Legalize it!

I'm for decriminalization. Growing, smuggling and selling pot is one of the few ways a poor boy can raise enough capital to start a business without harming anyone. Let's leave 'em to it.
At this point, drugs need to be put into free fall with non-using citizens taking whatever methods of self protection that they can. Treat it like the end of prohibition treated alcohol. Let communities decide for themselves whether they want their city to be filled with drug addicts or not and beef up patrols to put a lid on stray overs.

Sorry to break the news to you, but your community is filled with real drug addicts (meth, coke, heroin...) whether or not weed is legalized.
At this point, drugs need to be put into free fall with non-using citizens taking whatever methods of self protection that they can. Treat it like the end of prohibition treated alcohol. Let communities decide for themselves whether they want their city to be filled with drug addicts or not and beef up patrols to put a lid on stray overs.

The Netherlands are leaving the cannabis issue up to local jurisdictions to decide if they want coffee shops or not. Cannabis is still not legal there, they just turn a blind eye to it being used in controlled areas away from people selling hard drugs.
At this point, drugs need to be put into free fall with non-using citizens taking whatever methods of self protection that they can. Treat it like the end of prohibition treated alcohol. Let communities decide for themselves whether they want their city to be filled with drug addicts or not and beef up patrols to put a lid on stray overs.

Sorry to break the news to you, but your community is filled with real drug addicts (meth, coke, heroin...) whether or not weed is legalized.

No, she lives in a special place where there are no addicts high on pot.
At this point, drugs need to be put into free fall with non-using citizens taking whatever methods of self protection that they can. Treat it like the end of prohibition treated alcohol. Let communities decide for themselves whether they want their city to be filled with drug addicts or not and beef up patrols to put a lid on stray overs.

Sorry to break the news to you, but your community is filled with real drug addicts (meth, coke, heroin...) whether or not weed is legalized.

No, she lives in a special place where there are no addicts high on pot.

Also, I think that everyone who wants pot already has it, so legalizing it won't affect consumption. But the states will receive taxes from sales and growers, the jails will be less crammed with pot offenses, and the cops can concentrate on real crime. It a win-win-win situation all around. I don't get the opposition. :dunno:
At this point, drugs need to be put into free fall with non-using citizens taking whatever methods of self protection that they can. Treat it like the end of prohibition treated alcohol. Let communities decide for themselves whether they want their city to be filled with drug addicts or not and beef up patrols to put a lid on stray overs.

Sorry to break the news to you, but your community is filled with real drug addicts (meth, coke, heroin...) whether or not weed is legalized.

...and alcohol, tobacco, cafeine...
Sorry to break the news to you, but your community is filled with real drug addicts (meth, coke, heroin...) whether or not weed is legalized.

No, she lives in a special place where there are no addicts high on pot.

Also, I think that everyone who wants pot already has it, so legalizing it won't affect consumption. But the states will receive taxes from sales and growers, the jails will be less crammed with pot offenses, and the cops can concentrate on real crime. It a win-win-win situation all around. I don't get the opposition. :dunno:

The opposition comes from those people who believe shit like 'Reefer Madness'... IOW, morons...
Mr Shaman, I know you prolly dont realize this but posting the way you do about cannabis is like being a cheer leader for Monsanto et sorry to say...
All those that feel happy about the 'legalize' efforts moving forward know not what they do unless they have Monsanto et al stock...
Please try to be better informed. was your opportunity to "better inform" me.....and, you "punted".


BTW....that's p-r-o-b-a-b-l-y.​

If you knew the depth of this issue as well as you know how to spell then I wouldn't need to...btw I didnt punt Mr Sherman, its just that I doubt you really want to seam to have a head of steam based on the traditionally framed discussion on this topic and unless you are willing to take in some info from someone who knows first hand things you may not know then I would just be wasting my time...just show me a sign and I'll be willin'

I've gotten high since the Summer o' '68. I don't need some wannabe-Teabagger telling me the way things are. You've got ZERO info I haven't heard, before.

BTW....that's " s-e-e-m to have...".​ was your opportunity to "better inform" me.....and, you "punted".


BTW....that's p-r-o-b-a-b-l-y.​

If you knew the depth of this issue as well as you know how to spell then I wouldn't need to...btw I didnt punt Mr Sherman, its just that I doubt you really want to seam to have a head of steam based on the traditionally framed discussion on this topic and unless you are willing to take in some info from someone who knows first hand things you may not know then I would just be wasting my time...just show me a sign and I'll be willin'

I've gotten high since the Summer o' '68. I don't need some wannabe-Teabagger telling me the way things are. You've got ZERO info I haven't heard, before.

BTW....that's " s-e-e-m to have...".​

Shaman, I think you're reading him wrong. :dunno:
You pot heads are amazing. They see cigarette smoking practically illegal and you want to make a buck by introducing school kids to a drug that is probably ten times worse than cigarettes. Marijuana isn't a medicine anymore than heroin is and who says it's less dangerous than alcohol? The pot heads? The dirty little secret is that any pot head can get a couple of seeds and grow a marijuana bush and smoke the crap until his brains come out his ears but in their warped minds they see themselves in business selling the junk when most of them can't even keep a job.

I would suggest that you do some more reading on cannabis to combat your ignorance.

Reading about cannabis requires that only pro cannabis propaganda be considered. Otherwise you find out about the strokes and damage to developing brains.


You D.A.R.E.-grads will believe absolutely anything....

At this point, drugs need to be put into free fall with non-using citizens taking whatever methods of self protection that they can. Treat it like the end of prohibition treated alcohol. Let communities decide for themselves whether they want their city to be filled with drug addicts or not and beef up patrols to put a lid on stray overs.

Sorry to break the news to you, but your community is filled with real drug addicts (meth, coke, heroin...) whether or not weed is legalized.

No, she lives in a special place where there are no addicts high on pot.

I certainly don't let some else's drug addiction close to me. Unless I could use their senselessness to my advantage. Other than that let them die in an alley someplace. Call 911 isn't in my vocabulary.
I would suggest that you do some more reading on cannabis to combat your ignorance.

Reading about cannabis requires that only pro cannabis propaganda be considered. Otherwise you find out about the strokes and damage to developing brains.

Read about the medicinal benefits of cannabis. It has been used for centuries.
Gee....what're the chances we're (actually) talkin' a.....

The Monsanto/GMO situation should be more fully explored as it is clear there is a move afloat to 'corner the market', just like they've done with many other crops.

When you produce a GMO plant that produces STERILE seeds it forces the grower to annually PURCHASE the ability to grow a crop, whether it be corn, soybeans, wheat or weed.

....And, presently.....Canada has....

Once you've determined your best-quality plant, you can EASILY propagate future-generations.
Well Mr Sherman do ya want to take a quick time out and discuss this or are ya just going to keep running with the ball no matter who your really scoring for?
Im serious bro, i've spent half my life running with the ball that you are now running with and I think I can give a different perspective than most if your willing to discuss it.

Gee....lemme're one o' the 2M who attended Woodstock, too, huh?

Sorry to break the news to you, but your community is filled with real drug addicts (meth, coke, heroin...) whether or not weed is legalized.

No, she lives in a special place where there are no addicts high on pot.

Also, I think that everyone who wants pot already has it, so legalizing it won't affect consumption.

I don't get the opposition. :dunno:
It's the ol' "absolutes"-trip.

"conservatives" NEED their "absolutes"!! Once you prove that one of their "absolutes" is bogus....they need to accept the fact that MANY (others) are ALSO bogus....and, they're incapable o' going thru Life, rethinking everything they've accepted as fact They're much-too-lazy to do that.

If you knew the depth of this issue as well as you know how to spell then I wouldn't need to...btw I didnt punt Mr Sherman, its just that I doubt you really want to seam to have a head of steam based on the traditionally framed discussion on this topic and unless you are willing to take in some info from someone who knows first hand things you may not know then I would just be wasting my time...just show me a sign and I'll be willin'

I've gotten high since the Summer o' '68. I don't need some wannabe-Teabagger telling me the way things are. You've got ZERO info I haven't heard, before.

BTW....that's " s-e-e-m to have...".​

Shaman, I think you're reading him wrong. :dunno:

How many different ways can you take:

"...and unless you are willing to take in some info from someone who knows first hand things you may not know..."
February 13, 2013

N.H.; Sell Pot At Liquor Stores

"Polling data released this week by the University of New Hampshire found that a majority of adults in New Hampshire support selling marijuana at state liquor stores with regulations similar to how the state handles alcohol.

The survey, conducted from January 30th to February 5th, asked 581 New Hampshire adults “if small amounts of marijuana were legalized for personal use in New Hampshire, would you approve or disapprove of marijuana being sold at state liquor stores and taxed at levels similar to alcohol or tobacco?” 56% of respondents said they approved of the concept, 37% said they opposed, and 5% were unsure."

That oughta take care o' the whole "children"-issue, for "conservatives"/Teabaggers.
Why do we stop at pot, legalize all of it. Regulate it, let pros manufacture it, let the government tax the hell out of it. Then use the tax money to educate people on it.

Then do the same to prostitution.
Sorry to break the news to you, but your community is filled with real drug addicts (meth, coke, heroin...) whether or not weed is legalized.

No, she lives in a special place where there are no addicts high on pot.

I certainly don't let some else's drug addiction close to me. Unless I could use their senselessness to my advantage. Other than that let them die in an alley someplace. Call 911 isn't in my vocabulary.

You are talking about drug addiction, we are talking about cannabis. Please get on the subject.

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