seem contradictory. But you are seeing a govt. heavily influenced by lobbyist.

But the biggest problem is that even conservatives seem to be perpetuating the myth of the "46 million" uninsured!

I've submitted the below dozens of times but am I the ONLY one to recognize the enormity of this fraud as Obamacare passed by just 6 "YES" votes! We would never had Obamacare if MORE people would remind everyone of these facts:

1) 18 million of the "46 million" don't want health insurance as they are under 34, make over $50k and spending less then it cost them to use their employers' plan.
Why was it necessary to include them when they don't want or need it???

2) 14 million that say they are uninsured DON"T KNOW they are covered by Medicaid!
Do you understand? All they have to do is REGISTER with Medicaid...

3) 10 million ARE NOT citizens!!! These ARE NOT AMERICANS!!!
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

So there is really less the 4 million that need and want coverage!

WHY destroy the health system for the rest of the 99% of Americans?
So come on folks you bitch about no new conservative new IDEAS!
Here is a simple solution that won't take money except from the millionaire lawyers so why are
you people NOT refuting ANY of my statements???

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